(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

August 21, 2021

“The Call to the Creature to Return to the Order,
the Place, and the Purpose for which he was created by God”

Dear Divine Will Family,
I know I have to ask for your forgiveness a lot, and I have to ask it again. I did not send out a Snippet at all last week and probably won’t send out one for next week. And for that I am truly sorry!

My dear friend, Felicia Murray and I have been getting ready to leave for Portugal and Spain this next Tuesday/Wednesday. David and Gloria Russell will be joining us because David is the new Director of Foreign Assets for the Center for the Divine Will. He and Gloria are going over to learn the ropes to take over the House of Divine Will in San Sebastian de Garabandal and the apartment in Fatima, Portugal.

It has been extremely busy, so I apologize again to all of you! We leave on Tuesday to drive to Atlanta and then we will fly out of Atlanta on Wednesday, the 25th at 3:30 pm. We will land in Lisbon and then drive to Fatima, then eventually head for Garabandal the first week or so of September.

As we all know, living in the Divine Will is the only way we can “restore” our souls to the original order, place and purpose for which God created us. And what does it mean to return to, or be restored to the Original State of Justice in which Adam lived before the Great Fall?

It is restoring or souls to the Divine Order of God…not the human order in which we have been living since the fall of Adam! To restore us to the place we would be living if Adam had not fallen….our nothingness!! There was No Pride when Adam and Eve lived in their nothingness! And to restore our souls to the purpose for which God created us…to live one same life with and in God, giving Him all the glory, love, honor and gratitude which He so deserves from each of us!

We love you so very much and keep each of you in our daily prayers. Please keep us in yours. May God restore your most precious souls to the Original State of Justice, with your cooperation, quickly so that His Kingdom will reign in you as It does in God and all the inhabitants of Heaven!
Ann Ellison
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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

August 15, 2021



Dear Divine Will Family,
There was no way I could pass up sending out a Snippet to honor of Our Blessed Mother, Mary, on the magnificent Feast Day of Her Assumption into Heaven…the Feast of the Divine Will in Heaven.

I love the fact that all the Saints who were already in Heaven from the Ascension on waited for Her arrival before they celebrated the Divine Will, which was also the only reason they were in the Paradise of everlasting glory and joy in His Holy Will!

It is a day to celebrate with immense gratitude Our Blessed Mother, for it was She who chose us to come and live in the Kingdom of God on earth as It is lived in Heaven! We honor You, love You and thank You, dear Heavenly Mother, for everything, most especially for never doing your own will, but always that of God’s! This brought our Redeemer to earth, Who laid the foundation for the Kingdom to come! It is the Holy Will of God reigning in You, dear Mother, for which we owe so much!

We ask that You please come and help us live in the Divine Will as perfectly as possible for our poor souls, for the love, honor and glory of the Triune God, Who You love so much! We ask You this favor for the glory and love of Your Most Beloved Son, Jesus; for Your Most Beloved Spouse, the Holy Ghost; and for Your Beloved Father! We love and honor You, dear Mother with all our hearts and give ourselves to You as Your legitimate children, to love and raise as You did your own Beloved Son! Fiat always and Amen!!

We love all of you so much and keep each of you in our daily prayer, dear brothers and sisters in the Divine Will! May God allow Our Mother to teach us and raise us to be as perfect as our poor souls will allow for love of Him and for His glory and for His Kingdom to come!! Fiat!
Ann Ellison
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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

August 13, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,

I have many people asking me to explain the “rounds.” Some have a hard time grasping the why and how of doing them. And I know it can get very confusing. I see it in two ways:

1st: Love coming from God in all creation, in all souls and in all holy Angels, and then returning that love to Him, so it looks like a round;

2nd: Going around all that God has created out of so much love for His creatures, (creation) and to every soul, past, present and future, and repairing all sinful acts, making Divine all holy acts not accomplished in the Divine Will, and/or taking all acts that should have been done, but were not done and that Jesus did perfectly for the glory of His Father. Every sinful act leaves an act of love not done….and these are the acts that Jesus did for each of us and left suspended for us to take and present to His Father for the Father’s glory!

Below is another way of explaining the rounds!

The rounds are a way to return to God our love for all that He has created for us and for all that He has done and is doing for us, as in the Creation of the universe, the Redemption of all human generations and the Sanctification of souls. In the Holy Will of God, we are able to do this in a most remarkable way, with our spiritual souls dispersed in unity with the Divine Will in all creation, accomplishing this action in our name and in the name of all souls, past, present and future.

There are three “Fiats” of God, “Creation, Redemption, and Sanctification.” While making the Rounds, we thank, love, praise and adore our Heavenly Father for these three “Fiats,” which is His just due from all created souls. It is just and right for us to reciprocate with God all the love He has given in all He has done and is doing for our good!

It delights God for us to surround Him with all the goods He has created for us, i.e: the heavens, stars, all the flowers, all the minerals of the earth, animal life, and all that His Beloved Son suffered for our salvation. And when He looks at His three “Fiats”, He sees our “I love You,” in each thing He created and that which He suffered out of love for us.

It is a return of love to God, in the Divine Order, for His love in all of Creation, Redemption, and in all the works of the Holy Spirit for the Sanctification of all.…just for each one of us, individually!

I pray these explanations help souls to understand better the way of the rounds for the Glory of our Heavenly Father and for the love of all that Our Lord and the Holy Spirit is doing, has done, and will do for each one of us!

