Dear Readers,
Well! It has been two months of getting better, little by little, from the compressed disk and vertebra fracture.
And it has been two months of catching up, little by little, with all the paper work on my tables and desk. What had to be done is mostly finished, at least for now
As I write this Message of Gold, I feel a lot better and also relief from a pile of paperwork.
GOOD NEWS! The New Edition of the “Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ” has arrived from the Printing Company !
Here is what is new with this New Edition:
1. The new typesetting is larger and darker and better spaced. This will make it much easier to read. It can even be read by candlelight should that become necessary in these very foreboding times.
This much improved typesetting has added close to 50 pages, yet the book is only 1/8th of an inch thicker.
2. The cover material is of a new type of paper, which should be more durable than the previous editions. It was more expensive, so I hope it will prove to be more durable and last longer.
3. We did another proofreading and corrected a lot of typos and other minor mistakes.
$12.50 for this new edition would be normal, but we have decided to keep the former suggested donation at $10.95 for the next six months, ending November 20, 2017. So, the new “Hours of the Passion” will be $10.95 until next November.
We also have a lot more items available, including some of the Volumes of Luisa, The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, and many booklets. See the attached list of our publications and also our website: comingofthekingdom.org.
The Following is an Enlightening Extract from the Writings of Luisa Piccarreta: