The Great Prophecy in the Lord’s Prayer


The Great Prophecy in the Lord’s Prayer

Its Fulfillment is Now Underway!

“Our Father. . . Thy Kingdom Come; Thy Will be done on Earth as It is in Heaven”


Not long before Jesus died on the Cross for us, He said to the Apostles, “. . . Pray like this: Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come.  Thy Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven. . .” The Apostles taught this prayer to others, and it has been prayed by the faithful for 2000 years.

Therefore, it seems that it would be good for the followers of Jesus to know more about this Prayer of Our Lord and what He expected when He taught it to us through his Apostles.

Let us consider some points about this most special prayer and whatwas in the Mind of Our Lord when He taught this prayer.

Continue reading “The Great Prophecy in the Lord’s Prayer”

Act Done in the Divine Will

+When a person gives his will to Jesus in order to live in His, Jesus in turn gives His Will to that person. But before His Will gives Itself to that person, It pours Itself into that person’s act to form its day, to sanctify it, embellish it, insert Its celestial joys, and then It locks Itself inside that person’s act.

As the Divine Fiat operates in that person’s act, all created things receive a renewed life in the beauty, love and joy of their very Creator, and as the person does his act—now divine—that act remains as his own, and all become attentive to see what that person intends to do with that act, since it encloses everything, and everyone feels enclosed in that act. Continue reading “Act Done in the Divine Will”

Pearls of the New and Divine Holiness


our sweet mother in contemplation
Here is this week’s Pearl of the New and Divine Holiness. As always, read these lines carefully and prayerfully in the Divine Will to absorb as much light as one can:

A Few Extracts from Luisa’s Writings about Calling the Divine Will in What We Do

Jesus to Luisa:  Just as the second FIAT called Me upon earth to live among men, the third FIAT will call my Will into souls, and It will reign in them “on earth, as in Heaven.”

With your love, and with your continuous dissolving of yourself in my Volition, you will call my Will to have life on earth within you—and then you will give Me life in other creatures.

As you call my Will into yourself, this too is a unique act, and that is why, to respect the dignity of my Will which must dwell in you, I must pour into you so much love and grace, as to make you surpass all other creatures. And since my Will has supremacy over all, and is eternal, infinite and immense, I must communicate this to the soul in whom the Life of my Will must have its beginning and its fulfillment–endowing and enriching her with the very qualities of my Will, making her supreme over all. My Eternal Volition will take the past, the present and the future; It will reduce them to one single point, and It will pour them into you. My Will is eternal, and It wants to have life there where It finds eternity. It is immense and wants life in the immensity. It is infinite, and wants to find infinity. How can I find all this, if I do not first pour it into you?

My daughter, as the creature calls My Will in his acts and his prayers, It repeats that act and prays together with the creature. Since It is found everywhere with Its immensity, the sun, the wind, the sky, the Angels and Saints, and all creation feel within them the power of the creative prayer, and they all pray. This prayer is all-powerful in its wonders. It includes everyone and is given to everyone. Only the ungrateful person who does not wish to receive it is unaffected by it.

My Will possesses the power of prayer. And oh, how beautiful it is to see My Will praying in Its divine way and with Its creative power is imposed on everyone and makes everyone pray! This prayer is imposed on Our divine attributes and brings down a rain of mercy, graces, forgiveness, and love. The simple fact that it is Our prayer means that it can give everything.

The Divine Will Opens the Flow between Heaven and Earth and Transforms a Soul into a Receptacle of Celestial Goods.

My ever lovable Jesus continues speaking to me of his Most Holy Will. He truly resembles a Master who, seeming to have exhausted all topics that He wishes to teach his disciple, is in fact only taking a pause for rest. He then continues with lessons ever more sublime, which enrapture the disciple and engender in him greater love and veneration. So it was when Jesus came and said to me:

“My daughter, how many prodigies are contained within my Supreme Will as It acts in creatures! When a soul calls my Will into herself, and she in turn enters my Will and lets my Will act in all her acts, even the most insignificant, a current is established.

—submitted by Thomas Fahy

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