Messages of Gold


Dear Readers of these Messages of Gold,

Attached are two Pearls of the New and Divine Holiness. Today marks the 50th Anniversary of Padre Pio’s death.

ALSO, I keep forgetting about something important. It is this:

We depend a great deal on donations. Your donations are tax-exempt. You will receive an official letter from us.

We are most grateful when we receive your donations both large and small. Your donations make a big difference.

Our Luisa Piccarreta Center for the Divine Will began in 1994, but we have been promoting the fame and doctrine of Luisa Piccarreta for 45 years. Our purpose is to make known the now coming Reign of the Divine Will in souls, in fulfillment of the Prayer of Jesus to Our Father.

We have done an immense amount of research into these incredible, marvelous writings over many, many years and will be sharing more and more parts of this research as long as God will that we do so.

I have been invited to speak in Connecticut in November, and will let you know more details before long.

We are still getting used to our new phone system. We will probably take a little longer to know how to do everything properly.


I have been advised by the Association in Corato that it is preferred that in printing what Jesus told Luisa in her writings that we use the “third person” when referring to Jesus. My way of accommodating to this advisory is to

simply state that Luisa believed, of course, that Jesus Himself made known to her what she wrote, and that it is the role of Church to make the final assessment concerning this.

Eternal blessing to all in the divine, infinite, eternal, immense Will of God.

Thomas Fahy

Pearl of the New and Divine Holiness #1:

Jesus Explains the “Our Father” Prayer

Now, to dispose souls to live in My Will, to let them share in the blessings It contains, and to make man return to the way he walked in his beginning, just as he was created by Me, I Myself wanted to pray as the first one, making my voice ring out from one end of the earth to the other, and even to the heights of Heaven, saying: “Our Father, who art in Heaven.” I did not say “My Father,” but I called Him Father of the whole human family, so as to commit Him to what I was going to add: “May all hallow Your Name, so that Your Kingdom may come, and Your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.” This was the purpose of Creation, and I asked the Father to fulfill it.

As I prayed, the Father gave in to My pleas, and I formed the seed of so great a blessing; and so that this seed might be known, I taught My prayer to the Apostles, and they handed it down to the whole Church, so that, just as the people of the future Redeemer found salvation in Him and disposed themselves to receive the promised Messiah, in the same way, with this seed that I had made, the Church could pray and repeat My Own prayer many times, and dispose Herself to receive the grace to recognize and love My Heavenly Father as their Father, so as to deserve to be loved as children and to receive the great blessing that My Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.

In this seed and in this hope that My Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, even the Saints achieved their holiness and the martyrs shed their blood. There is no blessing that does not spring forth from this seed. That is why the whole Church prays this prayer. And, just as the tears, penances, and prayers for the Messiah to come were directed to that Most Excellent Virgin—Whom I was to dispose to receive so great a blessing, so that they might receive their Savior (even though they did not know who She would be)—in the same way, now, when the Church recites the “Our Father,” it is precisely for you that She prays, so that I may concentrate in you all the blessings that My Will contains—the way, the how—that the Divine Will may have life on earth as It does in Heaven.

And even though you are not known, by echoing My prayer, “Thy Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven,” the Church pleads with Me and presses Me to concentrate all of these blessings in a second virgin, so that, like a second savior, she may save mankind from danger. And I will employ My inseparable love and mercy, so that I may answer My own prayer, united to that of the whole Church. And I will make man return to his beginning, to the purpose for which I created him—that My Will may be done on earth as It is in Heaven. Life in My Will consists precisely in this; and all that I go on revealing to you moves you to this—confirms you in this. This is the great foundation that I keep forming in your soul; and, to do this, I keep concentrating in you all the graces, past, present and future, that I have given to all generations. I even double and multiply them.

Indeed,—since My Will is the greatest, the holiest, and the noblest thing, without beginning or end—to place It in one creature, it is fitting and right that I concentrate in her every possible blessing, countless graces, and divine purity and nobility, so that My Will may have the same retinue that It has in Heaven. My Will is the same Will that worked in Redemption, and that wanted to make use of a Virgin. What portents and prodigies of grace It worked in Her! My Will is great—It bears every blessing; and when It acts it works generously. And if My Will goes about doing good works for all mankind, It puts all of Its gifts into play.

Now My Will wants to employ another virgin—to concentrate Its Will in her and to begin to make known that Its Will must be done on earth as It is in Heaven. And if in Redemption It wanted to come to save man when he was lost—to atone for his sins (which man had no power to do) and to rescue him and so many other goods that Redemption contains—now I want to express even more love than I did even in Redemption by making My Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven. Now My Will is coming to restore man to his original state of nobility and to fulfill the purpose for which he was created. Now My Will comes to open a channel between Itself and the human will, so that the human will can be absorbed by this Divine Will, so that it can be mastered by It, and let It live within itself—and My Will shall reign on earth as It does in Heaven.

Full Title of the 36 Volume “Book of Heaven”
The Kingdom of the Divine Fiat
in the midst of Creatures
The Call to the Creature to Return
to the Order, the Place, and the Purpose
for which it was created by God


Pearl of the New and Divine Holiness #2:

Heavenly Wonders of Fusing Oneself in the Divine Will

January 4, 1925 (Book of Heaven)
All of Heaven Goes out to Meet the Soul Who Fuses Herself in the Divine Will. Everyone Wants to Entrust Their Acts to Her.

Luisa: Since the day was almost finished, I asked myself, “What is left for me to do?” And in my interior I heard:

“You need to do the most important thing: Your last act of fusing yourself in the Divine Will.”

