Update about “Be Faithful and Attentive”

Here is the latest news on the extraordinary Divine Will Manual for living in the Divine Will, which is titled: “Be Faithful and Attentive.”

The Delivery Date to our Center has been delayed for good reasons. The Date of Delivery could be June 8, 2019, but may be a little bit longer, from what I was told by the new printing company.

One reason for the delay is that when the printing company sent us the proofs, I sent them to the brilliant author, who made changes on 13 of the proof pages.

This new, now Third Edition, contains the revisions and expansions of the last edition, plus a New Appendix, and also a TOPICAL INDEX, which will enable readers to easily find all the various passages on any of the numerous topics covered in this many paged Manual of well over 1000 pages!

The new ribbons will be 11” long of different colors for ease in marking several pages.

The cost to us of this new Third Edition was considerably more than the last edition, but we have decided to make only a small addition to the price of this new edition. The price of this new edition will be $29.95 plus postage instead of $27.95 plus postage of the last edition.

However, no discounts will be given, except to Religious and bookstores. Those discounts will be less than normal.

I almost forgot! This new edition, even though it has more pages than the last editions will be a lot thinner and less weight to hold, because it will be printed on thin Bible stock paper.
The cover is a very durable, long lasting, non-paperback, black cover with gold lettering.

Advanced orders are being accepted. You can call Kathy Fahy at 423-566-5178.
WEBSITE: comingofthekingdom.com
——Thomas Fahy

PS: I hope to get out another email soon with a Pearl of the New and Divine Holiness

Messages of Gold

Dear Readers,

It has been five weeks since my last email. Our flight to Portugal was cancelled, but we made it the next day. Then I had twelve consecutive days with no access to email. After a few days in Portugal we went on to Spain where the Luisa Piccarreta Center for the Divine Will has a retreat house and joined others in preparing for the 10 day Divine Will Retreat, among other duties.

The Retreat went well, with participants from the United States, Canada, and Europe. Kathy and I went back to Portugal for a few days and had a lengthy and very informative visit to the world’s second largest depositary of Catholic relics at the Castle of Ourem near Fatima, thanks to a new friend Joi Obisso.

Then we returned to Tennessee the night of May 13. We have been “catching up” with many, many things since returning to Tennessee, including dealing with vast numbers of emails!

I have in my Heart to put together a booklet on what the Holy Trinity had in mind for the human race for as long as They have been God. For now, I will share some research over the years from the “Book of Heaven.”

Continue reading “Messages of Gold”

Messages of Gold


Dear Readers,

News: We have decided to reprint the book, “Be Faithful and Attentive.” We have found a printing company thee we feel we can trust to do the things we ask. The book will be thinner, just a tiny, tiny bit under 1 inch.

In spite of being thinner and lighter, it will have more pages than the last edition, because it will have an Index added. We don’t expect delivery until May 21 or slightly longer. The new, reliable company price to us is considerably more than our cost of the last edition, but we will raise the suggested donation only a relatively small amount.

Kathy and I will be leaving for Portugal and Spain for the Divine Will Retreat on April 15, but Jerry and Gail will be here to take your phone calls and ship orders while we are away. 423-566-5178.

Our website is comingofthekingdom.org

The Pearl of the New and Divine Holiness below is simply titled, SECRETS. It is part of a much longer research project that I have worked on over the years, but I am going ahead and share that part of the research with you now. Continue reading “Messages of Gold”

The Passion of Christ – Part I – Podcast #12

Join us as we read about the Passion of Jesus as explained to us by the writings of Luisa Picarretta. Jesus says to Luisa, “My daughter, enter into my Love, and remain in It so as to understand how much I have loved creatures. Everything in me is love toward them.”

We will read from the following volumes: Volume 12 (November 28, 1920) & Volume 5 (October 3, 1903) & Volume 14 (July 6, 1922) & Volume 17 ( No Date)


Messages of Gold


Dear Readers,

It has been a while since my last Message of Gold was sent. The reason is due primarily to being bogged down with last year’s accounting paperwork being prepared with precision for the IRS and Tennessee. Even though we are a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization we still have to make these annual reports.

10-day Retreat on the Divine Will – April 29 – May 8, 2019
We have had a couple of openings come up for staying at the House of Sanctification. Maybe you would like to fill up those spaces. If so, call your airline. The nearest airport is in Santander, Spain. You should contact Ann Ellison at 321-223-1799 right away as she will be heading that way on April 9.

Note: You can stay for all or just part of the 10 days. We suggest a donation of 40 Euros per day for room, enhanced breakfast and light evening meal. Mid-day meals can be taken in the village of Garabandal.

There will be time for exploring the village and surroundings, including the famous Pine Trees.


Jesus to Luisa: And when was man formed in Us [The Trinity]? Ab eterno [from eternity]—because he did not exist in time—but in eternity he always existed, he had his place in Us, his palpitating life, the love of his Creator.

Thus, for Us, man has always been Our ideal—the little space where We unfold Our creative work, the support of Our life, the vent of Our eternal love. This is why humans do not understand so many things—they don’t know how to explain them because it is the work of the Divine Incomprehensibility. These are Our hidden celestial mysteries, Our divine fibers, whose mysterious secrets are known to Us alone—the keys that We must touch when We want to do new and unusual things in the creature. And since men do not know Our secrets—nor can they understand Our incomprehensible ways that We have implanted in human nature—they resort to judging by their own ways of behaving, and they do not know how to explain what We do in the creature; while they are obliged to bow before that which they do not understand.

Now, one who does not do Our Will places in disorder all the acts that We have ordered ab eterno within him. In this way he disfigures Our divine acts and makes a void for those divine acts that We had formed and ordered within him. We loved Ourselves in him—We loved the continuous series of Our acts, formed by Our own pure love. And when We brought man forth in time, We wanted him to agree with what We had done. But to be able to do this, man needed Our Will to give him divine virtue, so that he could do in time what had been done by Us, without him, in eternity. Nor should one be amazed if the Divine Being had formed him in eternity, and the same Divine Will confirmed and repeated Its work in time, continuing Its creative work in man.

—submitted by Thomas Fahy

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