Messages of Gold

Dear Readers,

This issue of “Messages of Gold” speaks of Two Hidden Sacraments (Sacraments without visible rites or outward signs) which have extremely powerful and efficacious effects within souls.

Hidden Sacraments: the Divine Will and the Cross

Preface: When Jesus was on Earth accomplishing his merciful role as Redeemer, He established Seven Sacraments with exterior signs associated with them. Each of the Seven Sacraments communicates a specific type of Sanctifying Grace ordered to the specific purpose of each Sacrament and this is called the sacramental grace of that Sacrament.

In the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, “the sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us. The visible rites, by which the sacraments, are celebrated signify and make present the graces proper to each sacrament. They bear fruit in those who receive them with the required dispositions.” Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1131

“A Sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.” Baltimore Catechism


In the “Book of Heaven” Jesus told Luisa some amazing things about the hidden sacraments of the Divine Will and the Cross, which He administers without visible rites or outward signs.

The Divine Will is Sacrament, and Surpasses all the Sacraments.

Luisa: I was thinking to myself: ”How can it be that doing the Will of God surpasses even the Sacraments?” And Jesus, moving in my interior, said to me: My daughter, why are Sacraments called Sacraments? Because they are sacred—they have the value and the power to confer Grace and Sanctity. However, these Sacraments work according to men’s dispositions; so much so, that they sometimes even remain fruitless, unable to confer the blessings that they contain. Now, my Will is Sacred and Holy, and It completely contains the virtue of all the Sacraments. Not only this—It does not have to work to dispose the soul to receive the goods that my Will contains.

Indeed, as soon as the soul has disposed herself to do my Will, she has already disposed herself by herself, and my Will, finding everything prepared and disposed, communicates Itself to the soul without delay, and, even at the cost of any sacrifice, pours forth the goods It contains, and forms the heroes—the martyrs—of the Divine Will, the most unheard-of wonders… And then, what do the Sacraments do if not unite the soul with God? And what does it mean to do my Will? Isn’t it perhaps to unite the will of the soul with her Creator? It is to dissolve oneself in the Eternal Volition—the nothingness ascending to the All, and the All descending into the nothingness. It is the noblest, purest, most beautiful, most heroic act that a creature can do.

Ah, yes, I confirm it to you, and I say it again: My Will is Sacrament, and It surpasses all the Sacraments together—but in a more admirable way; without anyone’s mediation and without anything material. The Sacrament of my Will is formed between my Will and the will of the soul—the two wills are tied together and form the Sacrament. My Will is Life, and the soul is already disposed to receive Life. My Will is Holy, and she receives sanctity; my Will is Strong, and she receives fortitude—and so on with the rest of my qualities.

On the other hand, how hard my other Sacraments must work to dispose souls—if they ever succeed! And how often these channels of grace which I left to my Church remain abused, despised, and oppressed! Some parties even use them to exalt themselves, turning them against Me to offend Me. Ah, if you knew the enormous sacrileges committed in the Sacrament of Confession, and the horrendous abuses of the Sacrament of the Eucharist, your great sorrow would make you weep with Me! Ah, yes! Only the Sacrament of my Will can sing glory and victory. It is complete in its effects, and untouchable by men’s offenses. Indeed, to enter my Will, the soul must lay down her will and her passions—only then does my Will lower Itself to her, identifying her with Itself, possessing her, and making prodigies of her.

That is why, when I speak about my Will, I begin to celebrate—I never stop; my joy is full, and no bitterness enters between Me and the soul. But in the other Sacraments, my Heart swims in sorrows. Man has turned them into fountains of bitterness, while I gave them as fountains of graces.

The Cross is a Hidden Sacrament

This morning I found myself outside of my body. After searching for my sweet Jesus, I found Him, but He was in such a pitiful state that it broke my heart. His hands were wounded and so contracted by the intensity of the pain that one could not touch them. I attempted to extend his fingers and to nurse his wounds, but I could not, because blessed Jesus wept on account of the excruciating pain. Not knowing what to do, I held Him tightly and said to Him:

“My loving Good, you have not shared the pain of your wounds with Me for some time. Perhaps this is the reason they have gotten worse. I beg You to let me share your pain, so that my suffering will alleviate yours.” As I spoke in this manner, an angel appeared with a nail in his hand to pierce my hands and my feet. As he drove the nail into my hands, the fingers of my dear Jesus relaxed and his wounds healed. As I was suffering, the Lord said to me, My daughter, the cross is a sacrament. Every sacrament has its particular effect, such as removing sin, conferring grace, uniting one with God, giving strength, and so many other effects. Only the cross unites all of these effects, producing them so efficaciously in the soul that, in a short time, it makes the soul similar to the One from whom she came.

More than a Sacrament, the Cross Seals God in the Soul

As I was in my usual state, or, rather, somewhat anxious about something which I need not mention here, my sweet Jesus came to me and said: “…Your bodies are sacred vessels where I dwell. That is why I must do a little dusting from time to time–that is, I visit them with some tribulation, so that I may rest in them with more decorum. Therefore, be at peace.”

Later, after I had received Him in Holy Communion, having renewed the pains of his crucifixion in me, He added: My daughter, how precious is the cross! See now: By giving Itself to the soul, the Sacrament of my Body unites her with Me. It transforms her to the point where she becomes one with Me. But as the species are consumed, although truly established, her union with Me comes to an end. It is not so with the cross. The cross takes God and unites Him with the soul forever, and It places Itself on the soul as a sure seal. Therefore, the cross seals God in the soul, so that no separation can occur between God and the crucified soul.


Note: Please understand that Luisa was called to an extraordinary role in the coming of the Reign of the Divine Will on Earth as in Heaven. She and Jesus formed the Kingdom of the Divine Will so that we could enter into It. Our roles are not the same as that of Luisa, although we should admire and be grateful for her unique role and even imitate her according to our calling and to the degree Jesus may indicate to us, in all peace and tranquility.

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