Then, as I am accustomed to doing, I fused my whole poor being in the Supreme Will. And while I did this, the Heavens seemed to open; and I went to meet the whole Heavenly Court, and all of Heaven came to meet me. Then my sweet Jesus said to me:

My daughter, fusing yourself in My Will is the greatest, the most solemn, and the most important act of your whole life. To fuse yourself in My Will is to enter into the ambience of Eternity, to embrace It, to kiss It, and to receive the pledge of the good things that the Eternal Will contains. Moreover, as the soul fuses herself in the Supreme Will, everyone comes to meet her and to entrust her with all that they have. The Angels and Saints, and the Divinity Itself, entrust her with everything, knowing that they are entrusting it to that same Divine Will which keeps everything secure. And upon receiving these good things, the soul multiplies them with her own acts in the Divine Will and returns to all of Heaven double glory and honor. In the same way, by fusing yourself in My Will, you set Heaven and earth in motion; and you inaugurate a new feast in Heaven.

To fuse one’s self in My Will is to love and to give on behalf of everyone without excluding anyone. Accordingly, so as not to be outdone in loving by the soul, My goodness places everyone’s blessings within her—and all of the possible blessings that I hold within Myself. And there is no lack of space in which to place these blessings, because My Will is immense and well-suited to receive all things. If you knew what you do and what happens when you fuse yourself in My Will, you would die of the desire to fuse yourself continually.

My daughter, you must know that whether you see Me or not, each time you fuse yourself in My Will, from within you I take you by the hand to lift you on high; and from Heaven I give you My other hand to take yours and to pull you into Our midst in Our interminable Will. In this way you rest in My hands, and in My arms.

You should know that all of the acts done in Our Will enter into the Prime Act when We created all beings. And when the acts of the creature kiss those of Our own—because there is but one Will that gives life to these acts—they diffuse into all created things, just as Our Will is diffused everywhere. These acts make themselves respond with love, adoration and continuous glory through all that We have brought forth in Creation. Only what is done in Our Will begins as if joined with Us and gives Us the response of everlasting love, divine adoration, and never-ending glory.


How the Divine Will in Heaven Fortifies, Beautifies, Delights and Divinizes. In Souls, Still in Their Earthly Sojourn, the Divine Will Does Even More.

I was completely abandoned in the Most Holy Will of God. And being in this total and complete abandonment, I felt a new Heaven, a totally divine ambience that infused new life in me. And my ever beloved Jesus stirred within me. He seemed to stretch out His arms to receive me, to hide me in Himself, and to place me under this new Heaven of His Will that had been formed in me by His grace. And with great happiness I breathed the balsamic and sweet air of His Most Holy Will. Then, full of astonishment, I said:

“My Love, my Jesus, how beautiful is the Heaven of Your Will! How good it is to be under It! O how refreshing and wholesome is Its celestial air!”

And squeezing me more tightly to Himself, I heard Him say to me:
Daughter of My Will, each act in My Will is a new Heaven that stretches out over the head of the soul, each one more beautiful than the material Heaven. The air of these heavens is divine and bears sanctity, love, life, strength, and every kind of delight all joined together. This is why one breathes a sweet, balsamic air. My Will in Heaven fortifies, beatifies, delights, and penetrates everywhere, transforming and divinizing everything in Itself. On the other hand, it works in the soul who possesses these new heavens of My Will on earth. And while It works, It delights Itself in stretching out these new heavens.

Indeed, My Will labors and works more in the wayfaring soul than in the Heavenly Jerusalem. There the works of the Saints are finished; there is nothing more for them to do. But here My Will always has something to do in the soul in whom It reigns. That is why It wants everything for itself. It does not want to leave a single act to the human will, because It wants to do so much. And with each act that It leaves to the human will, one more Heaven would be left rolled up and Its works would be one less. Ah, you do not know what happens in the soul when she gives My Will full liberty to work in her and when she works in My Will!

My Will encloses all goodness and beauty. And when My Will works, It leaves nothing behind so that nothing of Ours might be lacking so that Our Glory may be complete. And this is no surprise—because it is Our Eternal Action that unfolds in the soul. That is why the action of My Will can be called the Eternal Wave that sweeps Heaven and earth away as if in a single point and then diffuses Itself over everyone as the bearer of a Divine Act. O how Heaven rejoices when It sees the Eternal Will working in the soul because the blessed—their works in the Divine Will already confirmed in Heaven—see their works flow in that Divine Act; and they feel twice the glory, joy, and happiness.

That is why I urge you—since you are the Little Daughter of My Supreme Will—to leave each of your acts in the arms of the Eternal Waves of My Will. Then, as these waves reach the foot of Our Throne in Heaven, We can always confirm you even more strongly as the true daughter of Our Will and grant you favors of grace for your brothers and our children.

My Will encloses all goodness and beauty. And when My Will works, It leaves nothing behind so that nothing of Ours might be lacking so that Our Glory may be complete. And this is no surprise—because it is Our Eternal Action that unfolds in the soul. That is why the action of My Will can be called the Eternal Wave that sweeps Heaven and earth away as if in a single point and then diffuses Itself over everyone as the bearer of a Divine Act. O how Heaven rejoices when It sees the Eternal Will working in the soul because the blessed—their works in the Divine Will already confirmed in Heaven—see their works flow in that Divine Act; and they feel twice the glory, joy, and happiness.

That is why I urge you—since you are the Little Daughter of My Supreme Will—to leave each of your acts in the arms of the Eternal Waves of My Will. Then, as these waves reach the foot of Our Throne in Heaven, We can always confirm you even more strongly as the true daughter of Our Will and grant you favors of grace for your brothers and our children.

—Submitted with Love by Thomas Fahy

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