Jesus alone can comfort us in our sufferings. Therefore, let us turn to Him alone; let us throw ourselves into His arms like tender babies; and if pain makes us cry, let us wet His paternal hands with our tears.



With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

Jesus wants harmony and concord among you, and He will be in your midst.



With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

Everything you suffer, and even your coldness, give it to Him in order to relieve Him and repair Him.



With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

Remain always with Jesus, both in spiritual and in material things, and Jesus will take care of giving you peace.



With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

The cause, I believe, of everything you tell me, is lack of union with Jesus in all your things. The enemy finds you alone, without Jesus, and does his own crafting in you, disturbs you, and takes peace away from your heart.



With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

Only the doubt that Jesus does not love us very much, saddens Jesus and embitters Him.



With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

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