Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta
Compiled by Ann Ellison
July 22, 2022



Dear Divine Will Family,

Today is a very special day to Kathy and I as it is Tom’s birthday. It is hard to be without him, but we know the joys and happiness he is experiencing in Heaven and we could not be happier for him. I know Heaven is celebrating with him as well!

As we all know, God is ORDER! And in my opinion, this is one of the most important things you need to learn to live as deeply as possible in the Holy Will of God! If our life is not in order, if our will is not in order, if our attitude is not in order, if WE are not in order, then it is impossible to be living in the Divine Will to any significant degree. It seems to me that if we really want to live in the Divine Will, our preferences, our desires, our wants in the human order need to be placed in the Divine Order of God. If what we prefer, want or desire is not what is best for our life in the Divine Will, then we need to rethink the things we prefer, desire and want.

So, putting order in your life, home, children, and marriage is extremely important to live ever deeper in the Divine Will. To some it won’t be easy, but it will be well worth the effort, if you but begin to try and accomplish this because Our Heavenly Mother, Jesus and all the Angels will pitch in to help. They want this even more than we do! You will see the miracles happen for just trying to do everything you can to put your life in order so that you can live deeper in the Divine Will.

We, here at the Center for the Divine Will, will be praying for each of you to accomplish this very difficult work. Some of this work consist in denying yourself, emptying yourself of yourself, and that is very hard for anyone.

As Tom Fahy learned at a very early age, “There is only two ways out of this world…Heaven or Hell!” He says that is the reason he was so serious all the time!

Remember, we love all of you so very much and keep each of you in our daily prayers. Please keep us in yours! May God grant the immense graces we all need to put our lives in perfect order for the love of His Most Holy Will!! “Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect!” (Matthew 5:48)

Ann Ellison

I am going to attach, at the bottom of this Snippet, the original information about the conference and the registration form for anyone who has not yet received this information. Please pass it on to anyone you think may be interested.

Whenever I have problems living my life in the Divine Will, I always call my dear Priest friend, Fr. Mike, who has been studying it as long as Tom Fahy has…well over 45 years. In fact, Fr. Mike was the person who introduced it to Tom Fahy. He always tells me, “Get back to the basics, Ann!” How true this is!!! And hopefully at this conference many of us can get back to the basics again. I have been with the Center for 28 years and I still need to stay with the basics (Volume 1, 2) as much as I need to study all the other volumes. We all need to always stay focused on our nothingness, who God is and who we are!

The conference’s name is “Returning to the Place, to the Purpose and to the Order for which God created us from the beginning!” We all need to go back, to return to this time….the beginning!

We will be celebrating a Maronite Rite Mass to open our conference! This Rite will be celebrated by a Maronite Redemptorist Monk Priest. It’s symbolic of going back to the beginning. To the Mass given to us by Jesus at the Last Supper! We will have a handout to make it easy to follow this magnificent and very holy Mass!

We are terribly sorry, but this wonderful Priest will not be able to stay for the rest of the conference, so the other Holy Masses will be Novus Ordo Masses. We will also, as always, have Adoration during the day until midnight.

Please keep the conference in your prayers. It is a duty of all the children of the Divine Will to bring as many as possible into this Life, so prayers are always important! Thank you with all our hearts in and with the Holy Will of God, our Father!
Volume 11
April 23, 1912

The love with which Jesus loves us exists in each thing, inside and outside of ourselves, and He wants to receive a perfect response to this love

“My daughter, My Love for each creature is great. Do you see how the light of the sun warms the earth? If you could make many atoms out of that light, in those atoms of light you would sense My melodious voice and, one after another, those atoms would repeat to you: “I love you, I love you, I love you,..” so that you would not have time to count them—you would drown in My love. I tell you “I love you, I love you” in the light that fills your eyes; “I love you” in the air that you breathe; ”I love you” in the whistling of the wind that caresses your ears; “I love you” in the warmth and in the cold felt by your sense of touch; “I love you” in the blood that flows in your veins; ”I love you” in the beating of your heart that tells you of My heartbeats. I repeat My “I love you” in every thought of your mind; “I love you” in each action of your hands; “I love you” in every step of your feet; “I love you” in every word,…since nothing happens inside or outside of you without an act of My love toward you. One “I love you” from Me doesn’t wait for another. And your “I love you’s”? How many are for Me?”

I remained confused. I felt deafened inside and out—by a full chorus—by the “I love you’s” of Jesus, while My “I love you’s” were scarce and so limited that I said: “O My lover Jesus, who could ever match You?” But with what I have said, I seem to have said nothing of all that Jesus made me understand.

