Dear Readers of “Messages of Gold,”
Welcome to the new readers!
We have had callers asking if we will be putting on a Divine Will Conference this year.
No, not this year. We need a break this year to get caught up on many other things.
I will be giving a Two Day Retreat on the Divine Will this year in Moodus, Connecticut – November 17-18, at the request of Fr. McCarthy at “Our Father’s House”. Please call Judy at (860) 873-1906 for details about the retreat if you are considering attending.
We appreciate the donations sent recently to support our work for the Reign of the Divine Will.
Please read the following Pearl of the New and Divine Holines with Love and Care:
(Note: It is quite reasonable to assume that it is Jesus who instructs Luisa, but we await the final determination of the Church Magisterium, which is following the history of these writings with great interest.)
God’s Irresistible Need of Love to Create Human Beings
(selected Passages from the Book of Heaven)
My daughter, it is always Our love that drives Us with irresistible force toward the soul—with a pleading disposition—as if We needed her: ”You have loved Me, and loved you. You have given yourself to Me, and I gave Myself to you.”