(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

May 14, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,
I know you know that it seems very likely that our country and our world could be headed for some very serious storms…the human will raging against the Divine Will, basically. It seems that things are escalating so much and so fast that the point of no return could be reached very soon.

As children of the Divine Will it seems that we can look at this in only two ways. First, of course, is the sorrow of all that is going on throughout our country and our world. The sorrow our Heavenly family must be experiencing seeing the total disregard of the joy, peace, and love with which Our Lord wants so badly to fill this world! And it is most important for us to pray out loud, through our Masses and our Rosaries, Chaplets, etc. for the whole world, and by doing all our acts in the Divine Will!

God sees brilliant suns coming from earth with every act done in His Holy Will. Prayerfully, these suns keep Our Lord’s attention on the children doing these Divine acts with so much love in His Will, and not on the enormous sins committed daily by so many souls who have no idea what they are doing. We must pray for them. Jesus tells us to pray for our enemies…we must!

Another way we could look at the situation in the world during this time in history, and keep this in our minds and in our attitudes, especially, is that we are such privileged creatures! We are full of God, full of His love, full of His forgiveness and full of Faith and confidence in His love and care for us. Only through the storms can the Kingdom of God come! Nothing as good and heavenly as the Kingdom of God can come without sacrifice and suffering. It is a fact that can be researched and looked at all through history. And nothing is more holy, more pure, more joyful and more Divine than the Kingdom of God reigning on this earth fully and completely!

There will be a “NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH!”

“I saw a new heaven and a new earth. For the first heaven and the first earth was gone: and the sea is now no more. And I, John, saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice from the throne, saying: Behold the tabernacle of God with men: and he will dwell with them. And they shall be his people: and God himself with them shall be their God.

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and death shall be no more, nor mourning, nor crying, nor sorrow shall be any more, for the former things are passed away.
And he that sat on the throne, said: “Behold, I make all things new. And he said to me: Write, for these words are most faithful and true.”

“And they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it. There shall not enter into it anything defiled or that worketh abomination or maketh a lie: but only they that are written in the book of life of the Lamb. Rev. Chapter 21.2-5/26-27

The lion will lay down by the lamb, the joy and happiness of this Kingdom cannot even be comprehended by the human mind! Our attitudes should be one of joy and happiness that God is moving things in such a way that His Kingdom reigning on earth is so much closer to becoming reality! There’s a chance that our children, certainly our grandchildren will live in this Heavenly Kingdom! Can you imagine that you aided in your children and grandchildren living such a life?? We are the ones written in the book of life of the Lamb!! How incredible!!

Let us rejoice and be glad. God created us to be here at this time for this reason! We can watch the storm from afar, or if it be God’s Will, we can gladly and joyfully give our lives for a Kingdom so holy, for our children and grandchildren!! Can you think of a better way to die? I can’t! But only God’s Will be done!! He has it all figured out already. He can see the storm, He can see us and His plans for each of us, He can see the end of the story! So, as they say in these writings: “Moreover, as the soul senses the storm, she puts her virtues in order, and nests in the inmost depths of God”

We love all of you so very much and keep each of you in our daily prayers! May God keep us always calm and full of confidence in His care and love of us during any storm, small or great!
Ann Ellison
Volume 3
January 12, 1900
Ah, yes, humility draws down grace and breaks sin’s strongest chains. Humility leaps over any wall of division between the soul and God, and brings her back to Him. Humility is a little plant, but always green and flowery. She is not subject to being gnawed by worms; nor will winds, hail or heat be able to harm her, or to make her wither, even slightly. Though she is the littlest plant, humility produces very high branches, which penetrate even into Heaven. Her branches surround Our Lord’s Sacred Heart; and only the branches which come from this plant have free access to that adorable Heart. Humility is the anchor of peace during the storms of the sea-waves of this life. Humility is the salt which spices all virtues and which preserves the soul from the corruption of sin. Humility is the little grass which sprouts along the wayfarers’ path. When she is trodden upon, she disappears, but she soon sprouts up more beautiful than before. Humility is like a gentle graft, which renders a wild plant gentle. Humility is the sunset of guilt. Humility is the newborn of grace. Humility is like the moon, which guides us in the darkness of this life’s night. Humility is like a shrewd merchant who knows how to trade his riches well, and who wastes not even a cent of the grace given to him. Humility is the key to the door of Heaven, so that no one can enter into It who does not take good care of this key. Finally—otherwise I will take too long and never end—humility is the smile of God and of all Heaven, and the sorrowful weeping of hell.

