Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta
Compiled by Ann Ellison
September 15, 2022



Dear Divine Will Family,

I was just reading that through our sufferings, joy emerges and great love for God and His Holy Will! If that is true of us little and sinful creatures, can you imagine the love of God and the joy Our Holy Mother must have experienced. This is Her Sorrowful Day, and I compassionate Her for all She suffered for love of Her most Beloved Son and us! But I rejoice as well, because it brought Her to the Height of all Heights that any creature could ever reach! No one can reach Her Holiness, no one can touch Her beauty, no one will ever be able to reach Her Purity, Her Motherhood! And yet, She wants all of us with Her, to share Her holiness to as much as we are disposed and able…as much as a creature born with Original Sin can. Of course, we know that Luisa reached a height unheard of for a creature born of Original Sin. She became immaculate in the eyes of God, but she still never reached the sanctity of Our Lady!

How do we thank Her? By striving with all our hearts and souls to live as constantly, as faithfully and as obediently as it is possible for each of us. This is Her greatest desire for us, Her children, to live one same Life with Her in and with God!

I have a writing on Our Lady’s sufferings below, but I have a lot of news about the upcoming and fabulous conference, so I will get to that immediately, or this Snippet will be too long, even for me!
SEPTEMBER 22, 2022!! What is significant about this date??? It is the LAST day to get your hotel room for the conference at the discounted price!! OCTOBER 1, 2022!! What is significant about that date??? It is the LAST day you can register for the Divine Will conference in Orlando, Florida! We have only two weeks left before the 6th of October and the conference begins.

AGAIN, LET ME REPEAT MYSELF!! THERE WILL BE NO REGISTRATIONS AT THE DOOR!! You must register with Kathy Fahy at 423-566-5178 prior to October 1, or you will not be admitted to the conference. Everyone coming will have a name tag and you will not be admitted without it. You can’t get a name tag unless you register with Kathy Fahy first!

The list of speakers are incredible and all of them are very knowledgeable about Luisa and her doctrine! There will be some excellent talks. We will not be streaming, but we will have CDs and DVDs available after the conference is over.

The hotel is giving us many free amenities. Some are:

-Unlimited In-Room High Speed Internet
-Free Newspaper in the lobby
-Two bottles of water in your room upon arrival
-Key accessible gated parking
-24 access to the state-of-the-art fitness center
-24-hour access to the business center, including high speed internet, printing and photocopies (limited amount)

You can check into your room at 4:00 pm. Check out is no later than 11:00 pm. (If you arrive early, they will be happy to store your luggage until your room is ready. At check out, they will store your luggage until you leave the hotel.

You must cancel your room, if you cannot make the conference at least 72 hours prior to your arrival date.

The list of speakers are:
Fr. Jim Anderson
Daniel O’Connor
Bill Fanelli
David Russell
Ann Ellison
Cynthia Gardner
Ann Weigel
Ed and Lynn Bauer
Lisa Addeo
And a Special guest speaker
We are so excited about the conference, and we can’t wait to see and meet everyone there. We love you all so much and can’t wait to get to know you all much better!

I’m going to let everyone know now, well as many as those who will read this Snippet, that I am fine! I am healthy and doing very well. God has been extremely good to me in that regard, but you will see me on a scooter, but is only because I have a bad ankle! I want to feel good and be with everyone and since there is a LOT of walking in a big hotel, I rented me a scooter. If I walk for just a little while, my ankle swells up like a balloon and the pain can be a bit harsh, and I tend to go to my room and stay there. But I don’t want to do that during the conference, so I will ride my scooter and my ankle will be fine and I will be able to enjoy each and everyone of you! That will be my joy, too!

We love all of you so very much and we keep each of you in our daily prayers! May God fill you with the joy and immense love of His Most Holy Will in all that your life entails, most importantly, even in the sufferings!
Ann Ellison
August 18, 1928

Pains in the Fiat are drops, and one reaches the point of snatching them.

I was doing my usual round in the works of Redemption, and pausing now at one pain, now at another, which Jesus and the Celestial Queen had suffered, I thought to myself: ‘Who knows how their Hearts must have been drowned in their pains – and not little pains: the Virgin, reaching the point of sacrificing Her own Son; and the Son, His own life.’

And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, since the Divine Fiat reigned in Me and in my Mother, We comprehended what doing and suffering an act in It meant, and the great good that We acquired. So, in view of this great gain, the pain seemed small to Us, like a drop of water within the immense sea. And in order to make more gains, We longed for more occasions of works and of pains, because there is no pain, not even the sacrifice of one’s own life, that can equal a gain so great through an act done in my Divine Will. We found Ourselves in the condition of a person who is offered the good of a work: even though it is tiring, the profit is so great, that he would lay his life down to have the occasion of other similar works. In fact, in the face of the great gains, the pains are longed for, yearned for – and one reaches the point of snatching them. If with the work of one day one could earn a kingdom, rendering himself and all of his fatherland happy, who would not do that work of one day? Even though for Me and for the Celestial Lady the fatherland was already Ours – We were more than happy, because one who possesses the Divine Fiat is not subject to any unhappiness; everything was Ours – however, since Our works and pains in Our Divine Volition served for the purchase of the Kingdom for the human family, and each additional pain doubled their rights over a gain so great, out of love for them and to see them happy We felt glorious, victorious, that the day of Our life down here be filled with pains and works for their sake; and not only for this – that is, for the good of creatures – but because operating in the Fiat gives a Divine Volition the field to operate, and by operating in It, it is heavens that run in that act, it is Suns that one encloses, it is immense goods that spring forth – in sum, it is that Divine Fiat which can do everything and possesses everything.” Volume 24

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