(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

May 31, 2021



Dear Divine Will Family,
It seems I am having to ask your forgiveness much more often than usual. But again I ask you to forgive me for not getting this most important Feast Day celebrations of Our Heavenly Mother out on time. I am just been overwhelmed with business and taking Monday off was disastrous!! I can’t believe how far behind I got taking that one day off.

So many emails to answer!! It was really beyond my capacity to answer then all in one day, so then more came in on Tuesday when I was still trying to catch up on Mondays…and so it went. Now it is Wednesday and I had two appointments to take care of and so now I am finally getting back to this Snippet! Three days late! So, please forgive me. I could have just forgotten this one and gone to another, more appropriate one for the day, but I loved what I read in these writings and wanted so much to share them….so, I am keeping them and sending them out anyway…even though they are so late! I hope you will be glad I did. These lessons are from our Heavenly Mother and are so very important!

We love you all so very much and we keep each of you in our daily prayers! May God give you the grace to forgive my negligence and be filled to overflowing with the love of Our Mother towards Her children and Her lessons to us!
Ann Ellison

Volume 11
June 15, 1916
The prayers that have the most influence over the Heart of Jesus, and those which move Him the most, are those offered by the soul who clothes herself with all that He did and suffered.

I felt our Queen Mama close to me, and She told me:
“My daughter, pray.”

And I said: “My Mama, let us pray together, for I don’t know how to pray by myself.” And She added:

“The prayers that have the most power over My Son’s Heart, and those which move Him the most, are the prayers that the soul offers to be clothed with everything He Himself did and suffered, since He gave everything as a gift to His creatures. Therefore, my daughter,crown your head with His thorns, bead your eyes with His tears, impregnate your tongue in His bitterness, adorn your soul with His Blood, dress yourself with His wounds, nail your hands and feet with His nails, and like another Christ present yourself before His Divine Majesty.** This sight will move Him so much that He will not be able to deny anything to the soul who is clothed as Himself. But O how little do creatures know how to make use of the gifts which My Son gave them! These were My prayers upon earth, and these are My prayers in Heaven.”

So, together we clothed ourselves as another Jesus, and together we presented ourselves before the Divine Throne. This moved everyone; the Angels made way for us and watched in astonishment. I thanked my Mama, and I found myself back in my body.

Volume 12
December 18, 1920
Thanksgiving for all that God worked in our Heavenly Mama.

I felt myself leave my body, and I found myself with my sweet Jesus, but clinging so tightly to Him, and He to me, that I could hardly see his Divine Person. I don’t know how, but I said: “My Jesus, while I am clinging to You, I want to prove my love for You—my gratitude, and everything that a creature has the duty to do—because You have created our Immaculate Queen Mama. You have made her the most beautiful one, the holiest one, a prodigy of Grace, enriching Her with every gift, and making Her our Mother also. And I offer this in the name of all creatures, past, present and future; I want to seize each act of each soul—each thought, word, step, and heartbeat—and I want to tell You, in each one of them, that I love You, I thank You, I bless You, I adore You—for all that You have done in your Heavenly Mama and mine.” Jesus enjoyed my offering–and so much that He said to me:

“My daughter, I was anxiously awaiting this act of yours in the name of all generations. My Justice and my Love felt the need of this response, for great are the graces that descend upon all creatures because I endowed my Mama with such gifts.”
THE VISITATION: Lesson #1 (In the last 6 Lessons) in the Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will book

She Visits Saint Elizabeth. Sanctification of Saint John.

Lesson of the Queen of Heaven

“Blessed daughter, how sweet is your company to Me! Upon seeing that you want to follow Me, to imitate Me, I feel relief from the flames of love which devour Me. Oh, yes, having you near, I will be able to teach you to live on Divine Will with greater ease

“My daughter, give Me now your hand and follow Me because I will continue to give you my lessons.
“I therefore left Nazareth, accompanied by Saint Joseph, facing a long trip and, passing over mountains, to go to Judea to visit Elizabeth who had miraculously become mother at a late age. I came to her not just to pay her a simple visit but, rather, because I burned with the desire to bring her Jesus. The fullness of Grace, of Love, of Light which I felt in Myself pushed Me to carry, to multiply a hundredfold the Life of my Son in creatures.

“Yes, my daughter, the love of Mother which I had for all men and for you in particular was so great that I felt the extreme need of giving my dear Jesus to all so that all could possess and love Him. The right of Mother, bestowed upon Me by the FIAT, enriched Me with such power as to multiply Jesus as many times as there were creatures who wanted to receive Him. This was the greatest miracle that I could do: have Jesus ready, to give Him to whoever desired Him. How happy did I feel!

“How much I would that you, as well, my daughter, drawing near to people and making visits, were always the bearer of Jesus, capable of making Him known and desirous of making Him loved.

“After several days of traveling, I finally reached Judea and I hastily went to Elizabeth’s house. She came to Me in festivity. At the greeting that I gave her, marvelous phenomena occurred. My little Jesus exulted in my womb; and, fixing little John in the womb of his mother with the rays of His own Divinity, He sanctified him, made him know that He was the Son of God and gave him the use of reason. John then leapt so hard for love and for joy that Elizabeth felt herself shaken. Struck also by the Light of the Divinity of my Son, she knew that I had become the Mother of God; and, in the emphasis of her love, trembling with gratitude, she exclaimed, “Whence so much honor to me that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?”

