(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison
June 16, 2020

Dear Divine Will Family,
As you can read from this little snippet, we have a lot to do each day if we truly want to live in complete unity with our Heavenly Triune God and our Heavenly Mother! This snippet, I pray, will us understand more clearly what our duties are as children of the Divine Will! Jesus says we are to live in the world, but not be part of the world. He also tells Luisa to keep her total attention on Him alone.
And I think we will begin the 30 day “Lessons to Begin Living in the Divine Will.” I pray it will help all of us to be more focused. I hope you will enjoy reading these lessons as much as we enjoy sending them. Fiat always!
We love you all very much and we are keeping each of you in our daily prayers!
We pray that you will receive the greatest of all graces….that your beautiful soul will be filled to the brim with God’s Holy Will!

June 17, 1927
My poor mind felt as if it were fixed in the center of the Supreme Fiat, and, as I revolved around this center, I diffused myself in all of Its acts, embracing everyone and everything in the immensity of Its light. But while I was doing this, I thought to myself: “Why do I need to embrace everyone and everything when I live in the Divine Will?” Then my sweet Jesus stirred within me and said to me: “My daughter, My Will is everything. There is nothing in the world that has not taken life from It. There is no place where It cannot be found. There is no good effect that does not arise from It. Everything belongs to It and depends upon It. That is why in the soul in whom My Will reigns I want to find everything and everyone that is Mine. And, if I did not find everything and everyone, My Kingdom would be divided and My Will would be separated from Its acts—something that can never be. Continue reading “”

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison
June 14, 2020

My dear Divine Will Family,
May we celebrate this enormous Gift of the True Body and Blood of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, given to us from the Triune God with the aide of our Heavenly Mother, Mary! What a Gift it is! And just as being a Catholic is such a great Gift from God! If we were not Catholic, we could not receive the Eucharist, and would be as a dead log lying in the woods. How many Gifts have we been privileged to receive from our Heavenly Father through His Most Beloved Son, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and through the intercession of our Heavenly Mother, Mary!
We would not have received any of these Gifts if not for them!
May we be forever grateful and show our gratitude to Them every minute of the day from now until the end of our lives! It makes me weep with gratitude….for who are we that we deserve to receive such Gifts….and especially, the Gift of Living in the Holy Will of God!! The only way to really show our gratitude is to live this Gift to the very best of our ability for the glory of Our Father, for His Kingdom to come and for the salvation and sanctification of all souls!! May it be so! Amen!
We love you all so much and keep each of you in our prayers. May God fill each of you to the full with the Life of His Holy Will in your most precious souls!
PS: I have added a prayer below the readings that hopefully will help some of you.
___ Continue reading “”

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison
May 31, 2020

As Explained by Thomas M Fahy:
The Heavenly Father continuously generates His Son, and between the Father and the Son the Holy Spirit proceeds. They are constantly generating and proceeding. This is Their Life and is like the heartbeat and breath that forms our life as human beings. In this continuous generating and proceeding, the Holy Trinity produces immense joys, happiness and delights so great that They cannot contain them within Themselves and they overflow and produce the joy and the happiness of the whole Heavenly Court.
When the Divine Fiat performed the solemn Act of man’s creation, It gave him mastery, majesty, nobility, power and beauty. All the divine qualities poured themselves out upon man. Each one of these divine qualities wanted to reveal and pour itself out in torrents over man, wanting to have fellowship with him. All of the Trinity’s qualities set to work:
Their light poured out upon him to make him Its brother in the light. Their goodness poured out upon him to make him Its brother in all goodness. Their love poured out upon him to fill him with love and to make him Its brother in pure love. Our power, wisdom, beauty, and justice poured out upon him to make their brother powerful, wise, just and enchantingly beautiful.
And the Supreme Being rejoiced to see Their divine qualities all working together to have fellowship with man—and to see that that Their Will lived in man, maintaining the order of Their own divine qualities so as to make him as beautiful and lovely as They could.
Now, the soul who lives in Our Will feels as if she were continuously receiving the Son generated by the Father and the Holy Spirit Who always proceeds. O how much contentment and joy—how many graces—she receives! She finds all of Creation in act.

