(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

February 10, 2024

Feast of Saint Scholastica, founder of the Benedict nuns
and the twin sister of Saint Benedict, the Patriarch of Western monasticism.


Dear Divine Will Family!

I am going to make this short and sweet. Below is the response from Alejandra Acuna regarding the pause in the Cause of Luisa Piccarreta. She is the daughter of +Mr. Jose Acuna, a pioneer in living and spreading the doctrine of Luisa Piccarreta. He and his wife raised their family on this doctrine and they have a Priest in the Divine Will who participates regularly in the retreats held by the Official Association Luisa Piccarreta in Corato, Italy.

Alejandra is married and lives in Mexico and is raising her family on the doctrine of the Divine Will and is a brilliant and very knowledgeable teacher! I pray everyone reads this response. It is so right on! Brava, Alejandra! We thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and knowledge of the reasons for the pause in Luisa’s Cause.

The time has come that we all must unite and be a family together, not in groups or factions. May God give us all this great grace to help us understand exactly what Alejandra is explaining below!

Eternal blessings upon you and your family always!
Ann Ellison
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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

February 9, 2024


Dear Divine Will Family,
I am so sorry for this succession of Snippets, but I didn’t have enough information to include these very important retreats and conferences in the Snippet yesterday, but I wanted very much to send them out as soon as possible.  

There are several conferences explained below in Illinois, Virginia, and North Carolina!

Chicago, Illinois will be this April 5 -6, 2024!  The speakers will be:

Mother Gabrielle Marie of the Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will.  A remarkable teacher of the Divine Will and a true mother to everyone in the Divine Will!  God used Mother Gabrielle Marie to start one of the most successful orders for the Divine Will in the world.  They have outgrown at least two or three convents already!  Mother Gabrielle Marie was gifted with some land in Tennessee, so there is a convent being built there now.  Mother Gabrielle Marie and several Sisters have already moved to Tennessee recently.  Welcome, Mother, we love having you in America!      

Derek Williams, who is such an excellent teacher of Luisa’s doctrine!  He is a Biblical Scholar and took a six-year sabbatical and did nothing but study Luisa’s writings. He is on fire with the knowledge God has given him through these writings.  He is a very gifted teacher and evangelist!  He has been invited all over the world only through word of mouth!  So, you know Our Lord has a hand in that!  He was a speaker at our conference last year and everyone enjoyed his easy manner and learned so much from his talks!

Raleigh, North Carolina will be April 9 – 10, 2024 and the speaker will be:

Derek Williams, see above.  The venue is pending, but anyone interested in attending can get in touch with  Rowena Crist [email protected] or (336) 675-0355.


Winchester, VA, April 12 – 14, 2024 and the speakers will be Derek Williams and Fr. Dominic O’Connor

Everyone knows Derek Williams now, if not, see the description above.  

Fr. Dominic O’Connor, is Derek’s spiritual adviser and is very knowledgeable about the doctrine of Luisa.  He is more of a laid-back speaker, but he is dynamite with his knowledge!

The flyer is below.  The emails and phone numbers are on the flyer!  

We love you all so much and we keep each of you in our daily prayers!  I pray that God allows you to attend these retreats and conferences, especially during this time of such confusion about the Cause.  These speakers can help clear everything up for you!
God bless each of you and your families abundantly!
Ann Ellison

“Give me this water so that I will not be thirsty…” Jn 4:15
“The Glory of the Lord filled the House” 2 Chr 7:1
Presenting Derek Williams, Fr. Dominic O’Connor and
Mother Gabrielle Marie of the Benedictine Daughters
of the Divine Will

A person in a white robe

Description automatically generatedA person in a priest's robe

Description automatically generated

Visit website: www.giftofdivinewill.com for conference registration and updates.