“I did not deny the most high mystery; rather, I humbly confirmed it. By exalting God with the canticle of the Magnificat, sublime canticle, by means of which the Church continuously honors Me, I announced that the Lord had done great things in Me, His handmaid, and that, for this reason, all peoples would call Me blessed.

“My daughter, I felt Myself consumed by the desire to give a vent to the flames of love which enveloped Me and to manifest my secret to Elizabeth, who also longed for the Messiah upon the earth. The secret is a necessity of the heart which is irresistibly revealed to persons capable of understanding each other.
“Who could ever tell you how much good my visit brought to Elizabeth, to John, to all that house? Each one was sanctified, full of cheerfulness, noticed unusual joys, understood unheard of things; and John, in particular, received all the graces that were necessary for him to prepare himself to be the Precursor of my Son.

“Dearest daughter, the Divine Will does great and unheard-of things everywhere It reigns. If I worked so many prodigies, it was because It had Its royal place in Me. If you also let the Divine Volition reign in your soul, you too will become the bearer of Jesus to creatures; you also will feel the irresistible need to give Him to everyone!

**I always add, “and I pierce my heart with Your lance.” I do this prayer as I approach Holy Communion and ask as I present myself before His Divine Majesty that through this Holy Communion, He may grant the greatest of all graces, that His Kingdom Come, His Will be done on earth as It is done in Heaven by all souls, most especially my own!

Copyright © Center for the Divine Will, All rights reserved.

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

May 24, 2021


YouTube of seraphim appears in church

Dear Divine Will Family,

I think many of you know how Adam was created and that he and Eve were dressed in the Light of the Divine Will. When God blew the Breath of Life into Adam, he received, at that moment, the Gift of the Divine Will and the Light of the Divine Will emanating throughout his body, dressing him in the magnificent Light of God! It wasn’t until he sinned that he realized he was naked because he lost this sublime Light within his soul that covered his entire body, and Eve’s as well! They both lost the Light of God.

The you-tube above is witness to the Light of God shinning and covering the body of a very holy Priest from within his soul! This is the Light of Divine Will that those who are striving sincerely and constantly to live this Life of God contains, but that we cannot see. The more we empty ourselves of ourselves, the more this Light fills our souls until it fills it completely and we are totally dead to ourselves, our preferences, our desires, our longings….all we want is whatever God wants. I don’t suspect too many will be filled to overflowing until we reach Heaven. At this time in history, we just have too many little imperfections and miseries. Continue reading “”

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

May 21, 2021


I bless these writings with all My Heart; I bless each word; I bless the effects and the merits that they contain. These writings are part of My very Self.
Then He called the Angels who bowed low and began to pray. And because there were a few Priests present who needed to see the writings, Jesus told the Angels to touch their foreheads to imprint on them the Holy Spirit and to infuse them with light so that they could understand the truth and the goodness that these writings contain.

Dear Divine Will Family!
I’m afraid I did not keep my own word to try and keep these Snippets short. That’s one reason I called them Snippets. This one is a little, not much, but a little longer than most because the messages are so important for this Pentecost Sunday!

We are to be perfect as Our Heavenly Father is perfect! Which seems like an impossibility to all humans…until Luisa’s writings became known to all of us. We certainly cannot make ourselves perfect, but the Holy Spirit can for those who are sincerely striving to live in the Divine Will. He will always make up for what we lack in purity, holiness, faithfulness, constancy, attentiveness….in everything for those faithful souls of good will!

We are to become saints! I looked up the word, “sanctification” and I love the definition I picked out, “To sanctify something is to set it apart for special use; to sanctify a person is to make him holy.” Only God can sanctify a person through the Holy Spirit! Living sincerely in His Holy Will, we are living in the Holy Spirit, so, cooperating with His graces, we can really become saints. That’s where the “fiat” [Thy Will be done] comes in. The fiat in every circumstance and in all conditions, and all that is good and holy and all that is hard and suffering, makes us saints.

God is not going to allow anything to happen in our lives that is not for a reason. When we are in those hard circumstances, asked God what He is trying to teach you? What is it that you need to learn, which virtue? Patience, kindness, love, detachment, etc., whatever it is, it is to make you a saint! We are not allowed to live and act in the Divine Will if we are not striving to cooperate with all the graces, and to become another humanity for Jesus, so we must be striving to become saints in the Divine Will!
And this is extremely important to God because each of your acts in His Holy Will gives Him the glory that all souls owe Him and gives extra graces to all souls, keeping some from falling into hell! Plus, each act calls His Kingdom to come to every soul!

We love all of you so much and keep each of you in our daily prayers. May God make each of you a great saint in and with His Holy Will!
Ann Ellison

PS: I have prayed very hard about keeping my comments short so as to shorten the Snippets I send out, but only a few asked me to shorten them, but I had many precious souls ask me not to stop with my comments. I heard the Will of God in these souls. The majority rules! Love you all so much!!
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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

May 14, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,
I know you know that it seems very likely that our country and our world could be headed for some very serious storms…the human will raging against the Divine Will, basically. It seems that things are escalating so much and so fast that the point of no return could be reached very soon.