Then He added: “The Divine Will—the true Sanctity—lies in living in My Will and in re-ordering all things in Me. Just as I keep everything in order for each creature, in the same way each creature should order all things for Me and in Me. My Will keeps everything in order.”

November 2, 1912

One who wants to know herself must know herself in Jesus, and she will find her true image in Him, placing herself entirely in the divine order.

As I continued to suffer, I said to myself: “I no longer recognize myself! Sweet Life of mine, where are You? What shall I do to find you again? Without You, my Love, I cannot find the Beauty that adorns me, the Fortitude that strengthens me, or the Life that animates me. I lack everything—everything is death for me. Without you, life itself is more harrowing than any death. Ah, it is a continual death! Come, O Jesus, I cannot take it anymore! O supreme Light, come—don’t make me wait anymore! You let me feel the touch of your hands and then, as I try to grab You, You run away from me. You let me see your shadow, and as I try to look at the majesty in your shadow—the beauty of my Sun, Jesus—I lose both shadow and Sun. Please, mercy! My heart is shredded, torn to pieces—I cannot live any more. Ah, if only I could die!”
As I was saying this, my always adorable Jesus came to me and said: “My daughter, I am here, inside of you. If you want to recognize yourself, come into Me, to recognize yourself inside of Me. If you come to recognize yourself in Me, you will put yourself in order, because in Me you will find your image, made by Me and similar to Me.

Indeed, you will find everything you need to preserve and adorn this image. As you come to recognize yourself in Me, you will also recognize your neighbor in Me; and when you see how much I love you and your neighbor, you will rise to the degree of true Divine Love. Everything inside and outside of yourself will take on the true order—the Divine order.

“But if you want to recognize yourself within yourself, first, you won’t really recognize yourself at all, because you will lack Divine light; second, you will find everything in disarray and contradiction—misery, weakness, darkness, passions, and all the rest. You will find all these things in disorder within and outside of yourself, trying to wage war not only with you, but also with themselves, to see which one can harm you the most. And you—imagine what kind of relations they will foster between you and your neighbor.

“Not only do I want you to recognize yourself in Me but, if you want to remember yourself, you must come and do it in Me; otherwise, if you try to remember yourself without Me, you will do more harm than good.”
Volume 12
August 14, 1917

Jesus abandoned Himself completely to the Will of the Father.

As I was in my usual state, my sweet Jesus passed by for a brief moment and said to me: “My daughter, I abandoned Myself continuously to the Will of the Father. That is why, if I thought, I thought in the mind of the Father; if I spoke, I spoke in the mouth and with the tongue of the Father; if I worked, I worked in the hands of the Father. I even breathed my breathing in Him, and I did everything in the order and in the way He wanted it done. That is why I could say that I carried out my Life in the Father, and that I was the bearer of the Father, because I enclosed everything in his Will and I did nothing by Myself. The Will of the Father was my main focus, because I did not care about Myself, nor did I interrupt my course because of the offenses I received; rather, I kept flying faster and faster toward my center. Only then did my natural Life end, when I had fulfilled the Will of my Father in everything.

“The same should be true for you, my daughter. If you abandon yourself to my Will, you will no longer have to worry about anything. My very absence which torments you and consumes you so much, flowing in my Will, will support you with my hidden kisses, my Life in you, clothed with yourself. In your very heartbeat you will feel Mine, burning and sorrowful; and if you don’t see Me, you will feel Me; as my arms hold you tightly. How many times do you feel my motion and my refreshing breath, which renews your ardor! Truly, you feel all of these things; and when you try to see who embraced you, who breathes on you, and you do not see Me, I smile at you, I kiss you with the kisses of my Will, and I hide within you more deeply, to surprise you again, and to let you plunge once more into my Will. That is why I tell you not to sadden Me by tormenting yourself—but to let Me act. May the flight of my Volition never cease in you—otherwise you would hinder the growth of my Life in you. On the other hand, when you live in my Will, I find no hindrance, and I make my Life grow, and I unfold the plan of my Life as I please.”


First and foremost, the Good Bishop John Noonan called me personally to give the Center for the Divine Will his permission and blessing for our conference!!

PLACE: The Florida Hotel and Conference Center
1500 Sand Lake Road, Orlando, Florida, 32809

WHEN: OCTOBER 6 – 9, 2022

TIMES: Registration will begin at 3:00 pm on Thursday, October 6, with Holy Mass being celebrated at 6:30 pm, and after, our first talk at 8:00 pm!
October 7 and 8, will contain 12 talks, Holy Mass each day and some entertainment.
October 9, we will have two talks and end with Holy Mass!

