Messages of Gold


Dear Readers of Messages of Gold,

I am attaching a paper, which I may have sent to you a few years ago on Eucharistic Hosts and Living Hosts.

I am doing this for a couple of reasons, one of which is my time has been devoted lately to the remodeling part of our basement into a new office for most of our staff. We plan for the new office to be used for more and more promotion of the Reign of the Divine Will on earth. This has required a lot of planning and physical labor, but no labor on Sundays.

The other reason is that there are a lot of new readers, who may not have read this paper on Eucharistic Hosts and Living Hosts, and those who have read it, may not remember some significant points. Associated with this, it is my hope that more and more reparation will be made to God for the incredible offense of willful ignorance and willful indifference in regard to the great Gift of the Body and Blood of Jesus present alive and true in the consecrated Eucharistic Hosts.

The attached paper is fairly lengthy, so please read all of it—a little at a time. The first part is Standard Catholic teaching. Most of the remainder is based on what Jesus makes known through the “Book of Heaven” by Luisa Piccarreta and writings of other 20th Century mystic souls.

God bless you in and extraordinary way with the Gift of His Own Will,

Thomas Fahy

Eucharistic Hosts and Living Hosts

There are Three Modes of Christ’s Existence:
1. His existence in Heaven following the Ascension.
2. His existence in the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
3. His existence in Souls with the Gift of the Divine Will

It is absolutely the same, real, true, fully alive Jesus on earth in the Hosts received in Holy Communion that reigns in Heaven at the right-hand side of the Father.

Christ is present in Heaven——Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. Thus it follows that Christ is present in Heaven according to his natural mode of existence in one place at once, while simultaneously being present in many places according to His substance in His Eucharistic mode of existence.

“We are to believe that the Eucharist is Jesus Christ—simply, without qualification. It is God become man in the fullness of His divine nature, in the fullness of His human nature, in the fullness of His body and soul, in the fullness of everything that makes Jesus Jesus. He is in the Eucharist with His human mind and will united with the Divinity, with his hands and feet, His face and features, with His eyes and lips and ears and nostrils, with his affections and emotions and, with emphasis, with His living, pulsating, physical Sacred Heart. That is what our Catholic Faith demands of us that we believe.” (Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. – “What do we believe” – pamphlet, 2001, Eternal Life, Bardstown, KY 40004-0787)

“In this sacrament is contained not only the true Body of Christ—and that means everything that goes to make up a true body, such as bones, nerves, etc.—but also Christ whole and entire. And that means, of course, the One who is true God and true Man, both complete natures in absolutely one Person. The Holy Eucharist, therefore, contains both—the divinity and the humanity, whole and entire: the Soul, the Body and the Blood of Christ, with all their component parts.” (The Roman Catechism – printed by the Daughters of St. Paul, 1985, Boston, MA.)

The Eucharistic Body and Blood of Christ are united with the Soul and Divinity of Christ and thus form a living Being, with a human nature united hypostatically to the Divine Nature.

Mary and the Eucharist:

“The Real Presence is the real Jesus. We are to believe that the Eucharist began in the womb of the Virgin Mary; that the flesh which the Son of God received from His Mother at the Incarnation is the same flesh into which He changed bread at the Last Supper; that the blood He received from His Mother is the same as the blood into which He changed wine at the Last Supper…” (Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. – “What do we believe” – pamphlet, 2001, Eternal Life, Bardstown, KY 40004-0787)

When the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary to bring that all-important Message from God that She was chosen to be the Mother of the Redeemer if She would accept this Divine Invitation, her humble response was “Fiat Mihi.” —“Let it be done in Me.” At that moment her “Fiat Mihi” was diffused into all that pertains to Redemption! The Word became flesh and dwelled among us.

His very Humanity, his footsteps, words, and works, were sealed by her “Fiat Mihi.” His Pains, wounds, thorns, Cross, and Blood had the imprint of her “Fiat Mihi.” Because things carry the imprint of the origin of where they came from, Jesus’ origin in time was the “Fiat Mihi” of his Immaculate Mamma. Consequently, all his work carried the seal of her “Fiat Mihi,” and her “Fiat Mihi” is found in every Sacramental Host.

