(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

February 19, 2021



Dear Divine Will Family,
Well, how is your Lent going so far? I pray it is as you wish, doing everything for the love of God and for His Kingdom to come. I was told one time when I was sending money to the poor, “Ann, remember always to pray for the Kingdom of God to come and reign, for when it does, there will be no more poor souls, or suffering souls, or any sins; all will be peace, joy, love and abundance!” I have always remembered that and I know that God awaits His Kingdom with great anticipation. Can you imagine a world without sin, or suffering, but only love and joy and abundance?

I was blessed to see the Kingdom reigning on earth one time. God allowed me a peek of It one day after Holy Communion and I have never forgotten it. The joy and love were so overflowing in everyone that I could not hold back the tears of joy and happiness. It fills the whole inside your body and soul! There is nothing on earth but holiness, happiness, joy, peace, sharing, laughing, love, and so much abundance that there is no sweat of the brow any more. All creation is in order because man is in order, and so the earth knows exactly what it was created to do and it gives back 100-fold of what was planted in it.

Married men and women are able to see and understand God reigning in each other and they are always giving thanks and adoring the God within each other. And they gave themselves so completely to each other that there was nothing left to give…all of themselves! They knew they were also giving all of themselves to God, Who reigned in each other.

And I understood this so much better one day when I heard a talk on the writings of Great Pope Saint John Paul II. He explained that when the Blessed Mother gave Her Fiat to the Holy Spirit, Her Spouse, She was giving Her entire self to Him because through this giving of Herself completely to Her Spouse, She was giving Herself completely to God and in this way She was totally Consecrated to God. And that is how married couples are Consecrated to God is through the total self-giving of themselves to each other! The two become one, as God intended! And I can’t tell you the love, joy and happiness that I experienced in these married souls who were living their marriage as God created them to.

May all be as God Wills it in our lives! And may He be the One for whom we do everything this Lent! What a future He has planned for mankind!!

We love you all so very much and keep each of you in our prayers! God bless each of you abundantly and keep you all safe and healthy!
Ann Continue reading “”

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

February 17, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,
Well, Lent is here! I pray that we make this the best Lent ever for the Glory of our Heavenly Father, for His Kingdom to come and for the sanctification of all souls, and for the benefit of our own souls, too!

A good friend gave me some wonderful advice I would like to pass along to you. If you say something enough, you really begin to believe it and it becomes truth and it becomes a habit for you. I suggest that by calling “Thy Kingdom to come” enough, every day, every hour, or as many times as we can think of it, it will become such a habit that we will be thinking of nothing else but “Thy Kingdom Come.”

You know Jesus spent 30 years laying the foundation for His Father’s Kingdom to come and only 3 years on Redemption. Redemption was certainly necessary, but the main reason Jesus came was to lay the foundation for His Father’s Kingdom. It was that important for Him to do for His Father. I believe it should be that important for each of us, too. We are called to be another Jesus on earth…so that means we must concentrate on laying the foundation of the Kingdom to come.

We should awake calling the Kingdom, we should eat calling the Kingdom, we should work calling the Kingdom…in everything we do this Lent, let’s get into the habit of calling the Kingdom to come!! After Lent, it should be such a habit that that is all we do is call God’s Kingdom to come…to flourish on earth as in Heaven and in our own souls as well! But I believe if we get into this habit, it will flourish in our souls to such a degree that it will surprise us, and fill us with such love, nourishment and joy and we will fear nothing! May it be so!! Amen, Fiat!

