(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

May 7, 2021

Dear Divine Will Family,
Just think!! God counts every movement of our lives. That’s every blink of an eye, every breath, the flow of your blood through your body, every heartbeat!! Everything is accounted for, either with love or with sorrow. It’s a very concerning thought. Praise God for His immense love and mercy towards those who are trying so hard to live as perfectly as possible in His Will! I know we fall every day, many times, but I do believe it is like a 3 year old. A three year old is old enough to try to please their mothers with cleaning their rooms and making their beds. They are so happy because they have worked hard to please their mothers. So, they go and get their mothers to show them their rooms and of course, looking at a room a three year old has cleaned is priceless, if you have ever been a mother. The love which fills your heart because of their efforts to show their love for you, you really don’t care what the room looks like, it was their effort at love that thrills you. That is the way I see me and God. He knows I mess up all the time, but He loves the effort He see that I put in to show my love for Him at every second of the day. I think we will all be three year olds until either the Kingdom comes fully or we are facing Him in Heaven.

I often wondered why Luisa thought she was such a sinner or very bad, when we all knew how holy she was and how Jesus brought her up to the heights of Sanctity, way beyond Adam before the Great Fall! But, truly compared to God, how else can you feel but very much a sinner? But look how much He loved Luisa because she loved Him so much….love begets love, no matter how badly you feel about your life. Just love God with all your hearts, and He will take care of all the rest….like that mother who sneaks in and cleans the room after the three year old has made a mess to make it perfect. God will clean our souls and make them perfect in His eyes, if we only have trust and confidence in His love and mercy!

We love all of you so much and keep each of you in our daily prayers, please keep us in yours! May God fill you with His love in all your efforts to love Him perfectly! And may His Kingdom come fully on earth as in Heaven quickly!
Ann Ellison
Volume 10
February 8, 1911
Jesus: “Listen to Me carefully, my daughter, and you will comprehend what I am telling you. There is no created thing that does not draw life from my Heart. All creatures are like so many cords that grow from my Heart and draw life from Me. Naturally and by necessity, everything that they do is perfectly reflected in my Heart, be it even a single movement. As a consequence, if they do evil, if they do not love Me, they annoy Me continuously; that cord resounds in my Heart with sounds of pain, bitterness, and sin, and forms in It such sorrowful sounds as to make Me regret the part of that living cord that comes from Me. On the other hand, if one loves Me and strives to please Me, that cord gives Me continuous delight and produces sweet, joyful sounds, which harmonize with my own Life. That cord delights me so much that it makes me happy and allows me to enjoy my own Paradise.

Volume 11
February 26, 1912
Jesus: “Ah, my daughter! How I suffer on seeing the nature of the Love that I gave creatures being profaned and perverted by a different use? To guard this Love which came out of Me, and which I gave to the creature, I cling to her like a poor beggar, and as the she moves, breathes, works, speaks and walks, I go begging everything from her. I beg, implore, and beseech her to give everything to Me, saying: ‘Daughter, I ask you for nothing but what I gave you. For your own good; do not steal what is mine. Your breath is mine, so breathe only for Me. Your heartbeat and your movements are mine, so may your heart beat and your limbs move only for Me. And so on in all that you do.’ But what pains me greatly is that I am forced to see your heartbeat tending one way, and your breath another; and I, like a poor beggar, am left with an empty stomach, while self-love, love of creatures, and even the love of passions remain satiated. Can there be a greater wrong than this? My daughter, I want to cover you with my Love and my pain, because only one who loves Me can have compassion for Me.

August 14, 1912
Now, one day I was working and I thought to myself: “How can Jesus possibly work in me while I work? Does He really want to do this work?” And Jesus answered: “Yes, I do. My fingers are in yours and they work in your fingers. My daughter, when I was on earth, didn’t my hands lower themselves to work the wood, hammer the nails, and help my foster Father Joseph with the forge? Yet while I was doing that, with those very hands and fingers of Mine I created new souls and called other souls to eternal life. I divinized all human actions; and I sanctified them, giving a Divine merit to each one of them. In the movements of my fingers, I called in sequence all the movements of your fingers and those of other souls; and if I saw that they were doing them for Me, or because I wanted to act within them, I continued my Nazareth-life within them, I felt consoled by them for the sacrifices and humiliations of my hidden Life, and I gave them a share in the merits of my own Life.”

April 3, 1915
I felt enveloped by a most pure Light; and the Holy Volition revealed Jesus to me and said: “My daughter, a soul without my Will would be like the earth without the heavens—without the Sun, the moon, and the stars. Of itself the earth is nothing but precipices, steep heights, waters and darkness. If the earth had no heaven above to show man the different dangers that earth contains, man would continually stumble, now falling, now drowning, now suffering in other ways. But there is a heaven above, and, most of all, the Sun, which says to man in a mute language: ‘Look: I have no eyes, no hands and no feet, but I am the light of your eyes, the movement of your hand, and the step of your foot; and when I have to illuminate other regions, I leave you the shining of the stars and the light of the moon to continue my work.’”

Volume 35
August 9, 1937
Luisa: I was thinking to myself: “My God, who could ever repay You for Your great love? Ah, maybe only the Queen of Heaven can claim the merit of having repaid her Creator in love. And I? And I…?” I felt oppressed. And my ever adorable Jesus made His brief little visit, and, all goodness, He said to me: “Daughter of My Will, don’t worry. For the soul who lives in My Will there is perfect harmony in love. By possessing Its life in the soul, My Will redoubles Its love; so when It wants to love, It loves within Itself and within the soul, since It possesses her life. In My Will, love exists in perfect harmony—the joys and happiness of pure love are always in full force. Our fatherly goodness toward the soul who lives in Our Will is so great that We count her breaths, heartbeats, thoughts, words and movements—to exchange them with Our own and to fill them with love. In Our fervent love We say to this creature: ‘She loves Us and We must love her.’ And while We love her we reveal such great gifts and graces as to astonish Heaven and earth.”

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