Let us review some Terms we use in connection with the Eucharist:

Eucharist: “The true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, who is really and substantially present under the appearances of bread and wine, in order to offer Himself in the sacrifice of the Mass and be received as spiritual food in Holy Communion. It is called Eucharist, or ‘thanksgiving,’ because at its institution at the Last Supper Christ ‘gave thanks.’ And by this fact it is the supreme object and act of Christian gratitude to God.” —[Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. (Catholic Dictionary, Image Books, 1985)]

These Eucharistic Species or Accidents are those qualities of the Consecrated Hosts and Consecrated Wine, now the true Body and Blood of Christ, that are recognized by our senses as the qualities of bread and wine, even though their substances are no longer bread and wine. These accidents are the quantity, the weight, thickness, texture, shape, warmth, color, taste, odor, brittleness, liquidity or viscosity (of the wine), and any other such qualities.

When we look at the Consecrated Host, what we don’t see, because veiled and invisible, is Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega, the Supreme King of all the Universe. What we do see is the accidents of bread (size, shape, color, thickness, texture, etc.) miraculously sustained by the marvelous Power of God.

What we don’t see is full of LIFE!——namely the living Jesus, our Lord and our God. What we do see is dead, the accidents or species of bread, which have no life of their own; and having no life of their own, they have no way of reciprocating with Jesus, Whom they veil. Yet, because these accidents or species have no life or will of their own, they cannot impede Jesus from forming His Real Life in these Hosts.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful for Jesus, if He could form his Real Life in his beloved children and make Living Hosts of them! Then He could be veiled behind living species, his own children, who can reciprocate with Him. But to do this, to form his Real Life in them and operate freely, with full and holy dominion, He would have to find children, who placed no obstacles for Him. In other words, He would have to find children whose free wills would not want to ever obstruct His Will, whose wills would be so united to His, that they would always have the same intention as He, and always let Him have his way.

We will speak more about being Living Hosts for Jesus and reci-procating with Him a little further along in this presentation.

Some Interesting Points about the Eucharist

In each Sacramental Host there is not only the Living Jesus, the Man-God, with his Body and Blood, and human Soul, but also his Divine Will—the Essence of his Divinity. With his Divinity, there are inseparably united with Him the Father and the Holy Spirit. So the Blessed Trinity is found in each consecrated Host, and with the Trinity there is found in the Host their Immensity and all that Eternity contains!

In each Sacramental Host is discovered the prayers of Jesus, His thanksgivings, and all else that is needed to glorify the Father and supply for that which creatures ought to have given Jesus.

In each one of these Hosts is found all of Jesus’ Life on earth, His works, His sufferings, His Love, and that of His Mother; the lives and deeds of the Patriarchs, Prophets, and holy women of the Old Testament, the lives and deeds of the Apostles, Popes, Priests, nuns, laity; the whole universe of galaxies, stars, and planets; everything and everyone; and all else that has come, will come, and does comes forth from the Divine Bosom.

To assure that each soul could have all the necessary means to receive Him, Jesus wanted to institute the Sacrament of the Eucharist at the end of His Life, in order to be able to marshal his entire Life around each Host as preparation for every soul who would receive Him.

At the Consecration during Mass, Jesus comes forth from the Bosom of the Father to incarnate Himself in the Host; and when the Sacramental Species are consumed in the communicant’s stomach, Jesus leaves and returns to His Father’s Bosom.

As He instituted the Eucharistic Sacrament, He did so in the Power of His All-seeing Divinity and consecrated not only that First Host but all Hosts that would receive Sacramental consecration until the end of the World; and He administered that First Host to Himself before administering this Eucharistic Sacrament to His Apostles.

By this receiving Himself first, He placed in safety his dignity, his honors, and a dwelling place worthy of his Person, which then tolerated the sacrileges, the indifference, irreverence, and ingratitude of creatures.

