Divine Will Booklets I

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The Kingdom of the Divine Will

The Kingdom of the Divine Will

Excellent Introduction about God, Adam and the fall!
We would like to introduce you to a very beautiful story about God and His Divine Will, and how this Divine Will wishes to reign on earth as It does in Heaven; for the time has now arrived. Most of what follows is what we have come to know as a result of the writings found in the 36-volume “Book of Heaven” and from those priests and laity, who have shared this knowledge with us.

Suggested Donation: $4.00

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The Interior Life of Jesus

Interior Life of Jesus

Jesus Teaches us About His Interior Life, the Way He Created Us to Live!
Little is known of the internal acts done, out of love for all, by Jesus’ Humanity. Since creatures are unaware of the power of his interior life united to his Divine Life, and how his soul acted in It, and what He did, then how can creatures unite with Him to participate in all this good? Knowledge of such a good brings with it the worth, the effects and the life of that good. The better one knows and understands something, the more useful it can be.

Suggested Donation: $3.00

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Divine Will and the Eucharist

Divine Will and the Holy Eucharist

The Incredible Vocation of Becoming a Living Host! (Formally “Eucharistic Host and Living Hosts!”)
The Eucharist is truly the greatest Gift that Jesus gave to his Church while He dwelled among us. There is a great abundance of historical experience, theology and other spiritual writings to support this beautiful truth. Jesus obtained for his Church another great Gift, but his Church was unable to receive It while He was on earth. However, It was so important to Him that the only prayer He taught us to pray was the “Our Father.” Find out more about this other extraordinary Gift by reading this booklet!

Suggested Donation: $4.00

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Nature of God

Nature of God & Purpose of Our Existence

Awesome Explanation of the Reason God Created Us!
“…Divine Charity is God’s Trinitarian and insatiable desire to express Himself outwardly, to give Himself to some other intelligent being. The mystics speak about this Great Need of Infinite Goodness. They are astonished in the realization of this unheard-of Mystery that the Eternal God, infinitely happy in Himself, finds happiness in giving Himself outside of Himself. This is a very great and wonderful mystery.”

Suggested Donation: $2.50

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Glories of Mary

Glories of Mary

Thomas Fahy’s Most Exquisite Talk/Info on Our Mother!
One day Luisa seemed to be able to see the Queen Mother as if she were another God, only with this difference: that within God it is His own nature, while within Mary Most Holy it is grace given. The Most High extolled Mary with: “All Beautiful, all Holy, all Pure are You, O Mary.”

Suggested Donation: $2.50

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Wonders and Secrets of The Divine Will

The Wonders and Secrets of the Divine Will

Incredible Knowledge/Insights into the Doctrine of Luisa!
The soul fused in the unity of the Divine Will becomes present and flows in all the effects of the Single Act of the Divine Will—in the stars, galaxies, the wind, the sea, the light of the sun, in everything. And this is one more reason to understand that the Gift of living in the Divine Will is the greatest prodigy that the Holy Trinity can give to creatures, for the soul comes to possess everything, and nothing more wonderful, more beautiful, or happy can be given.

Suggested Donation: $3.00

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The Essentials of Living in Divine Will

The Essentials of Living in the Divine Will

The Best Instructions to Understand How to Live This Life!
God is calling us to return! Return means He wants us to go back to something the human race once had, namely the original state of our first parents, Adam and Eve, in the beginning. God want us to return to the Order that He established in Adam and Eve. This Order is none other than the Divine Order of things: Peace, Unity, Divine Beauty and Holiness, Freedom from every kind of evil, etc.

Suggested Donation: $4.00

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Understanding God with the Gift of The Divine Will

Understanding God with the Gift of Divine Will

Incredible Talk Given at the Clearwater Conference – 2008!
The Light of the Divine Will possesses the great secret encompassed in Creation; and it only makes these secrets known to those who want to live in this Light, because this Light has the strength to dispose souls to understand and live its secrets….all divine.