April 5-6, 2024, Chicago, IL   (Mother Gabrielle Marie and Derek Williams)
Location:  Palos Country Club, 13100 SW Hwy, Orland Park, IL 60462
For information contact Reem Tadros [email protected] or (708) 690-6777

April 9-10, 2024
Raleigh, NC      (Derek Williams)
(Venue to be announced)
For more information, contact Rowena Crist [email protected] or (336) 675-0355

April 12-14, 2024
Winchester, VA        (Derek Williams and Fr. Dominic O’Connor)
Location:  Holiday Inn Conference Center, 333 Front Royal Pike, Winchester, VA 22601
In person attendance limit:  110
Zoom attendance limit:  285
For more information, please contact Jeff Zirkle [email protected] or Mary Zirkle 305-796-4234 email [email protected]
Copyright © 2024 CENTER FOR THE DIVINE WILL, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:The Luisa Piccarreta Center for the Divine WillPO Box 415Jacksboro, TN 37757
Add us to your address book
EMAIL: [email protected] – KATHY FAHY – OFFICE/ORDERS

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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

February 8, 2024

Feast of St. Josephine Bakhita, the Patroness of Human Trafficking
Today is a day of prayer and awareness of human trafficking.  
 Dear Divine Will Family,
I pray all are at peace with the happenings of Luisa and her writings.  If we are not at peace, then you know that God cannot continue His Life in your soul!  And His Life in your soul is so extremely precious to Him, let’s never deny Him the gift of our little will to Him and the peace He needs to reign there!!   

We are having retreats and conferences!!  Yea!  The knowledge of the doctrine of Luisa continues to live and it always will!   

Our wonderful retreats in San Sebastian de Garabandal, May 14 – 21, 2024 are continuing and the May retreat we have some extraordinary speakers and teachers!!  Please get in touch with Totally Yours Pilgrimages who flyers are below to arrange to come.  You are welcome to stay at the Mary’s House, this is the most beautiful retreat House that Guy Murphy built in honor of Our Heavenly Mother, or at the Divine Will Institute and Retreat Center (formally known as the House of Sanctification), as long as there are rooms available.  The speakers are phenomenal.  They are:

Mother Gabrielle Marie of the Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will will be our keynote speaker.  We are so excited to have her!  What a gift from God and a true benefit for all the souls who will be there to learn from her! 

We will also have Fr. Robert Hurd, S. J. who will teach us about the St. Ignatius mediations.  These meditations are so important to our life in the Divine Will, so don’t discount them.  We had a lady last year who was so disappointed that the entire retreat was not solely on Divine Will, but by the time the retreat had ended she came to me and thanked me over and over again for the teachings on St. Ignatius mediations.  She couldn’t get over how much it helped her now when reading and mediating on Luisa’s writings.  It made a “world of difference!”  Guy Murphy will be joining in on these lessons as well.  Guy is a fantastic teacher and will enhance any talks or teachings you are in.
And Michael O’Brian will be back!  What a joy he is!!  Michael will certainly keep the place clapping and jumping with such awesome spiritual songs of Our Lady and Our Lord!  He was so much fun last year, and you can feel the love he has for Our Lady in his songs!! 
I will be giving a talk or two, as God Wills it.  But mostly, I hope to be with everyone else learning more and more from the fabulous teachers and guides that we will enjoy at the retreat in San Sebastian de Garabandal, Spain….the village of Our Lady!!
Here are the flyers:

It is always good to go to as many retreats and conferences as you can.  As Our Lord said, “Knowledge is the key to living in the Divine Will and the more knowledge you have the more efficacious your acts are and the more effective they are!!  The more they can save souls, glorify God, and bring His Kingdom to all!  Knowledge is the key to where you will spend your eternity!!  The more knowledge the higher you are and the more intimate you will be united to the Most Holy Trinity!!  There are choirs of Angels in Heaven and there will be choirs of the children of the Divine Will.  The more knowledge you have determines where you will be in that choir….of course, any degree of knowledge of the Divine Will in doing your acts is greater than the greatest holy human act of any Saint!  So, I encourage you to attend as many retreats, and conferences as you can and to study, study and study the writings!!   

We never know what is going to happen in this world we live in today.  Things could change in an instant, so make sure your priorities are where they should be.  Duties before devotion always, so be the best employer, wife, mother, father, son, daughter, aunt, uncle and grandparent as you can be to all souls for the glory of God, but God is always first before anything else, if you have to choose!  May God prevent that time from ever taking fruition.   

