Knowing Our Nothingness – Podcast #1

Join us as we read from the Book of Heaven about the importance of knowing our own nothingness to allow God to be our all. Jesus tells Luisa, ” Completely divested of herself, she does not notice merits or self-interest. Rather all intent to only make me content, she gives me absolute dominion in all her acts, without wanting to know what I do with them.”

We will be reading from: Volume 5  (March 24, 1903) & Volume 12 (June 14, 1917) & Volume 12 (December 6, 1917) & Volume 7 (February 28, 1906) & Volume 10 (January 11, 1912) & Volume 8 ( November 18, 1907) &
Volume 3 (June 27, 1900)


Pearls of the New and Divine Holiness

The following, selected passages from the most holy “Book of Heaven”tell us what God wants from us and what He gives in return to the elect souls who enter into and live the Eternal Life of God as the fulfillment of the Lord’s Prayer unfolds in our time, to bring humanity back to its Original State and the completion of Redemption in us.

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The Divine Desire for Reciprocity and the Incredible Effects of Reciprocity in the Elect Soul

Luisa: My flight in the Divine Will continues.  But I feel God doesn’t give me time.  He always wants to give me what is His, but He always wants to receive what is mine.  And if I don’t have anything to give Him because I am really nothing, He wants my will in the act of my giving it always.  And this is all His happiness:  to receive as a gift the creature’s will.  If need be, He wants the same things that He has given in order to always receive.  He is happy to receive these things and to give them back twofold, with new love, new light, new holiness.

Luisa writes in the “Book of Heaven” that Jesus always wants give to her what is His, but He always wants to receive what is hers.  And since she is nothing and doesn’t have anything to give, He wants her to always be giving her will to Him.  This is His happiness—to be always receiving as a gift the will of the creature.  And if necessary, He delights in receiving from the creature the same things that He has already given her, in order to be always receiving.  But such is his generosity that as He receives the very things that He has already given, He is happy to give them back twofold with new love, new light and new holiness.

Continue reading “Pearls of the New and Divine Holiness”

Messages of Gold


Dear Readers,

My last Message of Gold to your group was sent last Sunday night. The following day, I received the OK from Corato to share some Good News.  Many of you probably now know the Good News, but some of you may not.

The Good News is that the Typical Edition of the 36 Volumes of the “Book of Heaven” has been completed and will be turned over to the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith.  Associated with that, the Postulator for Luisa’s Cause hopes that her Beatification will be completed by the end of 2019.

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Messages of Gold


Good News from Corato:  On Friday, July 6, 2018, I was informed by the president of Association Luisa Piccarreta, Mr. Michael Colonna, that on June 30 he and Fr. Sergio Pellegrini had gone to the Vatican. He said that the Typical Edition of the Volumes of the Book of Heaven  had been completed and that all the specialists who had worked on the Typical Edition signed a declaration that there were no errors or omissions in their translations.

He added that Fr. Sergio wanted to take a couple of weeks to check things over concerning the Typical Edition to his satisfaction and would then turn everything over to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in anticipation for an eventual imprimatur from the Vatican.

While at the Vatican Mr. Colonna met the postulator of Luisa’s Cause, who is pushing to get Luisa’s Beatification accomplished by the end of 2019.

In deference to Fr. Sergio Pellegrini’s waiting to check things over concerning the Typical Edition before turning the Volumes over to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, I have waited to share this Good News with you. Today, July 16, Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, I asked and received permission to share this Good News!!



Dear Readers,

Due to time constraints I am attaching my “Pearl of the New and Divine Holiness” in an unrefined manner with this email.

It is rather lengthy but should be read in parts anyway.

WHAT IS CONTAINED IN THE ATTACHMENT IS PROFOUND. What God had in mind for the human race when He created Adam and Eve is absolutely incredible!!  Now, 6000 years later, God is making these secrets known, and He will have what He has always wanted for the human race, beginning little by little, now, and especially during the coming New ERA of Happiness and Holiness on Earth.

Congratulations to those serious about living in the Divine Will.

Eternal Blessings and Delights,

Thomas Fahy

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Messages of Gold



Dear Readers of Messages of Gold,

I have had to use two groupings of readers in my mailings due to constraints of my Internet Provider.

I have normally sent out one group on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday; then send the second group the following day.

Lately, I have forgotten to send to the second group, due to being preoccupied with the remodeling of the basement of our center to allow for the expansion of our work on behalf of the Reign of the Divine Will. When things are ready I should be able to send out these mailings all at the same time.

With this mailing I am sending to the Second Group first, and also attaching for the Second Group the attachment sent last week to the First Group.


Below is a short message on Divine Lives in our acts done in the Divine Will, from Luisa’s writings which demonstrate the incredible difference between good acts done on the Divine Will and good acts done in the human will.

One’s reading and learning from this short but powerful message below can be greatly expanded through a booklet of 16 pages with color pictures by ordering it from our Center. We ask $3.00 for it. Call Kathy at 423-566-5178.


