Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta
Compiled by Ann Ellison

February 7, 2023


Dear Divine Will Family,
I wish and pray for each of you to have the most holy and a very deeply spiritual Lent! I only have two readings from the magnificent writings of Luisa, but what Jesus conveys in them, in my humble opinion, explains what will make a beautiful Lent for any soul! It is always good to read them slowly and carefully and concentrate on what Jesus is teaching us….and read them often!

My foot is better, the wound has actually healed…praise God! I can actually walk without a cane now, although my foot is still very stiff and sometimes uncomfortable, but I am walking none the less. Praise God’s Holy Will always! I still use my cane for certain places I go, but hopefully the doctor will release me at my next appointment, the 15th of this month because all I need now is more PT. Prayers are always welcome. God is so good!!

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Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta
Compiled by Ann Ellison

January 13, 2023


Dear Divine Will Family,
I am very sorry for being so long between Snippets. It is a story and a half, the plans Jesus has for us. As I have said before, my ankle is very good and several weeks ago, it was ready for me to begin walking, but the incision done for the operation is not healing….it is still not healed. It has been determined that I am not diabetic, and I am sure that it was mostly my fault that it is not healing properly. I thought I could take care of it myself, so I didn’t go to the doctor about it until after the New Year. He said I was not to do anything else to the wound, he was taking over. Boy, was I relieved! It has been two weeks since he began treating it and it is still not healed. I do think it is doing better, but it looks like it will be a couple more weeks before it is healed enough for me to begin walking. I can’t walk or put pressure on the foot until the wound is healed completely because the pressure just opens it up again. I am still in a wheelchair, not able to do anything for myself, which is the hardest thing to suffer in my opinion. So, understanding Luisa’s writings, it seems that Jesus is sharing with mea little of the Wound in His left foot and I accept it with all my heart since this can only be His Will for me, for it sure is not my will wanting this!

Now, since my right foot has had to do all the work, my right knee is acting up. It is very painful when I have to use it. God is so good! I have to thank Him, because I feel He is now sharing with me, His Sorrowful right Knee when He fell three times.

And last, but not least, I am also suffering with a torn rotor cup in my right shoulder!! So, maybe He is sharing with me the carrying of His Cross! They are very small pains, but I am happy to share anything that Jesus wants me to share! I don’t know yet if I will have to have surgery, but please pray I will not need surgery on my shoulder! I need to get back to Tennessee and get back to work. It is Federal Tax time. The reason I have not sent out any Snippets lately is because it is very painful for me to type with this condition in my shoulder! I am happy to do whatever Jesus wants for His Kingdom to come, and I will very happily give Him my tiny fiat! The doctor said this could be treated with an injection, if the rotor cup is not too damaged….may this be God’s Will!

It is painful for me to type this Snippet and that is the reason you have not received a Snippet in a long while! So, it might be a while before you get another one! I am so sorry!! I will do my best to keep everyone informed about what the doctors are doing. Fiat always!!

Please read the attached writing slowly and carefully. It is packed with great information for us to understand what we must do to enter into His Holy Will and the giving of our entire ‘being’ (body and soul) which we must give Him always and in every circumstance.

Remember always that we love all of you so very much and we keep each of you in our daily prayers! May we always give our all to Jesus with love and gratitude in everything, as He gave His ALL to us with such Immense Love!
Ann Ellison
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Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta
Compiled by Ann Ellison
December 8, 2022


May this Day be filled with Gratitude to

the Most Holy Trinity for the Gift of our Heavenly Mother!!

Dear Divine Will Family,

What a day this is!! How awesome a Mother we have! She wants so much for us to live as fully as possible in the Holy Will of Her Son, and She is constantly praying for and helping us to do just that! She wants us to live the very same life She lived in and with our Creator! And who would want anything different? Not me!!

Reading the Book of Heaven helps us realize just Who She is and how God prepared Her for Her mission on earth! There is NO creature who can compare to Her or reach Her sanctity! She is the one we must look to as an example of how to live in the Divine Will. These writings I have put together…and there are only two, really help and guide us on how to live in the Divine Will! Read them slowly and carefully and read them many times. The more you read them the more you will understand and get out of them the necessary things to do to live in the Divine Will in the proper way!

I think sometimes, we have our own thoughts on how to live in the Divine Will, which is very dangerous and very scary because our thoughts are not God’s thoughts and who are we to think we know the how’s and ways to live in the Will of the Most Holy Trinity?

We have great examples and teachings in the Book of Heaven that explain exactly how to live this extraordinary life!! Luisa, being one of us, born with Original Sin, is a great example, but Our Lady is the greatest example to me. Just read how Jesus explains it below. So beautiful and so awesome…it really gives you the greatest desire to give up your will and live only with the Holy Will of God!! Yes, yes, yes!!!

May we always follow the example of Luisa and Our Lady to live this life, making decisions and desiring to give up our will in every situation.

Somewhere in the Volumes, I read that during the Immaculate Conception, God wanted His Mother to know that She was the Mother of all mankind, so He put a spiritual drop of our blood in Her Heart and so that we would know Her and love Her as our Heavenly Mother, when we were conceived, He put a spiritual drop of Her blood in our hearts. God’s acts of Love toward His creatures is incredible! What a Heavenly Family we have!!!!

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Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta
Compiled by Ann Ellison
November 19, 2022
May He always remain King of the universe, our country,
our homes and our hearts!!

Dear Divine Will Family,
Happy Solemnity of Christ, the King!! I pray He is the King of your country, home, family, and hearts! I am sure He is!

