(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison
March 19, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,

This is one of my favorite subjects in the Divine Will – knowledge!! One of the most important elements of living in the Divine Will. The more you know, the deeper and deeper you go down that rabbit hole until there is no getting out!! That’s exactly what we want!! No way out!! Reading and learning through any means possible is most important. Although, it has to be good and faithful knowledge of the Divine Will. These writings are very, very profound. You really need someone who is trained and who understands these writings, like a good Priest or theologian, if you have any questions to ask. I know some things; I certainly do not know it all, but one good thing is that I can find out things from an expert! I go to certain experts all the time if I don’t understand something. It would terrify me to rely on what I “think” I know.

One of the reasons for the moratorium is because people are misinterpreting the writings and causing scandal with the heresies they were teaching. I believe, and this is my humble opinion, it is better not to know these writings at all than to spread heresies about them. It came to the point that the Church almost shut the Cause of Luisa down…so it is very dangerous to interpret these writings on your own if you do not really understand what Jesus is teaching us.

But Jesus can help us understand if He sees a sincerity in our intentions to learn as much as we can for His glory and for His Kingdom to come! Remember, we must disappear. It is not about us…it is not about our own sanctification (Jesus will take care of that!), but about the sanctification of all souls, and the glory of the Father and for His Kingdom to come and be done on earth as It is done in Heaven by all souls….the answer to the Our Father! That’s what it is all about. Our intentions, living in the Divine Will, is what is going to spread the knowledge and bring more and more souls into this Life! They must be pure and have nothing to do with us! It is a universal and trans-temporal life, lived in the ambience of Eternity with God, living with His Intentions. God doesn’t have to think about Himself….He is All Holy, All Everything! He just thinks about souls and His Kingdom! He desire It to come and to be lived on earth as It is lived in Heaven so that He will live again that intimacy with His creatures for which He created us! It will come! .Jesus says It will, so It will! Enough said! Sorry, I do get carried away!

We love you all so much and keep each of you in our daily prayers! May God infuse in our souls such a love to acquire knowledge that we read and study these writing every day!!
Ann Ellison

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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison
March 19, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,
We had to recognize the wonderful Solemnity of Good St. Joseph!! We wish you the happiest of all days spent with St. Joseph. His role in the Redemption was crucial and should be remembered every day! All honor and love to the Great St. Joseph!

Below are some writings on St. Joseph from the Volumes! You enjoy and we will keep all of you in our daily prayers! May God continue to make St. Joseph more and more known and loved by all souls!
Ann Ellison

Volume 1 (no date)
Jesus: “These conversations of yours fill your mind with things that do not concern Me. They surround your heart with harmful sentiments and stifle the graces I have lavished on you, making them weak and lifeless. Ah, imitate Me as I lived in my home at Nazareth. I occupied my mind only with what concerned the glory of my Father and the salvation of souls. I opened my mouth only to say holy things and to atone for offenses committed against my Father. Thus, I attracted hearts and drew them to my love—especially my Mother and St. Joseph. Shall I tell you about the talks that I had with my Mother and my foster father? All that we said recalled God, and all that we did was done for God and all was referred to Him. Can you not do as much?”

Volume 4
December 25, 1900
Luisa: “But who could describe the beauty of the little Baby, who, in the moment of his birth even externally shone forth the rays of the Divinity? Who could describe the beauty of his Mother who remained totally absorbed in those Divine rays? With respect to St. Joseph, it seemed to me that he was not present during the actual birth, but was in another part of the cave, totally absorbed in that profound Mystery which—if he did not see it with the eyes of his body—he clearly saw with the eyes of his soul, because he was enraptured in sublime ecstasy.

December 26, 1900
Luisa continues her visit to the grotto.
As I continued to see the holy Baby, I saw the Queen Mother on one side and St. Joseph on the other, both profoundly adoring the Divine Infant. Being totally focused on Him, it seemed to me that the continued presence of the little Child kept them absorbed in continuous ecstasy. If they engaged in any other activity, it was only because of a prodigy that the Lord worked in them; otherwise, they would have remained immobile, unable to fulfill their external duties. I, too, completed my adoration and returned to my body.

Volume 17
December 24, 1924
Jesus: “My daughter, the act of My being born was the most solemn act in all creation; Heaven and earth felt themselves prostrate in profound adoration at the sight of My tiny Humanity—which held My Divinity in a kind of prison. Indeed, the act of My birth was an act of silence, profound adoration and prayer. My Mother prayed and remained enraptured by the force of the prodigy that came forth from Her. St. Joseph adored, the Angels adored; and all creation felt the force of the love of My creative power renewed in them. Everyone felt honored and received true honor, because the One who created them needed them to care for His Humanity.

“In the Incarnation I placed Myself at the mercy of My dear Mother. St. Joseph, to whom I made the gift of My Life, joined her at My birth. And since My works are Eternal and have no end, this Divinity, this Word, who descended from Heaven, did not leave the earth so as to have the chance to give Myself continuously to all creatures. As long as I lived, I gave Myself generously; and later, a few hours before My death, I worked the great miracle of leaving Myself sacramentally, for those who would want to receive the great gift of My Life. I did not consider the offense that they committed or their rejection in not wanting to receive Me. I said to Myself: ‘I have given Myself, and I do not want to leave ever again. Let them do what they want with Me, but I will always be theirs and at their service.’”

