(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

July 9, 2021


May we always be covered with His Most Precious Blood
to help tame our human wills, so that we never exit His Holy Will!!

Dear Divine Will Family,

Well, I did receive some comments about my Sacred Heart Snippet, as is right and as I should have received. I do apologize to all, but it seems that I really cannot take responsibility for the mistake. I truly experienced what it is like to be so blinded by God as to send out a Snippet that I never intended to send out. I was shocked when I received an email from a dear friend thanking me for the Sacred Heart Snippet. I thought to myself, “But, I sent out a Precious Blood Snippet!” Then I looked and saw the Sacred Heart Snippet! I was literally stunned. I promise, I really thought I was sending out a Precious Blood Snippet, as was my intention!

This friend explained to me that her mother, who was a very devoted Divine Will soul, had died a few days before my Snippet. The friend, her daughter, was always very devoted to the Divine Will and has been in the Divine Will for as long as I have, or maybe even longer. And the mother, who passed away, had a great devotion to the Sacred Heart! It hit me that this Snippet was for the daughter, and it was a love note from God and her mother! I am still scratching my head how God did that, but I truly believe with all my heart that the Snippet came from God for this very faithful and loving daughter of His!

So, here is my Snippet on the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, and the love with which He had in shedding it for our salvation and sanctification!

We love you all so very much and keep each of you in our daily prayers! May God receive all the glory and honor for this Snippet from each and everyone who reads it!
Ann Ellison

PS: We, the Center, received a most beautiful and wonderful donation from a very kind and generous gentleman in Ireland. I have tried to write to him to thank him with all our hearts for his donation, but his email does not work. If you are reading this, thank you and may God bless you and yours abundantly for your sweet and kind donation! We have received only one donation from Ireland this month, so know that it is you that I am thanking! We hold very dear every donation given to the Center to continue the spread of the greatest Gift that God can give to His creatures! God bless all who feel inspired to send a donation to us! You will receive a letter of thanksgiving which you can use as a tax letter, and you will be in our prayers in a very special way!
Volume 9
August 2, 1909

The soul is a toy of gold and diamonds.

I was thinking about what I had written on the 27th of last month. I said to myself, “I thought I was something in Our Lord’s hands, yet I am nothing but a toy, nothing but a totally loathsome object. Toys can be made of clay, earth, paper, or plastic. They need only to fall to the ground or to receive a minor impact to break. And when they are no longer useful to play with, they are discarded. O my beloved Good, how oppressed I feel at the thought that one day or the other You could toss me out!”

Then Good Jesus made Himself heard and said to me, “My daughter, don’t be oppressed. When toys are made of inferior material and break, they are thrown out. But if they are made of gold, diamonds, or some precious material, they are repaired and continue to be a source of enjoyment for the one who has the good fortune to own them. This is what you are to Me, a toy of diamonds and purest gold, because My Image is reflected in you and because I paid the price of My Precious Blood to acquire you, and you are adorned with the likeness of My sufferings. Indeed, you are not a worthless object that I could discard, for you cost Me so very much. You can be at peace, for there is no danger of My ever discarding you.”

Twenty-Four Hours of the Passion of Our Lord, Jesus Christ!

Last Supper

My sweet Good, while I am close to You, I see that the food You eat with your dear disciples is a lamb—and it is also the figurative lamb. Just as this lamb has lost its vital fluids because of the fire, so have You, Mystical Lamb. You must be completely consumed because of your Love for souls. You will not hold back even one drop of your Most Precious Blood. You will shed It all for love of us. O Jesus, all that You do represents your most painful Passion. You keep your Passion always present in your Mind, in your Heart, and in all that You do. This teaches me that if I too would always have the thought of your Passion in my mind and in my heart, You would never deny me the food of your Love. O how I thank you for your Passion!

The Scourging

My Jesus, my Love laid bare, while You suffer this storm of blows, I embrace your feet. I want to share in your pains. I want to be entirely covered with your most Precious Blood.

