Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta
Compiled by Ann Ellison

February 11, 2022


Dear Divine Will Family,

This is one of my favorite Feast Days. I hope everyone is familiar with St. Maximilian Kolbe. Of course, there is no arguing that the “Book of Heaven” contains the most beautiful and greatest writings to help us understand the magnificence of Our Heavenly Mother of any books I have ever read, but St. Maximilian has some very beautiful and powerful writings as well on Our Lady and Her Spouse, the Holy Ghost, and the power that the Most Holy Trinity bestowed on Her! If you have a chance, please find some of his books on Our Lady and read them. You won’t regret it. I would like to share just a few concepts from his book, “Will to Love!”
“The Holy Spirit does not act except through the Immaculata, His spouse. Hence, She is the Mediatrix of all the graces of the Holy Spirit.

“Every grace is dispensed by the Father through His Incarnate Son, Jesus and the Holy Spirit dwelling in the Immaculata – through the Immaculata herself.

“This grace in the Immaculata and through Her, forms souls in the image of the first-born God-Man.

“She is not like a mail-carrier. She does not receive graces from God for an appointed purpose so that she might use them in one way or another. The Immaculate Virgin receives graces from God for Her own exclusive property and she dispenses them to us how she wills, to whom she wills, and inasmuch as she wills, for these are Her own. Here, finally, do we see how holy and great God made his Blessed Mother, and how much we should honor Her.”
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Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta
Compiled by Ann Ellison

February 8, 2022


Dear Divine Will Family,

Wow, it has been way too long since I have been able to send out a Divine Will Snippet! Lots of fiats, but it’s the little fiat that bring the Kingdom of God deeper into the soul and to the entire universe! So, they are very valuable and we should always give thanks to God when He gives us the occasion to give Him our little fiats, because in God’s Holy Will, they become immense fiats, big enough to for God to bring Heaven to earth! Eventually, Heaven and earth will become ONE!! Pray constantly for this event to come about and joyfully give your fiats to God for this purpose!

Felicia and I both have had covid and it took quite a while to get over it, but we never felt we needed to go to the hospital, praise God’s Holy Will, and we recovered without any complications!

Then we lost all internet until just the other day! We finally got internet into the House of Divine Will! I was using a hotspot all the other times and even that went out during our illness and so we were dead in the water. But our reward is that I do not have to use a very unreliable hotspot anymore, we have NetCan now and it is working so well! We are ecstatic!

I hope everyone is familiar with dressing themselves as Jesus. It is explained in Volume 11, with it being mentioned in the introduction of the Twenty-Four Hours of the Passion of Our Lord, Jesus Christ! Our Blessed Mother says that there is no prayer that Jesus does not answer of one dressed as Himself!

I have been in the habit of dressing myself as Jesus at every Holy Mass for years and today, it seemed like Jesus wanted me to share with you the importance of this habit, so below I have the excerpt from Volume 11 for you to read and on which to meditate.

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Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta
Compiled by Ann Ellison

January 1, 2022


Dear Divine Will Family,
I couldn’t pass up this great Feast Day to send something out. Plus, it being the first day of the year 2022! Several things come to my mind!

We were just reading where Jesus told Luisa that you must heal the wounds which your human will has made to your soul before you can take His Life of grace, sanctity and love in the Divine Will! I thought this would be a good New Years resolution to make, and since it is Our Heavenly Mother’s Solemnity, we could ask Her to help us in this regard!

There is a beautiful prayer that Luisa prayed that would be very good start.
Luisa called it “A Plea to my Heavenly Mother!”

“O, my Most Holy, Most Pure, Most Beautiful Divine Mother, even though You are Queen of the entire Kingdom of God’s Holy Will, still You are ever my Mother! I have such a need for You as Mother, and trembling, I cast myself into Your arms so that You may heal me of the wounds which my wicked will has made to my poor soul.

“Hear me, my Sovereign Mother, if You don’t take the Sceptre of Command to guide me and rule over all my acts to ensure that my will never has a life of its own, ah, I will not have the beautiful lot of coming into the Kingdom of the Divine Will for the love, honor, and glory of God and for His Kingdom to Come within me, so that His Will will be done on earth as it is done in Heaven within my soul and all souls, past, present and future!” Amen!

