(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison
March 8 , 2021

Dear Divine Will Family,
Wow, what a subject to cover!! It is hard to imagine that we, poor as we are, can become a living Hosts….Becoming another Jesus on earth! But as hard as it is to believe, it can and does happen with souls who live in and with the Holy Will of God! The big question is: are we really living in and with the Holy Will of God? Jesus told Luisa that all you have to do is desire it and He will do all the work. Great!! But the other question is: are we cooperating with Jesus’ work in our souls? He said He would make up for all that we lack in dignity and decorum. Our souls are so poor that we really need this promise from Jesus, and we must trust that He is making up for all that we lack and truly working in our souls to make us living Hosts. We must take Jesus at His word for His words are truth and life!

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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison
March 3, 2021

Dear Divine Will Family,
This I think is my favorite subject. Gratitude!! How much we owe to God for all that He has done for each of us. Did you know that when He foresaw the fall of Adam, He almost decided not to create us at all! What was the use of creating a creature as a constant companion who would not love Him enough to remain a constant companion, but would turn his back on God shortly after creating him?? But, and this is the only way I can explain this in my words, Jesus said to His Father, “Father, it will be alright. I will go and redeem this sin, and look, Father, look into the future, You will have the time with your creatures that You want so badly. Your Kingdom will come and it will be as You always planned! The creatures will be fully in Your Will and they will be Your constant companions filled with Your love and gratitude always!”

So, we owe God gratitude for going ahead and creating all of us. And being His legitimate children through the Gift of Living in His Holy Will, we certainly owe Him an immense amount of gratitude! So many called and yet so few chosen! We are the few! How can we not constantly be thanking Him that we are a part of the few? And I believe that these few are the remnant that Our Lady speaks about in Her messages to Fr. Gobbi! So many messages She gave to Fr. Gobbi contained information about the Kingdom of God coming, which will be the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart!

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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison
March 1, 2021
POINT # 10 (Constant Companion)

Dear Divine Will Family,
God created all of us to be social beings. We all seem to need people around us or at least knowingly close to us. Even those who live alone know that there are those who love them, are going to come and visit, or at least will give them a call. People who have absolutely no one is the saddest of all souls. Even in suffering, knowing we have those who care, those who will suffer with you, those who will compassionate you, brings some joy to the situation.
God created us to be “like” Him. He also loves company, a companion, someone who loves Him, who wants to be with Him to comfort Him or bring joy, gratitude, praise, and blessings. But, mostly gratitude and love. God is a very social Being, or why would He have created Heaven? There He has millions of souls gathering around Him, or even in Him. He loves their companionship….but mostly, He loves our companionship. The souls in Heaven live fully and completely in His Holy Will. We on the other hand have to use our human wills to will ourselves to live in His Holy Will. Even though we give our human wills to God to absorb and place in His Holy Will, our human will is always active…or else how or why are we always stepping out of the Divine Will? So, we still have to will ourselves to do what is good and holy, like giving our will at all times to the Divine Will. So, souls in exile can glorify God immensely more than those in Heaven because we must use our human wills to choose to glorify Him and to love Him and to be a constant companion to God.

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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison
February 24, 2021
POINT # 9 (Detaching from Everyone and Everything)

Dear Divine Will Family,
When you were in 1st grade, were you not taught the answer to “Why did God create me?” The answer was “to love Him, to know Him and to serve Him!” And the rest of that answer was and to love Him above all things! The answer today, as a child of His Holy Will is “to love Him, to understand Him, and to be His legitimate child.” He doesn’t want servants, not even friends and not adopted children. He wants to be a Father to legitimate children, who love Him and who want to understand Him. To love Him is something we are raised from tiny to do, but to love Him the way He deserves to be loved, we must love Him with His very own Will. Living in His Holy Will makes that very easy to do, and it is through living in His Holy Will that we can begin to understand Him. No one ever talked to me growing up, or otherwise, about understanding God. The concept was never in any of my religion classes, or even taught to me by my very holy and very Catholic mother. I never thought about understanding God until I met Tom Fahy and Luisa Piccarreta! What a very blessed day that was in my life! Continue reading “”

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison
February 24, 2021
POINT # 8 (Doing things with Human Purpose)

Dear Divine Will Family,
I pray all are well and healthy. We pray for each of you daily, but if you need any specific prayers, please let us know. As a family, you are not alone. We are here and we love each of you so much. We will put your specific intention in our daily Rosary.

Point #8 is another very important point to ponder. And it is good for all of us to examine ourselves when pondering these points. Do I do most things with a human purpose? Am I after what I can achieve through the acts I do in the Divine Will?? Am I concerned about my own sanctity? Am I striving to live in the Divine Will for my own glory/sanctity? We all have some self-interest in many things, but getting rid of your ego and all self-interest is the only way to live in the Holy Will of God! Our interest must be what interest God now, not what interest us!

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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

February 22, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,
Point #7 is one of the hardest for us to get a handle on. It seems things in this world only want us to think of ourselves all the time. The world wants us thinking about our weight, our face, our skin, our love life, our personality, etc., etc., and so on and so forth!

I am only sending out this one point in this Snippet because it is one that we should ponder and try to over come almost more than all the rest. If we could get over thinking of ourselves, and seeking our own holiness and where we will be when we go to Heaven, what do I seem to be to my cenacle members, what do people think of me, etc., etc., and so on and so forth. We all do it; we all want the respect of others and to look good in other’s eyes. This is normal for today’s society. They have trained us this way. It is always all about me, me, me! So, don’t blame yourself, it really isn’t your fault. Even our parents wanted us to be someone respected by all their friends and the world, etc.
But we know that this kind of thinking is not going to make us holy, it is not leading to our sanctification, which is what we all desire with all our hearts. Although we seem to revert back to how we were raised or how we are to be and act and look as taught by the television!

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