As children of the Divine Will it seems that we can look at this in only two ways. First, of course, is the sorrow of all that is going on throughout our country and our world. The sorrow our Heavenly family must be experiencing seeing the total disregard of the joy, peace, and love with which Our Lord wants so badly to fill this world! And it is most important for us to pray out loud, through our Masses and our Rosaries, Chaplets, etc. for the whole world, and by doing all our acts in the Divine Will!

God sees brilliant suns coming from earth with every act done in His Holy Will. Prayerfully, these suns keep Our Lord’s attention on the children doing these Divine acts with so much love in His Will, and not on the enormous sins committed daily by so many souls who have no idea what they are doing. We must pray for them. Jesus tells us to pray for our enemies…we must!

Another way we could look at the situation in the world during this time in history, and keep this in our minds and in our attitudes, especially, is that we are such privileged creatures! We are full of God, full of His love, full of His forgiveness and full of Faith and confidence in His love and care for us. Only through the storms can the Kingdom of God come! Nothing as good and heavenly as the Kingdom of God can come without sacrifice and suffering. It is a fact that can be researched and looked at all through history. And nothing is more holy, more pure, more joyful and more Divine than the Kingdom of God reigning on this earth fully and completely!

There will be a “NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH!”

“I saw a new heaven and a new earth. For the first heaven and the first earth was gone: and the sea is now no more. And I, John, saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice from the throne, saying: Behold the tabernacle of God with men: and he will dwell with them. And they shall be his people: and God himself with them shall be their God.

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and death shall be no more, nor mourning, nor crying, nor sorrow shall be any more, for the former things are passed away.
And he that sat on the throne, said: “Behold, I make all things new. And he said to me: Write, for these words are most faithful and true.”

“And they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it. There shall not enter into it anything defiled or that worketh abomination or maketh a lie: but only they that are written in the book of life of the Lamb. Rev. Chapter 21.2-5/26-27

The lion will lay down by the lamb, the joy and happiness of this Kingdom cannot even be comprehended by the human mind! Our attitudes should be one of joy and happiness that God is moving things in such a way that His Kingdom reigning on earth is so much closer to becoming reality! There’s a chance that our children, certainly our grandchildren will live in this Heavenly Kingdom! Can you imagine that you aided in your children and grandchildren living such a life?? We are the ones written in the book of life of the Lamb!! How incredible!!

Let us rejoice and be glad. God created us to be here at this time for this reason! We can watch the storm from afar, or if it be God’s Will, we can gladly and joyfully give our lives for a Kingdom so holy, for our children and grandchildren!! Can you think of a better way to die? I can’t! But only God’s Will be done!! He has it all figured out already. He can see the storm, He can see us and His plans for each of us, He can see the end of the story! So, as they say in these writings: “Moreover, as the soul senses the storm, she puts her virtues in order, and nests in the inmost depths of God”

We love all of you so very much and keep each of you in our daily prayers! May God keep us always calm and full of confidence in His care and love of us during any storm, small or great!
Ann Ellison
Volume 3
January 12, 1900
Ah, yes, humility draws down grace and breaks sin’s strongest chains. Humility leaps over any wall of division between the soul and God, and brings her back to Him. Humility is a little plant, but always green and flowery. She is not subject to being gnawed by worms; nor will winds, hail or heat be able to harm her, or to make her wither, even slightly. Though she is the littlest plant, humility produces very high branches, which penetrate even into Heaven. Her branches surround Our Lord’s Sacred Heart; and only the branches which come from this plant have free access to that adorable Heart. Humility is the anchor of peace during the storms of the sea-waves of this life. Humility is the salt which spices all virtues and which preserves the soul from the corruption of sin. Humility is the little grass which sprouts along the wayfarers’ path. When she is trodden upon, she disappears, but she soon sprouts up more beautiful than before. Humility is like a gentle graft, which renders a wild plant gentle. Humility is the sunset of guilt. Humility is the newborn of grace. Humility is like the moon, which guides us in the darkness of this life’s night. Humility is like a shrewd merchant who knows how to trade his riches well, and who wastes not even a cent of the grace given to him. Humility is the key to the door of Heaven, so that no one can enter into It who does not take good care of this key. Finally—otherwise I will take too long and never end—humility is the smile of God and of all Heaven, and the sorrowful weeping of hell.

Volume 8
March 15, 1908
Storms cannot disturb souls who are filled with God.
This morning, I was feeling more oppressed than ever because of the absence of my highest and only Good. But at the same time, I was peaceful, without that anxiety that used to make me wander ceaselessly through Heaven and earth, until I found Him. So, I was saying to myself: “What a change has come over me—I feel petrified from the pain of your absence, but I do not cry. A profound peace completely possesses me; not a negative breath enters into me.”

At that moment, blessed Jesus came and told me: “My daughter, do not let yourself be troubled. You must know that during a violent sea-storm, the storm affects only the surface waters. The depths of the sea remain perfectly calm, their waters, tranquil, and the fish, when they sense a storm coming, nest where the water is deeper to be safe. That is why the brunt of the storm strikes where the sea is shallow—because where there is little water, the storm has the power to shake it from top to bottom, and even to carry it elsewhere, to other parts of the sea.

“The same thing happens to souls who are filled to the brim with God and overflowing. No storm has the power to upset them even slightly, because no power can defy God. At the most, they may feel it superficially. Moreover, as the soul senses the storm, she puts her virtues in order, and nests in the inmost depths of God. In this way, while the storm seems to rage externally, it is a complete mirage. Indeed, it is then that the soul enjoys more peace, and rests, tranquilly, in the bosom of God, like a fish in the bosom of the sea.