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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

December 21, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,
First, I want to thank everyone who gave a very generous donation to the Center. We are so grateful to you and you will receive a tax letters before the end of January. I wish I could name everyone, but I know you don’t want to be named in this email, but we know who you are and with all our hearts, we thank you! It is the end of the year and many people give donations at this time. We would be ever so grateful if you keep us in mind when considering to whom you are going to give donations. God bless you all abundantly!

Gosh, it is hard to believe that this year is almost over. I pray all of you are healthy and happy! Joy is one of the attributes of living in the Divine Will because no matter what is happening in your life it most certainly always the Will of God. I just read where St. Padre Pio said that doing the Will of God is better than living in paradise! With the correct understanding of life in the Divine Will, it would be our paradise here on earth…..aren’t we supposed to be living Heaven on earth? Knowing that you are always doing the Will of God in your life should bring you peace and joy. Besides, the rewards will be so great in Heaven that we cannot and will not ever be able to comprehend them here on earth. Plus, by always doing His Will, aren’t we pleasing our Heavenly Father. This is very important to keep in the forefront of our minds, pleasing Him who loves us so much.

Christmas is soon here and our Little Newborn Jesus will be with us once again. So, we have the Newborn Jesus, and we are always a newborn in the Divine Will. All our acts in the Divine Will are always new and ever increasing, and expanding!

The joys of Heaven are always increasing, which is so hard to comprehend….joys for all eternity increasing at every instant?? Gosh, what a God we have, what a Father, what a Holy Trinity we have!!! What an eternity we will have with our Triune God!

I was thinking the other day about going to Heaven and being with Jesus and Mary and knowing God with more understanding and loving Him more and being sensibly intimate with Him. I got carried away and began realizing that when we die, our souls go to Heaven (or wherever we deserve to go), but at the end of the world, we will be given our glorified bodies and we will live in Heaven in our flesh for all eternity with Jesus and Mary and everyone else…all in our flesh, all living together as a family for all eternity! Wow, I really can’t wait! Never experiencing anything but joy, happiness and love….so much love that it astounds the mind and heart of man!

So let us welcome our Little Newborn Jesus with all our hearts, for without Him coming, Redemption nor the Kingdom would never be…in fact, without Him coming, we probably would not have been! How grateful we are to Jesus and to Mary! Fiat always!

We love you all so much and keep each of you in our daily prayers! May God help us to realize how grateful and loving we should be towards our Savior and Lord, our the King of Kings!!
Ann Ellison


Volume 16
November 28, 1923

The newborn of the Divine Will.

I feel always sunken in the Holy Will of my Jesus, and I seemed to see my little soul like a newborn baby, whom blessed Jesus was raising in His arms with the breath of His Will, with such jealousy as to want that she look at nothing, hear nothing, touch nothing. And so that nothing might distract her, He kept her enchanted with the sweet enchantment of His teachings on His Most Holy Will. And the little newborn would grow and be nourished with the breath of the Will of her Jesus. And not only this, but He covered me with many little crosses of light, in such a way that, in looking at myself, I could see a cross of light impressed in each part of me. And Jesus amused Himself, now in multiplying these crosses, now in wanting me to keep my gaze fixed on Him in order to count all His words, which served me as food and means of growth. Then, afterwards, my Jesus told me:

“My little daughter, my newborn of the Divine Will, my Volition conceived you, made you be born, and now raises you with all love. Don’t you see with how much love I hold you in my arms, and do not permit that you take any other food but the breath of my Will? It is the most beautiful, the dearest, the most precious thing which has been issued in Creation until now – the newborn of my Will. Therefore, I will keep you with such jealousy as to let no one touch my newborn. My Will will be everything for you: It will be life, food, garment, clothing and cross for you, because, since It is the greatest thing, it would be unbefitting for your Jesus to mix It with other things which are not a birth from Our Will. Therefore, forget everything, so that no other waters may surround you, inside and out, but the immense sea of the Eternal Volition. I want in you the honor, the nobility, the decorum, of the true newborn daughter of my Will.”

Volume 19
February 23, 1926

Jesus calls her “the little newborn” so that she may be reborn continuously in His Holy Will to new beauty, to new sanctity, to new light, to new likeness of her Creator.

My Love and my Life, Jesus, come to the help of my weakness and of my reluctance in writing; even more, let your own Will come to write, that I may put nothing of my own, but only all that You want me to write. And You, my Mama and Celestial Mother of the Divine Will, come to guide my hand while I write. Lend me the words, facilitate for me the concepts which Jesus places in my mind, that I may worthily write about the Most Holy Will, so as to make my sweet Jesus content.

