Knowing Our Nothingness – Podcast #1

Join us as we read from the Book of Heaven about the importance of knowing our own nothingness to allow God to be our all. Jesus tells Luisa, ” Completely divested of herself, she does not notice merits or self-interest. Rather all intent to only make me content, she gives me absolute dominion in all her acts, without wanting to know what I do with them.”

We will be reading from: Volume 5  (March 24, 1903) & Volume 12 (June 14, 1917) & Volume 12 (December 6, 1917) & Volume 7 (February 28, 1906) & Volume 10 (January 11, 1912) & Volume 8 ( November 18, 1907) &
Volume 3 (June 27, 1900)


About Divine Acts in a Creature: Extracts from Luisa’s Letters

[Jesus] makes the soul share in all His goods, and in each one of her acts He forms His Divine Life – as many Jesuses for as many acts we do. What happiness to be able to say: “If I live in the Divine Will, I will form the Divine Generation within my acts, which will love Jesus with His own love. Not only this, but they will love Him in all hearts, and even in the Saints and in the Queen of Heaven.”

Dearest Mother (a nun to whom Luisa wrote), Christmas is near, and I anticipate my good wishes for you by wishing for you the Divine Generation in your acts – the only purpose for which we were created.

[I]nstead of making our will flow in all that we do, we let flow That of God. And do you want to know what happens in our act? His Love, His Goodness, is so great that as we form our act and let His Will flow in it, the Divine Life forms in our act; and this Life of God is repeated in our acts as many times for as many acts as we do. Do you think it’s trivial that, as long as I let His Will flow, He gives me the power to form as many Divine Lives for as many acts as I do? They might be even natural or tiny acts; as long as His Will is there, the great prodigy is performed.

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