Messages of Gold


Dear Readers of these Messages of Gold,

Attached are two Pearls of the New and Divine Holiness. Today marks the 50th Anniversary of Padre Pio’s death.

ALSO, I keep forgetting about something important. It is this:

We depend a great deal on donations. Your donations are tax-exempt. You will receive an official letter from us.

We are most grateful when we receive your donations both large and small. Your donations make a big difference.

Our Luisa Piccarreta Center for the Divine Will began in 1994, but we have been promoting the fame and doctrine of Luisa Piccarreta for 45 years. Our purpose is to make known the now coming Reign of the Divine Will in souls, in fulfillment of the Prayer of Jesus to Our Father.

We have done an immense amount of research into these incredible, marvelous writings over many, many years and will be sharing more and more parts of this research as long as God will that we do so.

I have been invited to speak in Connecticut in November, and will let you know more details before long.

We are still getting used to our new phone system. We will probably take a little longer to know how to do everything properly.


I have been advised by the Association in Corato that it is preferred that in printing what Jesus told Luisa in her writings that we use the “third person” when referring to Jesus. My way of accommodating to this advisory is to

simply state that Luisa believed, of course, that Jesus Himself made known to her what she wrote, and that it is the role of Church to make the final assessment concerning this.

Eternal blessing to all in the divine, infinite, eternal, immense Will of God.

Thomas Fahy

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Messages of Gold



Dear Readers,

This Edition of Messages of Gold is BELOW.

We are still learning how to properly use our new phone system and apologize for the difficulties some of those who have called and left messages. The new system has many advantages, but it takes time to learn how to use them correctly.

I am not alone among you who sense that Divine Justice is coming upon this world more and more strongly and more and more quickly. I started about a month ago preparing a document to help people to understand the process of human activity that has brought us to this painful moment in history and what we can expect as Divine Justice completes its task in the present order, to make ready for a New Era of constant Mercy, Happiness, and Supreme Holiness.

I close with a kind of funny thought that came to me recently.

In the context of today’s political terminology, I am definitely not a liberal, and I prefer not to be called a conservative; rather I feel it is more proper to be called a Preservative.

I like to Preserve the good and true that I have seen and experienced since 1939, but am wide open to the New and Divine Holiness that God has destined for the Coming New Era !!!

Thomas Fahy

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Messages of Gold


Dear Readers (Priests, Nuns, other Religious, and Laity),

I have not sent out any “Messages of Gold” for a while, due to doing a great amount of research, and trying to organize it for printing. This new research involves historical facts, Warnings from Heaven, the predicted, present state of human society, and the coming, enormous acts of purification, as God prepares a great and glorious Resurrection of His Church on earth.

The purpose I have in mind is to provide solid, credible information on those topics, which can be of help to many and a possible aid to help some of the younger generations to grasp the realities of our times and possibly bring some comfort to their parents.

I can only guess when this proposed document will be completed or if it will be completed.


The Two Important Attachments

One of the attachments is a talk given in the city of Loreto, Italy, some years ago, which can provide a lot of insights into the Mystery of the Divine Will as It regards Mary and Her role as Mother of God, especially for those who are new to the knowledge of the Gift of the Divine Will.

And it seems that it will be a good means of refreshment in key aspects of living in the Divine will for many who are already acquainted with the knowledge of the Gift of the Divine Will.

Note: This attachment about the Divine Will and the Immaculate Conception is 14 pages long. Therefore, it would be good to read the first seven pages, then consider possibly reading the last seven pages later.


The other attachment was sent to me by some friends this morning, and I found it very valuable, because it relates what Jesus told St. Catherine of Sienna about Reverence for Priests both good and bad! It will be very, very helpful to our soul as we all suffer and pray through the present, great crisis in the Church.

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Messages of Gold



Dear Readers – Old and New,

Attached is Part Two of my selected passages form the “Book of Heaven” on the Transformation of Human Activity into Infinite, Eternal, Immense Activity –  Proper to God.

