Unshakable firmness in good. Interest yourself in nothing but Jesus.


With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

. If the enemy torments you, determined, say to him: “These are things that don’t belong to me. I don’t want to steal from anyone, not even from hell.”


With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

My wish is that our will may rise again in His; in this way, you will give work to Jesus.


With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

The most beautiful wish I can send you is that your will may rise again in the Divine Will, so that you may take your place of honor in the whole order of Creation, where God wants us to be.


With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

I send you my wishes of a good Easter: let the Divine Will rise again in you.


With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

Do not pay attention to doubts or anything which is not peace.


With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

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