Messages of Gold



Dear Readers,

This Edition of Messages of Gold is BELOW.

We are still learning how to properly use our new phone system and apologize for the difficulties some of those who have called and left messages. The new system has many advantages, but it takes time to learn how to use them correctly.

I am not alone among you who sense that Divine Justice is coming upon this world more and more strongly and more and more quickly. I started about a month ago preparing a document to help people to understand the process of human activity that has brought us to this painful moment in history and what we can expect as Divine Justice completes its task in the present order, to make ready for a New Era of constant Mercy, Happiness, and Supreme Holiness.

I close with a kind of funny thought that came to me recently.

In the context of today’s political terminology, I am definitely not a liberal, and I prefer not to be called a conservative; rather I feel it is more proper to be called a Preservative.

I like to Preserve the good and true that I have seen and experienced since 1939, but am wide open to the New and Divine Holiness that God has destined for the Coming New Era !!!

Thomas Fahy

Suggestion: Read slowly, whether alone or in a group.

Selected Passages from the Book of Heaven about Adam’s Acts and the Coming Again of the Kingdom of the Divine Will in fulfillment of Our Lord’s Prayer.

October 2, 1927 Adam was the holiest of men before he sinned. The fullness, totality and universal effects of the blessings that flow from acts done in the Divine Will. The pupil of the eye overwhelmed by the sun. The soul who lives in the Divine Will lends herself to It as a material covering and hides her Creator. The example of the Host.

I was making my rounds in Creation, to follow all of the acts of the Divine Will that It contains, and I arrived at Eden, where God placed the first man, Adam, to unite myself with him. And as I wanted to unite myself to that unity of wills that he enjoyed with God, and in which he did his first acts in the first period of his creation, I thought to myself: “Who knows what sanctity my first father Adam possessed—what value his first acts done in the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat contained. And how can I ask for a Kingdom so holy to come on earth again, since I am the only one concerned with gaining so great a blessing?” But while I was thinking this, my ever beloved Jesus stirred within me and sent out rays of light; and that light changed into words, and He said to me: My daughter, firstborn daughter of My Will, I want to reveal to you, as the daughter of My Will, the sanctity of one who possessed the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat. At the beginning of Creation, this Kingdom had Its life, Its perfect dominion and Its complete victory. That is why It is not completely foreign to the human family; and, since It is not foreign, we can be entirely hopeful that It will return again among men to rule and to reign.

Now, you ought to know that Adam possessed such sanctity when he was created by God—and even the least of his acts had such value—that no saint, either before or after My coming upon earth, can be compared to him in holiness; and all of the acts of the saints put together do not attain the value of one single act of Adam—because in My Divine Will he possessed the fullness of sanctity, the totality of all divine blessings. And do you know the meaning of fullness? It means to be filled to the brim, to the point of overflowing with light, sanctity, and love—with all the divine qualities—in such a way as to be able to fill Heaven and earth, over which Adam had dominion and extended his Kingdom. Indeed, each one of his acts done in this fullness of divine blessings had so much value, that no one else*—no matter how much he might sacrifice himself, suffer and do good—if he does not possess the Kingdom of My Will and Its total dominion, his life cannot be compared to a single one of these acts in the Kingdom of My Will. That is why no one—no one!—has given Me the glory and the love that Adam gave Me as long as he lived in the Kingdom of My Divine Will. That is because in his acts he gave Me the fullness and the totality of all blessings, and only in My Will can these acts be found—they do not even exist outside of It. This is why Adam had his riches and his acts of infinite value, which My eternal Will shared with him before the Divinity. *[except Mary, who surpassed Adam by far]