I feel a little disappointed that few of our readers responded  to Part One. What Jesus made known in those passages has never been made known to anyone living on earth since the Fall of Adam and Eve until these times, beginning with Luisa Piccarreta (with the exception of our Heavenly Mother, Mary).

The Fathers of the Councils, including the Council of Trent, knew none of this kind of Transformation of human acts, nor have the great and humble theologians of the past. ( I have a suspicion, however, that Jesus might have revealed some aspect of this to the genius, St. Thomas Aquinas, shortly before his death, which led him to remark, “The end of my labors has come. All that I have written appears to be as so much straw after the things that have been revealed to me.”

We now know that this Infinite, Eternal, and Immense transformation of human acts made known to Luisa was taking place in our first parents, Adam and Eve, prior to the Test God had given them on behalf of the human race.

We might ask, is this a new Revelation?  In the proper sense, No. In another sense, Yes.  The Church has always known that Adam and Eve had an original State of Holiness binding them to God, in the beginning, but the Church has never known precisely what this State of Holiness was, as demonstrated by the Fathers of the Council of Trent.  But now, more and more, it is being accepted that the actual Original State of Holiness of Adam and Eve is being understood, and will be even more understood as far as human intelligence is capable to understand, through the words of Jesus given to Luisa Piccarreta and recorded in the 36 Volumes of the “Book of Heaven.”

So the fact that Adam and Eve had a lofty State of Holiness in the beginning of human history is not a new Revelation, but the explanation of that Original Holiness, provided to humanity by Jesus, through Luisa, is new to the Church, as God prepares for the coming new, happy Era of the Reign of the Divine Will on Earth as It Reigns in Heaven. The Holy Trinity longs for this, so that Their ideal in bringing forth humanity from Their bosom, will, at last, be realized.      Please add this Attached Part Two to Part One and consider reading them often.

—Thomas Fahy


Infinity – Eternity – Immensity – B

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Messages of Gold

Dear Readers, New and Old—

The Reign of the Divine Will on Earth comes with Knowledge of It.

Some of the most fundamental truths required in gaining proper knowledge of the Divine Will are contained in the Attachment to this Message of Gold.

The Attachment consists of selected passages from the “Book of Heaven.” The passages are “mind blowing” (to use a modern expression) and will be very worthwhile to masticate mentally even if you have read them before. With the right disposition, the reader will realize the true enormity of the Gift of the Divine Will and have a better understanding of what it means to recover the Original Likeness of God given to Adam before the failure of his test on behalf of the human race.

I have decided to submit my research on these subjects of Infinity, Eternity, and Immensity (and more) in two parts.  With this Message of Gold, I am submitted Part ONE.

Thomas Fahy

Infinity – Eternity – Immensity -A

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Pearls of the New and Divine Holiness

The following, selected passages from the most holy “Book of Heaven”tell us what God wants from us and what He gives in return to the elect souls who enter into and live the Eternal Life of God as the fulfillment of the Lord’s Prayer unfolds in our time, to bring humanity back to its Original State and the completion of Redemption in us.

* * *

The Divine Desire for Reciprocity and the Incredible Effects of Reciprocity in the Elect Soul

Luisa: My flight in the Divine Will continues.  But I feel God doesn’t give me time.  He always wants to give me what is His, but He always wants to receive what is mine.  And if I don’t have anything to give Him because I am really nothing, He wants my will in the act of my giving it always.  And this is all His happiness:  to receive as a gift the creature’s will.  If need be, He wants the same things that He has given in order to always receive.  He is happy to receive these things and to give them back twofold, with new love, new light, new holiness.

Luisa writes in the “Book of Heaven” that Jesus always wants give to her what is His, but He always wants to receive what is hers.  And since she is nothing and doesn’t have anything to give, He wants her to always be giving her will to Him.  This is His happiness—to be always receiving as a gift the will of the creature.  And if necessary, He delights in receiving from the creature the same things that He has already given her, in order to be always receiving.  But such is his generosity that as He receives the very things that He has already given, He is happy to give them back twofold with new love, new light and new holiness.

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