Suggested Donation: $2.50

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The Holy Spirit and Our Lady

Will to Love

Reflections of St. Max. Kolbe on the Union Between the Holy Ghost and Mary! (Remarkable!)
Excerpts from St. Maximilian Kolbe’s famous book, “Will to Love,” which contains mysteries of the union between the Holy Ghost and Mary, His Spouse! She is the first born, the only-born daughter of God. All the just are “children of God” by grace, but the Immaculata is so by another right, and in a greater degree.

Suggested Donation: $2.00

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Jesus and Luisa Together

The Testament of Love

Jesus and Luisa speak about the Immense Love Contained in the Volumes!
Concerning the writings in the Book of Heaven, Our Lord said that He loved them with jealousy, keeping them in his Divine Heart, and that He put everything into them—superabundant grace; illuminating, warming and fecundating light; wounding darts of Love; conquering truths; enrapturing attractiveness—which would bring about the resurrection of the Kingdom originally given to Adam.

Suggested Donation: $3.00

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Divine Lives

Divine Lives

The Most Incredible Insights into How God Forms Divine Lives in All Our Acts!
Being born into the Divine Life the creature is always giving The Holy Trinity new joys and happy surprises, because she is reborn in their Power, Wisdom, Goodness and Holiness. And They love this creature as They love Themselves, because They find their own Life in her. She forms their Paradise!

Suggested Donation: $2.00

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The Glory and Supremacy of the Actions of Souls

The Glory and Supremacy of the Actions of Souls Living in the Divine Will

In the beginning of the Human Race, the human will was integrated and fused with the Divine Will in such a way that the Divine Will acted in the human will to produce divine acts. In this way, the life of the first two humans was a divine life, in which all their acts were incorporated and identified with the Single Act of the Divine Will which animated and directed all activity of these first two humans.

Suggested Donation: $2.00

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The Explication of the Mysteries of the Lord's Prayer

The Explication of the Mysteries of the Lord’s Prayer!

Our Father, Hallowed be thy Name (first petition), Thy Kingdom come (second petition), Thy Will be Done (third petition), On earth as in Heaven (continuation of third petition), Give us this day our daily Bread (fourth petition), Forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who trespass against us. (5th petition), Lead us not into temptation (sixth petition), Deliver us from evil. (seventh petition) Amen. Explanation of why The Lord’s Prayer is fulfilled in Luisa Piccarreta!

Suggested Donation: $2.00

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Who is Luisa

Who Is Luisa?

She was always serene and “fresh as an Easter Lily, small in stature and had large, vivid and soulfully penetrating eyes with her head leaning slightly towards the right,” states Monsignor D. Luigi D’Oria, Head of the Clergy at Corato, and authoritative witness.

Suggested Donation: $4.00

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Insights into the Necessity and the Glories of the Rounds

Insights into the Necessity and the Glories of the Rounds

Complete and Comprehensive Explanation of the How and Why of the Rounds
By making the rounds of recognition, gratitude, praise, love and glory to God, the soul becomes familiar with the things that God has created as well as His activity in Redemption. After a time, the soul goes beyond familiarization to the taking possession of them. Then, after some more time of familiarization and possession, the soul will come to be armed with the right to command created things. Using this right of command, at some point in the development of the Reign of the Divine Will on earth, souls will be able to command the elements, which will faithfully obey. And this is because the created things were created to be commanded and to obey the slightest wishes of the legitimate sons and daughters of the Divine Will. “Thus, fire, light, cold, will let themselves be commanded and will faithfully obey.”

Suggested Donation: $2.00

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About Living in the Divine Will

A Complete Explanation of How and Why!
The Proper Way for human beings to live was established in the Garden of Eden in the first human beings, Adam and Eve. Adam, as head of the human race was tested to confirm this proper way of life for all humanity. He failed that all-important test, and humanity departed precipitously from the proper way of life and began to live a disordered, sinful and miserable way of life which has persisted for 6000 years according to the Book of Heaven, supported by the Scriptures and the Fathers of the Church.

