(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison
January 27, 2021

Dear Divine Will Family,
First, I would like to thank all those who have written to me about the death of my beloved brother, Fred! With all my heart I thank you for your sentiments, for your prayers and for all the Masses! It has meant the world to me and I love you all so very much! I am very, very grateful to each of you!

Today is part two of the writing on Jesus’ Humanity. I received something written by St. Thomas Aquinas from an email by Dominus Tecum that seems appropriate to copy and paste here:


For without Redemption, there would be no one living in the Divine Will! Jesus spend only three years on our Redemption, but the rest of his 30 years was spent laying the foundation for His Father’s Kingdom to come to all souls who desire It! So, He worked 30 years on our sanctification, and only three years on our salvation. That tells you how much Jesus wants our sanctification, which can be obtained in and through His Divine Will! Praise His Holy Will forever!!

Next week I wish to send you some information on the prophecies from Our Lady of Garabandal. I believe they are very pertinent for this time in human history!

We love you all so very much and keep each of you in our daily prayers. Please keep us in yours. May God bless and protect you and yours and keep each of you in good health!
Ann Ellison

I have been studying these writings for 26 years…and I look back at my time and I wonder if I can truly say I have been living in the Divine Will. Have I always been faithful and attentive…or have I been fooling myself? The importance of my actions, in the Divine Will, diffusing for the good of all creatures, helps me want to work even harder to make sure all my actions are Jesus’ actions! We are to work together as one, with Jesus taking the lead and being seen first and foremost!

Jesus teaches Luisa in the early volumes how she had to give up everything, including her family, for her life in the Divine Will. I know she had a special mission, but Jesus even expected as much from the old saints…they all had to die to themselves to be raise in Him…how can we think that He expects less from us if we are called to live a life where we take total possession of GOD, the Holy of Holies, Purity Itself, the Creator of the entire Universe and all that it contains, and our own Creator? Do you think we do not have to die to your passions or to your preferences, your desires, your wishes? We have been chosen to take possession of God in a way never before accomplished by the common man. (Of course, I am not talking about Jesus, Mary, Luisa, Adam or Eve). Does it seem to you that we don’t have to die to our own wants, to our own self love?

And do we really think it does not take suffering and a total abandonment to God to give up our own will, wishes, wants, desires, and preferences! We must learn to give our little fiats in everything, in all circumstances and at all times. Think, be attentive to why God’s providence has put you here or there…what is He trying to teach you? What virtue is He trying to strengthen in your soul? These are very good questions we need to ask ourselves before we complain or before we try and get rid of the situation God has put you in.

Remember the man who complained constantly about his cross being too heavy and God kept chopping it off more and more…then when the man died and needed to use his cross to get over the chasm into Heaven, it was too short, and he lost out! Sometimes I feel that is me! Do I keep complaining so much that my cross is going to be too short?

Well, lets continue with Jesus’ words!

“The Eternal Fiat reigning in My Humanity, knew all the acts that all creatures should do—all the thoughts, words, and steps. Nothing fled from the Eternal Fiat. Therefore, it is no marvel that I multiplied my acts for each act of the creature to be sure that the glory of the Celestial Father would be complete on my part in the name of each creature and for each one of their acts. I also assured that the good that I obtained for them would have its fullness. I accomplished this in such a way that each of their acts, thoughts, words, and steps would have my act for help for their act; each of my thoughts for help and light for each of their thoughts, and so for all the rest of the things of creatures.

I enclosed everything in Me. I formed the new creation of all the acts of creatures in Me to be able to give all back to them. Nothing escaped Me; otherwise, it would not have been a work worthy of your Jesus if even one thought had escaped Me. The creature would have found a void in mine; and wanting help, strength, and light for his thought, he would not have found them.”

Praise God that we have Jesus’ Most Holy Humanity and Mary, Most Holy as our help, to aid us in any way that we need them. They would do anything to help us live this Life for the glory of the Father. Let’s us abandon ourselves totally to Them so they can do this work in our souls. I know we cannot live it to the degree that those most privileged souls in the future will live it, but as the pioneers of a Kingdom so holy, I feel we are charged by God to do our upmost to help in laying the foundation for His Kingdom in our souls and in the world. It will come one soul at a time.
Luisa: This morning, after I received Holy Communion, I saw blessed Jesus in my interior and I said to Him: “My beloved, come out from within me. Come outside, so that I can hold You, kiss You, and speak with You.” And, making a sign with his hand, He said to me: “My daughter, I do not want to come out. I am happy inside you, because if I go out of your humanity—a humanity full of tenderness, compassion, weakness, and concern—it would be as if I went out of My living Humanity. Indeed, since you fulfill the same role of victim as I do, I should make you feel the weight of others’ pains so that I can spare them.”

