(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

April 16, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,

We haven’t had anything about Mary in a while and with May coming, I thought it would be very appropriate. She is our exemplar and our immense help in striving to live this Life of God reigning in our souls!

Also, I will be taking a little get-away after this Snippet. I leave today to go visit my 90 year old sister and her family. She may be 90, but she doesn’t look it nor does she act it. She is full of vitality and fun. Good holy fun, as is her daughters. It’s going to be a get together for the girls…my sister, her three daughters, an awesome daughter-in-law and myself. My daughter was supposed to join us, but business is keeping her away, much to our disappointment. It’s a time for everyone to get away to recharge.

Kathy and I had an incredible Lent and a wonderful Easter weekend! Absolutely beautiful. God was so very good to us and we have been thanking Him without end.

Now, May is coming up! If you need any “Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will” books, better to get them now. With the post office these days, we cannot predict when they will be delivered! Also, we have a new shipment of the Virgin Mary books coming in, but it will be in the middle of May. So, it may be good to order them before we give out completely.

What can I say about our Heavenly Mother? I know I keep thanking God for Her every day. I know how much I loved my earthly mother and I would not have wanted any other mother but her…ever! She was the best mother any child could ever have, holy, sweet, kind and very loving! I know you all feel the same about your mothers.

It’s the same with my Heavenly Mother. God has given us the best Heavenly Mother ever! I would never want any other Heavenly Mother but Her! She’s the best, holiest, sweetest kindest, and most loving Mother ever! Although She has so much more than our earthly mothers had. She has power!! She has immense power, all wrapped up in that love, sweetness, kindness and holiness! She is all for us and wants only the best for our souls. If we but gave ourselves totally to Her, truly, and cooperated with Her graces, then our life in the Divine Will would be the deepest and holiest ever! It is always good to thank God for choosing Mary to be the Mother of God, the Spouse of God and the Daughter of God and to be our Mother! Thank you, Lord, for choosing Mary! She gives special graces for us thanking God for choosing Her in particular.

As much as I love the Volumes and all you can learn in them about our Heavenly Mother, I also love what St. Maximillian Kolbe teaches about Our Lady! All graces come from Our Mother, and it is not like She is a mail carrier, carrying the graces where God wants them, but Her Spouse has given Her all the graces to do with as She pleases! Because She and the Holy Spirit are so united that it is like our souls united to our bodies. There’s no separation at all!

I will return from my little get away on the April 25th. I would like to get some Snippets out while I am away, but I can’t promise anything because I have no idea what these ladies have planned for our get away. If I am not too busy, I will try.

We love you all so very much and we keep each of you in our daily prayers. Please keep us in yours. May God help us to realize the true treasure we have in our Heavenly Mother and may She always be loved, honored, praised and appreciated fully and completely!
Ann Ellison

PS: Be sure and see the prayer at the bottom of the excerpts to pray in honor and love of our Heavenly Mother, Mary, every day or especially through May!

Volume 12
December 18, 1920
Divine Justice. Thanksgiving for all that God worked in our Heavenly Mama.
I was filled with sorrow without my Jesus when, as I was praying, I felt Him near me, saying: “Ah, my daughter, things are getting worse. Justice will come like a whirlwind, to shake everything. It will reign as long as a whirlwind lasts, and it will end just as a whirlwind ceases. The Italian government has no foundation and no purpose. Ah, the Justice of God!”

After this, I felt myself leave my body, and I found myself with my sweet Jesus, but clinging so tightly to Him, and He to me, that I could hardly see his Divine Person. I don’t know how, but I said: “My Jesus, while I am clinging to You, I want to prove my love for You—my gratitude, and everything that a creature has the duty to do—because You have created our Immaculate Queen Mama. You have made her the most beautiful one, the holiest one, a prodigy of Grace, enriching Her with every gift, and making Her our Mother also. And I offer this in the name of all creatures, past, present and future; I want to seize each act of each soul—each thought, word, step, and heartbeat—and I want to tell You, in each one of them, that I love You, I thank You, I bless You, I adore You—for all that You have done in your Heavenly Mama and mine.” Jesus enjoyed my offering–and so much that He said to me: “My daughter, I was anxiously awaiting this act of yours in the name of all generations. My Justice and my Love felt the need of this response, for great are the graces that descend upon all creatures because I endowed my Mama with such gifts. Yet, souls never have a word, not even a ”thank You,” to say to Me. “