I was thinking to myself: “Why does blessed Jesus so often call me “the little newborn of His Most Holy Will”? Maybe because I am still bad, and since I have not taken one step in His Will, with reason He calls me just newborn….” Now, while I was thinking of this, my adorable Jesus clasped His arms around my neck, and squeezing me tightly to His Heart, told me:

“To my little newborn of my Will I want to deny nothing. Do you want to know, then, why I call you little newborn? Newborn means to be in the act of being born, and you must be reborn in each one of your acts in my Will. Not only this, but in order to be repaid for all the oppositions of the human wills, my Will wants to call you into my Volition to make you be reborn so many times for as many times as the human wills have opposed It. Therefore, it is necessary to keep you always a newborn.

When one is in the act of being born, it is easy to make her be reborn as many times as one wants, and to preserve her without the growth of the human will. But when the soul grows, it becomes more difficult to keep her without the life of her own self. But this is not all. It was necessary, befitting and decorous for the newborn of my Will and for Our Will Itself, that she would unite herself to that single Act of the Eternal One, which has no succession of acts. And just as this single Act gives the Divine Being all the greatness, the magnificence, the immensity, the eternity, the power – in sum, It encloses everything, to make whatever It wants come out of this one Act – in the same way, Our little newborn of Our Will, uniting with the single Act of the Eternal One, was to do always one single act – that is, to remain always in continuous act of being born, doing always one single act: Our Will. And while doing one single act, she would be reborn continuously – but reborn to what? To new beauty, to new sanctity, to new light, to new likeness of her Creator.

And as you are reborn in Our Will, the Divinity feels repaid for the purpose for which It issued the Creation, and It feels the joys and the happiness that the creature was to give It, come back to It. Clasping you to the divine bosom, It fills you with joy and with infinite graces, and It manifests to you more knowledges about Our Will; and giving you no time, It makes you be reborn again in Our Will. Moreover, these continuous births make you die continuously to your will, to your weaknesses, to miseries, and to all that does not belong to Our Will.
How beautiful is the destiny of my little newborn! So, aren’t you happy? See, I too was born one time, but that birth makes Me be born continuously. I am reborn in each consecrated Host; I am reborn every time the creature returns to my grace. The first birth gave Me the field to make Me be reborn always. This is how divine works are: after they are done once, their continuous act remains, without ever ending. The same will be with my little newborn of my Will: after she is born once, the act of her continuous birth will remain. This is why I am so careful not to let your will enter into you, and I surround you with so much grace – so that you may always be reborn in my Will, and my Will may be reborn in you.”

Copyright © 2021, Center for the Divine Will, All rights reserved.

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

December 16, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,

Well, its that time of the year again. A time when we get all excited about the Baby Jesus coming, going to Christmas Mass, which is always special! The joy of the children seeing the lights and their presents, and having wonderful laughter with the family.

It’s a wonderful time, but it is also time to begin to think of the horrible sufferings of Jesus in the Womb of His Most Holy Mother! I have copied and pasted the Christmas Novena to this Snippet. The excesses of God’s love for souls is truly beyond our comprehension. We can die for love of neighbor, or for family, but this is still only a spark of the love that God has for each one of us individually! You know He pays attention to each one of us as if we were the only soul He created…that’s how much attention He is always paying to us….individually! And this is at every second of every day and night of our lives here on earth!

If everyone in the world realized the love of God for each soul, it seems to me that this world would be full of peace, joy and love of neighbor! But we do have lots of hope of this becoming a reality one day, hopefully soon!! When the Kingdom comes to every soul in existence in the world and fully reigns and dominates that soul, the world will be another Heaven on earth and all will love everyone with God’s love, and be full of joy and happiness! May It come soon, dear Lord!!

Let’s thank our wonderful Heavenly Father for His Kingdom and for the plans that He has for all men in the future! This is another time of God’s love, joy and happiness for man that is beyond our comprehension, it will be so incredible and magnificent!

