(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

May 5, 2021



Dear Divine Will Family,

Who is your best friend? I know my mother was my best friend growing up. I knew how much she loved me and wanted only the very best for me, especially with my Faith. I remember when I was still very little, her picking me up out of bed and taking me to First Fridays and First Saturdays. We went often, even after I had grown up. She sent me to Catholic schools. St Mary’s of Loretto when I was in elementary school, and Montgomery Catholic High School where I graduated. I remember the wonderful Sisters of Loretto who taught us. They were always kind, fun and very holy in the eyes of those they taught. I loved my childhood and my teenage years. I could not have been raised by a more loving and supportive family and in a nicer, saver place than Montgomery, Alabama. My mother wanted 12 children, but ended up with nine, 6 boys and 3 girls. I was next to the baby, with my brother Albert being the youngest. Although we were in the Bible Belt, and we were very few as far as being Catholic, and we were called some rather nasty names, my mother taught me the treasures we had in our Faith that they did not, emphasizing always on the Eucharist and Our Blessed Mother, and to always pray for them for they did not realize how much they were missing!

My mother passed away in 1989, and now I have a new best friend. Another Mother who loves me and wants only the very best for my soul! She is Mother, mentor, teacher, consoler, protector and so many more things than I can mention. She is our Heavenly Mother and if we but meditate on all that She has done to bring us to this extraordinary place where we are right now, how extremely grateful would we be to Her. She will go around for centuries if it takes it to gather those who are chosen to live in the Holy Will of God. This is Her Kingdom, too, and God has chosen Her to gather the souls! Remember, She will take care of our every need, if only we will consent to live united with Her! How much more could we ask of our Heavenly Mother, except to always help us remain constant, attentive and obedient in living in the Divine Will! Thank you with all our hearts and souls, dear Mother, for all you are doing to keep us united to You and to the Kingdom of God on earth as in Heaven!! You are our very, very best friend in our earthly life and in the life of the Divine Will and I love you tremendously, in and with the Holy Will and Love of God, our Father! You be sure to love and thank your Heavenly Mother and best friend in your own unique way. She loves for us to love Her from our own hearts and not from the heart of any soul!

We love you all so very much and keep each of you in our daily prayers, please keep us in yours!
May Our Heavenly Mother show you sensibly the love and care She has for each of you and how She really is our very best friend on earth and in Heaven!
Ann Ellison
Volume 2
August 15, 1899

As I went looking about, I could see nothing but a most brilliant Sun spreading Its rays. Those rays penetrated me and made me like crystal, so that even my smallest blemishes appeared clearly. I clearly understood the infinite distance that separates the creature from the Creator, especially since each of those rays had a special imprint. Some reflected the sanctity of God, others the purity, power, wisdom, and all the other virtues and attributes of God, so that—beholding her nothingness, her miseries and her poverty–the soul felt annihilated, and fell face down on the ground before that Eternal Sun which no one can face.

To see beyond, to the festival of our Queen Mama, one had to look within that Sun—so deeply did the Most Holy Virgin appear to be immersed in God.

I said to Jesus: “My one and only treasure, You didn’t even let me take part in our Queen Mama’s Feast or let me listen to the first canticles that the Angels and the Saints sang as She entered Paradise.”

And Jesus answered: “The first canticle that they sang to my Mama was the ‘Hail Mary’ because the ‘Hail Mary’ contains the loveliest praises, bestows the highest honors, and renews the joys that She felt when she was made the Mother of God. Therefore, let us recite it together to honor Her, and when you come to Paradise, I will let you hear it as if you had recited it together with the Angels and the Saints for the first time in Heaven.”

So, we recited the first part of the “Hail Mary” together. O how tender and moving it was to hail our Most Holy Mama with her beloved Son! Each word that He said bore an immense light, which communicated many things about the Most Holy Virgin. But who can say them all—least of all myself because of my inability? That is why I pass over them in silence.

Volume 12
January 17, 1921

The ‘Fiat Mihi’ of the Most Holy Virgin had the same power of the Creative Fiat.

I felt my poor mind immersed in the immense sea of the Divine Volition. Everywhere I could see the imprint of the Fiat. I saw it in the sun, and it seemed to me that the echo of the Fiat in the sun brought me the divine love that darts through me, that wounds me, that flashes through me. And I, on the wings of the Fiat of the sun, rose up to the Eternal One, and brought, in the name of the whole human family, the love that darted through the Supreme Majesty, that wounded Him, that flashed through Him. And I said: “In your Fiat You gave me all this love, and only in the Fiat can I return it to You.” I looked at the stars and I could see the Fiat in them; and in their sweet and meek twinkling, this Fiat brought me the pacific love, the sweet love, the hidden love, the compassionate love in the very night of sin. And I, in the Fiat of the stars, brought to the throne of the Eternal One, in the name of all, the pacific love in order to put peace between Heaven and earth, the sweet love of the loving souls, the hidden love of many others, the love of the creatures when, after sin, they return to God. But who can say all that I understood and did in so many Fiats with which I saw all Creation strewn? I would be too long, therefore I stop here.