“It is just the opposite for souls who are empty of God, or who contain a faint trace of the divine presence. Storms deeply disturb them; and if they possess a trace of the divine presence, they waste it. Nor does it take strong storms to disturb them; the slightest wind suffices to strip them of their virtues. Even the holy things that give rest and delight to the friends of God disturb these souls. They are blown about by every wind without finding dead calm—for reason itself dictates that no man can find peace apart from God.”

Volume 11
March 7, 1915
The enormous sins of the world and, even more, those within the Church cause chastisements as a means of purification.
The thought of the chastisements—and that I might increase them by getting out of my victim state by my own efforts––was piercing my heart. My Confessor was still not well, and I prayed and I cried, and I couldn’t make up my mind. Blessed Jesus passed by in a flash and left me free. Finally, moved by compassion, He came to caress me and to sympathize with me and said: “My daughter, your fidelity has won Me over. Love and prayer bind Me and almost wage war against Me. That I why I came to be with you for a little while—I could not resist any longer. Poor daughter, don’t cry—I am here, all for you! Patience, courage; don’t lose heart! If you knew how much it hurts Me to punish men! But their ingratitude compels Me to do this—their enormous sins, their unbelief, their will to defy Me.
“And this is the least of their offenses. If I told you about the religious ones… how many sacrileges! How many rebellions! How many pretend to be my children, while they are my worst enemies! How many false sons are usurpers, egotists, and unbelievers. Their hearts are bilges of vice. Indeed, these children will be the first to wage war against the Church; they will try to kill their own Mother. O how many of them are already about to remove their masks! Now there is war among governments; soon they will make war against the Church, and her greatest enemies will be her own children. My Heart is shredded with pain.
“But, in spite of all this, I will let this storm pass by. I will allow the face of the earth and the churches to be washed by the blood of the same ones who smeared and polluted them. I want You also to unite yourself with my pain. I want you to pray and be patient as you watch this storm pass by.”

Volume 12
August 6, 1917
The Divine Will makes the soul happy.
As I continued in my usual state, my ever-beloved Jesus came; and since I was suffering greatly from his absences and because of the constant threat of worse chastisements, He told me: “My daughter, cheer up, do not lose heart too much. My Will makes souls happy, even in the midst of the fiercest storms. Moreover, my Will lifts the soul so high that storms cannot touch her, although she sees them and hears them. Storms cannot enter the place where she dwells. It is always serene with a smiling sun, because her origin is in Heaven, her nobility is Divine, and her holiness is in God –and she is kept there by God Himself. I am jealous of the sanctity of this soul who lives in my Will, and I keep her in my inmost Heart, and I say: ‘Nobody touch her. My Will is intangible and sacred, and it must receive honor from every creature.’”

July 11, 1919
Souls contain little heavens.
I am going through most bitter days. My beloved Jesus makes Himself seen but rarely or not at all—or else like lightning flashing by. I remember that one night He appeared to me weary and exhausted, carrying what looked like a bundle of souls in his arms. And, looking at me, He told me: “Ah! my daughter, the slaughter that they will unleash will be so great that only this bundle of souls which I am carrying in my arms will be saved. What madness has come over mankind! But I do not want you to be disturbed—remain faithful during my absence, and after the storm I will repay you with interest for all my absences, redoubling my visits and my graces.” Then, on the verge of tears, He disappeared.

(Our Lady of Garabandal said, “Few will see God!”)

Volume 17
February 15, 1925
Full of astonishment, I said: “My Love, my Jesus, how beautiful is the Heaven of Your Will! How good it is to be under It! O how refreshing and wholesome is Its celestial air!”

And Jesus squeezed me more tightly to Himself and said to me: “Daughter of My Will, each act in My Will is a new heaven that stretches out over the head of the soul, each one more beautiful than the material heaven. The air of these heavens is divine and bears sanctity, love, life, strength, and every kind of delight all joined together. This is why one breathes a sweet, balsamic air. My Will in Heaven fortifies, beatifies, delights, and penetrates everywhere, transforming and divinizing everything in Itself. On the other hand, it works in the soul who possesses these new heavens of My Will on earth. And while It works, It delights Itself in stretching out these new heavens. Indeed, My Will labors and works more in the wayfaring soul than in the Heavenly Jerusalem. There the works of the Saints are finished; there is nothing more for them to do. But here My Will always has something to do in the soul in whom It reigns. That is why It wants everything for itself. It does not want to leave a single act to the human will, because It wants to do so much. And with each act that It leaves to the human will, one more heaven would be left rolled up and Its works would be one less.

“Ah, you do not know what happens in the soul when she gives My Will full liberty to work in her and when she works in My Will! Imagine the sea when the waves rise up so strong and high that their force even carries the fish up high—so that they can be seen in those waves, lifted up by the violence of the storm. The storm’s force makes the fish go out from the depths of the sea—from their normal home—and lifts them on high, together with the waves. The waves have swept them away, and the fish could not resist their power. But without the force of the waves, they would not know to go out from the sea. O if the sea had unlimited force…it would empty the seabed of all its water. It would form the highest waves, and sweep all of the fish away in them.