Indeed, God left no void in Adam when He created him. Rather, everything was divine fullness, as much as a creature could hold. And when Adam fell into sin, these acts and these riches of his, this glory and perfect love which he had given to his Creator, were not destroyed. On the contrary, through the power of those acts and of the work that he did in My Divine Fiat he merited Redemption. No, a soul who had possessed the Kingdom of My Will, even for a short time, could not be left unredeemed. One who possesses this Kingdom forms such bonds and enjoys such rights with God, that, with him, God Himself feels the strength of His own chains binding Him, and He cannot get rid of him. With Adam, Our adorable Majesty found Itself in the same condition as a father who has a son who has been the cause of many conquests, of great riches, and of incalculable glory. In all that the father owns he sees the achievements of his son—he hears the glory and the love of his son echoing everywhere. Now, to his misfortune, this son falls into poverty. Can the father ever withhold compassion from his son, as he feels, anywhere and everywhere, the love, the glory, and the riches with which his son has surrounded him?

My daughter, by living in the Kingdom of Our Will, Adam had penetrated Our interminable boundaries, and he had placed his acts, his glory, his love for his Creator everywhere; and, as Our child, with the acts that he carried out, he brought Us Our riches, Our joys, Our glory and Our love; his echo resounded in Our whole Being, as Ours did in his. Now, seeing him fallen into poverty, how could Our love bear to withhold compassion from him, if Our Divine Will Itself lovingly besieged Us and pleaded for the one who had lived in It? Do you see, then, what living in My Divine Will means—its great importance? In My Will there is the fullness of all divine blessings and the totality of all possible and imaginable acts. The soul embraces the Divine Being, whole and entire. She finds herself in My Will like an eye before the sun, which is left completely flooded with its light. And, while the sun is entirely reflected in the pupil of the eye, its light also remains outside of it, filling the person’s whole body and flowing over the earth without going out of his pupil.

And while its light remains in the eye, it would want to bring the pupil into the sun, to let it go around the earth with itself, to let it do what the light does and to receive its acts everywhere as a token of love and glory. This is an image of the soul who lives in My Will. My Will fills her with such fullness as to leave no void within her. And, since she cannot possess the whole divine immensity, It fills her with as much as a soul can hold, and, without separating from her, It remains outside of her, bringing the pupil of the will of the soul into the immensity of Its light, to let her do what My Divine Will does and to receive her acts and her love in return.

O power of My Divine Fiat acting in the soul—who lets herself be filled with Its light and does not refuse Its dominion and Its Kingdom! And if Adam deserved compassion, it was because the first period of his life was lived in the Kingdom of the Divine Will. If the Heavenly Queen was able to obtain the coming of the Word upon earth—although She was alone—it was because She gave free rein to the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat within Herself. If My own Humanity was able to form the Kingdom of Redemption, it was only because It possessed the entirety and immensity of the Kingdom of the Eternal Will—because wherever It extends, It embraces everything, It can do anything, and there is no opposing force that can hold It back. That is why one single soul who possesses the Kingdom of My Will is worth more than everything and everyone, and she can merit and ask for what all the rest together can neither merit nor obtain—because all of the others together, no matter how good they may be, without the life of My Will in them, are always little flames, little plants, and little flowers, which, at the most, serve to adorn the earth. They are subject to being smothered and withered up—and the divine goodness can neither entrust them with great things, nor grant them the miracles that they need to do good to the whole world.

On the other hand, the soul who lives in My Will is greater than the sun. And, just as the sun fills everyone with the dominion of its light, it rules over the plants and gives life, color, fragrance, and sweetness to each of them. It imposes itself on everything with its silent dominion, to give them its effects and the blessings that it bears. And no other sphere does as much good to the earth as the sun does. In the same way, those in whom My Will lives are greater than the sun, and with the light that they contain they lower themselves and then rise up swiftly. They penetrate everywhere in God, into His acts. With the Divine Will which they possess, they prevail over God Himself, and over creatures; and they are capable of sweeping everything away to give everyone the life of the light they possess. They are the carriers of their Creator, and they make the light go ahead of them to ask, obtain, and give whatever they want. O if souls knew such a great blessing, they would compete among themselves—and all their passions would change into luminous desires to live, only and always, in that Divine Fiat which sanctifies everything, gives everything and rules over everything.