He thus gave to the Father the satisfaction and the Glory, as if everyone had received Holy Communion, by giving the Father—for each soul—the satisfaction and the glory of a Divine Life. His Divinity, surrounded each Sacramental Host with honors, praises, and divine benedictions so that his Majesty would be received with suitable dignity.

What is Jesus doing everyday in the Tabernacle?

Since Jesus in the Tabernacle is both God as well as man, it would be impossible for us to know all that He is doing there every day. But let us remember that He is a living, acting Being, the Real Jesus, omnipotent in his Divinity and at the same time fully human. His heart is beating, his mind is thinking, his will is loving. He adores his Father and the Holy Spirit with divine adoration. He is praying for us divinely, and is constantly praying the Prayer that He Himself taught us to pray, the “Our Father” imploring the Father’s Kingdom to come so, that the Fathers’ Will be done on earth as in Heaven. He wants so much that Redemption have its complete fulfillment so that we can live in peace, harmony, and joy on earth, as it was in the very beginning, in the Garden of Eden.

By the power of his Divinity, Jesus in the tabernacle, does with his Father what his Father does. The Eucharistic Jesus is creating souls, preserving the universe and all it contains; supplying prime movement to all movement of all creatures of Heaven and earth and all the universe. He is showering blessedness, happiness, and glory upon the Angels and Saints. Eucharistic Jesus has his daily routine of redoing all that He did on behalf of mankind, when He was visibly on earth.

Daily, He repeats the acts of his Incarnation, his acts in the womb of Mary, his birth, his infancy, flight to Egypt, his hidden life in Nazareth, his public life, his Baptism at the Jordan River, his gathering of the Apostles, his teachings, his miracles, his institution of the Sacraments, his Passion, Death, Resurrection; his 40 days after Easter in his glorified body, and his Ascension into Heaven. As Eucharistic Jesus repeats the acts of his Conception, He conceives together with Him all souls, past, present, and future, as incorporated in his own Life.

Jesus’ Divinity communicates Its divine qualities to his humanity, especially to his human soul. His soul has a human intellect, human will, and human memory; therefore, the Humanity of Jesus is made to the Image of God the Holy Trinity.

But this Image is a perfect Image because the soul of Jesus is also made to the full Likeness of the Holy Trinity. This Likeness is full and complete because His Divinity operates in His humanity as It operates in the Trinity. The Divine Essence communicates Divine Life and Divine Love, Divine and enrapturing Beauty, and all the Divine Attributes to all of Jesus’ Humanity, which in turn makes a full, reciprocal exchange of Life and Love to the Holy Trinity.

Because the two natures of the Man-God in the Holy Eucharist are so merged and united together, the one possessing the other, that whatever one does, the other also does. Therefore, since the Divine Essence is continually circulating through all things, creating, conserving, and supplying the prime movement to all activity of all things, the human essence of Eucharistic Jesus is also circulating with the Divine Essence through all things, sharing directly in the creating, conserving action of the Divine Essence, and the supplying of the prime movement to all activity of all things.

All the loving acts of Jesus in the Eucharist are accomplished in the ambience of Eternity, and they multiply forever—as long as God is God; they embrace all eternity, enclose all that eternity contains; they penetrate everywhere, and enclose the very Life of the Blessed Trinity.

Jesus’ hidden, Eucharistic acts continually form new heavens, new suns, new stars of love, glory, light, and adoration in his Soul, with such multiform and ravishing beauty, as to astonish the very Angels, and enrapture and fascinate his Divine Father to the point of Him being inebriated with joy.

Each act of his hidden, Eucharistic life is of more value than Heaven and earth, vastly exceeding the value of the combined acts of all the Angels, saints, and martyrs of all times.

Each act of his Eucharistic Life speaks universally and continuously to the Father words of love, adoration, praise, glory and gratitude on behalf of Himself and all creatures. Each of his acts emits a steady outpouring of oceans of Divine “I LOVE YOU’s!” to each creature of the past, present, and future; and other oceans of joys and beatitudes to the inhabitants of Heaven.

