(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

November 30, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,

The good, the bad and the ugly! My husband loved those Clint Eastwood movies, and I didn’t like them at all, although I watched them with him as a good wife when he would ask me. I thanked God for the times he didn’t. But thinking of the wonderful and very good “Fiat” and the very bad “Why” made me think of this title. The more you ask God “why” the uglier you become, so the good, the bad and the ugly!

You know that Jesus explains to Luisa that the word, “why” originated in Hell, so therefore the bad. The beautiful “Fiat” originated with God, and Our Lady, so therefore the good. Our souls can certainly become ugly every time we ask why!

So, what is the reason for the “why” making our souls so ugly? Every why is a huge lack of trust, faith and a huge sign of pride every time you ask God why something is happening or not happening. We all know that God is in charge, and He is in control of His plans for you as soon as you give yourself over to Him, as when making your Consecration to the Divine Will, or to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, or to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We have no control over anything…absolutely nothing, except using our human wills to make our souls ugly.

Those voids in our souls that Jesus speaks about…they are the “whys” in our souls. If we sin, isn’t it the same thing as asking God why? Why must I do this or that…I will do it my way. This is why the “fiat” is so important….Your Will, Lord, never mine!! Fiat always!! Continue reading “”

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

October 22, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,

I pray all are striving to live as deeply as possible in the Holy Will of their Heavenly Father! I also pray everyone is healthy and full of joy that we FEW have been chosen for such a GIFT as living in the Divine Will and giving God all the glory, love, honor and gratitude that all souls owe Him, from Adam to the last man on earth! What a privilege and humongous grace!! Wow! Of course, we have our Heavenly Mother to thank as it is She who was chosen to go around and choose the souls disposed to receive such an incredible grace! May we always to give our Heavenly Family our gratitude and love at every moment of our lives!

We are in Fatima at this time. We have also had Masses said for our DW Family! I can finally try to get a Snippet out if at all possible. Even here the internet is so unreliable and is always on and off again. But, fiat, if God wishes to get a Snippet out, then it will be done…if not, He has His reasons!

One of the things that has been bothering me lately is hearing people say, “How many Divine Lives have you created today?” “What? Excuse me?” And they repeat, “How many Divine Lives have you created today?” I say “None!” “What? Aren’t you living in the Divine Will?” “I pray so,” I answer! “Then you should be creating Divine Lives with your acts!” “No, not me! I am nothing! Inviting God to come and reign in me and act in and through me, gives Him the task of creating Divine Lives in my acts. My acts just “FORM” the void, God then can create a Divine Life in that void by doing the act in and through me! I just give Him permission to use my acts for form these incredible Divine Lives. I personally can do absolutely nothing by myself!”

We are nothing, we cannot create anything without God…even baking a cake, or painting a million-dollar painting…it is only through the talent that God gives us that we can accomplish these things. We can co-create a baby with God, but we cannot create anything without Him! So, the Snippet today is on the Divine Lives that God can create in the voids of our acts, and on which He feeds Himself….and He feeds us with His love! But even God cannot create a Divine Life in your act if it is not totally void of everything, especially your own ego, and it seems to me that thinking you are creating these Divine Lives is a show of ego and so therefore, even God is not creating Divine Lives in your acts!

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September 29, 2021



A Talk given by Ann Ellison in Cincinnati in 2014

Dear Divine Will Family,

I pray that these instructions will motivate you to practice the ways of God so that during this time of great confusion and suffering, you will grow in acceptance, docility and obedience to the Holy Will of God in all things. Yes, I know you are suffering; we all are, but this is the time in which God created you to live, and there is always a very good reason. This is the time of making saints out of those who love God more than themselves. This is a time of sifting, separating the wheat from the chaff….make sure you are the wheat! Make sure you are practicing the life of the Divine Will; making reparation for all souls for His Kingdom to come, returning to Him all the reciprocity that is due to Him from all mankind and doing all this for all souls, from the beginning of time until the end of time! God’s deserves no less and always much more!

Love your neighbour as yourself. This is a wonderful time to find a way to give to people in need. Keeping busy with charitable work takes your mind off your own sorrows and it makes you feel wonderful at the end of the day and it pleases God immensely done always in and with His Holy Will!