And how can we keep Him as our King? By always being attentive and faithful in accomplishing all our acts in His Holy Will!! Do you realize what happens when we do just ONE act in His Will? Well, let me try to explain this most important concept for those who have not yet understood it, which isn’t surprising as this is very profound and exceptionally surprising, when you finally get your head rapped around it. Our Creator is such a giving and intimate God, and it is hard for many of us to think that He would want to have such intimacy with us, who are so very unworthy!! Praise God, that He doesn’t look at our unworthiness because He loves us that much no matter who we are or what we are! We just have to make sure we stay in the state of grace….all the rest is left up to our King!! As He explains to Luisa, “You just desire It, I will do all the work!” And He does in such a way that you don’t even realize it, until you finally realize you are different, you are not the same as you were when you first began living in His Holy Will.

Remember also this fact about living in the Divine Will….living in the Divine Will is not a matter of changing actions but of the will. Instead of our own will flowing alone in all we do, we let the Divine Will flow as primary actor, animator, and director of that act.

So, it become God’s act, not our act, a Divine Act, not a human act! So, what does this Divine Act contain? What power, love, and glory does it not contain?
This is just a little of what an Act accomplished in God contains:

Just a blink of the eye in the Divine Will contains all Eternity, the Entire Life of Jesus and Mary, all the lives of the Old Testament, all the lives of the New Testament, all the lives of the Saints, all Creation from the beginning of time until the end of time, everything since time began and until time ends!! The Real and True Life of the Most Holy Trinity from all Eternity! It multiplies to the Infinite and goes on for all Eternity! This Act will replicate the Life of Jesus every instant for all Eternity forever and ever!!

So, what does it mean to replicate the Life of Jesus every instant for all Eternity, forever and ever…..your little act accomplished in the Divine Will causes a void that Jesus can insert His Real Life into, and His Real Life (really the Real Life of the Most Holy Trinity, as They cannot be separated!) multiplies to the infinite and goes on for all Eternity! Just think about that for a minute or two. These are called “Divine Lives!” Through our little acts in the Divine Will, God creates billions and trillions of Divine Lives….His Life replicated continually and forever!

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Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta
Compiled by Ann Ellison
September 15, 2022



Dear Divine Will Family,

I was just reading that through our sufferings, joy emerges and great love for God and His Holy Will! If that is true of us little and sinful creatures, can you imagine the love of God and the joy Our Holy Mother must have experienced. This is Her Sorrowful Day, and I compassionate Her for all She suffered for love of Her most Beloved Son and us! But I rejoice as well, because it brought Her to the Height of all Heights that any creature could ever reach! No one can reach Her Holiness, no one can touch Her beauty, no one will ever be able to reach Her Purity, Her Motherhood! And yet, She wants all of us with Her, to share Her holiness to as much as we are disposed and able…as much as a creature born with Original Sin can. Of course, we know that Luisa reached a height unheard of for a creature born of Original Sin. She became immaculate in the eyes of God, but she still never reached the sanctity of Our Lady!

How do we thank Her? By striving with all our hearts and souls to live as constantly, as faithfully and as obediently as it is possible for each of us. This is Her greatest desire for us, Her children, to live one same Life with Her in and with God!

I have a writing on Our Lady’s sufferings below, but I have a lot of news about the upcoming and fabulous conference, so I will get to that immediately, or this Snippet will be too long, even for me! Continue reading “”

Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta
Compiled by Ann Ellison
August 15, 2022


OCTOBER 6 – 9, 2022!

St. Maximilian Kolbe (whose Feast day was yesterday, August 14) exclaimed: “Through Her Divine Love will the world be set on fire, and it will consume the world; then will the ‘assumption of souls in love’ take place. When, O when will the divinization of the world in Her and through Her come about?” (Immaculate Conception and the Holy Spirit, p.117)

Dear Divine Will Family,
Wow! Isn’t it wonderful how Our Lord gives us confirmation through so many saints about the coming of His Kingdom? St. Maximilian’s statement, in my humble opinion, is just that, “when o when will the divinization of the world in Her and through Her come about?” Then the “assumption of souls in love” take place! Is this the bilocation of our souls in the Divine Will that he is speaking about? Our souls bilocating in and with God in all that He does and He in and with us, doing all that we do!? And all this through our Blessed Mother! How grateful we all should be to Her, for Her love, and faithfulness in the divinization of souls! Reading the Book of Heaven about what Jesus teaches us about our Heavenly Mother, it seems we owe Her everything. EVERYTHING!! It is because of Her that we are given this immense and most excellent gift of God reigning in our souls! If She had not cooperated with God, the world would have ended right then!! There would have been no one to bring Jesus into the world, for She was chosen and no one else. We would not have been redeemed, and therefore the Kingdom would have no souls in which to reign! Our Heavenly Mother should constantly hear our immense gratitude flowing from our lips to Her forever! Sometimes I get a little anxious to get to Heaven to be with Jesus and Mary so that I can bow down and adore Them with immense gratitude and love! Just to be able to be with Them is enough for me…so see Them face to face! Wow, it is certainly a win-win situation. Being here striving for the Most Holy Trinity and Our Lady to reign in our souls, or to be with all of Them in Heaven! At least here, we can continue to give them more glory, love, adoration, and gratitude! It’s all fixed once we are in Heaven!

Know that we love all of you so much and we keep each of you in our daily prayers! May God allow you to understand fully and completely Our Mother’s part in the coming of His Kingdom in our souls! Fiat always!
Ann Ellison

PS: More information on the conference below the writing on the incredible Assumption of Our Lady, Body and Soul into Heaven!!
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