(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

August 10, 2021

How important are our intentions in the Divine Will?

Dear Divine Will Family,
I guess we all know the importance of our intentions in the life of the Divine Will. I have heard it said that hell is paved with good intentions, which is another lie the devil would love for you to believe. If someone has good intentions, usually they follow through with those intentions. Sometimes our good intentions/plans cannot be accomplished because God has other plans, which is another way to give Him glory with your fiat! But our intentions in the Divine Will is very important. How else is God going to know that you want to live in His Will without your intentions to do so?
I think it would be fair to say that your life in the Divine Will is built on intentions. That’s how important they are in the Divine Will.
As usual, I know that Jesus can explain it much better than I can. Wonderful readings below!

We love you all so much and keep each of you in our daily prayers! May God realize your intentions of wanting desperately to be consumed by His Will completely, and you consuming God completely. It should always be a mutual consumption of the nothing with the ALL!
Ann Ellison

Volume 1 (No Date)
Jesus: “When you are afflicted and dry and you suffer My absence—when you are filled with sadness, worries, and pains—come to Me! Clean the blood off me! Offer your pains to relieve Me in my most bitter agony! Then you will be able to stay with Me after Communion. You will still have to suffer—because the bitterest pain I can give to souls who love Me is to deprive them of Myself—but, knowing that your sufferings relieve Me, you will still be happy.

“Finally, in regard to the visits and acts of reparation you make to Me in the Sacrament of my Love—know that I continue to do and to suffer all that I did and suffered during the 33 years of my mortal life. I want you to visit Me 33 times a day in honor of the years I spent on earth. Unite with my intentions in the Blessed Sacrament—in reparation and adoration. Do this at all times. Let your first thought in the morning be to fly to Me—to visit Me in the tabernacle where I live for love of you. Let it be your last thought in the evening. Let it be your thought during the night—while you sleep, before and after you eat, at the beginning and end of all your actions, while walking and working.”
Luisa: “Jesus taught me the best way to free myself from every vain worry, doubt, or fear. He taught me to swear—before Heaven and earth and the demons themselves—that I did not want to offend God—even at the cost of my life—and that I did not want to give in to any of the devil’s temptations. As soon as the soul feels the onset of temptation—in the very heat of the battle or even if temptation subsides—she should renew this intention as often as she can. By doing this, the soul wastes no time wondering if she has consented to temptation—because the mere memory of her promise will give her peace. And if the devil tries to disturb her, she will answer that if she had wished to offend God, she would not have declared her fidelity with an oath. In this way, she will be freed from anxiety.”
Volume 11 (Beginning of Volume 11 – No Date)

“O Jesus, Jesus, may our will be one, one our love, one our happiness! Never leave me alone, because I am a nothing, and this nothing cannot exist without the All. Will You promise me, O Jesus? You seem to say Yes. And now, bless me, and bless everyone. With the angels, the saints, our sweet Mama and all creatures, I will say to You: “Good morning, O Jesus, good morning.”

After I wrote these prayers under the inspiration of Jesus, as night fell He showed me how He kept this “good-bye” and “good morning” inside his Heart. He told me:

“My daughter, these greetings truly came out of my Heart. Whoever will recite these prayers with the intention of being with Me, I will keep her with Me and in Me, to do everything I do. Not only will I warm her with my love, but I will increase my love towards that soul at every moment. I will welcome her into communion with my Divine Life and with my desire to save all souls.”

“I desire Jesus in my mind, in my lips, and in my heart. I want to look only at Jesus, feel only Jesus, embrace only Jesus. I want to do everything with Jesus, play with Jesus, cry with Jesus, and write with Jesus. I don’t even want to breathe without Jesus. I will stay here like a fussy little child and do nothing, so that Jesus may come to do everything with me. I will be content to be his toy, abandoning myself to his love, to his punishments, to his concerns and to his loving whims, provided that I do everything with Jesus.”


June 12, 1913
The effects of fusing oneself in Jesus. Participation in his work produces the life of the Divine Will and the life of the Divine Love in the soul; in this way the Most Holy Trinity is formed in her.

While I was praying, I united my mind to the mind of Jesus, my eyes to those of Jesus, and so forth with everything else, with the intention of doing what Jesus did with his mind, with his eyes, with his mouth, with his Heart, and so forth. And as it seemed that the mind, eyes, mouth, and Heart of Jesus were spreading themselves around for the good of all, it also seemed as if I too was spreading myself around for the good of all, uniting and identifying myself with Jesus.

Meanwhile, I was thinking to myself: “What kind of prayer and meditation is this? Ah, I am no longer good at anything! I am not even able to meditate on anything!” But while I was thinking this, my always adorable Jesus told me:

“My daughter, what are you saying? Why are you torturing yourself like this? Instead of troubling yourself you should be happy, because when you were meditating at other times, and many beautiful reflections arose within your mind, you did nothing but take part in Me, in my qualities and in my virtues. Now, since the only thing left to you is the opportunity to unite and identify yourself with Me, you take everything from Me. Although you are unable to do any good by yourself, with Me you become good at everything, because desiring and wanting to do good strengthens the soul and makes her grow, and makes her secure in the Divine Life. Then, by uniting and identifying herself with Me, she unites with my mind, producing many lives of holy thoughts in the minds of creatures. As she unites with my eyes, she produces many lives of holy glances in other creatures. In the same way, if she unites with my mouth, she gives life to their words; if she unites to my Heart, my desires, my hands, my steps, she will give a life for every heartbeat—a life for each desire, for each action, and for every step… But these will be holy lives, since I contain within me Creative Power, and that is why the soul, united to Me, creates and does whatever I do.

“Now, this union with Me—mind to mind, heart to heart, and limb to limb—produces in you, in the highest degree, the Life of my Will and of my Love. The Father is formed in this Will, and the Holy Spirit in this Love; while the Son is formed in the acts, words, works, and thoughts, and by all the rest that can spring from this Will and from this Love—and this is the life of the Trinity in souls. In this way, if We need to operate, it makes no difference whether We operate within the Trinity in Heaven, or within the Trinity in souls on earth.”

“This is why I keep taking everything else away from you, even though they be good and holy things. I do so to give you the best and the holiest—Myself—and to make of you another Myself, to the degree that this is possible for a creature.”

Copyright © 2021, Center for the Divine Will, All rights reserved.

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