Messages of Gold

Dear Readers,

With certain exceptions, when Jesus was on earth, He put into effect the continuous miracle of hiding the brilliant light of the Divine Will that emanated from his humanity. He kept this light continuously hidden from the sight of men, except on the occasions of the Transfiguration, viewed by the apostles Peter, James, and John. He also let this light emanate at the time of his infancy when visited by the Three Wise Men. It is very possible there were other instances of this, of which I have not read or heard about.
I mention this because it seems that Jesus worked in a similar way after teaching the apostles the Lord’s Prayer. He kept hidden the great light of essential messages contained in the various petitions of that Prayer that He Himself knew and understood as He taught that Prayer—a Prayer which Christians have been praying for the past 2000 years.

The Roman Catechism, based on the Council of Trent, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church give commentaries on those holy petitions in the Lord’s Prayer; and even though those commentaries contain truth, the supreme and brilliant light hidden in those petitions has been kept secret by a “miracle” of Divine Providence and Wisdom until our times.

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