The silent, hidden life of Jesus in the Eucharist is full of light, love, sanctity, and divine sweetness, always disposed to give light to those in darkness, love to those who are cold, sanctity to those in sin, and divine sweetness to the embittered. All his hidden Eucharistic Life is filled with contentment and has the mark of Divine Beauty, and the odor of chaste and pure perfumes. This life produces celestial music and love songs, and creates scenes of enrapturing beauty and bountiful banquets for the Angels and the Saints.

How beautiful are the operations of Jesus’ soul in the Eucharist! The acts of his Eucharistic Life circulate in everything and among all creatures and embrace all ages and all people. They become the life, actor, and spectator of all and carry light and fecundity everywhere.

The Sacred, Eucharistic Heart of Jesus loves us with a Divine and Infinite Love, in an all-consuming Fire of Divine Charity. He loves us day and night in this wonderful and heavenly manner all through our earthly journey.

At this very instant our Eucharistic Jesus is loving us in a delirium of Love, always saying with his Divine and Tender Speech: “I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you!” He is loving us in the prime movement of every thought, our every word, our every action, even when we are offending Him, with an continuous torrent of the Divine and Infinite “I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you!…”

Our dear Eucharistic Jesus is pleading and longing with bated breath for us to RECOGNIZE this sweet, enchanting, burning Love coming to us from every tabernacle in all the world at every single instant. He awaits us to INVITE Him to invade our souls and flood all our activity, our thoughts, our words, our actions with his Divine Life and Love, in a Real and Efficacious Spiritual Communion, filling our lives and our souls with his own Beauty and Holiness, his Goodness, Graces, Gifts and Favors, his Blessings, Charms, Sweetness and Peace, his Divine Delights and Joys.

We must give our Eucharistic Jesus a spontaneous, sincere, and heartfelt “I thank You! I thank You! O my Jesus!” And then we must go and live this heavenly life that our Eucharistic Jesus has given us with so much love.

The Sorrows of Jesus and the Moans of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of the Eucharist

The Priests who call Jesus down from Heaven into their hands and who are – more than anybody else – in contact with his Sacramental Flesh, ought to be the holiest, the best; but instead, many of them are not good Priests. How afflicted is Jesus over the way they treat Him in the Most Blessed Sacrament! Furthermore, the many souls who receive Jesus – perhaps every day – ought to be many saints. But instead, the situation is such that one ought to cry, since these souls are always at the same point: conceited, quick-tempered, stubborn, etc…. How afflicted is this Eucharist; how dishonored It is!

One can imagine how the Holy Spirit must moan with unheard-of sorrow in each Sacramental Host. How many times does Jesus descend into hearts and find arms that wound Him; and they repeat the tragedy of His Passion to Him! And, as they consume the Sacramental Species, instead of pressing Him to remain with them, He is constrained to go out bathed in tears, crying over his Sacramental lot; and He does not find anyone to quiet His crying and His doleful moans… If one could break the veils of the Host that cover Him, he might find Jesus bathed in tears, knowing the lot that awaits Him in descending into hearts.

In this sacrament, Jesus has descended into the deepest abyss of humiliations so as to elevate the soul to Him: identifying it so much with Him that the soul becomes as one with Him, allowing His Sacramental Blood to flow in its veins so that He might become the life of each of its heartbeats, thoughts, and its entire being. Jesus’ love consumes Him and wants to consume the soul in his flames to give it rebirth as another Jesus. But for this transformation to succeed, correct dispositions on the part of the soul are necessary.

First, Jesus wants to give the soul the graces needed to receive Him and then to give Himself in order to give the soul the true fruit of his Sacramental Life. Before souls can receive these gifts, however, there is need for emptying of self, hatred of sin, and to have a desire for receiving Him. Without His gifts, souls do not have the right disposition to receive Him; and, upon descending into them, He does not find the place to communicate His Life. It is as if He were dead for them and they for Him. How many sorrows in Jesus’ Sacramental Life! Many, lacking correct dispositions, experience nothing of benefit in receiving Him and end up even nauseating Him. If they continue to receive Him like that, it will result in a continuation of Calvary for Jesus and their eternal damnation. If it is not love that prompts them to receive Him, it is yet one more insult they heap upon Him and one more sin upon their souls.