“But what the sea cannot do because its power is limited, My Will can do. As My Will does Its acts in the soul who works in It, It forms eternal waves in her and sweeps everything away in them. And all that My Humanity did is seen in these waves—all of My heavenly Mother’s works, those of the Saints, and all that the Divinity Itself did—everything is set in motion. My Will is more than the sea; my works and those of the Saints can be compared to the fish that live in the sea. When My Will works in the soul—and also outside of the soul—everything in My Will is moved, lifted up, and set in order to give glory, love and adoration back to Us. They pass before Us in procession saying: ‘We are Your works; You are great and powerful; and that is why You have made us so beautiful.’

“My Will encloses all goodness and beauty. And when My Will works, It leaves nothing behind so that nothing of Ours might be lacking so that Our Glory may be complete. And this is no surprise—because it is Our Eternal Action that unfolds in the soul. That is why the action of My Will can be called the Eternal Wave that sweeps Heaven and earth away as if in a single point and then diffuses Itself over everyone as the bearer of a Divine Act. O how Heaven rejoices when It sees the Eternal Will working in the soul because the blessed—their works in the Divine Will already confirmed in Heaven—see their works flow in that Divine Act; and they feel twice the glory, joy, and happiness.

“That is why I urge you—since you are the Little Daughter of My Supreme Will—to leave each of your acts in the arms of the Eternal Waves of My Will. Then, as these waves reach the foot of Our Throne in Heaven, We can always confirm you even more strongly as the true daughter of Our Will and grant you favors of grace for your brothers and our children.”

Copyright © Center of the Divine Will, All rights reserved.


Dear Family in the Divine Will,

This is the Novena to the Holy Spirit which is prayed nine (9) days before Pentecost Sunday. This year Pentecost Sunday is on the 23rd of May. Therefore, we begin the Novena on the Friday, the 14th of May. It may be good if we first pray the very short and quick “Divine Will Novena to the Holy Spirit,” which Jesus gave to Luisa, each day before the “regular” Novena. I have everything written out for the “Divine Will Novena.” We will finish the Novena on the 22nd of May. On the 23rd of May, which is Pentecost Sunday, we can consecrate our Families to the Holy Spirit. The family consecration prayer is at the end of the regular Novena to the Holy Spirit.

The Divine Will Novena to the Holy Spirit, and the regular Novena to the Holy Spirit are below. This way you can separate this note from your Novenas.

NOTE: If you decide this way isn’t for you or your family, then just cut out the Divine Will Novena to the Holy Spirit and the Consecration of the Family to the Holy Spirit and just use the regular Novena to the Holy Spirit! If you do it this way, then begin on the 15th of May and you will end on the 23rd of May, which is Pentecost Sunday.
God bless each of you with the immensity of His Will reigning in your most precious souls!
Ann Ellison

Divine Will Novena to the Holy Spirit!
[From the Book of Heaven written by Luisa Piccarreta]

“I come to correspond with love for everything the Sanctifier does for those He sanctifies. I come to enter into the order of grace, to be able to give the correspondence of love as if all had become holy, and to make reparation for all the opposition and failure to correspond with grace.

“Sanctifying Spirit, I beg and implore You to do it quickly: Make your Will known to all so that, knowing It, they may love It and receive your first act of their complete sanctification which is your most Holy Will!”

Novena to the Holy Spirit
The novena in honor of the Holy Spirit is the oldest of all novenas since it was first made at the direction of Our Lord Himself when He sent His apostles back to Jerusalem to await the coming of the Holy Spirit on the first Pentecost. It is still the only novena officially prescribed by the Church. Addressed to the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, it is a powerful plea for the light and strength and love so sorely needed by every Christian.

To be recited daily during the Novena:

On my knees I before the great multitude of heavenly witnesses I offer myself, soul and body to You, Eternal Spirit of God. I adore the brightness of Your purity, the unerring keenness of Your justice, and the might of Your love. You are the Strength and Light of my soul. In You I live and move and am. I desire never to grieve You by unfaithfulness to grace and I pray with all my heart to be kept from the smallest sin against You. Mercifully guard my every thought and grant that I may always watch for Your light, and listen to Your voice, and follow Your gracious inspirations. I cling to You and give myself to You and ask You, by Your compassion to watch over me in my weakness. Holding the pierced Feet of Jesus and looking at His Five Wounds, and trusting in His Precious Blood and adoring His opened Side and stricken Heart, I implore You, Adorable Spirit, Helper of my infirmity, to keep me in Your grace that I may never sin against You. Give me grace O Holy Spirit, Spirit of the Father and the Son to say to You always and everywhere, “Speak Lord for Your servant heareth.” Amen.

To be recited daily during the Novena:

O Lord Jesus Christ Who, before ascending into heaven did promise to send the Holy Spirit to finish Your work in the souls of Your Apostles and Disciples, deign to grant the same Holy Spirit to me that He may perfect in my soul, the work of Your grace and Your love. Grant me the Spirit of Wisdom that I may despise the perishable things of this world and aspire only after the things that are eternal, the Spirit of Understanding to enlighten my mind with the light of Your divine truth, the Spirit on Counsel that I may ever choose the surest way of pleasing God and gaining heaven, the Spirit of Fortitude that I may bear my cross with You and that I may overcome with courage all the obstacles that oppose my salvation, the Spirit of Knowledge that I may know God and know myself and grow perfect in the science of the Saints, the Spirit of Piety that I may find the service of God sweet and amiable, and the Spirit of Fear that I may be filled with a loving reverence towards God and may dread in any way to displease Him. Mark me, dear Lord with the sign of Your true disciples, and animate me in all things with Your Spirit. Amen.