Go to Adoration as much as possible. There is a wonderful feeling of love, security and protection when you leave an hour of Adoration, knowing how much God loves you and that whatever His plans are for you, they are the best plans that we can fulfil!

And live in the moment. Let God take care of what He is responsible for…our future, and we will take care of what He desires of us…living in the present moment in His Will, doing and saying whatever He inspires us to do at that moment!

And be at peace, child, He is in control! He is the only one who is and can be in control of the happenings in our lives, if we but abandon ourselves to Him and always give Him our fiats in all circumstances! I have seen so much miracle by abandoning myself in His Will and letting go and letting Him handle everything! He loves to take care of us and He loves to show His love for us through these wonderful miracles. Let go and let God!!! A saying I learned back in 1973 and of which I have tried to never let go!

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September 27, 2021


First Half of Part II of Instructions from Jesus!

A Talk given by Ann Ellison in Cincinnati in 2014

Dear, dear Divine Will Family,

How much we love each of you, and how much I thank you for your comments and for writing to me about the Snippets. They are so very much appreciated, but there were so many that I cannot answer all them, but please know how much I love each of you for writing. I open each one and pray for you and give a huge thanksgiving to God for you.

I don’t mind constructive criticism at all and most probably need a lot of it, so don’t hesitate to help me be better at writing the Snippets, please.

Well, we will begin the first half of Part II of the Instructions from Jesus remembering the love He has for each of us by giving us these very valuable instructions….teaching us how to live more attentively and deeper in His Holy Will! Praise His Immense Mercy towards us all!

Please always remember, we love you all so very much and keep each of you in our daily prayers! May God bring your most precious soul deeper and deeper in His Holy Will through our efforts to live it as Jesus teaches us!
Ann Ellison

PS: I loved the first reading at this Sunday’s Mass where Moses said to Joshua, “Are you jealous for my sake? Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets! Would that the Lord might bestow His Spirit on them all!”
In my humble opinion, this was the perfect example of love of neighbour and God! Would that all people of the Lord know of Luisa and the Book of Heaven…what a world we would be living in!!! Help our Lord spread it all over the world!!!

2. Instructions from Jesus


(On Dispositions and Virtues)


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September 25, 2021


PART I – Continued

A Talk given by Ann Ellison in Cincinnati in 2014

Dear Divine Will Family,

This Snippet is going to be longer than yesterdays, but to be able to get to both talks sent out before we go to Spain, I will have to send the rest of Part I today.

Not to worry, you will have plenty of time to read everything since we will have to get internet in Spain when we get there before I can send out another Snippet. Hopefully, I can go back to my origina format at that time!

We love you all so much and keep each of you in our daily prayers….please keep us in yours! May God accomplish His work in your most precious soul to His satisfaction and to your glory!
Ann Ellison
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September 23, 2021

“I am Your ALL and I Deserve to be Loved with a Love Equal to My Own!”

(A Talk by Ann Ellison in Cincinnati, 2014)

My Dear Divine Will Family,

I have no idea how to ask you for forgiveness for taking so long to send out a Snippet. I could give you a lot of reasons and excuses, but it would not make up for taking so long! Please forgive me…all I can say is “Internet and Microsoft”…..so many problems and they still are not fixed…..so this is the reason this Snippet doesn’t look like the others and will not be like the others. I have no search engine and I am trying to do this with Google Docs and not Word! I have no access to my files, etc., etc., etc.! These days have been some real ‘fiats’ for us here in Europe! If things could go wrong, they did and if they could not, they did anyway! Really some wonderful tests from Our Lord for His glory and for His Kingdom to come!! May it come quickly!

There is so much to share with you. We have been in Fatima and traveling since September 8th! I will share a lot with you at a later date. Right now, I would like to share a little of a talk I gave in Cincinnati in 2014 which will lead up to what I want to share with you. Gosh, there is so much to say, but it will wait until you finish reading this talk. I am not putting the entire talk on the Snippet because it was a two hour long talk, but I will share some with you now and the rest later. I hope you will get out of it the same thing many did as well as myself while preparing it!

We love you all so very much and keep each of you in our daily prayers. Please keep us in yours! May God touch your hearts and souls to realize He must be our ALL in everything and at all times! May it be God’s Will for all of you to be and stay healthy!

Ann Ellison

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