My poor mind continued to lose itself in the Divine Will, and it marveled at the sublimity, fullness and totality of the acts done in It; and my beloved Jesus stirred within me, and added: My daughter, let your wonder cease: to live in My Divine Fiat is to act in It. It is the transfusion of the Creator into the creature; and there is an infinite distance between divine action and the action of the soul by herself. She lends herself to her God as matter, to let Him do great things—just as the material light lent itself to the Divine Fiat in Creation, to let It form the sun, the heavens, the stars, and the sea—all material entities in which the Supreme Fiat resounded and made the whole Creation. A prodigy of My Will is the sun, the heavens, the sea, and the earth, which were vivified and animated by the Fiat as a perennial and enchanting sign of what My Will knows how to do, and can do. The same thing happens with the soul as with the accidents of the Host which—although material—lends itself to let itself be animated by My sacramental life, as long as the priest pronounces the same words that I spoke when I instituted the Most Holy Sacrament. Those words were animated by My Fiat, which contained the creative power, and this is why the matter of the host undergoes the transubstantiation of divine life. They can say over the host as many words as they like, but if they do not use those few words established by the Fiat, My life remains in Heaven and the host remains the wretched matter that it is. It is the same way with the soul: she can do, say, and suffer whatever she wants, but if My Divine Fiat does not flow within those acts, they are always finite and wretched things. On the other hand, with the soul who lives in My Will, her words, works, and sufferings are like veils that hide the Creator, and the One who created heaven and earth makes use of these veils and makes them works worthy of Himself, and places within them His sanctity, His creative power, and His infinite love. Indeed, though she might do great things, no one else can compare to the soul in whom My Divine Will lives, reigns and rules.

It also happens among men, that the value that their works possess or achieve changes according to the material that they have at hand to produce them. Suppose that a person has some iron-rich material. How hard he has to work, sweat, and exhaust himself to make that iron soft and to give it the shape of the container he wants to make. And the profit he earns is so small that he can scarcely make a living. On the other hand, another man has a supply of gold, and of precious stones. This man works—O how much less!—but he earns millions. So, it is not the work that reaps exuberant riches, but the value of one’s material. One man works only a little and earns much because the material he possesses has great value; someone else works a lot, but because he has poor material of very little value, he is always a poor ragged fellow with his stomach half-empty. This is what happens to the soul who possesses My Divine Will: she possesses the Life, and the creative power, and her littlest acts contain an immense and divine value—so that no one can equal her riches. On the other hand, one who does not possess My Will as her own life, is lifeless, and she works with the material of her own will, and so she is always a poor beggar before God, empty of that food that forms in her the Fiat Voluntas Tua, “on earth as it is in Heaven.”

October 6, 1927 One who works in the Divine Will works in the divine properties. She forms the sun. God wants to find the soul in all created things.

As I continued my acts in the Divine Fiat, my sweet Jesus stirred within me, and said to me: My daughter, one who acts in My Will works within My divine possessions, and she forms her acts within My interminable blessings of light, love, holiness, and endless happiness—acts transformed into suns, forged by My own qualities, which have given themselves over to the action of the soul. They have done this for the sake of her dignity, so that her acts might be worthy of her Creator, and so that they might endure as eternal acts in God Himself, glorifying Him and loving Him with His own divine acts. Indeed, before he sinned, Adam formed as many suns in His Creator as he did acts. Now, one who lives and acts in My Will finds these suns made by him, and so your task must be to follow the first acts of Creation, and to take up your work near the last sun, or act, that Adam did when he had unity with the Will of his Creator. You must make up for what he did not go on doing because he went out of My divine boundaries and his acts ceased to be suns. Then, he no longer had My divine qualities in his power—qualities which gave themselves to him to let him produce suns. At the most, as good as they might be, his acts fell back into being tiny little flames, because without Mine the human will does not have the power to be able to produce suns—it lacks the raw materials.