Here are some thoughts to ponder and to put into practice on the first three points for the rapid growth in the Divine Will. Continue reading “”

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison
February 14, 2021

Happy ST. Valentine’s Day

Dear Divine Will Family,
Mark Mallett has written a wonderful and very timely article on the times we are living in and the times that are coming. I am adding a link to this email hoping that those who do not receive his emails, will take a look at this one which is so well written and is so true.
We are coming into some very trying times, which we have been expecting and for which we have even been awaiting, with some anxiousness. Mark explains these times so well that for me to try and explain them seems useless.
Please open this link and read his email. https://www.markmallett.com/blog/our-ladys-wartime/
What I would like to explain is that these times which are coming may call for martyrdom from some souls. What an honor to be called to give your life for God!! But, can we really face death without some trepidation and fear? We can if we are detached from all that the earth holds dear to us, and especially from ourselves. Jesus teaches Luisa that we must be detached from everything to even live in His Holy Will, so we should have been practicing this virtue for as long as we have been striving to live in the Divine Will. To get dominion over our own wills is the great secret that detaches us from even our own desire, preferences and wants. Continue reading “”

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison
February 3, 2021

Dear Divine Will Family,
I am so very sorry about all the confusion from me changing my email address. I have a new email address and if you put my new email address in your contacts you should receive my Snippets. Many have been writing because they have not received anything since November. If you look in your junk email box, you should find several Snippets that I have sent out since November. Please put my new email address into you contacts. It is: [email protected]. You may want to also keep my Yahoo.com account, just in case the protonmail.com does not work for you.
Also, many have been writing about receiving the vaccine and I received something that I want to share with those who have decided not to receive the vaccine. It is a way to refuse the vaccine without causing any animosity among you and your health care providers, or your state government. I will have to type it since MailChimp will not allow me to copy and paste it, or upload it.

Step 1.
Do Not refuse the vaccine. Otherwise you will be considered belligerent. Instead you can politely decline the service by doing the following.

Step 2.
Ask the doctor, “Does this vaccine have MRC-5 in it? (They all do) These are aborted fetal cells and other DNA. If the vaccine contains MRC-5, your have a right to decline. Do so politely.

Step 3.
Also ask, “Is there a possibility of a “Latrogenic Reaction”? (an adverse reaction caused by multiple compounds or drugs interacting with each other) from the vaccine. (They all do). When the doctor says, “Yes, it does.” That is your “Get out of the vaccine free card.” Thank the doctor for their offer and walk away.

Remember, doctors have sworn the Hippocratic Oath (which is to do no harm). They must honor it. This is how we can legally (and respectfully) decline their offered mandated services and there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. Now you know!
If you have decided to take the vaccine, that is your own decision and that is OK. But, there are others who have chosen not to take the vaccine. I have had several write to me and call me. So, I want to consider them as well.
As you all know very well, Tom Fahy died December 14, 2019, over a year ago. Kathy and I have been doing our best to keep Tom’s organization alive and well and spreading the knowledge and understanding of this most magnificent Life of God reigning in His creature’s souls! It is a pleasure and a privilege to do this work, and there is nothing we would rather be doing. If you feel in your heart that God wants you to help us with our operating expenses, it would greatly appreciated! It is tax deductible and we send you a tax letter for your files, along with our immense gratitude and prayers! But, as always, fiat!
Lent is coming faster than we can keep up with so remember to begin reading your “Twenty-Four Hours of the Passion of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.” If you need to purchase the book or get a new one because your old one is falling apart…please call Kathy at 423-566-5178. We have plenty on the shelves!
Now for the creme de la creme – the writings of Luisa Piccarreta! How blessed we are to know her and these incredible writings! And to understand the concepts, and to be able to practice them daily! Praise God’s Holy Will always! Now for a short list of ways to obtain

