Consecration to the Divine Will – August 15th, 2020

The Luisa Piccarreta Center for the Divine Will would like announce and invite as many souls as we can gather together to know about a public Consecration to the Divine WillFrances Hogan of Ireland is leading the charge for everyone to send up their Consecration to the Divine Will to God through Our Blessed Mother by uniting our little “fiats” to Her most perfect “Fiat!”   This great event will happen on August 15, 2020 in several ways.  Those who can and have the ability to, can join Frances Hogan through Zoom, and all the information to do that is at the bottom of this letter.  Or you can gather as many as you can and go your parish Church and make your Consecration and at the end of it give Our Lady your little fiat and unite it to Her perfect Fiat, in front of the Tabernacle, uniting it to all the Consecrations and fiats being given that day!  If we all unite our Consecrations and our fiats with each other’s all over the world, can you imagine what is flying up to Heaven through the hands of our Blessed Mother?  Wow!  You can watch Frances Hogan through Zoom every Monday, beginning with the Rosary at 1:00 pm EST.  Her talk will begin right after the Rosary at around 2:00 pm EST. 

This will be, in my humble opinion, one of the greatest Acts for the glory of our Heavenly Father, for His Kingdom to come quickly, and for our country.  The whole world coming together as a Divine Will family to send their Consecrations and little fiats to God through the hands of the Blessed Mother, uniting everything to Her perfect Fiat!  What greater thing can we do as a family in the Divine Will?  I am praying that this will mitigate much of the Tribulation which is weighting very heavy upon all of us at this time.  But, as always, fiat, Lord, not our will, but Yours be done!

Pray this prayer every day until August 15th: For Total Abandonment into the Divine Will

Also listen to the audios of Frances Hogan, speaking about the consecration here or here

Dear Divine Will Family,
I was asked to send everyone this prayer for the Public Consecration to the Divine Will on August 15th. You can use it or you can choose to use the original Consecration to the Divine Will. I believe God will be pleased with either.
Please which ever prayer you choose, please be sure and UNITE YOUR CONSECRATION TO ALL IN THE WORLD WHO ARE MAKING THIS PUBLIC CONSECRATION TO THE DIVINE WILL! We want to flood Heaven and Our Heavenly Father and Family with our Consecrations, through the Hands of Our Blessed Mother!! We must also give our little “fiats” to Our Mother as well as the Consecration united to all!! God bless all of you who are participating in this enormous event for the Glory of our Heavenly Father and for His Kingdom to come and reign in all souls, most especially ours and our families! Or you can choose both….I know God would be delighted! But He will be delighted either way!
We love each of you so much and keep each of you in our daily prayers. Fiat always and may God reign fully in your most precious souls!

August 15, 2020

Oh Omnipotent and Eternal God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we the littlest of Your beloved children
come before Your Supreme Majesty on this Feast of the Divine Will in the Year 2020.

We come, Father, to offer you – with one heart and soul – our public and permanent FIAT
in the hands and through the Immaculate Heart of our dearest Mother and Model of living in the Divine Will…

Through Her and with Her, we, too, DECLARE before Heaven, Earth and Hell:


Oh, Holy God, Creator, Lord and King of the Universe, we come today – enclosed in the arms of our dearest Mother –
TO OPEN THE DOOR for Jesus’ return in Glory!

Yes! We ARE the least important of your littlest children, but we WANT to change History!

The time has come for the Spirit and the Bride to proclaim, in unison:


The Holy Spirit and His most holy Bride – our dearest Mother –
declare that the time has come for the NEW ERA of Divine Holiness to begin.
We, though painfully aware of: our unworthiness, our poverty, and our absolute nothingness –
are ALSO aware that we represent the Bride on Earth.

We represent THAT part of the Church that is aware of the need to respond to the call of our Returning Saviour,
Lord and King, as He says to us in the Song of Songs 5:2:

“I hear my beloved knocking… (He calls out…)
Open up to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my perfect one…
My beloved thrust his hand through the hole in the door; I trembled to the core of my being”.

Oh my Lord Jesus, representing Your Bride on earth, we declare in union with our Blessed Mother – Your Bride in Heaven:
† Yes! Jesus, come! We call you with all of our hearts!
† Come among us again! Reign among us as You do in Heaven!
† We want the Triumph of the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary!
† Divine Shepherd, return to your scattered sheep!
† Collect the little lambs who have strayed in the mountains –
† Heal the wounded ones, and Yes! Raise those spiritually dead!
† Show the world again WHO YOU ARE Holiest One!
† Jesus, Holiest One, you also said in Revelation 3:20:

“Look, I am standing at the door, knocking.
If one of you HEARS ME calling AND OPENS THE DOOR
I will come in and share his meal, side by side with him”.

Lord, we open our hearts to you! Come and reign through us!
† We lay down our human wills at Your Divine Feet. Come, live and work in us and through us.
† We put our families at Your Feet: Shepherd them to Eternal Life.
† We lay down our Nation at Your Feet: Reign as King among us!
† We lay down the whole Earth and all humanity at Your Feet: King of Heaven and Earth – PANTOCRATOR – RULE OVER US!
† We ARE yours by the fact of Your Fiats of Creation and Redemption. Now let the Fiat of Sanctification take its rule.
† So, come oh Supreme Volition to reign upon the Earth. Invest all generations. Win and conquer all, and do not delay any longer. AMEN.

Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


August 15, 2020
I, ________________________________________,
make today my
Consecration to the Divine Will of God

Oh, adorable and Divine Will, behold me here before the immensity of your Light, that your eternal goodness may open to me the doors and make me enter in It to form my life all in You, Divine Will. Therefore, oh, Divine Will, prostrate before your Light, I, the least of all creatures, put myself into the little group of the sons and daughters of your Supreme FIAT. Prostrate in my nothingness, I invoke your Light and beg that It clothe me and eclipse all that does not pertain to You, Divine Will. It will be Life, the center of my intelligence, the enrapturer of my heart, and of my whole being. I do not want the human will to have life in this heart any longer. I will cast it away from me and thus form the new Eden of Peace, of happiness and of love. With It I shall be always happy. I shall have a singular strength and holiness that sanctifies all things and conducts them to God.

Here prostrate, I invoke the help of the Most Holy Trinity, that They permit me to live in the cloister of the Divine Will and thus return in me the first order of creation, just as the creature was created.

Heavenly Mother, Sovereign and Queen of the Divine Fiat, take my hand and introduce me into the Light of the Divine Will. You will be my guide, my most tender Mother, and will teach me to live in and to maintain myself in the order and the bounds of the Divine Will. Heavenly Mother, I consecrate my whole being to your Immaculate Heart. You will teach me the doctrine of the Divine Will and I will listen most attentively to your lessons. You will cover me with your Mantle so that the infernal serpent dare not penetrate into this sacred Eden to entice me and make me fall into the maze of the human will.

Heart of my greatest Good, Jesus, You will give me your flames that they may burn me, consume me, and feed me to form in me the Life of the Divine Will.

St. Joseph, you will be my protector, the guardian of my heart, and will keep the keys of my will in your hands. You will keep my heart jealously and shall never give it to me again, that I may be sure of never leaving the Will of God.

My Guardian Angel, guard me; defend me; help me in everything so that my Eden may flourish and be the instrument that draws all men into the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

Child of the Divine Will




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