FIRST DAY (Friday after Ascension is the 14th of May)

Holy Spirit! Lord of Light! From Your clear celestial height, Your pure beaming radiance give! The Holy Spirit

Only one thing is important — eternal salvation. Only one thing, therefore, is to be feared–sin? Sin is the result of ignorance, weakness, and indifference The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Light, of Strength, and of Love. With His sevenfold gifts He enlightens the mind, strengthens the will, and inflames the heart with love of God. To ensure our salvation we ought to invoke the Divine Spirit daily, for “The Spirit helpeth our infirmity. We know not what we should pray for as we ought. But the Spirit Himself asketh for us.”
Almighty and eternal God, Who hast vouchsafed to regenerate us by water and the Holy Spirit, and hast given us forgiveness all sins, vouchsafe to send forth from heaven upon us your sevenfold Spirit, the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and fortitude, the Spirit of Knowledge and Piety, and fill us with the Spirit of Holy Fear. Amen.


SECOND DAY (Saturday)

Come. Father of the poor. Come, treasures which endure; Come, Light of all that live!

The Gift of Fear
The gift of Fear fills us with a sovereign respect for God, and makes us dread nothing so much as to offend Him by sin. It is a fear that arises, not from the thought of hell, but from sentiments of reverence and filial submission to our heavenly Father. It is the fear that is the beginning of wisdom, detaching us from worldly pleasures that could in any way separate us from God. “They that fear the Lord will prepare their hearts, and in His sight will sanctify their souls.”

Come, O blessed Spirit of Holy Fear, penetrate my inmost heart, that I may set you, my Lord and God, before my face forever, help me to shun all things that can offend You, and make me worthy to appear before the pure eyes of Your Divine Majesty in heaven, where You live and reign in the unity of the ever Blessed Trinity, God world without end. Amen.

THIRD DAY (Sunday)

Thou, of all consolers best, Visiting the troubled breast, Dost refreshing peace bestow.

The Gift of Piety
The gift of Piety begets in our hearts a filial affection for God as our most loving Father. It inspires us to love and respect for His sake persons and things consecrated to Him, as well as those who are vested with His authority, His Blessed Mother and the Saints, the Church and its visible Head, our parents and superiors, our country and its rulers. He who is filled with the gift of Piety finds the practice of his religion, not a burdensome duty, but a delightful service. Where there is love, there is no labor.

Come, O Blessed Spirit of Piety, possess my heart. Enkindle therein such a love for God that I may find satisfaction only in His service, and for His sake lovingly submit to all legitimate authority. Amen.



Thou in toil art comfort sweet, Pleasant coolness in the heat, solace in the midst of woe.

The Gift of Fortitude
By the gift of Fortitude the soul is strengthened against natural fear, and supported to the end in the performance of duty. Fortitude imparts to the will an impulse and energy which move it to undertake without hesitancy the most arduous tasks, to face dangers, to trample under foot human respect, and to endure without complaint the slow martyrdom of even lifelong tribulation. “He that shall persevere unto the end, he shall be saved.”

Come, O Blessed Spirit of Fortitude, uphold my soul in time of trouble and adversity, sustain my efforts after holiness, strengthen my weakness, give me courage against all the assaults of my enemies, that I may never be overcome and separated from Thee, my God and greatest Good. Amen.


FIFTH DAY (Tuesday)

Light immortal! Light Divine! Visit Thou these hearts of Thine, And our inmost being fill!

The Gift of Knowledge
The gift of Knowledge enables the soul to evaluate created things at their true worth–in their relation to God. Knowledge unmasks the pretense of creatures, reveals their emptiness, and points out their only true purpose as instruments in the service of God. It shows us the loving care of God even in adversity, and directs us to glorify Him in every circumstance of life.
Guided by its light, we put first things first, and prize the friendship of God beyond all else. “Knowledge is a fountain of life to him that possesseth it.”

Come, O Blessed Spirit of Knowledge, and grant that I may perceive the will of the Father; show me the nothingness of earthly things, that I may realize their vanity and use them only for Thy glory and my own salvation, looking ever beyond them to Thee, and Thy eternal rewards. Amen.


SIXTH DAY (Wednesday)

If Thou take Thy grace away, nothing pure in man will stay, All his good is turn’d to ill.

The Gift of Understanding
Understanding, as a gift of the Holy Spirit, helps us to grasp the meaning of the truths of our holy religion BY faith we know them, but by Understanding we learn to appreciate and relish them. It enables us to penetrate the inner meaning of revealed truths and through them to be quickened to newness of life. Our faith ceases to be sterile and inactive, but inspires a mode of life that bears eloquent testimony to the faith that is in us; we begin to “walk worthy of God in all things pleasing, and increasing in the knowledge of God.”

Come, O Spirit of Understanding, and enlighten our minds, that we may know and believe all the mysteries of salvation; and may merit at last to see the eternal light in Thy Light; and in the light of glory to have a clear vision of Thee and the Father and the Son. Amen.


