Messages of Gold

Dear Readers,
There will be no news added to this newsletter, because it seems better that the content of the Extracts, below, taken from the “Book of Heaven” should not be subjected to distractions, but pondered slowly and thoughtfully.

This set of extracts should be included with the ones sent in late May or early June, titled “Secrets” and also with the recent set of extracts titled, “More Noble and Glorious Secrets.” Those two previous mailings added to this present mailing form a special composite of items for safe-keeping to be read at various times in the future and to be shared with others according to your discernment.

Here are the extracts of the present mailing of July 7, 2019:

Salient Points about Life in the Divine Will
Extracts from the “Book of Heaven”

Jesus to Luisa: How beautiful it is to live in My Will! We cannot live without this soul. We keep thinking of new surprises to create for her, something new to give to her, new things to tell her—so that she may get to know more about Our Fiat.
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Messages of Gold

More Noble and Glorious Secrets
from the “Book of Heaven”

The Heavenly Father continuously generates His Son, and between the Father and the Son the Holy Spirit proceeds.  They are constantly generating and proceeding.  This is Their Life and is like the heartbeat and breath that forms the life of human beings.

In this continuous generating and proceeding, the Holy Trinity produces immense joys, happiness and delights so great that They cannot contain them within Themselves and they overflow and produce the joy and the happiness of the whole Heavenly Court.

When the Divine Fiat performed the solemn Act of man’s creation, how much mastery, majesty, nobility, power and beauty was man created. All Our divine qualities poured themselves out upon man. Each one of them wanted to reveal and pour Itself out in torrents over man, wanting to have fellowship with him.

All of Our qualities set to work: Our light poured itself out upon him to make him its brother in the light.  Our goodness poured itself out upon him to make him its brother in all goodness. Our love poured itself out upon him to fill him with love and to make him its brother in pure love.  Our power, wisdom, beauty, and justice poured themselves out upon him to make their brother powerful, wise, just and enchantingly beautiful.

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Update – June 24, 2019


Dear Readers of Messages of Gold,

Barbara Martin: Barbara was kept in the hospital until Wednesday, June 19, following her major back operation on June 13. She is in constant pain from what I have been told, and her therapy sessions have been especially difficult and have had to be cut short. It would be good and an act of charity to continue your prayers for Barbara.
The marvelous book, “Be Faithful and Attentive” arrived last Thursday, June 20. Kathy has shipped a lot of the pre-ordered books, already. This Third Edition is only one inch thick, has less weight than the Second Printing, even though it has more pages including a topical index.
We are very pleased with the quality of this edition, even though our cost was significantly more. We are only raising the suggesed donation a small amount though at $29.95.
I had wanted to include Divine Will insights with this mailing, but that will have to wait, due to many practical, domestic things that have piled up and need attention.

Wishing your eternal delights in the Happiness of Heaven,
Thomas Fahy

Update June 12, 2019

Dear Readers,

Charitable reminder: Barbara Martin will undergo a dramatic back surgery tomorrow, June 13.  It will require two surgical specialist, one after the other—each specialist taking several hours.  I have heard some serious details about these procedures, but am reluctant to mention them due the possibility of my not expressing them correctly.

Please address your strong prayers for Barbara to the Heart of the Trinity, their One Divine Will, through the humanities of Jesus, Mary, and St. Anthony, whose feast is tomorrow.

The new edition of “Be Faithful and Attentive” was shipped from the printing company, yesterday, June 11.  We will let you know when they arrive and are available for shipping from our Center.

Eternal Blessings and Delights in the Divine Will,
Thomas Fahy

Messages of Gold

Dear Readers,

First, some news:
Our long-time friend in the Divine Will, Barbara Martin, who is one of those who especially sustains the rest of those entering the Reign of the Divine Will by her many sufferings will be undergoing a very drastic surgery on her back on Thursday, June 13, 2019.  She has already undergone 12 surgeries over the past years. Let us all pray with great sincerity that Thursday’s surgery will accomplish the goals of this surgery and bring her the relief intended.

I was expecting the possibility of receiving a phone call today from the company that is printing the new edition of “Be Faithful and Attentive.” I was told last week that the books could be shipped today, June 10, but more likely they would be ready for shipment tomorrow, June 11. Pray also for this as this book has done wonders in helping people understand and begin their holy journey in the Divine Will.