We, the workers at the Center for the Divine Will, as well as Kathy Fahy, Jerry Lawson, Felicia Murray and I individually, wish each of you a most wonderful, holy and Merry Christmas season! May all your prayers and wishes come to fruition and may all your family members and friends stay healthy and happy all through 2022! Fiat always!
Ann Ellison

Volume 1
Luisa: “With a Novena of Holy Christmas, at the age of about seventeen, I prepared myself for the Feast of Holy Christmas, by practicing various acts of virtue and mortification; and, especially, by honoring the nine months which Jesus spent in the maternal womb with nine hours of meditation each day, always concerning the mystery of the Incarnation.”

FIRST EXCESS OF LOVE – December 16th
As for example, for one hour, with my thought, I brought myself to Paradise, and I imagined the Most Holy Trinity: The Father, sending the Son upon earth; the Son, promptly obeying the Will of the Father; the Holy Spirit, consenting.

My mind was confused in contemplating a mystery so great, a love so reciprocal, so equal, so strong among Themselves and toward men; and then, the ingratitude of men, and especially my own. I would have remained there, not for one hour, but for the whole day; but an interior voice told me: “Enough – come and see other greater excesses of my love.”

Then, my mind brought itself into the maternal womb, and remained stupefied in considering a God so great in Heaven, now so annihilated, restricted, constrained, as to be unable to move, and almost even to breathe.

The interior voice told me: “Do you see how much I have loved you? O please, make Me a little space in your heart; remove everything which is not Mine, so you will give Me more freedom to move and to breathe.”

My heart was consumed; I asked for His forgiveness, I promised to be completely His own, I poured myself out in crying; but – I say this to my confusion – I would go back to my usual defects. O Jesus, how good You are with this miserable creature!

THIRD EXCESS OF LOVE – December 18th
As I moved on from the second to the third meditation, an interior voice told me: “My daughter, place your head upon the womb of my Mama, and look deep into it at my little Humanity. My love devoured Me; the fires, the oceans, the immense seas of love of my Divinity inundated Me, burned Me to ashes, and sent their flames so high as to rise and reach everywhere – all generations, from the first to the last man. My little Humanity was devoured in the midst of such flames; but do you know what my eternal love wants Me to devour? Ah! Souls! And only then was I content, when I devoured them all, to remain conceived with Me. I was God, and I was to operate as God – I had to take them all. My love would have given Me no peace, had I excluded any of them. Ah! My daughter, look well into the womb of my Mama; fix well your eyes on my conceived Humanity, and you will find your soul conceived with Me, and the flames of my love that devour you. O how much I loved you, and I do love you!”

I felt dissolved in the midst of so much love, nor was I able to go out of it; but a voice called me loudly, saying: “My daughter, this is nothing yet; cling more tightly to Me, and give your hands to my dear Mama, that She may hold you to her maternal womb. And you, take another look at my little conceived Humanity, and watch the fourth excess of my love.”

“My daughter, from the devouring love, move on to look at my operative love. Each conceived soul brought Me the burden of her sins, of her weaknesses and passions, and my love commanded Me to take the burden of each one of them. And it conceived not only the souls, but the pains of each one, as well as the satisfaction which each one of them was to give to my Celestial Father. So, my Passion was conceived together with Me. Look well at Me in the womb of my Celestial Mama. O how tortured was my little Humanity! Look well at my little head, surrounded by a crown of thorns, which, pressed tightly around my temples, made rivers of tears pour out from my eyes; nor was I able to make a move to dry them. O Please! Be moved to compassion for Me, dry my eyes from so much crying – you, who have free arms to be able to do it. These thorns are the crown of the so many evil thoughts which crowd the human minds. O how they prick Me, more than thorns which sprout from the earth. But, look again – what a long crucifixion of nine months: I could not move a finger or a hand or a foot. I was always immobile; there was no room to be able to move even a tiny bit. What a long and hard crucifixion, with the addition that all evil works, assuming the form of nails, continuously pierced my hands and feet.” So, He continued to narrate to me pains upon pains – all the martyrdoms of His little Humanity, such that, if I wanted to tell them all, I would be too long.

I abandoned myself to crying, and I heard in my interior: “My daughter, I would like to hug you, but I am unable to do so – there is no room, I am immobile, I cannot do it. I would like to come to you, but I am unable to walk. For now, you hug Me and you come to Me; then, when I come out of the maternal womb, I will come to you.” But as I hugged Him and squeezed Him tightly to my heart with my imagination, an interior voice told me: “Enough for now, my daughter; move on to consider the fifth excess of my love.”

