Luisa Piccarreta – Volumes, etc.

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The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

“I come to invite you to enter into the Kingdom of your Mama – that is, the Kingdom of the Divine Will. I knock at the door of your heart, that you may open it to Me. With my own hands I bring you this book as gift; I offer it to you with maternal care, so that, in your turn, in reading it, you may learn to live of Heaven and no longer of earth.”

Suggested Donation: $12.95

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Twenty Four Hours of the Passion of Our Lord, Jesus Christ

Detailed description of the Exterior Sufferings of Our Lord, but most especially His most sorrowful Interior Sufferings! Fused in the Divine Will, you save a soul for every word read! You are uniting your sufferings and prayers with those of Jesus for the benefit of all souls! This is the most beautiful book I have ever read on the Sorrowful Passion of Jesus

Suggested Donation: $14.50

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Volume #7 of the Book of Heaven by Luisa

Gives practical examples on how to live in the Divine Will.

Suggested Donation: $7.50

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Volume #15 of the Book of Heaven by Luisa

Volume #15 of the Book of Heaven by Luisa

Suggested Donation: $7.50

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The Sun of My Will

The Sun of My Will

By Maria Rosaria Del Genio
Official Biography of Luisa Piccarreta written by Maria Rosaria Del Genio, chosen by the Vatican to write this bio and it is printed by the Vatican Press! (Limited Quantities)

Suggested Donation: $18.00

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Saints in the Divine Will

Saints in the Divine Will

By Fr. Sergio Pelligrini of Corato, Italy, with Preface by
Archbishop of Trani, Giovan Battista Pichierri.
This book is full of the spiritual doctrine of Luisa, requested by Archbishop Pichierri. The publishing of this book in Italy is a special situation. The restrictions on new publications are still in effect until further official notice from the Archbishop of Trani.

Suggested Donation:$6.00

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The Origin of Man

The Origin of Man

By Alejandra Acuna Rincon
“A beautiful explanation and convincing proof of Creationism verses Evolution, along many pages of what Jesus taught Luisa Piccarreta about this subject taken from her writings, “Book of Heaven.”

Suggested Donation: $5.00

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Passion CD's

The Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ CD’s

The Twenty-Four Hours of the Passion of Our Lord, Jesus Christ! We are again offering this most precious book of the Hours of Our Lord’s Passion, written by Luisa Piccarreta, in a set of CDs! Listen while you drive or work around your house. There is no greater benefit for your soul or pleasure for Jesus!

Suggested Donation: $19.00

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Dawn of a Mystery

‘Dawn of a Mystery’ (DVD)

Dawn of a Mystery DVD

Suggested Donation: $15.00

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Be Faithful and Attentive

Be Faithful and Attentive – 3rd Edition

“A handbook for Living in the Divine Will – Over 1000 pages!! Extremely beautiful prayers and teachings on the ways of Living in the Holy Will of our Heavenly Father!”

Suggested Donation: $65.00

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Imagine the Passion

Imagine the Passion

Written and illustrated by Barbara Alger
“An extraordinary book taken from the “Twenty-Four Hours of the Passion of Our Lord, Jesus Christ,” hour by hour with illustrations 
that are stunning in their beauty and passionate love for the suffering of Jesus Christ.  This is an excellent book to carry with you at 
all times to keep in mind the Passion of Our Lord and to take to Adoration or anywhere you have some time to just read a few lines or
look at the stunning illustrations of the Passion of Our Lord.  It is small enough to fit in most purses. “

Suggested Donation: $20.00

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The Gift of Living in the Divine Will

Compiled and explained by Donna Marie Hober
“This is an excellent introduction book to help you, or anyone, especially Priests, to understand this extraordinary Gift of Living in the 
Divine Will!  It begins at the beginning and goes through the Book of Heaven to make it concise and understandable!  An incredible 
book to use at cenacles!  This book goes fast so order yours as soon as possible. “

Suggested Donation: $15.00

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