Let us consider the abandonment of Eucharistic Jesus in the Tabernacle where He trembles and cries over the abandonment of his creatures. It seems that his Sacramental lot is even harder than His infantile lot in Bethlehem. The cave, though cold, was spacious; it had air for Jesus to breathe. In the cave Jesus had a manger with a little hay for a bed. In his Sacramental Life even the hay is lacking to Him, and for a bed He has nothing other than hard and chilly metals. In the cave He had his dear Mamma, who covered Him with her inflamed kisses to warm Him. She nourished Him with her sweet milk. In His Sacramental Life it is all the opposite. He does not have a Mamma. If souls take Him, He often feels the touch of unworthy hands that smell of earth and dung, more so than the odors he smelled in the cave of Bethlehem. They touch Him with irreverent acts; and instead of milk they give Him the gall of sacrileges, of indifference, and of coldnesses. Poor Sacrametal Life of Jesus! Let us console Him with our company, our love, our kisses.


For 2000 years Jesus has remained on earth in the Eucharistic Hosts waiting for these times. Now by the Will of the Father, the hour has arrived, and He wants so much to make Living Hosts of his children.

Ven. Conception Cabrera of Mexico, wife, mother, and grandmother, who died in 1937, was given the most lofty grace of the Mystical Incarnation, which Jesus said brought her to the same state that exists in heaven! He also told her that there would be thousands of souls living with the Grace of the Mystical Incarnation in the future.

Jesus said to Ven. Conception Cabrera: “I want you to be My host and have the intention, renewed as often as possible day and night, of offering yourself with Me on all the patens on earth. I want you, transformed in Me by suffering, by love and by the practice of all the virtues, to raise heavenward this cry of your soul in union with Me: ‘This is My Body,’ ‘This is My Blood.’ Thus by making yourself but one with the Incarnate Word out of love and suffering, with the same intentions of love, you will obtain graces for the whole world. You will offer Me Myself and yourself also, with the Holy Spirit and through Mary, to the eternal Father.”

Ven. Conception: “God’s will is a bouquet which is made up of all virtues practiced in an ordinary manner or in a perfect state. His will divinizes them and makes them shine with splendor in His presence. It gives to each a new value on the divine scale and, in the purified soul, it vests them with a special color pleasing to the Holy Spirit. This total and perfect submission to the most holy will of its God and Lord is the greatest of all the virtues a soul can possess. This sublime virtue implies the integral practice of all the other virtues . . . it is the culminating point.”

Blessed Dina Belanger of Canada (1929)was given the extraordinary grace of the “Divine Substitution” in which She became another humanity for Jesus on earth, and by which He lived her life for her, while she began to live in Eternity among the Angels and Saints, even though she did not see them or see God until her body ceased to live on September 4, 1929, at the age of 32.

Blessed Dina: “My God, your justice is infinite, but your love is also beyond measure. I trust in You, and I thank You for ever reminding me,(…)of my blessed title of host and victim”.

“My food was to do the will of God, and I blessed its every manifestation.”

“… I remained happily submissive to the will of God.”

“Yes, to be holy in accordance with the will of God is a compelling duty for me, it is the only token of thanksgiving that Jesus is asking of me in return for his infinite graces.”

One morning Jesus said to Bl. Dina: “I want to absorb you, my little Spouse, to the extent of taking your place, with all the attributes and all the perfections of my Divinity.” Later, He added: “I want to deify you in the same way as I united my humanity with my divinity in the Incarnation.” At midday He said: “The degree of holiness that I want for you, is the infinite plenitude of my own holiness, it is the holiness of my Father brought about in you through Me.”

Blessed Dina: “God has absorbed my entire being; annihilated in Christ Jesus and through Him. I am living the life of eternity in the adorable Trinity; He, Christ Jesus, is living on earth in my place.”