SEVENTH DAY (Thursday)

Heal our wounds–our strength renews; On our dryness pour Thy dew, Wash the stains of guilt away.

The Gift of Counsel
The gift of Counsel endows the soul with supernatural prudence, enabling it to judge promptly and rightly what must done, especially in difficult circumstances. Counsel applies the principles furnished by Knowledge and Understanding to the innumerable concrete cases that confront us in the course of our daily duty as parents, teachers, public servants, and Christian citizens. Counsel is supernatural common sense, a priceless treasure in the quest of salvation. “Above all these things, pray to the Most High, that He may direct thy way in truth.”

Come, O Spirit of Counsel, help and guide me in all my ways, that I may always do Thy holy will. Incline my heart to that which is good; turn it away from all that is evil, and direct me by the straight path of Thy commandments to that goal of eternal life for which I long.



Bend the stubborn heart and will, melt the frozen warm the chill. Guide the steps that go astray!

The Gift of Wisdom
Embodying all the other gifts, as charity embraces all the other virtues, Wisdom is the most perfect of the gifts. Of wisdom it is written “all good things came to me with her, and innumerable riches through her hands.” It is the gift of Wisdom that strengthens our faith, fortifies hope, perfects charity, and promotes the practice of virtue in the highest degree.
Wisdom enlightens the mind to discern and relish things divine, in the appreciation of which earthly joys lose their savor, whilst the Cross of Christ yields a divine sweetness according to the words of the Saviour: “Take up thy cross and follow me, for my yoke is sweet and my burden light.

Come, O Spirit of Wisdom, and reveal to my soul the mysteries of heavenly things, their exceeding greatness, power and beauty. Teach me to love them above and beyond all the passing joys and satisfactions of earth. Help me to attain them and possess them for ever. Amen.

NINTH DAY (Saturday, Vigil of Pentecost)

Thou, on those who evermore Thee confess and Thee Adore, in Thy sevenfold gift, Descend; Give Them Comfort when they die; Give them Life with Thee on high; Give them joys which never end. Amen

The Fruits of the Holy Spirit
The gifts of the Holy Spirit perfect the supernatural virtues by enabling us to practice them with greater docility to divine inspiration. As we grow in the knowledge and love of God under the direction of the Holy Spirit, our service becomes more sincere and generous, the practice of virtue more perfect. Such acts of virtue leave the heart filled with joy and consolation and are known as Fruits of the Holy Spirit. These Fruits in turn render the practice of virtue more attractive and become a powerful incentive for still greater efforts in the service of God, to serve Whom is to reign.

Come, O Divine Spirit, fill my heart with Thy heavenly fruits, Thy charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, faith, mildness, and temperance that I may never weary in the service of God, but by continued faithful submission to Thy inspiration may merit to be united eternally with Thee in the love of the Father and the Son. Amen.

PENTECOST SUNDAY (Consecration of our Families to the Holy Spirit!)


O my Holy Spirit perennial font of grace and love, Joy of the Trinity, Creator of the universe, sweetest guest of hearts, Light and splendour of souls, I __________ the lowliest of the sinners to you do come, with humility and confidence I dare to consecrate myself and all those I love, especially my family, to You.

Divine Spirit, breathe on our weak and sterile being and bring us the light, the warmth and abundance of holy works. Come to our souls to purify everything, which is defective and sinful. Adorn our souls with the immensity of your richness, the power of your gift and the fire of your love. Make our souls your perpetual and sweet dwelling place, and a magnificent temple of your Glory.

O my Divine Spirit, furnace of eternal love for souls, in your infinite bounty and charity, you search for the hearts of men to give them a new divine life. You want to renew the world with your perennial Pentecost of graces, virtues and gifts. This is the time that souls, more than ever, need your presence, your grace and your power to be detached from sinful ways and to be brought to the ideals of the Gospel and to the imitation of divine Perfection. Today, I come to you, I consecrate myself and my family to you, and we open ourselves to your mysterious and divine work, to be completely renewed in body and soul so that we can become a worthy vessel of your bounty and election.

O my Holy Spirit, this consecration is like a personal covenant with you. I offer and consecrate myself and my family to you and I beg you to grant us the desires of our hearts, the favour of conversion, reconciliation, healing, final perseverance and a happy holy death for all of us. Confirm us in your grace, in your work. Be our joy, our consolation, our strength, our rest and our all. In spite of our nothingness, we desire to be your devoted servants, your faithful friends.

O my Holy Spirit, in all our weaknesses and infirmities, help us always with your grace and win us always with the kiss of your eternal love. Transport us always in the kingdom of truth and charity. Bring us and unite us continuously to Jesus Christ and the Eternal Father.


Our mailing address is:
The Luisa Piccarreta Center for the Divine Will
PO Box 415
Jacksboro, TN 37757

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

May 12, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,
There are several things that we must do which are essential to living and growing in the Divine Will!
One of the most important, in my humble opinion, is living for God’s Kingdom to come! The coming of the Kingdom of God is what all this is about!

God almost did not create man because when He foresaw the fall of Adam, He realized that He would not have the intimacy with mankind for which He was creating him!!