Copyright © Center for the Divine Will, All rights reserved.

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison
March 17, 2021



Dear Divine Will Family,
I pray that all of you are well and healthy and abandoning everything these days to Our Lord and Our Lady, Who have the power to protect you and keep you safe, as well as your Guardian Angel.

That is their job, ours is to focus on living in the Divine Will faithfully and attentively! And how do we do that? By loving God’s Holy Will enough to begin making habits that will assure us of always being attentive and faithful in this extraordinary life of God reigning in our souls.

Reading below the benefits that our acts do for so many souls, the immense glory that they give to our Heavenly Father, and the help of bringing the Kingdom to many other souls through our example, and spreading the seeds of the this life, how can we not work and sacrifice everything to make this a priority every day!

And may I mention something about planting seeds? All we need to do is plant a seed. It is not ours to convince or to argue with people over the authenticity of Luisa’s writings. Our Lord is the one who does all the work in the soul once we plant the seed. Even if the soul says they will never embrace these writings, that is between them and God, it has nothing to do with you. In the writings, Jesus tells us, “I know their names, and the number that will live in My Will.” So, apparently it will not be for everybody…just as not all are Franciscans or Benedictines, not all will be called to live in the Divine Will. Just praise and thank God with all your heart, mind, soul and body that you were chosen to live this Life!! What an immense grace and blessing for all of us!! Only when we reach Heaven will we understand the extent of this grace offered to us…it is beyond anything we can comprehend here on earth, and we probably will not be able to understand the full extent even when we are in Heaven! So, please don’t push people; it just makes them more stubborn and it may cause them to never look into these magnificent writings!

I know you get the idea and understand the importance of living this life faithfully and attentively. No one says it better than Jesus in the writings below!

We love you all so very much and keep each of you in our daily prayers. Please keep us in yours!

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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

March 15, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,
I pray your Lent is going well and that we are making many sacrifices! Of course, the only sacrifice God truly wants from us is the sacrifice of our own human will!! Only in that way can His Glorious Divine Will reign in our will, intellect and memory…in other words, in our souls! May this be the ultimate truth for all of us!

Well, it seems that I must humiliate myself again. I cannot apologize enough. Please forgive me for having to throw you into another change! In two weeks, I will be going back to strictly using my Yahoo.com account. The protonmail.com account is causing way too many problems. I could not understand what was wrong and why so many people were either not getting my emails or all of them were going into their junk and they were having to look in their junk mail every day to see if I had sent out an email. This was not right and was a horrific situation.

I finally realized that it was MailChimp that was at fault. So, I wrote to them and they said that Protonmail had to be authenticated. Authenticated?? I never had to authenticate Yahoo, or gmail, or even Hotmail, so why would I have to authenticate Protonmail? I realized that all the other email carriers did not encrypt emails! Anyone who had a mind to, could read your emails from these carriers. Protonmail encrypts your emails and no one can read them except the person to whom you are sending it. So, it seems that it is very difficult to use Protonmail for mass mailings in MailChimp and I would think many others. I guess they can’t encrypt that many emails going to that many people. But, to find a mass carrier that would be compatible would be a lot of work and probably as confusing to the souls who receive my emails as it was to use Protonmail. Besides, I don’t think there are any out there that could do it.
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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

March 12, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,
This point is so very important because it has to do with our capacity to understand and retain the knowledge of how to live this magnificent and royal life of God possessing our souls and us possessing our God! This is the Gift of living in the Divine Will! The more we read, the larger our capacity expands to learn even more, to understand more, to live it more fully and more completely and to fall so in love with It as to even to give our life for this Immense and Sanctifying Gift of God, Himself!

There’s very little else I can say except that it is important to open our hearts, minds and souls totally to allow God to expand our capacity, to infuse more knowledge and more holiness into our souls. Abandon yourself totally to Him, Who loves you so very dearly and only wants what is good and holy for you. You don’t have to change your life….He will do it for you without you even realizing that it has changed. One day you will wake up and you will realize that you don’t have any desire to sin in any way. You only want what God wants for you, for your family, for your country and for the world. It is His Will that will be your main thought in what you are doing or thinking. And it all came about without your realizing it. At least I know that is how it happened for me. He truly changes your heart and your mind to be totally His. He is such a loving and gentle Father Who disciplines you with love and such tenderness that you don’t realize that you are being disciplined!

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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison
March 10, 2021

Dear Divine Will Family,
What can I say?? Reading the writings below is the very essence of living in the Divine Will! And Jesus explains it so well, how can I add anything to it?? All I ask is that you study these writings. Some may understand it immediately, others may not, but I do know that the more you read it and study it, the more Light Jesus will give you to understand it! Jesus knows us clearly, there is nothing hidden of ourselves with Jesus, so He knows exactly what we are ready to understand and what we are not. Jesus told Luisa that ANYONE who reads these writings He is standing right beside them, touching their minds to understand what He knows they are ready to understand. So, if you don’t understand these things right away, be at peace, Jesus will touch your mind when He knows you are ready to understand it.

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