St. Faustina Kowalska of Poland (1938):

[Feb. 7, 1937] Today, the Lord said to me: “ I demand of you a perfect and whole-burnt offering; an offering of the will. No other sacrifice can compare with this one. I myself am directing your life and arranging things in such a way that you will be for Me a continual sacrifice and will always do My Will. . . .I delight in you as a living host; let nothing terrify you; I am with you.”

[Feb. 4, 1935] Jesus to Faustina: “…you will cancel out your will absolutely in this retreat and, instead, My complete Will wil be accomplished in you. Know that it will cost you much, so write these words on a clean sheet of paper: ‘From today on, my own will does not exist,’ and then cross out the page. And on the other side write these words: ‘From today on, I will do the will of God everywhere, always, and in everything.’ Be afraid of nothing; love will give you strength and make the realization of this easy.

[January 29, 1936] St. Faustina: “Jesus bent toward me, looked at me kindly and spoke to me about the Will of the Heavenly Father. He told me that the most perfect and holy soul is the one that does the Will of the Father, but there are not many such, and that He looks with a special love upon that soul who lives his Will. And Jesus told me that I was doing the Will of God perfectly… and for this reason I am uniting Myself with you and communing with you in a special and intimate way.”

Jesus went on to say: “God embraces with His incomprehensible love the soul who lives by His Will.”

Insights into the Sublime Vocation of a Living Host:

Earlier in this presentation we said, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful for Jesus, if He could form his Real Life in his beloved children and make Living Hosts of them! Then He could be veiled behind living species, his own children, who can reciprocate with Him.

What do the species or accidents (size, shape, color, thickness, etc.) of the Sacramental Host give Jesus? Nothing. Not a single “I love You, Jesus,” not a sigh, not a heartbeat, not even a smile or friendly footstep. He is alone, and many times the loneliness overcomes Him, saddens Him, and He breaks out in tears . . . What a burden it is for Him not to have anyone to speak a word to! He goes through a nightmare of deep silence.

What do the accidents of the Sacramental Host give Jesus? A hiding place to conceal Himself, a little prison for Him. Yes, Jesus is with the Father and the Holy Spirit, because They are inseparable from Him; and Their heavenly joys flow in His sacramental life. These joys are inseparable from Them, but they are always from Them. But the accidents that form the Host never give Jesus anything. They don’t offend Him and they don’t love Him.

As was said above, the time has arrived in which Jesus now wants living Hosts in which He can live his life freely. It is He that has taken the initiative to transform us into these living Hosts, with accidents full of life, capable of reciprocating with Him. These living Hosts will be able to respond to his “I love you,” with “I love You, too, Jesus!” These living Hosts will admire Him, praise Him, possess Him by way of knowledge, love, and united wills. They will smile at Him and approach Him with a friendly footstep. He won’t be confined to Tabernacles, but be free to walk among his children in these living Hosts, to play with them, to talk with, to enjoy things together.

The Life that exists behind the veil of the accidents which form the Sacramental Host, is that of his Body, his Blood, and his Divinity. It is His Real Life, not mystical life. And it is His Real Life that Jesus wants to give and to live in the Living Hosts, who will be other humanities for Him. They will serve as human veils to hide Jesus within them! They will serve Jesus as living species, developing life together; their hearts beating with a single beat.

And this is the way, whereby, even a creature can become a Living Host. One’s body and will – if kept pure, upright, and far from all shade of sin – will become the accidents and the veils that will provide the proper matter for Jesus to consecrate Himself in the creature and to live His Real Life in the creature

Wherefore, after one has prepared the proper matter for becoming a living Host, one must see to it that he annihilates his own, independent willing. He must crush this independent willing firmly underfoot so that it no longer reappears, and see to it that the Divine Will occupies his entire being. When the soul contains this fullness of the Life of Jesus then the true and perfect consecration is formed. Wherefore, no more life will be given to human thoughts, but to the thought of the Fathers’ Will, which will consecrate the Wisdom of Jesus to one’s mind; no more life will be given to human weakness nor to inconstancy, because Father’s Will will form the consecration of Divine Life, of strength, of firmness, and of all that Jesus is. And not one time only; but as long as these living Hosts continually empty themselves of themselves to allow Jesus to act and live freely in them. They give Him complete dominion; and, if necessary, they are prompt to suffer any pains to let Him always have his way.