Then, my sweet Jesus took my hands in His, and clasping them tightly, He told me: “My daughter, the Fiat is all full of life; even more, It is life itself, and therefore all lives and all things come out from within the Fiat. From my ‘Fiat’ Creation came out; therefore, in each created thing one can see the imprint of the Fiat. From the ‘Fiat Mihi’ of my dear Mama, pronounced in my Volition, having the same power of my Creative ‘Fiat’, Redemption came out. So, there is nothing in Redemption which does not contain the imprint of the ‘Fiat Mihi’ of my Mama. Even my very Humanity, my steps, the works, the words, were sealed by Her ‘Fiat Mihi.’ My pains, the wounds, the thorns, the Cross, my Blood, had the imprint of Her ‘Fiat Mihi’, because things carry the imprint of the origin from which they came out. My origin in time was the ‘Fiat Mihi’ of the Immaculate Mama, therefore all my operating carries the mark of Her ‘Fiat Mihi’. So, in each Sacramental Host there is Her ‘Fiat Mihi’; if man rises from sin, if the newborn is baptized, if Heaven opens to receive souls, it is the ‘Fiat Mihi’ of my Mama that marks, that follows everything, and from It everything proceeds. Oh! power of the Fiat – It rises at each instant, It multiplies, and It makes Itself life of all goods.

Volume 16
August 13, 1923
The Virgin was the beginning, the origin, the seed of the ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven’. Upon this seed of His own Will, which Jesus found in His Divine Mother, He formed the great plane of the human will in the Divine Will. Now, by means of another creature, He will open the field of this plane to the generations.

I felt oppressed because of the privation of my sweet Jesus, and I began to pray, praying Him to no longer delay His return to my poor soul, for I could endure no more. Then, to my surprise, I saw that He was clinging to my neck, surrounding me with His arms, and with His face touching mine, and with a light that He wanted to infuse in my mind. As though drawn, I kissed Him, but it was as if I wanted to reject that light, saying to myself: “I don’t care about knowing things; all I want is to save my soul, and Jesus alone is enough to save me – everything else is nothing.”
But as Jesus touched my forehead, I could resist no more, and the light entered into me, saying: “My daughter, one who has been called to an office, must know the secrets, the importance, the duties, the goods, the founder and everything that pertains to that office. Now, you must know that a simple creature broke the relations which existed between the Divine Will and the creature. This split destroyed the plans which the Divinity had in the creation of man. Now, another simple creature, though endowed with many graces and privileges, but still a mere creature – the Virgin, Queen of all – was given the office to bind again – to cement, and to place Herself in relations with the Will of Her Creator, in order to repair the first split of that first creature: a woman, the first; a woman, the second.

She was precisely the one who, by binding Her will to Ours, gave back to Us the honor, the decorum, the subjection, the rights of Creation. Was it not one creature alone that received the beginning of evil and formed the seed of the ruin of all generations? In the same way, this Celestial Creature alone received the beginning of good; by placing Herself in relation with the Will of Her Creator, She formed the seed of the Eternal Fiat, which was to be the salvation, the sanctity, the wellbeing of all. Now, as this Celestial Creature kept growing, so did the seed of the Eternal Fiat grow in Her; and as this seed became a tree, the Eternal Word felt captured to rest in the shade of His Eternal Volition, and was conceived, forming His Humanity in that virginal womb, in which His Supreme Will reigned as ruling King.

Do you see, then, how all goods descend from my Supreme Will, and all evils enter the field when the creature withdraws from the Divine Will? Had I not found a creature who had my Will as life, and who placed Herself in relation with Me, with those bonds of Creation wanted by Me, I would not have wanted nor been able to descend from Heaven and take on human flesh in order to save man. So, my Mama, was the beginning, the origin, the seed of the ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as it is in Heaven’. Since one creature had destroyed it, it was just that another creature would rebuild it. And my Humanity, which never separated from my Divinity, upon this seed of my own Will which I found in my Divine Mother, formed the great plane of the human will in the Divine Will. With my human will united to the Divine, there was no human act which I did not place in relation with the Supreme Volition. With the Divine Will, I was aware of all the acts of all generations; with the human will I kept repairing them, and I bound them to the Eternal Volition. There was not one act which could escape Me, and which was not ordered by Me in the most pure light of the Supreme Will. I could say that Redemption cost Me little; my external Life, the pains of my Passion, my examples, my word, would have been sufficient – I would have done It quickly. But in order to form the great plane of the human will in the Divine, to bind all the relations and links which had been broken by it, I had to place my whole interior, my whole hidden Life, all my intimate pains, which are far more numerous and more intense than my external pains, and which are not yet known. It is enough to say that it was not just forgiveness that I impetrated – remission of sins, refuge, escape, defense in the great dangers of the life of man, as I did in my Passion; but it was the new rising of the whole interior of man. I had to make the Sun of the Eternal Will rise which, binding his whole interior with enrapturing power, even his most intimate fibers, was to lead him into the womb of my Celestial Father, as though reborn in His Eternal Will.

Oh! how much easier it was for Me to impetrate his salvation than to reorder his interior in my Supreme Volition. And had I not done this, Redemption would not have been complete, nor a work worthy of a God. I would have neither balanced nor ordered all the accounts of man, nor would I have restored in him that sanctity which he had lost by withdrawing from the Divine Will and by breaking his relations with It. The plane is already done, but in order to make it known, first it was necessary for man to know that with my Life and Passion he could obtain forgiveness and salvation, in order to dispose him to know how I had impetrated for him the greatest and most important thing – the new rising of his will in Mine, to give back to him his nobility, the relations with my Will which had been broken, and with it, his state of origin.

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