1. Making Frequent Acts of Fusing and Diffusing Oneself in the Divine Will.
2. Abandoning One’s Self to the Divine Will
3. Being Convinced of One’s Nothingness
4. Fulfilling One’s Duty with contentment
5. Being Always Obedient
6. Forgetting the Past
7. Avoiding Thinking of One’s Self and Seeking Self Interests
8. Doing Things without a Human Purpose but with a Divine Purpose
9. Detaching One’s Self from Everyone and Everything
10. Being a Constant Companion of God
11. Accepting Everything with Gratitude as a Gift of Divine Love
12. Simplicity and Peacefulness of Spirit
13. Being Aware of Becoming a Living Host
14. Immersing One’s Self in the Light of the Divine Will—the Passport to Everything
15. Wanting and Letting the Divine Will Expand the Capacity of One’s Soul
16. Listening to the Truth and Sharing the Truth
17. Faithfulness & Attentiveness to the Operation of the Divine Will within One’s Self
18. Gaining Increasing Knowledge of the Divine Will
19. Calling the Divine Will in What One Does, Thinks, and Says.
20. Loving and Speaking the Plain Truth—Simple, Unadorned, and Peaceful
21. Giving One’s Acts to be Transformed by Jesus into Divine Acts
22. Offering One’s Human Will as a Receptacle for the Divine Will
23. Visualizing Jesus Living the Divine Will within One’s Own Humanity
24. Resolving within One’s Self that You and Jesus are Alone in the World
25. Thinking about the Passion of Jesus
26. Taking Spiritual Things from the Divine Will Rather Than Asking for Them
27. Developing the Attitude of Perfect Trust and Confidence in Jesus – No Scruples
28. Developing the Mode of Silence
29. Accepting Humiliations with Serenity
30. Recognizing the Immense Value of One’s Cross
We love each of you and keep you in our daily prayers! May God fill your soul with the determination needed this Lent to live these points with constancy, joy and love and for God’s Kingdom to reign in all souls!
Ann Ellison

Copyright © Center for the Divine Will, All rights reserved.

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison
February 3, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,

Yes, we are a family. We are the true family of God, His legitimate children. We all share His Lifeblood, His Divine Will! And as family, it is important to support each other, to lift each other up, to help each other in any way possible during these critical days we are in, and are entering. I do not believe that the years to come are going to be easy. This is just my belief, no one really knows anything about the future but God. We have many, many, many prophecies, even from Our Lady. But have you noticed that She never gives you a date? She does give us hints and things to look for, so She doesn’t leave us high and dry. Some of the things She tells us to look for is Communism. When we see Communism taking over most the whole world, as it seems it is doing, then we can almost be assured that things are not going to be very comfortable for those who love God and Our Lady with all our hearts, souls, minds and bodies! It looks like we may be in for a rough ride. But that’s really OK! There’s always the fiat, which when you ponder Our Lady giving it so willingly during the times in which She lived, it would be also the same as in our time. That fiat She gave most certainly would have been a death sentence, but She trusted that God would take care of Her and She gave Her fiat out of faith, trust and love of God!

Have you read JOB lately? No matter what God did to him and put him through, he never wavered in his trust in God, and his love of God! That is where our faith and trust need to be if we are going to give to God all the glory He deserves from us. JOB even seems to speak about the Kingdom to come…. thou shalt visit thy habitation, and shalt not sin.

Because of his trust and love of God, in all his misery, he understood that God would take care of him no matter what! We are IN God and God is IN us…of what should we be afraid?? As children of the Divine Will, we should have the greatest of all trust and faith in our Heavenly Father to take good care of us. And that may not always mean our bodies, but our souls, which are so much more important. May we have the kind of trust, faith and love of God not to cave when the times get really tough. May God grant us the same faith and trust in Him as that of JOB, only more so since we are the children of the Divine Will! Continue reading “”


February 1, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,
Here is the second part of the Warnings and Prophecies of Our Lady of Garabandal! Any questions or comments, please send them to me at “[email protected].”
We love you all so very much and keep each of you in our prayers. Please keep us in yours! May God bless you with peace knowing always that He is in control, not man!! Praise His Holy Will always! Fiat always!
Ann Ellison

The Prophecies of Garabandal

If there was time, I could spend hours telling about the events surrounding the Eucharist and the Priesthood, but now we must move on to another very importance aspect of the Apparitions of Garabandal. And that is the extraordinary Prophecies of Garabandal, which are most pertinent for these times in which we are now living! Continue reading “”

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