O Jesus, scourge my mind and drive out every thought that could distance me from You. Scourge my eyes, and if they want to look at earthly things, strike them with your scourges and make them look only at You. O Jesus, the sound of your whips reaches my ears! When You see me listening to things that distract me from You, my Jesus, strike me with your whips and entice me to listen only to your voice. O Jesus, scourge my face—and if some act of complacency or self-importance should make an impression upon me, let the blows of your whips detach me from the earth and spur me to look only at Heaven. O Jesus, scourge my tongue and my lips—and if they should dare to pronounce a word that is not for your love and glory, may your scourges strike me and cast fire and flames upon me to ignite with love not only me, but all those who listen to me as well.

O Jesus, scourge my hands. May every movement I make and every work that I do be signed with the seal of your love. O Jesus may your whips strike my feet. I beg You to bind them tightly to your feet to keep me from taking a single step that is not for You—and so that I might lead others to love You. O Jesus, scourge my heart with your dispositions, affections, and desires so that every blow I receive leaves a wound in my heart. And may these blows give birth to a living love in me.

Jesus’ Right Hand being Nailed

O Blessed right hand of my Jesus, I kiss you, I pity you, I adore you. I thank you for myself and for everyone. For as many blows as You receive, my Jesus, so many souls do I ask You to free from condemnation to Hell at this moment. For as many drops of Blood as You shed, so many souls do I pray You to wash in this most Precious Blood of Yours.

Jesus’ Left Hand being Nailed

O Jesus, I place the world and all generations in your hands. My Love, with the voices of your own Blood, I beg You not to deny anyone forgiveness. By the merits of your most Precious Blood, I ask You to give everyone salvation. Do not exclude anyone, O Jesus!

Jesus’ Feet being Nailed

From your Heart the pains begin, and in It they end. Ah, if it were not already decreed that a lance would pierce you Heart, the flames of your Love would open a path and make It burst! These flames call all loving souls to make a happy home in your Heart. O Jesus, for the Love of your Heart and your most Precious Blood, I pray You to sanctify the souls who love You. Multiply the vocations of victim souls with your grace—so that they may continue your Life on earth. You have prepared a special place in your Heart for souls that love You. Grant that they never lose that place.

Satisfying Divine Justice

O my beloved Jesus, repeat this word to every sinner on the face of the earth. Implore Mercy for everyone. Apply the infinite merits of your most Precious Blood to them. O good Jesus, continue to calm the Divine Justice for everyone. Give grace to souls who need to forgive but do not have the strength to do it.

Jesus on the Cross

In your most Holy Body, in your most Precious Blood, in your wounds, You contain all souls, all souls, O Jesus. By the merits of this most Precious Blood do not allow even one single soul to be lost. May your Blood and your voice cry out again to everyone: Today you will be with Me in Paradise!

Jesus giving His Mother to all mankind

O my Jesus, I want to make reparation for all the offenses committed against the most Holy Virgin. I want to make up for the blasphemies and the ingratitude of so many souls who do not want to acknowledge how much You have blessed us by giving Her to us to be our Mother. How can we ever thank You for such a boundless blessing? O Jesus, we must go to your own font. We must offer You your own Precious Blood, your wounds, and the infinite Love of your Heart. O most Holy Virgin, how moved You must be to hear the voice of your Son—who gives You to us as our Mother!

Jesus giving His Mother to all mankind, continued

O my crucified Jesus, I approach your Cross, I adore your most Precious Blood. One by one, I kiss your sacred wounds. I want to cover them with my love, adoration, and most heartfelt reparation. I take these drops one by one; I adore them, kiss them and give them to all souls as a pledge of their salvation. May your Blood be light in darkness, comfort in pain, strength in weakness, pardon in sin, help in temptations, defense in danger, support in death, and comfort in Purgatory for all souls. May it lift them like wings from earth to Heaven.

Copyright © 2021, Center for the Divine Will, All rights reserved.

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