We love you all so very much and keep each of you in our daily prayers!  May God bring you enormous knowledge through your studies and through this wonderful retreat God is allowing us at this time.  
Ann Ellison
Copyright © 2024 CENTER FOR THE DIVINE WILL, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:The Luisa Piccarreta Center for the Divine WillPO Box 415Jacksboro, TN 37757
Add us to your address book
EMAIL: [email protected] – KATHY FAHY – OFFICE/ORDERS
WEBSITE: comingofthekingdom.net

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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

January 7, 2024


Dear Divine Will Family,

The Center for the Divine Will wishes everyone a Happy and Holy New Year! We pray you had a marvelous and very holy Christmas, celebrating Jesus’ birth with family and friends!

It seems God had some special plans for me over the Advent and Christmas seasons, and so I give my fiat always to Him and His plans for we know they are always perfect for each one of us. I just pray that He will have mercy on this very poor soul!

We have some great news to share and some incredible new books to tell you about.

The great and most definitely Heavenly planned is the two retreats in Garabandal, Spain! The first will be May 14 – 21, 2024 with Mother Gabrielle Marie of the Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will as our keynote speaker.
The second retreat will be held September 19 – 26, 2024 with Derek Williams as our keynote speaker! Derek is a brilliant teacher of the Divine Will and we thoroughly enjoyed his teachings at our November 2023 conference in Orlando, Florida!

Now if you are called to join either one of these retreats, please get in touch with Totally Yours Pilgrimages run by Guy Murphy. Their phone number is: 630-279-8424. Guy built a beautiful retreat house in Garabandal called “Mary’s House.” Totally Yours Pilgrimage is running the retreats, but the “Divine Will Institute and Retreat Center,” formally known as the “House of Sanctification,” is participating with Guy in these retreats.
We have new books for sale!

1st book we have is called: “The Extraordinary Journey of Lucas in the Divine Will!” compiled and written by Catherine Lavoie
For children and adults with a child’s heart!! Based on the writings of Luisa Piccarreta and with the special participation of Blessed Carlo Acutis. Accompany Lucas on a marvelous adventure, partaking in a grand journey. This large illustrated book is a story full of adventure and surprises, making it easy to understand the Gift of the Divine Will! A remarkable book whose entire content has been validated by Fr. Gabriel M. Tchonang!

2nd Book is called: “Imagine the Passion!” written and illustrated by Barbara Alger
An extraordinary book taken from the “Twenty-Four Hours of the Passion of Our Lord, Jesus Christ,” hour by hour with illustrations that are stunning in their beauty and passionate love of the suffering of Jesus Christ. This is an excellent book to carry with you at all times to keep in mind the Passion of Our Lord and to take to Adoration.

3rd Book is called: “The Gift of the Divine Will!” compiled and explained by Donna Hober. This is an excellent introduction book to help you, or anyone, especially Priests, to understand this extraordinary Gift of Living in the Divine Will! It begins at the beginning and goes through the Book of Heaven to make it concise and understandable! An incredible book to use at cenacles! This book goes fast so order yours as soon as possible.
Just remember that we love you all so dearly and keep each of you in our daily prayers!

May God share His Immensity with each of you filling your souls to overflowing, especially during this New Year!!

Ann Ellison

PS: Read these extracts very carefully. Wow, how magnificent God is to us all and how much He loves each one of us…..truly incredible!!
Volume 33
May 26, 1935
Jesus: “Oh, how she glorifies Us and loves Us, it seems that she says to Us: I am little nor is it given me to enclose and to contain all Your immensity, but what You are, such am I, your Divine Will has enclosed You in me and I love You with your same love, I glorify You with your light, I adore You with your sanctity, I can give You everything because I possess my Creator. What thing cannot my Divine Will do in the creature, when she lets herself be dominated by Him? Everything. Therefore, be attentive, if you want everything and to give everything.”