Things to know! Hotel Registration Phone Number: 800-588-4656: It will be important to register at the hotel as soon as possible because there are two big events happening during the weekend of our conference and the hotel and the Center are worried that the rooms not assigned to us could fill up fast. If we need more rooms, we may not get them because of the Oktober Fest, and Epcot’s Food and Wine Festival being held that same weekend! It seems it will be important to get your rooms as soon as you can. We are asking people to please NOT block off rooms that they may turn back to the hotel. Every room not purchased should be available to those who will need a room and it messes up the count for room nights for the Center and the Hotel.)

Rooms are $125.00 a night. This hotel has real queen beds in the rooms, not double beds, so you can sleep 4 in a room comfortably.

There are larger than normal refrigerators in all the rooms. You are welcome to bring food into your room from your home or other restaurants, but you are not allowed to bring any food into the conference room except the food bought on hotel property. They have a Chick-fil-a on the property.

You can cancel your room outside of 72 hours prior to arrival without penalty. Within 72 hours the hotel will charge you one night, plus tax.

Check in time is 4:00 pm, but the hotel is setting up a special room to store your luggage safely while you wait to get checked in, if you arrive earlier. They will begin to assign available rooms to guest at noon but cannot guarantee any rooms will be available until 4:00 pm.

Check out time is 11:00 am, but the hotel will supply a special room for you to store your luggage until the end of the conference around 1:00 pm.


-Mr. Daniel O’Connor
-Mr. David Russell
-Fr. Jim Anderson
-Fr. Gabriel Barrera
-Ed and Lynn Bauer
-Mrs. Lisa Addeo
-Mrs. Cynthia Gardner
-Mrs. Ann Ellison
-Mr. Greg Rausch
-Fr. Jim Anderson
-Plus, a very special speaker whose name we cannot give out at this time.

2022 – Divine Will Conference – October 6 – 9

Florida Hotel and Conference Center,
1505 Sand Lake Road, Orlando, Florida

Please send Mail-in Registration with the appropriate fee to:
Center for the Divine Will – P.O. Box 415 – Jacksboro, TN 37757 – Tel: 423-566-5178

Discounts for early registration are listed in the table below. Priests, Religious, Seminarians register free as indicated. Call-in (credit card) registrations: same discounts as postal.

Postmarked or Credit Card
by Friday
July 15, 2022 Postmarked or Credit Card
by Monday
Aug 15, 2022 Postmarked or Credit Card
by Thursday
Sept 1, 2022 *Credit Card Only
by Monday
Oct 1, 2022

Single $85 $90 $95 $100
*Husband & Wife $100 $120 $140 $160
** Parents with children under age 20.



Priests & Religious
& Seminarians Free Free Free Free
Permanent Deacon
With Spouse $75

$95 $85

$100 $90

$120 $100

** Please make arrangements for your very young children and /or difficult to control children.
Name of Spouse (if married) coming with you: _______________________________
Address: ___________________________________________
City: __________________________ State: _________­___ ZIP ______________
For Those Registering by Phone (423-566-5178) (Visa/Master Card/Discover)
Credit card number______________________________________________________
Expiration Date: _________________ The 3 Numbers on back of card ________
Name on your Card ___________________________________________________________

Be sure to register with Hotel: 800-588-4656. We can’t wait to see you in Orlando!!
There is a link on our website to register at the HOTEL !



-I made the mistake of saying that “registration” begins at 3:00 pm on the day the conference starts, October 6th. We will not be registering anyone on that day. We will be handing out folders and name tags to those who have already registered with Kathy Fahy beforehand.

-It is very important that you register before September 22, 2022. That is our cutoff date and there will be no more rooms at the hotel for $125.00. The costs of the conference go up and the savings will be no more.

-Please, if you have the intention of coming to the conference, please register as soon as possible with Kathy Fahy. You can call her at: +1-423-566-5178, which is a landline and cannot receive texts.

-You are also welcomed to mail in your registration form with a check, money order, (please make your check or money order out to “Center for the Divine Will,” or credit card (there is a place to give all the info needed for a credit card on the registration form) to:

Center for the Divine Will
PO Box 415
Jacksboro, TN, 37757

-The service charge showing on your credit card receipt from the hotel is incorrect. The hotel has waived the service charge for our guests. It should not be showing up anymore as they said they fixed that with the webmaster. But if you see it on your receipt, not to worry, you will not be charged that fee!

-Please be sure and leave a very clear name and phone number when calling to register. Kathy is very busy answering many calls but will return your call as soon as possible.

-The Florida Hotel and Conference Center located at 1500 Sandlake Dr., Orlando, Florida, 32809 is attached to one of the larges malls in Orlando and has a brand-new Food Court.

-There is another phone number you can call to register for the hotel. The other number, besides 800-588-4656 is: 407-859-1500

Copyright © 2022 CENTER FOR THE DIVINE WILL, All rights reserved.

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