Messages of Gold

Dear Divine Will Children,

We at the Center for the Divine Will wish each of you a very happy, holy and blessed New Year! We pray it will be filled with the immense joy of the glorious Gift of Living in the Divine Will!

First, I am extremely sorry it is I writing this Letters of Gold and not our beloved leader, Thomas M. Fahy. His knowledge and writing skills far exceed mine and please feel free to send me input or suggestions about the Letters of Gold. It will never be a Tom Fahy LOG, but I do want it to be something you enjoy reading and to continue to learn more and more about this marvelous Life that God has so generously gifted us! I pray you will have patience with me. With prayers and the Divine Will writing in me, maybe I can do some good. I pray that Thomas will help me with this effort to let everyone know that the Center is still going strong. Thomas did not want the Center to shut down or to quit! No! He wanted us to carry on with the huge task of spreading the message of Jesus to Luisa throughout the world!

Continue reading “Messages of Gold”

Mr. Thomas M. Fahy’s Entrance into the Kingdom


On Saturday, December 14, 2019, at 4:20 AM, Feast of St. John of the Cross, Mr. Thomas M. Fahy entered Heaven to his enormous reward, leaving his beloved wife, Katherine (Kathy), and daughter, Evelyn. Thomas (Tom) was the one chosen by God to bring the Doctrine of Luisa Piccarreta’s 36 Volumes of living in the Divine Will, returning to the Original State of Justice before the Great Fall of Adam, to America and to all the English-speaking world! Mr. Fahy learned of the doctrine of Luisa in 1973 and studied it for over 46 years. Many priests and theologians considered him to be an expert on Luisa’s doctrine.

The Divine Will was his life, his heart, and always on his mind. Nothing was more important to him than striving to live this doctrine and teaching what he understood to anyone who would listen. Everything else was dust to Mr. Fahy, and nothing was worth speaking about compared to learning more and striving to live the Gift of Living in the Divine Will. He taught thousands of people, hundred of priests and even bishops about the doctrine of Luisa Piccarreta.

Tom traveled all over the world teaching. In 1994, he founded the Luisa Piccarreta Center for the Divine Will, serving as President and publishing many of Luisa’s volumes and other writings. Tom’s wife, Kathy, led the administration of the Center, including fulfilling many orders for books and merchandise along with numerous other office duties. Kathy provided great support to Tom, which permitted him to travel and teach without concerns about the administration of the Center.

A funeral Mass will be held at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, 1142 East Elm Street, LaFollette, Tennessee, on Friday, December 20, at 11:00 AM. A viewing and recitation of the Rosary will be held at the church, beginning at 9:30 AM. A reception will follow. In lieu of flowers, Kathy would prefer Masses to be offered for the Kingdom to Come and for the Poor Souls in Purgatory.

“Now more than ever you are fixed in the center of my Will, having my love alone as heart.”

Messages of Gold – November 10, 2019

Dear Readers,

Surprise! After Mr. Lambert reminded all who are attending the Conference in Arlington, TX, that the Hotel room rate of $109 would expire on November 7, the Hotel administration decided on their own to extend the $109 rate to November 15. This wil be very helpful for those who have not yet registered.

June 19, 1922
Each Time the Soul Acts in the Divine Will it Causes New Joys
and Happiness to Emerge from God.

Continuing in my habitual state I was lost in the Supreme Will of my dear Jesus and it seemed that each small act of mine, when done in the Divine Will, caused new joys to emerge from within the Supreme Majesty. Then my lovable Jesus said to me:
“My daughter, I possess so much and such great joy, happiness and blessedness that I could give at every moment ever new joys and blessings. Every time a soul acts in my Will it opens up space into which I can project new blessings and new joys that I possess. And since my Will is immense and penetrates all creatures and all things, when my blessings emerge, they first flow in the soul that is acting in my Will because such a soul is the primary reason I am able to bestow my blessings. Therefore, every time you act in my Will you cause Me to bestow as many new blessings and joys; and I feel the happiness of making all creatures share in the bliss that I possess.

Continue reading “Messages of Gold – November 10, 2019”

Passion of Our Lord – Part VI – Podcast 17

We continue to read excerpts about the 9AM and 10AM Hours.  Jesus says, “My daughter, I embraced the Cross as if it were my most dear treasure.  This is because in the Cross I gave a dowry to souls…” (Volume 7 – July 27, 1906).

We will be reading from the following volumes: Volume 5 (October 12, 1903) & Volume 7 (March 5, 1906) & Volume 3 (November 6, 1899) & Volume 3 (February 19, 1900) &  Volume 7 (July 27, 1906) & Volume 15 (February 16, 1923) & Volume 14 (February 24, 1923). A final song, “New Creation”


Messages of Gold – October 13, 2019


Dear Readers,

I want all those who have been offering prayers for me that I am definitely feeling the effectss of you offerings. Please continue. I Thank you in the Will of the Eternal One.
I am hopeful that I will be speaking at the Ft. Worth Conference in November and get to see you there with the several great speakers who will be giving presentations.

Please note: Kathy and I are still taking orders for books and literature as we have been doing for many, many years. Call Kathy at 423-566-5178. Sometimes we miss your calls because we are temporily away from our office. So, please leave a message and your phone number. It helps if yous peak slowly. God bless you.

Extracts from Luisa’s Writings very worth studying carefully.

June 19, 1922
Each Time the Soul Acts in the Divine Will it Causes New Joys
and Happiness to Emerge from God.

Continuing in my habitual state I was lost in the Supreme Will of my dear Jesus and it seemed that each small act of mine, when done in the Divine Will, caused new joys to emerge from within the Supreme Majesty. Then my lovable Jesus said to me:
“My daughter, I possess so much and such great joy, happiness and blessedness that I could give at every moment ever new joys and blessings. Every time a soul acts in my Will it opens up space into which I can project new blessings and new joys that I possess. And since my Will is immense and penetrates all creatures and all things, when my blessings emerge, they first flow in the soul that is acting in my Will because such a soul is the primary reason I am able to bestow my blessings. Therefore, every time you act in my Will you cause Me to bestow as many new blessings and joys; and I feel the happiness of making all creatures share in the bliss that I possess.
Continue reading “Messages of Gold – October 13, 2019”

Passion of Our Lord – Part V – Podcast 16

We continue with the Passion of Jesus as we look at the 8am Hour. Volume 14 explains that Jesus appeared to Luisa all covered with lacerations, each of which formed a small cell into which Jesus calls souls in order to enclose them therein and bring them to safety.

We will read from the following volumes: Volume 14 (February 9, 1922) & Volume 16 (January 14, 1924) & Volume 17 (July 1, 1924) & Volume 8 (September 6, 1908) & The Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ (8AM Hour) & Volume 14 (June 15, 1922) & Volume 12 (October 4, 1917)

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