Some Pearls of the New and Divine Holiness Excerpted from the “Book of Heaven”The Long Sacrifice of Noah
God does not count time but the acts we perform.  Noah’s example.  The good that a prolonged and continuous sacrifice contains. Each of men’s acts possesses its own distinct seed.

Jesus to Luisa:  My daughter, when Our infinite Wisdom must give a blessing to mankind, It does not count time but men’s acts.  In the divine presence neither days nor years exist—only one eternal day. And so We do not measure time, but We count the acts that souls have done. And so in that period of time which seems so long to you, the acts which We wanted so that We could come and redeem man were not performed. Only acts can determine the coming of a blessing, not time.  This was all the more true since men forced Our justice to wipe them off the face of the earth, as happened in the Flood.  Then, by obeying Our Will and by making his long sacrifice in building the Ark, only Noah merited his and his family’s salvation.   In that way, in his acts he found the continuation of the new generation in which the promised Messiah would come. An excessive and continuous sacrifice has such attraction and captivating force for the Supreme Being that it makes Us determined to give great blessings and continuation of life to mankind. If Noah had not obeyed and sacrificed himself to accomplish such a long work, he too would have been swept away in the Flood, and, if he had not saved himself, the world and the new generation would have come to an end.
So you see what an excessive and continuous sacrifice means: It is something so great that it saves itself and raises up new life in others—as well as the blessing that We have decided to give. And this is why I have wanted your long and continuous sacrifice of so many years in bed for the Kingdom of My Divine Will. Your long sacrifice saves you—even more than the Ark—in the Kingdom of My Divine Will. And it inclines My goodness to give so great a blessing, to make it reign among men.
After this, I continued my rounds in the Divine Fiat to bring all the acts of men in homage to my Creator, and I was thinking to myself:  “If He could gather everything they have done and enclose it all in the Divine Will, would they not change into acts of the Divine Will?”   And my sweet Jesus added:
My daughter, every act that men do possesses its seed according to how it was done. If it was not done in My Divine Fiat, it does not have its seed, so it can never be an act of My Will.  Because in the act of doing it, it lacked My Will’s seed of light, which has the power to change it into a Sun—since the Fiat’s seed of light is the first act in man’s action. In the actions of men, things happen in this way:  If a person has flower seeds, by sowing them he will have flowers, and if he sows fruit seeds, he will have fruit.  The seed of the flowers will not give fruit, and the seed of the fruit will not give flowers, but each will give according to the nature of its seed.  And so it is with men’s acts,  If there was a good purpose in the act, a holy aim to please Me, to love Me, in one act you see the seed of goodness, in the other the seed of holiness, the seed of pleasing Me, the seed of loving Me.  These seeds are not light, but one seed typifies the flower, one the fruit, one a little plant and one a precious bud.  And I feel the homage of the flower, the fruit and so on, but not the homage which could give Me a Sun. And if you gather these acts to enclose them within My Fiat, they will remain what they are.  Each has its nature given by the seed. And you see that these are acts that men can do, not acts that My Divine Will can do with Its seed of light in their act. The seed of the Divine Will shall not be granted by It unless the soul lives in the Divine Will and gives It the first place of honor in her acts.


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Messages of Gold

Dear Readers,

June 1, 2019 is the 92nd Anniversary of the death of St. Hannibal Di Francia, who was the Director of Luisa’s Writings and her extraordinary confessor. He gave the Nihil Obstat to the first 19 volumes of the Volumes of the “Book of Heaven” before he died. Archbishop Leo, who had assigned St. Hannibal as the censor of those writings, gave his Imprimatur. These acts of St. Hannibal and Archbishop Leo took place in 1926.

I had planned to place a nice picture of Saint Hannibal here, but this mass mailing system requires more technical skill than I am capable of performing.

June 1, 2019 is also the 19th anniversary of the completion and opening of the House of the Divine Will in Garabandal. The House of the Divine Will has also been known as the House of Sanctification, and has been a place of instruction and prayer concerning the now entering Reign of the Divine Will on earth as It is in Heaven, which is the fulfillment of the Lord’s Prayer. This fulfillment of the Lord’s Prayer has as its purpose the completion of Jesus’ Redemption for the human race by returning mankind to its Original State, before Adam’s disobedience. The coming New Era will be marvelous in its holiness, happiness, and beauty. The Catholic Church, which is the mystical body of Christ, will experience a Glorious Resurrection from its present and worsening agony, and its approaching apparent death that must precede its Resurrection by following the way its Founder, Jesus.

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