We are under the weight of humiliations, everyone runs away from us, and some regretted having known us. This happened also to Jesus. But may the Divine Will be always done. It alone is faithful.


With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

Every additional act we do in the Divine Will is a new birth for us. We are reborn in Jesus, and He in us.


With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

Oh, how I would love to hear you say: “I do not think about whether I am beautiful or bad, or whether I am cold or warm. My thought is to make all my acts and my being flow in the Will of God.”


With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

Let us hold dear taking refuge in the Divine Will as our life.


With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

Oh power of the Divine Will – as soon as the soul decides and wants to live in It, the Most Holy Trinity takes Its prime operating place in her.


With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

Every act of Will of God that we do creates His Life in us, and we form the long generation of God in our acts.


With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

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