Volume 8
March 15, 1908
Storms cannot disturb souls who are filled with God.
This morning, I was feeling more oppressed than ever because of the absence of my highest and only Good. But at the same time, I was peaceful, without that anxiety that used to make me wander ceaselessly through Heaven and earth, until I found Him. So, I was saying to myself: “What a change has come over me—I feel petrified from the pain of your absence, but I do not cry. A profound peace completely possesses me; not a negative breath enters into me.”

At that moment, blessed Jesus came and told me: “My daughter, do not let yourself be troubled. You must know that during a violent sea-storm, the storm affects only the surface waters. The depths of the sea remain perfectly calm, their waters, tranquil, and the fish, when they sense a storm coming, nest where the water is deeper to be safe. That is why the brunt of the storm strikes where the sea is shallow—because where there is little water, the storm has the power to shake it from top to bottom, and even to carry it elsewhere, to other parts of the sea.

“The same thing happens to souls who are filled to the brim with God and overflowing. No storm has the power to upset them even slightly, because no power can defy God. At the most, they may feel it superficially. Moreover, as the soul senses the storm, she puts her virtues in order, and nests in the inmost depths of God. In this way, while the storm seems to rage externally, it is a complete mirage. Indeed, it is then that the soul enjoys more peace, and rests, tranquilly, in the bosom of God, like a fish in the bosom of the sea.

“It is just the opposite for souls who are empty of God, or who contain a faint trace of the divine presence. Storms deeply disturb them; and if they possess a trace of the divine presence, they waste it. Nor does it take strong storms to disturb them; the slightest wind suffices to strip them of their virtues. Even the holy things that give rest and delight to the friends of God disturb these souls. They are blown about by every wind without finding dead calm—for reason itself dictates that no man can find peace apart from God.”

Volume 11
March 7, 1915
The enormous sins of the world and, even more, those within the Church cause chastisements as a means of purification.
The thought of the chastisements—and that I might increase them by getting out of my victim state by my own efforts––was piercing my heart. My Confessor was still not well, and I prayed and I cried, and I couldn’t make up my mind. Blessed Jesus passed by in a flash and left me free. Finally, moved by compassion, He came to caress me and to sympathize with me and said: “My daughter, your fidelity has won Me over. Love and prayer bind Me and almost wage war against Me. That I why I came to be with you for a little while—I could not resist any longer. Poor daughter, don’t cry—I am here, all for you! Patience, courage; don’t lose heart! If you knew how much it hurts Me to punish men! But their ingratitude compels Me to do this—their enormous sins, their unbelief, their will to defy Me.
“And this is the least of their offenses. If I told you about the religious ones… how many sacrileges! How many rebellions! How many pretend to be my children, while they are my worst enemies! How many false sons are usurpers, egotists, and unbelievers. Their hearts are bilges of vice. Indeed, these children will be the first to wage war against the Church; they will try to kill their own Mother. O how many of them are already about to remove their masks! Now there is war among governments; soon they will make war against the Church, and her greatest enemies will be her own children. My Heart is shredded with pain.
“But, in spite of all this, I will let this storm pass by. I will allow the face of the earth and the churches to be washed by the blood of the same ones who smeared and polluted them. I want You also to unite yourself with my pain. I want you to pray and be patient as you watch this storm pass by.”

Volume 12
August 6, 1917
The Divine Will makes the soul happy.
As I continued in my usual state, my ever-beloved Jesus came; and since I was suffering greatly from his absences and because of the constant threat of worse chastisements, He told me: “My daughter, cheer up, do not lose heart too much. My Will makes souls happy, even in the midst of the fiercest storms. Moreover, my Will lifts the soul so high that storms cannot touch her, although she sees them and hears them. Storms cannot enter the place where she dwells. It is always serene with a smiling sun, because her origin is in Heaven, her nobility is Divine, and her holiness is in God –and she is kept there by God Himself. I am jealous of the sanctity of this soul who lives in my Will, and I keep her in my inmost Heart, and I say: ‘Nobody touch her. My Will is intangible and sacred, and it must receive honor from every creature.’”