These living Hosts are more dear, more privileged than Taber-nacles and even Consecrated Hosts, because Jesus’ Sacramental Life ends with the consummation of the species. Instead, in these living Hosts, the life of Jesus never ends. They serve Jesus as Hosts on earth and will be His eternal Hosts in Heaven. Their life is the life of the Blessed. Only two things are fixed in their hearts: they desire, they long for His Will and for His Love. They find few other things to do, and yet they do everything. Yes! They do everything because they sit on the Divine lap of their Heavenly Father, their Heavenly Daddy, and give Him the joy of doing everything with Him!

Additional Thoughts on Becoming a Living Host

Preface: To be a Living Host for Jesus is a very sublime calling, which brings the soul from the human order of sanctity into the divine order of sanctity. The soul who becomes a living Host becomes another humanity for Jesus and is possessed by God to such a degree that she arrives at the same state of union with God as that which exists in Heaven. This is a manifestation of what the Vicar of Christ Pope John Paul II said would happen in these times, when he said that the Holy Spirit wants to give Christians a “New and Divine” Holiness at the Dawn of the Third Milennium. Jesus told Ven. Conception Cabrera, early in the 20th century that in the future there would be 1000’s souls living with the ‘Grace of Graces,’ Mystical Incarnation, which is one of the ways made known to us by which one can be a Living Host for Jesus. There are other ways, very similar to one another, which the Holy Spirit is making known in these times. Some ways may even be more perfect than others because they open up to us a more perfect understanding of the Interior Life of Jesus and inform us how to more perfectly imitate His Interior Life.

From the Catechism of the Catholic Church, we have a marvelous proof of this possibility of being a Living Host for Jesus in Paragraph 521, which states: “Christ enables us to live in Him all that He Himself lived and that He lives it in us”! Know that what was said above concerning what Jesus does in the Eucharistic Hosts, He can also do in Living Hosts!! Most certainly, the more we know and understand the Interior Life of Jesus and apply that knowledge with his Grace, the more likely we will be able to become Living Hosts for Jesus. Remember, this is His initiative not ours. He wants it far more than we ever could. So we must be confident and tranquil and take the steps to know what Jesus wants us to know and ask Him for the graces we need to enter humbly into the Divine Order, which is none other than the Order in which our first parents were created.

We must also realize that more was required of the Pioneers of this “New and Divine” Holiness, and we are not to be frightened into thinking that we have to do all that they were asked to do or to do things to the same degree as they. We all have our place in the “New and Divine” Holiness, according to the Divine Wisdom. Some will be violets, others will be Roses or Lilies. We will be content with the role that God has eternally planned for each of us.

1. For a soul to become a living Host, first she must know that the times are now here for such a possibility. Second, she must desire to do whatever Jesus makes known to her for becoming a living Host. One must be careful, however, in discerning what Jesus is asking, because He almost always will be asking behavior that is all interior and quiet, where only God is the Witness! Third, she must realize that the thing most necessary that Jesus requires of such a soul is the complete and continuous denial of one’s own will so that Jesus can form his Real Life in the soul to reign and operate freely without interference from that soul’s own will.

2. The soul should be aware of its own weaknesses and offer them to Jesus in all humility, aware of her own nothingness.

3. The soul should have complete confidence in Jesus and strive to never be anxious about anything, even one’s own weaknesses and failings, knowing that to be a living Host for Jesus is a process of development, depending on the Action of Jesus upon the soul and the soul’s correspondence to His Action.
4. The soul should make time to discover the Interior Life of Jesus in order to imitate it. This can be done by reading the spiritual testimonies of the Exemplars of the “New and Divine” Holiness; through quiet, meditative prayer; and attentiveness to letting Jesus have his way in us.

The end

Thomas Fahy November, 2002
Jacksonville, Florida

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