Difference between Human and Divine Operation

I was continuing my acts in the Divine Fiat, and while doing that, I was thinking to myself: what is the difference between doing good works in the Divine Volition and doing good works with the human volition? And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, said to me:

“My daughter, what is the difference? There is such distance that you cannot arrive at comprehending all the value that there is in the operation of my Divine Volition. Working in my Fiat is life that the soul takes into itself; it is Divine Life—Life with the fullness and fountain of all goods. Each act done in my Will encloses in the soul itself a life that has no beginning or end; it encloses an act in which everything arises, fountains that are never exhausted; but what arises? There arises continuous sanctity; there arises happiness, beauty, love. All the Divine qualities are in the act of continually arising and growing. When considering the soul that could possess an act done in my Will, one must consider that if there could be placed together all the good works of all creatures of all centuries, they would never equal this one act done in my Will, because in it there reigns life.

In the other works done outside of my Will, there is not life within but a work without life. Suppose that you undertake a certain labor, you put your work into it, but not your life within it; therefore, whoever would be able to possess or see that labor would possess or see your work, but not your life. Such is human working; they are labors that they have accomplished but not lives that they have placed within their works; therefore, they are subject to being soiled, to being consumed, or even being lost. On the other hand, in my Will so much is the love, the jealousy for the working of the soul in It, that It puts Its Divine Life in the midst of that work as its center. And so, the soul who does all her acts in It possesses so many divine lives for how many acts performed in my Supreme Fiat. She can be called the bilocator and populator of the divine life in the interminable sea of my Eternal Will.

Therefore, for however much the other creatures might work and sacrifice themselves, they can never please Me, if I do not see the flowing of my Divine Life in them because, being without life, there is not in their works the love that always loves, sanctity that always grows, beauty that always embellishes, joy that always smiles. At the most there could be such during the very act of their working, but as the labor ends, so ends the exercise of their life in their work. And I, not finding, the continuation of their life in their work, do not find satisfaction and pleasure; and I long for the souls who live in my Divine Will in order to find their works full of Divine lives that always love, not mute works but speaking works. And since they possess a Divine Will they know how to speak so well of their Creator, and I find all contentments in hearing them. I remain with them with so much love that it becomes impossible for Me to separate Myself, much more so because it is my own life that binds Me to them with inseparable knots. Oh! If you but knew the great good of having been called to live in my Will, the prodigies, the infinite riches that you can enclose, the love with which your Jesus feels within Himself to love you, you would be more attentive and more gratefully aware of these things. You would love for my Fiat to be known and Its Kingdom formed in the midst of creatures. It alone will be the sower of the Divine Life in creatures.”

And so, I continued my abandonment in the Fiat, and my mind became lost in Its interminal-ability, Its light that invests everything, Its Power that does all, Its Wisdom that orders and disposes everything. My poor, little mind wanted to take so many things from that light and interminable sea, but it did not take other than a few drops expressed not with human vocabulary but divine, so that my little capacity does not know how to reduce them to words. But while I was immersed in that sea of light, my beloved Jesus, making Himself seen in that light said to me:

“My daughter, my Will is light; and the prerogative and virtue of Its light is placed there as within a center. With Its heat and with Its vivifying light, It undoes Itself from whatever human weight and vivifies and converts everything into seeds of light and forms in the soul the new life without seed of evil, all pure and holy as it went out from Our creative hands. In this manner this fortunate creature cannot fear of doing evil to anyone because the true light never does evil to anyone. Rather, it carries to everyone the good that my vivifying light contains, nor can it fear of receiving evil because the true light is intangible of receiving even the least shadow of evil.

Therefore, this creature must do none other than enjoy its fortune and expand to everyone the light it possesses.”

—submitted by Thomas Fahy

Messages of Gold


Dear Readers of Messages of Gold,

I am attaching a paper, which I may have sent to you a few years ago on Eucharistic Hosts and Living Hosts.

I am doing this for a couple of reasons, one of which is my time has been devoted lately to the remodeling part of our basement into a new office for most of our staff. We plan for the new office to be used for more and more promotion of the Reign of the Divine Will on earth. This has required a lot of planning and physical labor, but no labor on Sundays.

The other reason is that there are a lot of new readers, who may not have read this paper on Eucharistic Hosts and Living Hosts, and those who have read it, may not remember some significant points. Associated with this, it is my hope that more and more reparation will be made to God for the incredible offense of willful ignorance and willful indifference in regard to the great Gift of the Body and Blood of Jesus present alive and true in the consecrated Eucharistic Hosts.

The attached paper is fairly lengthy, so please read all of it—a little at a time. The first part is Standard Catholic teaching. Most of the remainder is based on what Jesus makes known through the “Book of Heaven” by Luisa Piccarreta and writings of other 20th Century mystic souls.

God bless you in and extraordinary way with the Gift of His Own Will,

Thomas Fahy

Eucharistic Hosts and Living Hosts

There are Three Modes of Christ’s Existence:
1. His existence in Heaven following the Ascension.
2. His existence in the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
3. His existence in Souls with the Gift of the Divine Will

It is absolutely the same, real, true, fully alive Jesus on earth in the Hosts received in Holy Communion that reigns in Heaven at the right-hand side of the Father.

Christ is present in Heaven——Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. Thus it follows that Christ is present in Heaven according to his natural mode of existence in one place at once, while simultaneously being present in many places according to His substance in His Eucharistic mode of existence.
Continue reading “Messages of Gold”

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