July 11, 1919
Souls contain little heavens.
I am going through most bitter days. My beloved Jesus makes Himself seen but rarely or not at all—or else like lightning flashing by. I remember that one night He appeared to me weary and exhausted, carrying what looked like a bundle of souls in his arms. And, looking at me, He told me: “Ah! my daughter, the slaughter that they will unleash will be so great that only this bundle of souls which I am carrying in my arms will be saved. What madness has come over mankind! But I do not want you to be disturbed—remain faithful during my absence, and after the storm I will repay you with interest for all my absences, redoubling my visits and my graces.” Then, on the verge of tears, He disappeared.

(Our Lady of Garabandal said, “Few will see God!”)

Volume 17
February 15, 1925
Full of astonishment, I said: “My Love, my Jesus, how beautiful is the Heaven of Your Will! How good it is to be under It! O how refreshing and wholesome is Its celestial air!”

And Jesus squeezed me more tightly to Himself and said to me: “Daughter of My Will, each act in My Will is a new heaven that stretches out over the head of the soul, each one more beautiful than the material heaven. The air of these heavens is divine and bears sanctity, love, life, strength, and every kind of delight all joined together. This is why one breathes a sweet, balsamic air. My Will in Heaven fortifies, beatifies, delights, and penetrates everywhere, transforming and divinizing everything in Itself. On the other hand, it works in the soul who possesses these new heavens of My Will on earth. And while It works, It delights Itself in stretching out these new heavens. Indeed, My Will labors and works more in the wayfaring soul than in the Heavenly Jerusalem. There the works of the Saints are finished; there is nothing more for them to do. But here My Will always has something to do in the soul in whom It reigns. That is why It wants everything for itself. It does not want to leave a single act to the human will, because It wants to do so much. And with each act that It leaves to the human will, one more heaven would be left rolled up and Its works would be one less.

“Ah, you do not know what happens in the soul when she gives My Will full liberty to work in her and when she works in My Will! Imagine the sea when the waves rise up so strong and high that their force even carries the fish up high—so that they can be seen in those waves, lifted up by the violence of the storm. The storm’s force makes the fish go out from the depths of the sea—from their normal home—and lifts them on high, together with the waves. The waves have swept them away, and the fish could not resist their power. But without the force of the waves, they would not know to go out from the sea. O if the sea had unlimited force…it would empty the seabed of all its water. It would form the highest waves, and sweep all of the fish away in them.

“But what the sea cannot do because its power is limited, My Will can do. As My Will does Its acts in the soul who works in It, It forms eternal waves in her and sweeps everything away in them. And all that My Humanity did is seen in these waves—all of My heavenly Mother’s works, those of the Saints, and all that the Divinity Itself did—everything is set in motion. My Will is more than the sea; my works and those of the Saints can be compared to the fish that live in the sea. When My Will works in the soul—and also outside of the soul—everything in My Will is moved, lifted up, and set in order to give glory, love and adoration back to Us. They pass before Us in procession saying: ‘We are Your works; You are great and powerful; and that is why You have made us so beautiful.’

“My Will encloses all goodness and beauty. And when My Will works, It leaves nothing behind so that nothing of Ours might be lacking so that Our Glory may be complete. And this is no surprise—because it is Our Eternal Action that unfolds in the soul. That is why the action of My Will can be called the Eternal Wave that sweeps Heaven and earth away as if in a single point and then diffuses Itself over everyone as the bearer of a Divine Act. O how Heaven rejoices when It sees the Eternal Will working in the soul because the blessed—their works in the Divine Will already confirmed in Heaven—see their works flow in that Divine Act; and they feel twice the glory, joy, and happiness.

“That is why I urge you—since you are the Little Daughter of My Supreme Will—to leave each of your acts in the arms of the Eternal Waves of My Will. Then, as these waves reach the foot of Our Throne in Heaven, We can always confirm you even more strongly as the true daughter of Our Will and grant you favors of grace for your brothers and our children.”

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