Primacy of the Holy Spirit
Before He left His Apostles, the Lord had promised them on the part of His Father not to leave them orphans, but to send them “another Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, to bring them to the fullness of truth.”, and to sustain them in their combats by His invincible Force. The Acts of the Apostles clearly bring out this miraculous assistance of the Holy Spirit in the primitive Church, to such an extent that St. John Chrysostom calls “the Acts,” the Gospel of the Spirit. In continuity with the patristic tradition, the great theologians of the Middle Ages have reserved to the Spirit of God an eminent place in their doctrinal systematizations. In his Summa contra Genthes (IV, 20, 21, 22), St. Thomas Aquinas has left us a resume of this common teaching in three rightly celebrated chapters. After two centuries of pure deism, Vatican II has brought about a vigorous redressing in favor of the Church of the Trinity, in which the principal role of the Holy Spirit is clearly brought out. Due to the prominent place of the Holy Spirit in the spirituality of the Cross, the conciliar text constitutes the best introduction for marking, according to the present directives of the Magisterium, the primacy of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church.
“When the work which the Father had given the Son to do on earth (cf. Jn 17:4) was accomplished, the Holy Spirit was sent on the day of Pentecost in order that He might forever sanctify the Church, and thus all believers would have access to the Father through Christ in the one Spirit (cf. Ep 2:18). He is the spirit of life, a fountain of water springing up to life eternal (cf. Jn 4:14; 7:38-39). Through Him the Father gives life to men who are dead from sin, till at last He revives in Christ even their mortal bodies. (cf. Rm 8:10-11).
“The Spirit dwells in the Church and in the hearts of the faithful as in a temple (cf. 1 Cor 3:16). In them He prays and bears witness to the fact that they are adopted sons (cf. Gal 4:6; Rm 8: 15, 16, 26). The Spirit guides the Church into the fullness of truth (cf. Jn 16:13) and gives her a unity of fellowship and service. He furnishes and directs her with various gifts, both hierarchical and charismatic, and adorns her with the fruits of His grace (cf. Ep 4:11-12; 1 Cor 12:4; Gal 5:22). By the power of the gospel He makes the Church grow, perpetually renews her, and leads her to perfect union with her Spouse. The Spirit and the Bride both say to the Lord Jesus, ‘Come’! (cf. Rv 22:17).
“Thus, the Church shines forth as ‘a people made one with the unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit’” (Lumen Gentium).

Volume 11
June 12, 1913
Now, this union with Me—mind to mind, heart to heart, and limb to limb—produces in you, in the highest degree, the Life of my Will and of my Love. The Father is formed in this Will, and the Holy Spirit in this Love; while the Son is formed in the acts, words, works, and thoughts, and by all the rest that can spring from this Will and from this Love—and this is the life of the Trinity in souls. In this way, if We need to operate, it makes no difference whether We operate within the Trinity in Heaven, or within the Trinity in souls on earth.

Copyright © 2020, Center for the Divine Will, All rights reserved.

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

May 28, 2020


Volume 12
February 22, 1921
Jesus: “The generations will not end until my Will reigns upon earth. My Redeeming FIAT will place Itself in the middle, between the Creating FIAT and the Sanctifying FIAT. All three of them will intertwine and accomplish man’s sanctification. The third FIAT will give man so much as to make him return almost to his original condition; and only then, when I see man just as he came forth from Me, will my Work be complete, and I will rest perpetually in my final FIAT. Only life in my Volition will bring man back to his original state. That is why you must be attentive, and united with Me, help Me to complete man’s sanctification.
As soon as I heard this, I said to Him: “Jesus, my Love, I am not able to do as You do, nor what You are teaching Me; and I am almost afraid of your reproaches if I don’t do well whatever You want from me.” And, full of goodness, He said to me: “I too know that you cannot do what I tell you perfectly, but wherever you cannot attain, I will make up for you.”

Volume 24
June 12, 1928
Luisa, I thought to myself: “How can we return to the original state of Creation since the human will has cast man down into an abyss of miseries, almost deforming the nature that he received when he was created?” And my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, My Will can do anything. Just as It made man from nothing, so can It draw the new man out of his miseries—and without changing the method that We used in creating him. Leaving him his free will, We will use another loving invention. The light of Our Will shall unleash Its most brilliant rays even more powerfully. It will draw near to him, in such a way as to confront his human will head on. And his human will shall be enchanted by a piercing light that will dazzle it and draw it sweetly to Itself. And being attracted by a light so radiant and of so rare a beauty, the human will shall long to see what is so beautiful in this light. And as it looks, it will become enchanted, it will experience happiness, and it will love—not by being forced, but spontaneously—to live in Our Will. Does the Sun not have this power—that if one wants to stare at it, the pupil of man’s eye remains dazzled within its light; and if it tries to look, it will see nothing but light—since the intensity of the light keeps the pupil from seeing its surroundings? And if man is forced to lower his eyes to be freed from the light, it is because the excessive light annoys him and makes him unhappy. But if he felt happy, he would not quickly withdraw his pupils from within the light of the Sun. On the other hand, the light of My Will shall not disturb the pupils of the soul. On the contrary, she will have the blessing of seeing man’s own acts transformed into light, and she will yearn for this light to send forth its rays more powerfully so as to see her acts clothed with the enchantment and beauty of this divine light. My Will has the power to solve the problem of man. But It must use a more excessive act of greater generosity on the part of Our Supreme Fiat. That is why you ought to pray and plead for such a holy intention on behalf of poor mankind.

Ann: I may share more on this subject with you! So many beautiful writings on this subject, so much so it was hard to pick!