October 10, 1927 The multiplicity in unity of acts in the Divine Will. The Divine Will remains conceived in the soul who lives in It. The earth is not an exile for one who lives in the Divine Will, but it is an exile for one who does not do God’s Will.

My poor mind continues to follow the acts that Jesus did for love of us. As I went back to His conception, I offered all my acts done in His Divine Will, with my whole being, to honor His conception. In that moment, a light went out from me which planted itself in the womb of the Immaculate Queen in the act when She conceived; and my ever beloved Jesus said to me: My daughter, My Divine Will is multiplied in Its acts, without losing any of them. Its unity and Its unceasing act maintain the unity of Its acts as if they were only one—while they are innumerable. And in Its activity My Will preserves the act of doing each thing unceasingly—always—always, without ever ceasing to do it, to maintain it always new, fresh, beautiful, and ready to give it to anyone who might want it. But while My Will gives an act, It does not detach that act from My Will, because My Will is light, and light has the property of self-giving, diffusing, and expanding—one can take as much as one wants from it, but it does not break apart—by its own character and nature light is indivisible. Look: the sun also has this virtue. Suppose you closed the shutters in your room. No light would enter it. But if you opened the doors, the light would fill your room. Has the light perhaps separated from the sun? No! But it has extended and expanded without detaching a single one of its particles from its source. But, even though the light did not break down, you have enjoyed the benefits of the light as if it were your own. My Divine Will is greater than the sun; It gives Itself to everyone—but It does not waste one particle of Its acts.

Now, My Fiat keeps My conception always in act, and you have seen how the light of Its acts done in you reached even into the womb of the Heavenly Queen, to have your Highest Good, Jesus, conceived in It. It is the unity of the acts done in My Will that concentrates them at one point, forming the wonders of My Will and of My own Life. And in this way I remain conceived in the acts of My Divine Will, in those of My Divine Mama, and in your acts done in My Will. Moreover, I tell you that I was conceived continuously in all of the acts of those who will possess the Kingdom of My Will—because one who possesses It receives all the fullness of the blessings of My life. Indeed, with only their acts done in It, they take part in My conception and in the carrying out of My whole life, so it is right that they receive all the blessings that It holds. On the other hand, one who does not possess My Will, takes just the leftovers of the blessings that I brought to earth with so much love. And this is why one can see souls who are anemic in doing good, inconstant, with hearts and eyes fixed upon passing things—because they lack the wellspring of the light of My eternal Will within them, so that they do not nourish themselves with My life. What wonder, then, if their faces look pale—if they feel as if they are dying to true goodness? And if they do anything at all, everything about it is dark and strained—and they grow so deformed that they stir up pity for themselves.

After this, I felt oppressed. I felt the full burden of my long, hard exile; and I complained to my adorable Jesus because besides the hard martyrdom of His absence He adds my separation from my heavenly fatherland. And I said to Him: “How can You not have compassion for me? How can You leave me alone without You, prey only to Your beloved Will? How can You leave me on this earth in exile for so long?” But while I was pouring out my sorrow, Jesus, my Life and my All stirred within me, and said to me: My daughter, the earth is an exile for one who does not do and live in My Will; but for one who lives in It, it cannot be called an exile, but a single step removed—so that, when one least expects it, once that step is made, she will find herself in the heavenly fatherland, not like one who comes from the exile, who knows nothing about it, but like one who already knew that it belonged to her, and who knew the beauty, the sumptuousness, and the happiness of the eternal city. My Will could not bear to keep one who lives in It in the state of an exile. To do this, It would have to change Its nature, and the order which exists between one who lives in It in Heaven and one who lives in It on earth—which It neither can nor wants to do. May one call it exile when one goes just a step away from his home? Certainly not! Or, can it be called exile if one goes to a village within his own homeland?
—Submitted by Thomas Fahy

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