And, making a sign with his hand, He repeated: “I am not coming out. I am not coming out…” He repeated this quite a few times, and He communicated many things to me about His Humanity, but I am not able to express them.
Luisa: As I continued in my wretched state, I caught a brief glimpse of blessed Jesus, who seemed to transform Himself entirely into me, so that if I breathed, I could feel his breathing in mine; if I moved an arm, I could feel Him move his arm within mine, and so on with all the rest. While He was doing this, He told me: “My beloved daughter, see what a close union I have with you. This is how I want you to be—completely united and joined to Me. And do not think that you must do this only when you suffer or pray, but rather, always—always. If you move, if you breathe, if you work, if you eat, if you sleep—do everything, everything, as if you were doing it in My Humanity, and as if your work flowed from Me, so that you should be nothing but the covering, and once the covering of your work is broken, one should find the fruit of the divine activity. And this you must do for the good of the whole of humanity, so that My Humanity will be present, as though fully alive in the midst of the people.”

Notice that last sentence, especially, “…My Humanity…fully alive in the midst of the people.” In my thoughts, this is what our goal should be…to live as though it is Jesus’ Humanity that is alive in the midst of all the people! What overwhelming joy, peace, and goodness would reign in the world if all souls lived this way. This is the way it will be when the Kingdom comes fully on earth! Can you imagine living in such a world??

But we all understand that this Life is a process; it is step by step, act by act. I don’t want to discourage anyone, but if we are not fighting every day to have dominion over our own passions and desires, then we are hurting ourselves more than we are helping ourselves.

Now this next reading is what brought all this writing about in the first place and to me says it all!

“The most essential thing is to understand that to live in My Will, the entrance-way, the door, the first connecting link is My Humanity. Indeed, My Humanity was the first and true Victim. Because of the role given to Me by My Heavenly Father, It lived in a state of being sacrificed and completely crucified in the Divine Will; and by the power of My Eternal Will, It was able to multiply My Life for each and every one. And just as by the power of one single Fiat I multiplied so many created things, and gave to each soul the right to make them her own, in the same way, the power of My Will multiplied one single Life, so that each soul might have Me for herself alone—as help, defense, and refuge—however she wanted Me. In this lies all the greatness, the goodness, the all, the infinite distance between living in My Will, and living in a different way, although good and holy: The multiplication of one act into as many acts as one wants—enough for as many souls as may want to make use of them.”
In this next writing Jesus is explaining to Luisa about quitting the office for which He had created her because she wanted to stop writing about His Holy Will!

“Even though My Humanity did much, and begged so many blessings for mankind, It did not take away the rights, the honor, or the dignity of My Justice when it had to punish man justly. And now, if I deposed you from your office, not only would you not hold My office on earth—since you would not be in My Humanity—but by lacking the connecting link, you would not be able to live in My Will, you would lose your dominion, and your acts would become simple intentions. And when you said: “My Jesus, in Your Will, I love You, I bless You, I thank You for all, I feel sorrow for each offense against You, and so on,” your acts would not hover over each human act to become an act on behalf of each human act, and to love on behalf of each love that creatures should give Me. You would not follow all of My acts which are present in My Will—you would be left behind. At most, your acts would be pious intentions, which can do some good—but they would not be acts on behalf of all—acts which can give life, and which contain the power of Our creative Will.”

I thought, oh my goodness, how many times have I said the same thing without it being in the Most Holy Humanity of Jesus and so my act was just another pious act? So, I started a campaign to tell everyone that we must begin our Life in the Divine Will IN the Humanity of Jesus. I prepared prayers and sent them all over…I was almost in a panic. But God came to my rescue again! He showed me, as I have tried to tell you, that it is not only living IN the most Holy Humanity of Jesus, it is living His Most Holy Humanity here on earth, AS He lived it! It is becoming another humanity for Him on earth, sacrificing anything and everything to give up our own wills….that is what this is all about. Living with Jesus’ intentions, living Jesus’ Life on earth, with His Love, with His desires, Living His Passion.
1 Corithinans 13-8:
“If I speak of tongues of men and of Angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing! If I give away all I have and if I deliver my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing!

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongdoings. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.”
Jesus says: “There is no sacrifice without denying oneself, and sacrifice and denying oneself give rise to the most pure and perfect love. And since sacrifice is sacred, it happens that it consecrates a soul to Me, as a sanctuary worthy of Me to make of it my perpetual dwelling. So, let sacrifice work in you to render your soul and body sacred, so that everything may be sacred in you; and consecrate everything to Me”

Amen, so be it!

Copyright © 2020, Center for the Divine Will, All rights reserved.

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