FIFTH EXCESS OF LOVE – December 20th
And the interior voice continued: “My daughter, do not move away from Me, do not leave Me alone; my love wants your company. This is another excess of my love, which does not want to be alone. But do you know whose company it wants? That of the creature. See, in the womb of my Mama, all of the creatures are together with Me – conceived together with Me. I am with them, all love. I want to tell them how much I love them; I want to speak with them to tell them of my joys and sorrows – that I have come into their midst to make them happy and to console them; that I will remain in their midst as a little brother, giving my goods, my kingdom, to each one of them at the cost of my life. I want to give them my kisses and my caresses. I want to amuse myself with them, but – ah, how many sorrows they give Me! Some run away from Me, some play deaf and force Me into silence; some despise my goods and do not care about my kingdom, returning my kisses and caresses with indifference and obliviousness of Me, so they convert my amusement into bitter crying. O How lonely I am, though in the midst of many. O How loneliness weighs upon Me. I have no one to whom to say a word, with whom to pour Myself out, not even in love. I am always sad and taciturn, because if I speak, I am not listened to. Ah! My daughter, I beg you, I implore you, do not leave Me alone in so much loneliness; give Me the good of letting Me speak by listening to Me; lend your ear to my teachings. I am the master of masters. How many things do I want to teach you! If you listen to Me, you will stop my crying and I will amuse Myself with you. Don’t you want to amuse yourself with Me?”

And as I abandoned myself in Him, giving Him my compassion in His loneliness, the interior voice continued: “Enough, enough; move on to consider the sixth excess of my love.”

SIXTH EXCESS OF LOVE – December 21st
“My daughter, come, pray my dear Mama to set aside a little space for you within her maternal womb, that you yourself may see the painful state in which I find Myself.” So, in my thoughts, it seemed that our Queen Mama made me a little room to make Jesus content, and placed me in it. But the darkness was such that I could not see Him; I could only hear His breathing, while He continued to say in my interior: “My daughter, look at another excess of my love. I am the eternal light; the sun is a shadow of my light. But do you see where my love led Me – in what a dark prison I am? There is not a glimmer of light; it is always night for Me – but a night without stars, without rest. I am always awake…what pain! The narrowness of this prison – without being able to make the slightest movement; the thick darkness…; even my breathing, as I breathe through the breathing of my Mama – O how labored it is! To this, add the darkness of the sins of creatures. Each sin was a night for Me, and combined together they formed an abyss of darkness, with no boundaries. What pain! O excess of my love – making Me pass from an immensity of light and space into an abyss of thick darkness, so narrow as to lose the freedom to breathe; and all this, for love of creatures.”

As He was saying this, He moaned – moans almost suffocated because of the lack of space; and He cried. I was consumed with crying. I thanked Him, I compassionated Him; I wanted to make Him a little light with my love, as He told me to. But who can say all? Then, the same interior voice added: “Enough for now; move on to the seventh excess of my love.”

The interior voice continued: “My daughter, do not leave Me alone in so much loneliness and in so much darkness. Do not leave the womb of my Mama, so you may see the seventh excess of my love. Listen to Me: in the womb of my Celestial Father I was fully happy; there was no good which I did not possess; joy, happiness – everything was at my disposal. The angels adored Me reverently, hanging upon my every wish. Ah, excess of my love! I could say that it made Me change my destiny; it restrained Me within this gloomy prison; it stripped Me of all my joys, happiness and goods, to clothe Me with all the unhappiness of creatures – and all this in order to make an exchange, to give them my destiny, my joys and my eternal happiness. But this would have been nothing had I not found in them highest ingratitude and obstinate perfidy. O how my eternal love was surprised in the face of so much ingratitude, and how it cried over the stubbornness and perfidy of man. Ingratitude was the sharpest thorn that pierced my heart, from my conception up to the last moment of my life. Look at my little heart – it is wounded, and pours out blood. What pain! What torture I feel! My daughter, do not be ungrateful to Me. Ingratitude is the hardest pain for your Jesus – it is to close the door in my face, leaving Me numb with cold. But my love did not stop at so much ingratitude; it took the attitude of supplicating, imploring, moaning and begging love. This is the eighth excess of my love.”

