(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

May 7, 2021

Dear Divine Will Family,
Just think!! God counts every movement of our lives. That’s every blink of an eye, every breath, the flow of your blood through your body, every heartbeat!! Everything is accounted for, either with love or with sorrow. It’s a very concerning thought. Praise God for His immense love and mercy towards those who are trying so hard to live as perfectly as possible in His Will! I know we fall every day, many times, but I do believe it is like a 3 year old. A three year old is old enough to try to please their mothers with cleaning their rooms and making their beds. They are so happy because they have worked hard to please their mothers. So, they go and get their mothers to show them their rooms and of course, looking at a room a three year old has cleaned is priceless, if you have ever been a mother. The love which fills your heart because of their efforts to show their love for you, you really don’t care what the room looks like, it was their effort at love that thrills you. That is the way I see me and God. He knows I mess up all the time, but He loves the effort He see that I put in to show my love for Him at every second of the day. I think we will all be three year olds until either the Kingdom comes fully or we are facing Him in Heaven.

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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

May 5, 2021



Dear Divine Will Family,

Who is your best friend? I know my mother was my best friend growing up. I knew how much she loved me and wanted only the very best for me, especially with my Faith. I remember when I was still very little, her picking me up out of bed and taking me to First Fridays and First Saturdays. We went often, even after I had grown up. She sent me to Catholic schools. St Mary’s of Loretto when I was in elementary school, and Montgomery Catholic High School where I graduated. I remember the wonderful Sisters of Loretto who taught us. They were always kind, fun and very holy in the eyes of those they taught. I loved my childhood and my teenage years. I could not have been raised by a more loving and supportive family and in a nicer, saver place than Montgomery, Alabama. My mother wanted 12 children, but ended up with nine, 6 boys and 3 girls. I was next to the baby, with my brother Albert being the youngest. Although we were in the Bible Belt, and we were very few as far as being Catholic, and we were called some rather nasty names, my mother taught me the treasures we had in our Faith that they did not, emphasizing always on the Eucharist and Our Blessed Mother, and to always pray for them for they did not realize how much they were missing!

My mother passed away in 1989, and now I have a new best friend. Another Mother who loves me and wants only the very best for my soul! She is Mother, mentor, teacher, consoler, protector and so many more things than I can mention. She is our Heavenly Mother and if we but meditate on all that She has done to bring us to this extraordinary place where we are right now, how extremely grateful would we be to Her. She will go around for centuries if it takes it to gather those who are chosen to live in the Holy Will of God. This is Her Kingdom, too, and God has chosen Her to gather the souls! Remember, She will take care of our every need, if only we will consent to live united with Her! How much more could we ask of our Heavenly Mother, except to always help us remain constant, attentive and obedient in living in the Divine Will! Thank you with all our hearts and souls, dear Mother, for all you are doing to keep us united to You and to the Kingdom of God on earth as in Heaven!! You are our very, very best friend in our earthly life and in the life of the Divine Will and I love you tremendously, in and with the Holy Will and Love of God, our Father! You be sure to love and thank your Heavenly Mother and best friend in your own unique way. She loves for us to love Her from our own hearts and not from the heart of any soul! Continue reading “”

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

April 30, 2021

(Your human will)


Dear Divine Will Family,
This is another one of my favorite subjects! But there are so many favorite subjects in the Book of Heaven…hard to determine which one is really my most favorite…I guess they all are!!

God’s Secret Chamber! I could not do it justice by writing about it. It is so well explain and spoken about through the writings below.

As I have said over and over again, it all comes down to “how much do you want to live in the Will of God?” Enough to do anything? Enough to give up your preferences, your wants and your desires? Enough to empty yourself of yourself? Accordingly, that is how deeply you will live in the Divine Will, and how many inspirations, how many communications, and how many insights you will receive from the Sanctifier! It is just that simple.

And accordingly as well is the happiness, the joy, the overwhelming peace and the immense love you will possess from the Sanctifier filling your soul to overflowing!!! As the Bible states: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him!” 1 Corinthians 2:9. This spells it out to me….St. Paul may not have realized that although he was speaking about Heaven, it is also pertained to your life in the Divine Will!! Continue reading “”

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

April 28, 2021


My Dear Divine Will Family,
In reading these three excerpts if you do not fall madly in love with your Creator, your Savior, your Sanctifier, then you do not have a heart! The love expressed in these excerpts are so tremendous that I wept while reading them. How little I do for the One who loves me so much!! I can understand Luisa wanting to give her life for Him and to rid herself of this life on earth to spend eternity with Jesus! These readings will fill your whole body with so much love as to almost overflowing and choking you!
How beautiful are the words of Jesus are to all of us! Remember that is the reason He wanted Luisa to write all these events down because He was saying all this to you and to me….to everyone, most especially those who want to love Him with all they have…with all their heart, mind, body and soul!
And to think that just one act that we do in the Divine Will gives us another paradise in Heaven. How many do we do in one day?? Wow! But we must be careful to make sure our acts really are accomplished in the Divine Will, and that they are not just human acts. Some of us can fool ourselves…I know I have! Continue reading “”

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

April 26, 2021




Hello, dear Divine Will Family,

Well, I am back! It is good to be back, although I did enjoy being with my family in Birmingham. They are wonderful and a very loving family, as every family should be.

I want you to think about one thing: your deficiencies in the demonstration of love for God! Wow, that is something to think about, isn’t it? I have been doing some thinking about that and I was stunned at how many deficiencies I had! When Jesus has me share in His sufferings, do I do it gladly and with joy….or do I complain?? When He wants me to wait in a line for 15 minutes, do I use that time to do rounds of reparation, or just to talk to Jesus about things I want to understand better about living in His Will, or to tell Him how grateful I am that He loves me so much, or show Him the love I feel for Him during that wait by doing rounds of love of Him, or do I complain and come back at another time when it is not so busy. Of course, our duties are very important and if you are really busy with duties, it is understandable why you would come back at another time. But, if you are not so busy, why not wait and offer it all up to Jesus for His glory, for His Kingdom to come and for the salvation of all souls? It teaches us patience, and self-giving for love of God!

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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

April 16, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,

We haven’t had anything about Mary in a while and with May coming, I thought it would be very appropriate. She is our exemplar and our immense help in striving to live this Life of God reigning in our souls!

Also, I will be taking a little get-away after this Snippet. I leave today to go visit my 90 year old sister and her family. She may be 90, but she doesn’t look it nor does she act it. She is full of vitality and fun. Good holy fun, as is her daughters. It’s going to be a get together for the girls…my sister, her three daughters, an awesome daughter-in-law and myself. My daughter was supposed to join us, but business is keeping her away, much to our disappointment. It’s a time for everyone to get away to recharge.

Kathy and I had an incredible Lent and a wonderful Easter weekend! Absolutely beautiful. God was so very good to us and we have been thanking Him without end.

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