We love you all so very much and keep each one of you in our daily prayers! May God bless each of you and your families abundantly, as we thank Him abundantly for all His has, is, and will be doing! Amen!
Ann Ellison

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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

August 10, 2021

How important are our intentions in the Divine Will?

Dear Divine Will Family,
I guess we all know the importance of our intentions in the life of the Divine Will. I have heard it said that hell is paved with good intentions, which is another lie the devil would love for you to believe. If someone has good intentions, usually they follow through with those intentions. Sometimes our good intentions/plans cannot be accomplished because God has other plans, which is another way to give Him glory with your fiat! But our intentions in the Divine Will is very important. How else is God going to know that you want to live in His Will without your intentions to do so?
I think it would be fair to say that your life in the Divine Will is built on intentions. That’s how important they are in the Divine Will.
As usual, I know that Jesus can explain it much better than I can. Wonderful readings below!

We love you all so much and keep each of you in our daily prayers! May God realize your intentions of wanting desperately to be consumed by His Will completely, and you consuming God completely. It should always be a mutual consumption of the nothing with the ALL!
Ann Ellison

Volume 1 (No Date)
Jesus: “When you are afflicted and dry and you suffer My absence—when you are filled with sadness, worries, and pains—come to Me! Clean the blood off me! Offer your pains to relieve Me in my most bitter agony! Then you will be able to stay with Me after Communion. You will still have to suffer—because the bitterest pain I can give to souls who love Me is to deprive them of Myself—but, knowing that your sufferings relieve Me, you will still be happy.

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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

August 6, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,

It has been a very, very busy time for me this last week. But, God has rewarded you for your patience with me by giving me an extraordinary writing by Thomas M. Fahy to share with you! I know most all of you loved the last Snippet which has a writing from Tom, so I know you will love this one as well! Please forgive me for neglecting you so much this summer, especially this last week! Mia Culpa, Mia Culpa!

I am praying that the next few weeks will be better, but as God Wills it, so do I! Fiat always! We love you all so very much and keep each of you in our daily prayers, please keep us in yours!

May God bless us all abundantly from this incredible writing of Tom Fahy’s…it is wonderful!

Ann Ellison

Those souls who live in the Divine Will can claim as their own all that God does, because such souls, having abandoned their wills to Jesus, becomes so identified with Him, that all that His Will does, they also do.

When souls who live in the Divine Will pass into Eternity, they carry within themselves the Masses celebrated and their prayers and good works, and even more—the action of the Divine Will Itself, one instant of which surpasses the actions of all other creatures combined, who have not lived in the Divine Will. Upon entering Heaven, these souls are met by all the Blessed, who bow their heads and give great honor to the action of the Divine Will in these souls.

These souls, having identified themselves with the Divine Will, upon dying in that Will, acquire such beauty, sanctity, wisdom, love and divine riches that nothing else can be compared with them, for during their lives on earth their every thought, word and deed became so many suns, each differing from the other in light and beauty.

The Divine Will is the prodigy of prodigies and the secret way for souls to find celestial light, divine holiness and all goods.

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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

July30, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,

Wow, did I learn a lot from some of the Divine Will family about Baptism…and from the Volumes, and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. There is always hope with the Creator we have….always loving and merciful, never losing any soul if at all possible not to! With God all things are possible!

One reader suggested that grandparents, who have grandchildren whose parents are away from the Church can suggest to the parents that they get the children Baptized and help raising them in the Faith by teaching them and taking them to Mass! And the grandparents only need one parents permission to Baptize all the children! What loving parent would not want their children raised to believe in a most loving and merciful God and be saved?

Here are a few other things I found while researching the subject of Baptism:

Catholic Answers:
The doctrine of original sin is that “in” Adam all have sinned. This parallels the doctrine of justification that “in” Christ all are righteous. Many Catholics do not fully understand or appreciate the importance of this parallel and how it weaves through much of Catholic teaching.
Pope Benedict XVI: April 2007
The netherworld of limbo, long speculated in Roman Catholic teaching as the destination of babies who die unbaptized, has been replaced with the “prayerful hope” that they reach heaven. Pope Benedict XVI signed a theological report, years in the making, that effectively demoted limbo, a place neither in heaven nor in hell, where unbaptized babies would not be in communion with God but would nonetheless enjoy eternal happiness.
It stressed, however, that “these are reasons for prayerful hope, rather than grounds for sure knowledge.”
Ladaria said no one could know for certain what becomes of unbaptized babies since Scripture is largely silent on the matter.
St Thomas Aquinas described the “limbo of children” as an “eternal state of natural joy” in which unbaptized children were unaware of the greater joy of Heaven.
Catholic Exchange:
This was no dismissal or demotion of limbo: it had always been a valid opinion and that’s exactly where the commission left it. And today, despite the compelling case for the alternative scenario made by the commission, limbo itself remains an opinion worth holding and defending.
Then I remembered what Jesus told Luisa that there is not a soul He created that when they take their last breath that He appears to them and asked them if they will accept this last breath as His Will and those who say yes are saved, and those who say no are not.
He did not say He excluded babies….in fact, He said EVERY soul He creates!
So, I choose to leave everything about this subject in the hands of God since who can know the mind of God??? Certainly not me!!

I know the subject today is fusing, but I wanted to share this with you because I believe it is most important that we understand what we can do and now do.

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