“My daughter, do not leave Me alone; place your head upon the womb of my dear Mama, and even from the outside you will hear my moans and my supplications. In seeing that neither my moans nor my supplications move the creature to compassion for my love, I assume the attitude of the poorest of beggars; and stretching out my little hand, I ask – for pity’s sake, and at least as alms – for their souls, for their affections and for their hearts. My love wanted to win over the heart of man at any cost; and in seeing that after seven excesses of my love, he was still reluctant, he played deaf, he did not care about Me and did not want to give himself to Me, my love wanted to push itself further. It should have stopped; but no, it wanted to overflow even more from within its boundaries; and from the womb of my Mama, it made my voice reach every heart, with the most insinuating manners, with the most fervent prayers, with the most penetrating words. And do you know what I said to them? ‘My child, give me your heart; I will give you everything you want, provided that you give Me your heart in exchange. I have descended from Heaven to make a prey of it. O please, do not deny it to Me! Do not delude my hopes!’ And in seeing him reluctant – even more, many turned their backs to Me – I passed on to moaning; I joined my little hands and, crying, with a voice suffocated by sobs, I added: ‘Oh! Oh! I am the little beggar; you don’t want to give Me your heart – not even as alms? Is this not a greater excess of my love; that the Creator, in order to approach the creature, takes the form of a little baby so as not to strike fear in him; that He asks for the heart of the creature, at least as alms, and in seeing that he does not want to give it, He supplicates, moans and cries?”

Then I heard Him say: “And you, don’t you want to give Me your heart? Or maybe you too want Me to moan, beg and cry in order to give Me your heart? Do you want to deny Me the alms I ask of you?” And as He was saying this I heard Him as though sobbing, and I: ‘My Jesus, do not cry, I give You my heart and all of myself.’ Then, the interior voice continued: “Move further; pass on to the ninth excess of my love.”

NINTH EXCESS OF LOVE – December 24th
“My daughter, my state is ever more painful. If you love Me, keep your gaze fixed on Me, to see if you can offer some relief to your Jesus; a little word of love, a caress, a kiss, will give respite to my crying and to my afflictions. Listen my daughter, after I gave eight excesses of my love, and man requited them so badly, my love did not give up and wanted to add the ninth excess to the eighth. And this was yearnings, sighs of fire, flames of desire, for I wanted to go out of the maternal womb to embrace man. This reduced my little Humanity, not yet born, to such an agony as to reach the point of breathing my last. But as I was about to breathe my last, my Divinity, which was inseparable from Me, gave Me sips of life, and so I regained life to continue my agony, and return again to the point of death. This was the ninth excess of my love: to agonize and to die of love continuously for the creature. O what a long agony of nine months! O how love suffocated Me and made Me die. Had I not had the Divinity with Me, which gave Me life again every time I was about to finish, love would have consumed Me before coming out to the light of day.”

Then He added: “Look at Me, listen to Me, how I agonize, how my heart beats, pants, burns. Look at Me – now I die.” And He remained in deep silence. I felt like dying. My blood froze in my veins, and trembling, I said to Him: ‘My Love, my Life, do not die, do not leave me alone. You want love, and I will love You; I will not leave You ever again. Give me your flames to be able to love You more, and be consumed completely for You.’
D E O G R A T I A S!

Copyright © 2021, Center for the Divine Will, All rights reserved.

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

December 3, 2021

Through the Rounds

Dear Divine Will Family,

I came across this quote from the biography that Hugh Owen wrote on Luisa, “Thy Kingdom Come! The Life and Mission of Luisa Piccarreta!” And I remembered what Fr. John Brown told me one time. He said no one understands the importance of the Rounds and how they must be prayed continuously! He knew that through the Rounds we were helping to re-establish God’s Kingdom on earth as in Heaven! May It come quickly to all souls!

So, I copied some Rounds in Volume 17 so that you have some beautiful Rounds to pray daily and several times a day, if possible. As Jesus tells Luisa, “…if, in truth, you want this Kingdom, continue with your acts so that when the established number has been completed; you can obtain that for which you sigh so insistently!”

I am making this short as it is more important to get this out than to continue to write about it. I think most people already understand the Rounds and do not need me to explain them anymore. But if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to write. I would be most happy to help with this understanding in any way I can. My email address is below this Snippet.

We love all of you so much and keep each of you in our daily prayers. Please keep us in yours! May God give you the immense grace to pray these Rounds every day to help re-establish His Kingdom of love, peace and joy on earth as It reigns in Heaven! What better good could we do??

Fiat always,
Ann Ellison

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