A Message from Bill Fanelli
(A man of great integrity who has known and studied Luisa and her writings since 1994)
Dear Divine Will Family,
I am sending this very important message that Bill Fanelli sent out and many of you may have received, but for those who have not, it is important enough, in my humble opinion, to send it out for you. It contains a similar message that I sent out about focusing only on Divine Will instead of the happenings in the world, even in our own country. But, Bill is brilliant in the way he explains it and the example from the writing that he gives. I love his prayers as well.
Bill is a very unassuming man who hid his writing skills from us here at the Center. I knew he was extremely smart and knowledgeable about Luisa, but I didn’t know he could explain it the way he does and write as brilliantly as he did. I know you will enjoy this article from Bill as much as I did. Thank you, Bill, for answering the Holy Spirit’s call to write this article to call our attention to what God wants of us during this very tumultuous time! God bless you, dear friend! Read and get serious about the message that Bill is sending out!
We love all of you and keep you all in our prayers! Eternal blessings upon each of you and your families!
Ann Ellison
PS: A lady wrote to me asking me about what volumes I use to make references. I have lost that email and I would very much like to answer her. Can you please write me again, if you open this email. Thank you!
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