Explaining this in human terms, the only way I know how, Jesus told His Father that He will go and redeem this fall. I will go and lay the foundation for Your Kingdom to come in the future and I will redeem this fall, Father and look, Father, look, You will have Your Kingdom, and the intimacy that You so crave with Your creatures and that You intended to have in the first place, in the future! Look, Father, look! And so, God when ahead with the creation of the entire universe and Adam. O how it crushed the Most Holy Trinity when Adam fell. We can relate to it a tiny way by thinking of a time when maybe one of our children went against our will to the extent that it crushed our hearts, too. But God’s love knows no boundaries and the Holy Trinity went to work to bring back a Kingdom so holy; one of total happiness, joy and full of the love of God!

So, everything that has happened since the fall of Adam has been to bring back the Kingdom of God which Adam lost. Jesus spent 30 years laying the foundation for the Kingdom of God to return to mankind, and only 3 years on Redemption. This should tell us the importance of helping to bring the Kingdom of God to all souls!

In the ‘Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will’ book, our Heavenly Mother stated that She did nothing other than ascend and descend to Heaven, throwing Herself into the arms of Her Father pleading with Him to send the Savior to earth for the great benefit of all mankind. When Our Lady worked and was doing Her duties much of this was accomplished interiorly through Her intentions, in the great depth of Her soul. She accomplished this, and everything, in and with the Holy Will of God perfectly, and for this reason Our Lady’s intentions are what brought the Messiah down. But I feel certain that God touched many hearts to pray solely for the Redeemer to come.

Maybe He is touching your heart to be focused only on calling His Kingdom to come in all souls! It is important to voice our intentions when we enter into the Divine Will. Then everything is accomplished in the depth of our souls….from our souls to God’s ears!

Although it is important as well to voice our intention to live in the Holy Will of God for His glory and for the salvation and sanctification of all souls. God can take His Divine Acts accomplished through us and save a soul in 300 AD, or save a soul in 2054! Time does not matter to God…He is Eternity and sees and knows everything from the beginning of time until the end of time. After all, He created time! We have to live in time physically, but not spiritually. Our souls and acts are in Eternity constantly as long as we remain in a state of grace in the Divine Will. That is why we call it living Heaven on earth!

Jesus told Blessed Dina Belanger, who received the Gift of the Divine Substitution, that once she received that Gift, her soul was now living in Heaven while it was also sustaining her life on earth! It is the same for those who live in the Divine Will, only more so! Although not to the degree that Dina or Luisa lived it!
Our life in the Divine Will is a Heavenly life, not a worldly life. It is totally necessary to remove ourselves from the world completely! As Jesus states that we should be of the world, not in the world. Use the world for your necessities and let the rest go! Live only for God and for His Kingdom to come! You will receive many, many graces and kudos living this way for the love of God!

It is important for us to continually plead for God’s Kingdom to come in everything we think, say and do! Until God’s Kingdom comes fully on earth, mankind will live in tumoral and confusion. Death will follow those who do not love God and evil will reign on earth.

But when the Kingdom of God comes to all souls on earth to reign, then there will be peace, harmony, love, abundance, and a happiness never before known to mankind since the fall of Adam.

We love you all so very much and keep each of you in our daily prayers. May God help us all realize the sublime life of His Kingdom on earth as in Heaven!
PS: I am going to share some quotes from Jesus about His Kingdom coming and Its importance to Him!
Volume 19
June 20, 1926
Jesus told Luisa: “The Kingdom of My Will in the soul of the creature was the ideal which moved Me to the work of creation. My primary purpose was that of making of man an image of the Divine Trinity, in virtue of the fulfillment in him of My Supreme Will. But when he withdrew from It, I lost My Kingdom in him, and for a full six thousand years I had to sustain a severe battle. And yet, for however long it might have been, I did not abandon My first purpose, just as I shall not renounce it in the future. It was in order to realize it that I descended upon the earth and redeemed man. At the time of My coming, I laid the foundation and made the preparations; nevertheless, the bloody battle between the human will and the Divine continues still.”

February 23, 1926
Jesus tells Luisa: “Do you think it is a simple matter for the Divine Sovereignty to give this Kingdom of My Will to creatures without It being requested or anyone giving the slightest thought to It or having the slightest desire to receive It? It would be a repetition of the history of the earthly Paradise……and perhaps worse! Furthermore, our justice would be justly opposed to this.
“This is the reason for everything I ask you to do, all your continuous rounds in the Supreme Will, your unceasing prayers calling for my Will to come and reign, your life of sacrifice over so many years, a life dedicated to the sole end of calling down My Kingdom. These are the supports before my Justice to surrender its Rights!”

Volume 36
May 10, 1938
Jesus also tells Luisa the following about “wanting what God wants”: “The person who lives in My Will–what can he not do? He can do everything for Me, because his life keeps him in contact with all My sufferings. And I will do everything for that person. We take turns watching and resting. How beautiful it is to live in My Will! The creature puts himself in the very condition We are in: what We want, he wants. And this is the holiest, greatest and most noble thing, full of majesty and purity: wanting what God wants.

“No other act can reach a height so sublime and a treasure that never ends. Wanting what God wants. God is holy and pure. He is perfect order and goodness. Wanting what God wants, the creature wants what is holy, pure and good. With a fullness of order, he feels reborn in God. He does what God does. God does everything, He embraces everything, He moves in all. And the creature participates in all that God does. Can he do a greater good than this? Living in My Will–there is nothing that can rival it or surpass it. So, live always in My Fiat, and you and I will be happy.”

Copyright © Center for the Divine Will, All rights reserved.

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