Messages of Gold

Dear Readers,

For reasons best known to God, we have lost a great deal of time in the last few weeks with problems getting the ownership of our Website transferred to our ownership from the organization that originally set it up for us.

The Website finally got back in good order last Wednesday, but I waited a couple of days to be sure. Then, on Friday of last week I sent out a new MESSAGES OF GOLD to a large part of our email list,only to discover that that Message of Gold never made it to the intended recipients. We spent Saturday working on the problem and part of Sunday afternoon with no satisfaction.




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Wishing you Eternal Blessings and Delights,

Thomas Fahy

Dear Readers,

We have had many problems with the Host company getting our website back in good order over the past several weeks. If you enter, you will also likely get the normal display on the screen. If you have any problems opening the website, please let us know. My email address is [email protected]
I had an interesting inquiry from one of our readers recently, which had to do with the term, “Fiat,” found so often in Luisa Piccarreta’s writings. Before answering the reader’s inquiry, I did a moderate amount of research concerning the term, “Fiat.” I will share some of what I wrote to that reader:
Here are some preliminary thoughts to be followed by some quotations from the “Book of Heaven” by Luisa Piccarreta:
Normally, when I think of the word, “Fiat,” I think of someone in authority saying, “Let it be done,” and his or her will goes into the process of being carried out, by him or her self, but usually by someone in the service of the one who has verbalized the command, “Let it be done.”
When someone is being asked to carry out the Command or Wish of the one in authority, and that person agrees to participate in carrying out the command or wish, that person might say “Yes” or “Fiat,” or “May your will be done.” In the case of the Annunciation, God made known, through the Angel Gabriel, his desire for Mary to cooperate with His plan of Redemption by agreeing to be the Mother of Jesus. God desired the Second Fiat of God, Redemption, and Mary said, “Fiat Mihi” (“Let it be done in me”). By agreeing with the Wish of God, She united her “Fiat” to the “Fiat of God,” and Redemption unfolded, starting with the immediate Incarnation of the Word in her womb.
Many people utter the word, “Fiat,” (usually silently) when resigned to an unexpected event or circumstance .
In describing the Essence of God, many theologians over the centuries have said that the Essence of God is His Will.
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Messages of Gold


Dear Readers,

First: Some news: Our cohort, Jerry Lawson had a successful operation on his hip, rather his femur just below the ball joint of his hip. The physician at the Veterans Medical Center was amazed at the density of Jerry’s femur and was able to operate without dealing with the hip bone. Now it is a matter of getting rehabilitation and regaining normality. Jerry is extremely grateful for all the prayers offered.

Our website has gotten over some humps in the change of ownership from the organization that originally set up our website many years ago to full ownership by our Center, but there are still problems to overcome.

Ann Ellison hopes to be back here in Tennessee in a couple of weeks. She extended her stay in Garabandal to work, and to arrange for a number of repairs at the House of Sanctification, and to get a number of things done at the Grotto in front of the House of Sanctification, as well as take care of guests who have visited there.

Our dear friend in the Divine Will, Fr. Michael Adams, celebrated the 33rd anniversary of his Priesthood yesterday on May 25.


NOW LET US HONOR THE MOST HOLY TRINITY, in the Divine Will, for Trinity Sunday:

May we spend some time in honor and gratitude to Them by absorbing the following, incredible Truths taken from the “BOOK OF HEAVEN,” and make reparation to the Three Divine Persons for the Enormous ingratitude to Them, the Enormous disorder so displeasing to Them, and the Enormous Apostasy of our times.


Volume 36:

Now, you (Luisa) must know that every knowledge I (Jesus) manifest and every act done in my Will, thanks to this knowledge, is like a divine seed acquired by the soul. This seed will produce new divine science. Oh! how she will be able to speak the language of her Creator. Every truth will be a new celestial language with the virtue of being understandable to those who listen and want to receive this divine seed. This seed will produce new life of sanctity, new love, new goodness, new joy and happiness. These seeds of truth will be as many divine properties acquired by the soul.

Continue reading “Messages of Gold”

Messages of Gold


Dear Readers,

This Message of Gold based on texts from the Lower Volumes of the “Book of Heaven” arose from a beautiful coincidence. The coincidence, a God inspired coincidence, I feel sure, happened when I received an email from a Japanese Lady, who has recently discovered the Writings of Luisa, shortly after I had the misfortune of a thought about myself, forgetting the terrible consequences of such thoughts.

I was so impressed with what I learned from the many short excerpts included in the Japanese Lady’s excerpts and the texts that I studied to answer her question (which is at the very beginning of the) Pearl of the New and Divine Holiness included below. Because the theme of this Pearl (not thinking about yourself) is so important and full of Divine Wisdom, I want to share it with all the Readers of the Messages of Gold.

Some of the paragraphs extracted from the “Book of Heaven,” are repeated in different places for emphasis. Continue reading “Messages of Gold”

Messages of Gold

Dear Readers,

This issue of “Messages of Gold” speaks of Two Hidden Sacraments (Sacraments without visible rites or outward signs) which have extremely powerful and efficacious effects within souls.

Hidden Sacraments: the Divine Will and the Cross

Preface: When Jesus was on Earth accomplishing his merciful role as Redeemer, He established Seven Sacraments with exterior signs associated with them. Each of the Seven Sacraments communicates a specific type of Sanctifying Grace ordered to the specific purpose of each Sacrament and this is called the sacramental grace of that Sacrament.

In the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, “the sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us. The visible rites, by which the sacraments, are celebrated signify and make present the graces proper to each sacrament. They bear fruit in those who receive them with the required dispositions.” Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1131

“A Sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.” Baltimore Catechism

Continue reading “Messages of Gold”

Messages of Gold

Dear Readers,

As much as I have wanted to send out the Messages of Gold in the past few weeks, circumstances have made it just about totally impossible to do so. I won’t bother you with explaining those circumstances. But part of those circumstances have to do with a medical development, for which I ask your prayers. Thank you most kindly.

I have also been working on a new Pearl of the New and Divine Holiness, but it hasn’t gotten finished yet.

Since my last Messages of Gold, we have had problems with our Website, but right now is working, but it might still have to go down briefly before things are back to normal.

I am including a Pearl of the New and Diving Holiness just below. It is an old one which has been on our website under the Icon of the Third Fiat of God.


Some Thoughts on the Third Fiat of God

The Third Fiat of God will give to God the satisfaction of the realization of his ideal in Creation. He will have legitimate children as his constant companions wanting what He wants and doing with Him what He does. Their souls will flow with him everywhere and they will become the voice of all created things giving Him divine love, adoration and gratitude for themselves and all created things.
Continue reading “Messages of Gold”

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