Copyright © 2020, Center for the Divine Will, All rights reserved.

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

May 24, 2020


Volume 26
May 12, 1929

I was thinking of Our Lord’s glorious and triumphant Ascension into Heaven, His Humanity no longer humiliated, subject to pains, wearing the garment of corrupted Adam, but beyond the reach of any pain, wearing the garment of the new innocent Adam, with all the most beautiful prerogatives of Creation, gowned with light and immortal. But while I was thinking about this, my most sweet Jesus, stirred within me and said to me: “My daughter, My Humanity redid within Itself, and upon Itself, all the evils of corrupted mankind, to the point of dying, so as to give It the power to rise again from death to which It had been made subject. This is the reason why I did not leave behind the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon earth—because the glorious and deathless humanity of innocent Adam was missing, that could plead for It and receive the great gift of My Fiat. That is why it was necessary that My Humanity first remake corrupted humanity and give it all the remedies that it needed to raise it up again, and then die and rise again with the qualities of innocent Adam, so as to be able to give back to man what he had lost. Not only this, but I wanted to ascend into Heaven with My Humanity just as beautiful and clothed with light just as it came forth from Our creative hands, so as to say to the Heavenly Father: “My Father, look at Me: See how My Humanity has been re-made—how the Kingdom of Our Will is safe within It. I am the Head of all creatures—and the One who prays to You has every right to ask and to give what I possess.”

“My daughter, an innocent humanity was needed—with all the qualities that it had when it came forth from Our creative hands—to plead once more for the Kingdom of Our Will to come among men. Up to that time it was missing, and I purchased it with My death, and I ascended into Heaven to fulfill, with my first task, my second task of asking and giving the Kingdom of My Divine Will on earth. For about two thousand years this Humanity of Mine has been praying, and Our Divine Majesty, feeling the love for Creation which We had in creating man overflow from Itself again—with even greater force—and feeling Itself enraptured and charmed by the beauties of My Humanity, It has poured Itself out again. And, opening the Heavens, It has made the rain of light of the many pearls of knowledge of My Fiat rain down in torrents, so that, like rain, It may descend upon souls, and vivify and heal the human will with Its light, so that, transforming man’s will, It may plunge the root of My Will into men’s hearts, and may establish Its Kingdom on earth. Before My Kingdom could come upon earth, I first had to make It known, and I had to make known that It wants to come to reign. And, as an elder brother of the human family, I am making all the preparations in Heaven before the Divinity, to give mankind so great a purchase. That is why I had to ascend into Heaven with My Humanity glorified, to be able to re-purchase the Kingdom of My Fiat for My brothers and children.

Copyright © 2020, Center for the Divine Will, All rights reserved.

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison
MAY 22, 2020

Dear Family in the Divine Will,
I thought since I only send out a newsletter once a week that maybe I can send out a snippet on the Divine Will a couple of times a week. Just something to ponder and think about, pray about. They will be short and sweet.
God bless you, dear ones, and know that we love each of you very much! God Willing, we are always here!
Ann Ellison and Kathy Fahy
Excerpts from Volume 36
May 6, 1938

Jesus: “My daughter, Our love is so great that We fix different degrees of holiness and modes of sanctity and beauty to adorn the soul in Our Divine Will. We will make these souls different from one another, distinct in beauty, sanctity and love, but all beautiful, distinct among themselves. Others will remain in the sea of light and will enjoy the blessings of My Will; others will remain under the influence of My activating light. These will be the most beautiful souls—adorned with all Our creative art and active influence. When We find the soul in Our Will, We can do whatever We want. She will be ready to receive Our creative power and We will delight in creating new beauties, sanctities never seen before, love that We have never given to anyone else and which they could not receive because the life, light and strength of Our Will was missing. We will hear Our echo in that soul; the creative strength that always brings forth love and glory; the continuous repetition of Our acts and of Our own life. This is the life of Our Fiat: to generate. And where It reigns It generates continuously, endlessly. It generates in Us and maintains the life of the Most Holy Trinity. In the soul in whom It reigns It generates Our image, love and holiness.

“Indeed, the Kingdom of Our Will is already established. We know the number of its people—and We know them all by name. We already feel them throbbing in ardent love. O how much We love them and yearn for the time to bring them forth into the daylight of Our Will on earth. Then the children of My Will shall have My conception, My birth, My steps, pains and tears in their power. They will be able to be conceived and born again as many times as they want. They will feel My steps and pains in theirs. And, since in My Will, My life and My birth, are repeated—renewed in every instant—they can take them for themselves, give them to others, or do whatever they want. I know that they would never do what I do not want. These children of Ours, born again, formed and fed by Our Will, will be the true glory of Our Creation. They will crown Our creative work, placing the seal of their love on every created thing for the One who did everything for them and loved them so much.”

Copyright © 2020, Center for the Divine Will, All rights reserved.

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