(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison
November 9, 2020

Dear Divine Will Family,

The Luisa Piccarreta Center for the Divine Will has a big announcement to make and we would like to do a survey as well.

It looks like there is a very good possibility that we will be having a DIVINE WILL conference this next March…probable dates are March 11 – 14, 2021.

I spent a few wonderful nights with David and Gloria Russell in Davenport, Florida to look at some hotels in Orlando. A very dedicated Divine Will group in Orlando, Florida, including Eric Bernabe, Genie Convenido had already canvassed many of the hotels there in Orlando to see what they could offer us and they narrowed it down to two hotels who had very good offers.

We all met for 8:00 am Holy Mass and then we went to the first hotel. I was impressed with the cleanliness of the hotel and the beautiful rooms which were all updated. We then went to the other hotel and it was the same, very clean and updated! The sales personnel were very knowledgeable and accommodating!

They have both sent me proposals and I am now comparing them to choose the best and most economical for everyone.

We would like to know who would be interested in attending the conference so we know if it will be feasible for us to go forward! I am sure there will be some zooming for speakers and for guests.
It would be great if we could hear from you! You can either write an email to me (Ann Ellison) at ‘[email protected]’ or to Kathy Fahy at ‘[email protected]. If you prefer, you can text me at 321-223-1799. Please forward this to all your email list, especially those who love Divine Will or those who would like to know more about it!

This conference will depends on you and your response, and of course the covid virus. If for any reason we cannot hold this conference, everyone will receive a refund.

We love you all so very much and keep each of you in our daily prayers! May God give all of us the courage and the strength to continue to spread this extremely important message to all peoples all over the world for the glory of our Heavenly Father and for His Kingdom to come to all hearts and souls!

Ann Ellison

PS: Additional information will be forthcoming as plans develop!
PSS: The writings below shows how important it is to continue to spread, as much as possible, the writings of Luisa Piccarreta in the Book of Heaven!! It was Jesus’ primary purpose for coming to earth!!

Jesus: “Do you think it is a simple matter for the Divine Sovereignty to give this Kingdom of My Will to creatures without It being requested or anyone giving the slightest thought to It or having the slightest desire to receive It? It would be a repetition of the history of the earthly Paradise……and perhaps worse! Furthermore, our justice would be justly opposed to this.

“This is the reason for everything I ask you to do, all your continuous rounds in the Supreme Will, your unceasing prayers calling for my Will to come and reign, your life of sacrifice over so many years, a life dedicated to the sole end of calling down My Kingdom…..These are the supports before my Justice to surrender its Rights!”


Jesus: “The Kingdom of My Will in the soul of the creature was the ideal which moved Me to the work of creation. My primary purpose was that of making of man an image of the Divine Trinity, in virtue of the fulfillment in him of My Supreme Will. But when he withdrew from It, I lost My Kingdom in him, and for a full six thousand years I had to sustain a severe battle. And yet, for however long it might have been, I did not abandon My first purpose, just as I shall not renounce it in the future. It was in order to realize it that I descended upon the earth and redeemed man. At the time of My coming, I laid the foundation and made the preparations; nevertheless, the bloody battle between the human will and the Divine continues still.”


Jesus: “The person who lives in My Will–what can he not do? He can do everything for Me, because his life keeps him in contact with all My sufferings. And I will do everything for that person. We take turns watching and resting. How beautiful it is to live in My Will! The creature puts himself in the very condition We are in, what We want, he wants. And this is the holiest, greatest, and most noble thing, full of majesty and purity: wanting what God wants.

“No other act can reach a height so sublime and a treasure that never ends. Wanting what God wants. God is holy and pure. He is perfect order and goodness. Wanting what God wants, the creature wants what is holy, pure, and good. With a fullness of order, he feels reborn in God. He does what God does. God does everything, He embraces everything, He moves in all. And the creature participates in all that God does. Can he do a greater good than this? Living in My Will–there is nothing that can rival it or surpass it. So, live always in My Fiat, and you and I will be happy.”

Copyright © 2020, Center for the Divine Will, All rights reserved.

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