Suggested Donation: $4.00

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God's All Surpassing Interest

God’s All Surpassing Interest in the Reign of the Divine Will in the Human Soul

Awesome Talk by Thomas Fahy
The Holy Trinity’s Nature of Divine Love compels Them irresistibly to give Themselves to another personal being and share their Divine and Real Life with that being—but a being with the capacity to receive all that They can give, to understand Them, and to love Them reciprocally in the same manner as They love—becoming a true, divine companion.

Suggested Donation: $4.00

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The Inestimable Value of the Knowledge of God

The Inestimable Value of the Knowledge of God

Excellent Research and Talk given by Thomas Fahy
“If you knew what it means to know more about my Will, to do one more act in It, to remain in It, to act in that known Will of mine where the creature is already established—the office, the beauty, the superiority of each creature—oh, how you would appreciate more the different levels of knowledge I have revealed to you about my Will! Just a little more knowledge about my Will elevates the soul to such a sublime height that the Angels themselves become astonished and enraptured, and they proclaim to Me incessantly: ‘Holy, Holy,Holy.-Luisa Piccarreta

Suggested Donation: $3.00

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The Destiny of God

The Destiny of God

Incredible Talk Given at Tampa 2017 Conference by Thomas Fahy
The human will changed the destiny of God and man. If man had not sinned, Jesus would have come to earth in glory bearing the scepter of command. March 31, 1929, “Book of Heaven”.

Suggested Donation: $3.00

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Blessed Dina Belanger

Blessed Dina Belanger

Acts and Phenomena of the “New and Divine” Holiness
“…rejoice in Thy first ideal in the plan of creation; take delight in the restoration of the perfect harmony of all beings with Thy Holy Will; satiate Thy insatiable desire to give Thyself and, in the name of every creature possible to Thy love. Receive eternally, in return, without interruption nor abating Thy Christ, the Eternal Infinite.”

Suggested Donation: $2.00

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Towards a New Pentecost

Towards a New Pentecost

The JPII ICS Mission Statement and Explanation of ‘New and Divine’!
Through various statements of Blessed Pope John Paul II, and through many private revelations of holy men and women whom the Church has declared saints, blesseds, venerables or servants of God, Our Lord has inspired hopes of a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Suggested Donation: $3.00

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Intersessors for Thy Kingdom Come

An Explanation of How to Become Intercessors for His Kingdom by Ann Ellison
Everyone understood completely why they were here on earth and was full of gratitude to their loving Creator. Everyone was focused on God alone and on giving Him perfect love, honor, and glory with their every act, thought, and deed. The love going back and forth between everyone and their Creator and Father was such that nothing else mattered to them. They couldn’t see anything but God in everyone and in all creation.

Suggested Donation: $3.00

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What is True Love?

What is True Love?

Talk given by Ann Ellison
The heavens and all creation reveal the love of God, but it is Jesus’ wounded Body that reveals the love of neighbor! His Humanity united to His Divinity rendered two natures one and inseparable. In this way, He not only satisfied Divine Justice, but accomplished the salvation of mankind. And this also obliges everyone to love God and neighbor. He not only made these two Commandments one, He made them a Divine Precept! Jesus’ Wounds and Blood form many tongues to teach everyone the way to love one another. So, we just have to look at Jesus hanging on
a Cross to see how we are to love God and neighbor!

Suggested Donation: $2.00

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The Divine Plan

The Divine Plan

What was God’s Plan for all Mankind? What is the Book of Life? Talk by Ann Ellison
Before the creation of the universe and man, God, in Heaven, wrote a Book of Life that contains all the acts that each and every soul was supposed to do with God, in the Intimacy of His Divine Will. Each soul has a page that belongs only to him or her. In Essence, the acts in our page of the Book of Life was God’s Eternal and Divine Plan for each one of us.

Suggested Donation: $2.00

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intro packet

Introduction Packet of 5 Booklets

Makes it easy to introduce anyone to Luisa, and these are great for beginners or anyone you know who is interested. The five (5) booklets in the Intro Packet are:

  • Towards a New Pentecost
  • The Kingdom of the Divine Will
  • The Nature of God
  • The Essentials of Living in the Divine Will
  • Who is Luisa?
Suggested Donation: $15.00

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