(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

April 26, 2021




Hello, dear Divine Will Family,

Well, I am back! It is good to be back, although I did enjoy being with my family in Birmingham. They are wonderful and a very loving family, as every family should be.

I want you to think about one thing: your deficiencies in the demonstration of love for God! Wow, that is something to think about, isn’t it? I have been doing some thinking about that and I was stunned at how many deficiencies I had! When Jesus has me share in His sufferings, do I do it gladly and with joy….or do I complain?? When He wants me to wait in a line for 15 minutes, do I use that time to do rounds of reparation, or just to talk to Jesus about things I want to understand better about living in His Will, or to tell Him how grateful I am that He loves me so much, or show Him the love I feel for Him during that wait by doing rounds of love of Him, or do I complain and come back at another time when it is not so busy. Of course, our duties are very important and if you are really busy with duties, it is understandable why you would come back at another time. But, if you are not so busy, why not wait and offer it all up to Jesus for His glory, for His Kingdom to come and for the salvation of all souls? It teaches us patience, and self-giving for love of God!

In any situation that is uncomfortable or rather aggravating, why not learn to love God even more by being at peace and even enjoying these different situations. My biggest aggravation is getting stuck in a traffic back up! I used to go into fits when I would get caught in these…I would get off the first exit and try to find a way around it, or I would just go to a hotel until the next day…according to where I am going or what kind of time I had. But, after learning about life in the Divine Will, now I make a party out of it, with me and Jesus! We can have a good time waiting for the traffic to clear up. I love John Michael Tolbot and I put his tape on and we sing and pray and have a good time…all for love of God’s glory and for His Kingdom and for the salvation of all souls!

This make the three Theological Virtues grow within your soul!! How can we live in the Divine Will without doing whatever it takes to grow these virtues in our souls? Especially in suffering! This is the fastest and surest way to grow the three Theological Virtues in your souls…suffering with joy and patience. I am sure God is not calling most of us to suffer in the way Luisa did, or many of the great Saints, but only in the aggravations of the day, and in the problems we live with each day. No matter what they are!
It is most important to remember that it is not your life anymore, you are living Jesus’ life on this earth…you are becoming another humanity for Jesus, and so, it is His life you are living now. Whatever He lives on earth through you, just give it back to Him and watch Him solve so many of your problems, and troubles. He is just wanting you to want what He wants for you, your family, your country, etc., and when we do so sincerely, He fixes everything…knowing He can trust us to pass any tests He put before us!

Be sure to be always imploring the Holy Spirit for enlightenment and for courage in bearing sufferings, troubles, problems with joy and patience and for the great benefit of your own soul!
I am making this one short, just to let you know I am back and will begin to put out Snippets again several times a week!

We love you all so very much and keep each of you in our daily prayers! Please keep us in yours! May God show all of us the great benefits to our souls when suffering for love of Him and His Kingdom!
Jesus teaches Luisa these very valuable lessons…May we learn as well!

For the soul to obtain anything good, she must believe. Just as a head without eyes lives in total darkness and confusion, not even able to walk without stumbling and falling—so the soul without faith falls from one abyss to another. Faith serves as sight for the soul—as the light which guides her to everlasting life. But what feeds this light of Faith? It is Hope! And what is the substance of Faith’s light and Hope’s nourishment? It is Charity. All three of these virtues are grafted together—so that one cannot exist without the other.

Indeed, what good does it do man to believe in the immense riches of Faith, if he himself does not hope for them? It is true that he may look at them—but with indifference–because he knows that they do not belong to him. Only Hope gives wings to his Faith’s light so that by hoping in the merits of Jesus Christ, he comes to regard them as his own, and so to love them.

Hope clothes the soul with the iron-like armor of fortitude—so that her enemies cannot even disturb her or wound her with their arrows. All is tranquility in her, all is peace. O how beautiful to see this soul clothed with the beauty of Hope—cleaving to her beloved, distrustful of herself, and trusting totally in God. As queen of her passions she takes on her fiercest enemies. She rules over her interior life—her inclinations, desires, heartbeats, and thoughts—with such mastery that Jesus Himself falls in love with her—seeing her strive with so much courage and strength. But she draws all her Hope from Him, and places all her hope in Him, so that, seeing this firm hope, Jesus cannot deny anything to this soul.
If Faith makes one believe, and Hope makes one hope, Charity makes one love. If Faith is light and serves as sight for the soul, and Hope is Faith’s food, providing souls with courage, peace, perseverance and all the other virtues—Charity—which forms the substance of this light and of this nourishment—is like a most sweet and fragrant ointment which penetrates everywhere, relieving and soothing the pains of life. Charity makes suffering sweet and even inspires one to desire it. The soul who possesses Charity spreads a sweet perfume wherever she goes. She does all of her works out of love—and her works give off a most pleasant smell. And what is this odor? It is the odor of God Himself.

The other virtues make the soul solitary and almost cold with creatures. But Charity, being a unitive substance, unites all hearts in God. As a most fragrant ointment, Charity spreads everywhere and to everyone. Charity makes one suffer joyfully the most ruthless torments—and one reaches the point of not being able to exist without suffering.

Jesus spoke about self-annihilation and of the immense desire that I must arouse within myself to receive the grace to suffer. He told me that desire [to suffer] makes up for the deficiencies and imperfections in the soul—like a mantle that covers everything.

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