Volume 32
June 29, 1933
Jesus: “This tiny one with her efforts, with her embarrassments, with her sayings, she wounds Us, enraptures Us, enchains Us, and then do you know what We do? We take up the little one and We adapt Ourselves to her, with a prodigy of Our omnipotence, We make flow Our immensity, Our power, sanctity, love, beauty, goodness, in a way that our Divine Being remains inside and outside of her, inseparable from her, and she sees that everything is hers and the little one in her emphasis of love says to Us: how content and happy I am, I can say that Your immensity is yours and mine, and I love You with immense love, with powerful love, to my love there lacks nothing, neither Your sanctity, nor Your goodness, nor Your beauty that enraptures, conquers and obtains all; not to content the human littleness in our Will, proves impossible to Us, and since with her littleness she cannot adapt herself to Us, God adapts Himself to her, and it proves easy to Us, because there are not extraneous elements to Us, but everything is Ours, at the most she will be little, but this says nothing, she will be more to Our care to make her how much more beautiful We can.”
Copyright © 2024, CENTER FOR THE DIVINE WILL, All rights reserved.


(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

October 24, 2023

NOVEMBER 1 – 4, 2023

Dear Divine Will Family,
I wanted to give everyone a new advertisement for the conference since Fr. James Blount cannot be with us. His assistant wrote a beautiful letter stating how sorry he is that he cannot make it. I have put it in the conference schedule for everyone to read!
Please continue to pray for his health and well being! We need him back out on the circuit teaching everyone the truth and giving everyone heads up on what is coming! Fiat always, God’s Will alone in all matters!
We love all of you so much and keep each of you in our daily prayers! God bless you with peace, joy and love for all souls and the immense grace to always stay in order! It’s a most important part of life in the Divine Will. If we are not in order, for God is Order Itself, then you will struggle a lot trying to live this most precious life!
Ann Ellison
PS: Can’t wait to see you at the conference….it’s going to be great! We have a surprise speaker!! It is NOT Fr. Blount!!

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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

October 23, 2023

(Live Streaming Information below!)

Dear Divine Will Family,

Wow, in just a few days we will be in Orlando, Florida, at our conference on the Divine Will with great speakers! The theme of our conference this year is: “Into the Kingdom of the Divine Will through our Blessed Mother, Mary!”

Our Lady plays such an important part in our life in the Divine Will. None of us could even remain in the Divine Will without Her help. After all, God has given Her all the graces which exist in God to distribute as She sees fit and to whom She wants! So, we have so much for which to be grateful to Her! She is our Mama, our Queen, our Advocate, our everything! We must always thank God for Her at every moment! It is always good when praying your Rosary, at the first three Hail Mary’s, after asking for an increase of Faith, Hope and Love, we thank God for choosing Mary to be the Mother of God, the Spouse of God and the Daughter of God! Thanking Him specifically for choosing Mary, She gives us so many graces! She loves for us to thank God for choosing Her!

I love this very short passage that I am sharing today. One of my favorites! It magnifies what an act in the Divine Will is and the importance of doing them! Read and enjoy and revel in the fact that we understand and have this incredible knowledge! How good God is to each one of us!! Eternally grateful to God, to Our Mama, and to all of Heaven for this immense grace!

Anyway, God is showing His favor by allowing us to finally get live streaming!! We are asking a reduced cost this time because it is our first time live streaming conference. We are asking $30.00 per person up to 5 people to get the link and password to watch the conference. For 5 – 10 people, $25.00 per person, if more than 10 to 20 people $20.00 per person; for more than 20 people, $15.00 per person! Each person has to register their name online before the receiving the link and password, or for the group coordinator to receive the info to sign in. Group names (large and small) can be entered by the group coordinator. (Remember, Group rates mean you have to be with a group watching in the same place. It is not a cenacle and everyone is watching at their homes.) I have attached a schedule to this email so you can see who will be speaking and when. You may use the same link and password for all 4 days.

There is a link on our website where you can sign up for the live streaming. This is a note from our IT lady who is doing this live streaming for us. Please pay attention to these instructions:
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