January 10, 1921
The “FIAT” of the Most Holy Virgin in the Divine Volition.
I was concerned about what is written above, and I said to myself: “I don’t know what Jesus expects of me; but He knows how bad I am, and how good for nothing.” And Jesus moved in my interior and said to me: “My daughter, do you remember that years ago I asked you if you wanted to live in my Will—and since I wanted you in my Will, I asked you to pronounce your ”Yes” in my own Volition. That “Yes” was bound to an eternal point, and to a Will which will never end. That “Yes” lies in the center of my Volition, surrounded by infinite immensity; and if it tries to go out, it can scarcely find the way. That is why, when I see your little rebellions and dissatisfactions, I laugh and amuse Myself, because you seem like those people who are bound, by their own will, in the depths of the sea–and when they want to get out, they find nothing but water. And since they are bound in the depth of the sea, and feeling uneasy and wanting to get out, to remain happy and at peace they plunge even more deeply into the depths of the sea. In the same way, when I see you puzzled, as though you wanted to get out, and—seeing that you cannot do it (being bound by your own ”Yes”)—you throw yourself even more deeply into the depths of my Will—I laugh, and I amuse Myself. Indeed, do you think it is an easy, trivial thing to go out of my Will? You would have to move an eternal point—and, if you knew what it means to move an eternal point, you would tremble with fear.

Then He added: “I asked the first “Yes” in my dear Mama’s FIAT—and O the power of Her FIAT in my Will! As soon as the Divine FIAT met my Mama’s FIAT, the two became one. My FIAT raised Her, divinized Her, overshadowed Her, and with no human intervention, conceived Me, the Son of God. Only in my FIAT could She conceive Me. My FIAT communicated to Her immensity, infinity, fecundity, in a Divine manner, and that is why the Immense, Eternal, Infinite One could be conceived in Her. As soon as She said, “FIAT MIHI,” not only did She take possession of Me, but She overshadowed all souls and all created things. She felt within Herself the life of all creatures, and from that moment She began to act as the Mother and Queen of all. How many marvels this “Yes” of my Mama contains! If I wanted to tell them all, you would never hear the end of it.”

Volume 14
August 15, 1922
The Acts of Jesus and the Most Holy Virgin Mary in the Divine Will.
Finding myself in my usual state, I was abandoning myself into the arms of God’s Most Holy Will when my sweet Jesus said to me: “My daughter, you will not only find all the acts of My Humanity in My Will, acts into which I wove all creatures; but you will also find everything that My dear Mother did. Intertwining Herself with Me, her acts became one with Mine.

“As soon as I was conceived in her womb, My Mother began to weave Herself into My acts. Since My Humanity had no Life, no nourishment, nor purpose other than the Will of My Father, She too had no other purpose than My Father’s Will. The Will of the Father flowed through everything and made Me the animator of every creature—to restore to the Father His rights as Creator on behalf of all creatures, and to give Me to all creatures as their Life. So, too, My Mother restored to the Father His rights as Creator on behalf of all creatures. She gave Herself to all creatures, so that all would receive her acts as their own life, along with My acts.

Now, in Heaven, She embraces all the glory of each creature; and My Will gives Her so much glory on behalf of each creature that there is no glory which She does not contain; nor is there any glory that does not come down from Her. Since She wove her acts, her love and her sorrows, and other things with Me in My Will, each one of these adds to her resplendent glory. This is why She embraces all and flows through all. This is what it means to live in My Will. My beloved Mother would never have been able to receive so much glory had not all her acts flowed in My Will, making Her the Queen and crown of all.

Now, I want you in My Will, so that the interweaving will not be between two, but rather among three. My Will wants to enlarge you so that in one creature it will be able to find all creatures together. But do you see the great blessing that will come to you, how much glory you will give to Me, and how much good you will do to everyone?

Prayer to Consecrate ourselves to our Mother, Mary!


His Holiness, Benedict XV raised the Confraternity of the Three Hail Marys
To an Archconfraternity and accorded it indulgences
Frances Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York
Pope Pius X gave his Apostolic Blessing to this practice.

Lord, in your Will and Love, I pray, in my name and in name of all souls!


With all my heart I praise Thee, Most Holy Virgin above all Angels and Saints
in Paradise, Daughter of the Eternal Father, and I consecrate to Thee my soul
with all its faculties.

Say One Hail Mary

With all my heart I praise Thee, Most Holy Virgin above all Angels and Saints
in Paradise, beloved Mother of the Son of God, and I consecrate to Thee
my body with all its senses.

Say One Hail Mary

With all my heart I praise Thee, Most Holy Virgin above all Angels and Saints
in Paradise, beloved Spouse of the Holy Ghost, and I consecrate to Thee
my heart with all its affections, and beseech Thee to obtain for me from the
Most Holy Trinity all graces necessary for our salvation and sanctification!

Say One Hail Mary

By Thy Holy and Immaculate Conception, O Mary,
make my body pure and my soul holy;
preserve me this day/night from mortal sin!

PRACTICE: The Three Hail Marys in honor of the three great privileges of Mary together with the invocation at the end: Imprimatur: Feb. 7, 1963

O, Jesus, save the elect in the hour of darkness!

Copyright © Center for the Divine Will, All rights reserved.

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