(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)

Compiled by Ann Ellison

April 12, 2020



My Will is the seed of the resurrection to grace,

and to the highest and most perfect sanctity, and to glory!

Dear Family and Friends,

Alleluia!!  Jesus is risen!!  All praise, honor, love and glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!  What an incredible benefit for souls as well!  The foundation has been laid for those who want to live in the Divine Will!  It is now possible!!  Our hearts should be full of happiness and glory and love for all that Jesus did to redeem us, and now with the Resurrection, the limits have been removed from the intimacy that we can achieve with our Creator, our Savior, our Sanctifier!!  There are no words to express the joy of understanding that just a little, and the gratitude we owe to our Triune God!

I have given you some real gems to glimmer today, and since it is such a joyous day, I will go and celebrate one of the most incredible Feast Days on our calendar!  Be full of joy this day as our Lord is risen and He has given us the greatest of all gifts…to live as fully as possible for a creature, in His Holy Will!!

The newsletters will now begin to come every week again.  This Easter week, I have neglected many duties, but we wanted so much to share with you during this incredible week!

We love you all so very much and wish you the best, holiest, happiest Easter ever…always in the Will of God!  Fiat always!!  ALLELUIA!!  ALLELUIA!!  ALLELUIA!!



Volume 12

April 15, 1919

The Resurrected Humanity of Jesus symbolizes those who will live in his Will.

I was fusing myself in the Holy Will of my ever beloved Jesus, and together with my Jesus my mind was wandering in the Work of Creation, adoring and thanking the Supreme Majesty for everything and for everyone.  And, all affability, my Jesus told me: “My daughter, when I created the heavens, I first made the stars as minor spheres.  Then I created the Sun as the major sphere, endowing It with enough light to eclipse all the stars, as though hiding them within Itself, and making It king of the stars and of all nature.  It is my custom to do the minor things first, to prepare for the greater ones—since these crown and complete the minor ones.  While the Sun is my spokesman, it also conceals the souls who will form their sanctity in my Will.  The Saints who lived in the mirror of my Humanity—as if in the shadow of my Will—will be the stars.  The former souls, although coming later in time, will be the Suns.

Continue reading “THE RESURRECTION”

Draw everything from sweet Jesus, and He will be generous to you. Don’t get distressed about anything; do not fear, because Jesus will take care of everything.


With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year



(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)

Compiled by Ann Ellison

April 11, 2020


Dear Divine Will Family,

I wish each of you and all your families the Happiest, Holiest and Most Blessed Easter ever!!  And this can be the best ever, if we see and strive to understand what God is doing is keeping us in a tomb of sorts. He is giving us so much time to grow much more intimately with Him and to read, read and read more to understand His Holy Will greater, so that our acts can be much more efficacious!  This is very important at this time because the more efficacious our acts are, the more help we can be to lessen the severity of what is coming down the pike.  And I don’t pretend to know, I just have a gut feeling, just like many others with whom I have spoken to lately.
But, what a blessing this time is for all of us.  And it coinciding with Divine Mercy Sunday!  What does that not tell you.  We have a prime opportunity to bring greater glory to God, beg for His Kingdom to come, and help save many souls, etc., etc.
Please let us continue to study and learn as much as we can about the Divine Will, and I believe we will better understand He plans for us, our families, our towns and cities, our government, our country!
But, never forget the fiat!  The most powerful and holy fiat, which moves the Heart of Jesus to do things we can’t even imagine!!
Much love and gratitude to all of you!  Fiat always,
Ann Ellison


Volume 11

July 4, 1912

In the Divine Will the soul must die to everything, as if sealed in a tomb and enclosed by love, to rise again to divine life. By thinking about herself, the soul slips away from the divine life.

Continue reading “THE TOMB”



(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)

Compiled by Ann Ellison

April 10, 2020


Dear Family and Friends,

First, I wish you all a very beneficial Good Friday in the Divine Will!  I have gather a few things to think about on this most sorrowful day.  And yet it is a day in which we should be full of gratitude to our most Loving, Merciful and Crucified Jesus and to the very Sorrowful Heart of our Heavenly Mother!

Today I began the Consecration to the Merciful Love of Jesus.  It is little St. Therese’ Consecration, and I feel I can learn a lot on how to live in the Divine Will through her ‘little way.’  It is 33 days, but very easy and short.  It will end with a consecration on May 13th. I have copied and pasted Day One at the bottom of this newsletter for anyone who would like to join me.  I will be sending it out daily.  For those who do not wish to join me, please just delete it from your emails.  I will send it out individually and not as a ‘Way of Sanctification,’ so it will be easy for you to just delete.

Today, we, Kathy and I, have lots of prayers and mediations we wish to do, so I am closing now!  Be sure and spend the day loving and making reparations to Our Wonderful Lord, doing rounds, and repairing sinful acts for the salvation of all souls!  This is one of our obligations.

God bless each of you and yours with an abundant of graces during this unforgettable Easter Season!


Volume 11


November 18, 1913

When the human will and the Divine Will are opposed, one forms the cross of the other.

Continue reading “CRUCIFIXION”

As far as the future, don’t worry about it either, because it is not ours, but belongs to God.


With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

Not wanting to obey means not wanting to do the Will of God!


With permission from Sr. Assunta Marigliano,
A Light From Luisa for Your Journey Each Day of the Year

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