(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison
April 1, 2023

Dear Divine Will Family,

How many have thought about the Generative Virtue of God?  What do this mean in our life in the Divine Will?  As is our God, it means great and holy things that you will realize as you read this Snippet!  The Generative Virtue is found only in two places, in the Annunciation in the Virgin Mary book and in Volume 27.  And because this is so important, I am going to make an exception for this Snippet and copy and paste an excerpt from that upper Volume! 

My heart fills with gratitude and love of our Creator for being the immensely loving and extremely generous God that He is!  As Jesus has said that love begets love….so it is impossible not to love with all our being and soul a God so full of love for each of soul, but you must know Him to love Him!  And the Book of Heaven is the exceptional way to learn about His great love and plans for all mankind!  Please pray that all mankind will feel the need to know God, and then the desire to know more and more about Him!  It can change the face of the earth!

Whew!  The federal taxes are done, and all of us at the Center have now been through and have come through the flu!  Praise God we are all feeling much better!  Now we are beginning to plan our annual conference.  How many would like the conference to be held in St. Louis, MO.  It’s the center of the USA and maybe those on the west coast would be able to attend.  Florida was so far away, and many from the west has asked us to please have the conference closer to the west coast.  So, we are seriously looking into St. Louis.  Your opinions mean a lot to the Center, so let us hear from you! 

Felicia Murray and I leave for Fatima and Garabandal on the 31st of May and will return on the 2nd of August.  I need to return so I can work on the conference and because on the 17th of August, we both fly out to Santa Barbara, CA.  I have been asked to speak at a conference there.  If you would like any information on that conference, you can get in touch with Reid Wagner at [email protected].  It is strictly a Divine Will conference!

We wish each and every one of you a very Blessed and Holy Easter Season!!  May you grow in the love and possession of the Holy Will of God during these day, the most holy days of our Beloved and Holy Catholic Church!! 

Well, not much more news around here because we have been so busy with taxes and being sick, all for the glory of our Heavenly Father and for His Kingdom to come!  May it come quickly!

We love you all so very much and keep each of you in our prayers!  May Our Good God’s Generative Virtue generate all good and holiness in your most precious soul!!
Ann Ellison

PS:  David Russell in union with Father Esau Garcia of Holy Cross Catholic Church is holding a workshop on May 6th which will be held at Holy Cross Catholic Church, 12600 Marsfield Ave., Orlando, Florida, 32837.  For more information, please write to David at: [email protected]

PPS:  Please continue your prayers for my son, Paul.  He is not doing very well at all!  Fiat always!! 
Virgin Mary Book
The Annunciation

Now, listen to Me, dear child, where one can reach when the Divine Volition takes operating Life in the creature, and the human will leaves It free without impeding Its step.  This “Fiat,” which in nature possesses the generative virtue, generates all goods in the creature.  It renders it fecund, giving it the maternity over everyone, over all goods, and over Him who has created it.  Maternity says and means true love, heroic love, love that is content to die to give life to whomever it has generated.  If this would not be so, the word maternity would be sterile, empty and reduced to only a word; but with deeds it would not exist.

Therefore, my child, if you want the generation of all goods, let the “Fiat” take operating life in you, which will give you maternity and you will love everyone with the love of mother.  I your Mother will teach you the way to make fruitful in yourself this all holy and divine maternity.
Volume 27
December 16, 1929

…..I continued my abandonment in the Divine Fiat.  I felt the great need of It and of remaining always in Its sea of light, never to go out.  I felt It like heartbeat, like breath, like air that infused life in me and maintained in me the order, the harmony, the dissolving of my little atom within Its Divine Sea.  But while my little mind was crowded with thoughts of Divine Will, my sweet Jesus added:

“My daughter, there is no order, nor rest, nor true life, but in my Divine Fiat.  In fact, the life of each creature, her first act of life, is formed within the womb of her Creator; and then, as a birth from Us, We put it out into the light of the day.  And since We have within Ourselves the generative virtue, as a child of Ours, it carries with itself the seed that generates; and with this seed the creature forms many other births; and as she keeps carrying out her life, she forms the birth of her holy thoughts, of her chaste words, of the beautiful enchantment of her works, of the sweet treading of her steps, of the refulgent rays of her heartbeats.  And as all these births are formed from the creatures, they take their way to ascend to their Creator, to recognize Him as their Father, to love Him, surround Him by cortege, and form His long offspring, as Our glory and that of Our generative virtue.  But in order for Our generative virtue to fecundate, it takes Our Divine Will, dominating in the birth that come out of Us, otherwise there is the danger for it to be transformed into a brute, and to lose the virtue generative of good; and if it generates, it generates passions, weaknesses, vice; and these not only do not have the virtue of ascending to Us, but, on the contrary, they are condemned as births that do not belong to Us.”
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