So does Our Lord, Divine Architect: He strikes the iron of our soul in order to remove the rust, to soften us and give us the shape of the object He wants to make of us.


With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

Do not neglect anything, give example of a firm character, be always the same with yourself. Don’t let the devil laugh, because if you are not firm and always the same, the enemy will say to you: “You wanted to do good to others, and you were unable to do it to yourself.”


With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

Never lose peace in these circumstances, because the storm will be over – everything ends down here – but peace does not end; rather, it is the carriage which brings us to Heaven.


With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

Do not afflict yourself with what you feel in the depth of your soul; these are works that Jesus does in order to accomplish His great designs.


With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

Let us learn from this exile how one must live in Heaven!


With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

If you love Jesus, be at peace; whatever the circumstances may be, never get disturbed, and remain in full trust like a baby in the arms of Jesus.



With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

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