Tom Fahy, Kathy Fahy and Jerry Lawson have a video message for the Bishop about the Luisa Piccarreta Center for the Divine Will.
Messages of Gold
Dear Readers of Messages of Gold,
Below is PART TWO of The Loneliness of God and The Needs of Divine Love
Eternal Blessings to you all.
Thomas Fahy
Part Two
The Loneliness of God and the Needs of Divine Love
(From Part One) When it is said that God is complete in Himself and has no need of anything, this saying is better understood by the Holy Mystics, who are not enchanted so much by the Power of God as by the Nature of His Love. Because of their intimacy with God, and especially due to their intimacy with the Second Person of the Trinity as the Incarnate Word, Jesus, these, authentic Holy Mystics understand that Divine Love has an irresistible need to share, to give, and to be reciprocated with Love worthy of Him.
My daughter, all of Creation was made in one outpouring of Our most intense love. That is why the children of Our Fiat will meet the needs of Our love. Our love feels the need to pour Itself out—otherwise, We feel suffocated in Our flames. This is why the children of Our Will are necessary—as a continuous outpouring of Our love. (from Part One)
This, then, is how the destiny of souls and Ours are changed: loneliness is banished; companionship will be everlasting; and We will always have something to say and someone who listens. Our eternal pain will turn into joys and feasting—because We will have the soul living in Our Will. (from Part One)
The above three selections and others from Part One demonstrate how The Divine Love of the Holy Trinity has the irresistible need to share Their Life and Happiness, and chose to do so with Man, whom They would create, provided that Man live one same life with God by possessing and living in the Divine Will. This was the Original State and Destiny of our first parents, but this Original State and Destiny was lost with Original Sin.
Continue reading “Messages of Gold”
Messages of Gold
Dear Readers of Messages of Gold,
I got so involved with my research on understanding the Loneliness of God and the Divine Love’s needs, that I was able to gather “tons” of material, so much in fact, that I had to force myself to stop and take a break.
What I have decided to do after appropriate refining of the gathered material is to share with you what I have found in PARTS. So with this “Messages of Gold,” I sending PART ONE. My intention is to send PART TWO in the next emailing. I suggest that you might save the Parts to combine them some how.
Instead of attaching Part One this week, I will try including it in the Body of this Text.
Eternal Blessings to you all.
Thomas Fahy
The Loneliness of God and The Needs of Divine Love
—Part One—
When it is said that God is complete in Himself and has no need of anything, this saying is better understood by the Holy Mystics, who are not enchanted so much by the Power of God as by the Nature of His Love. Because of their intimacy with God, and especially due to their intimacy with the Second Person of the Trinity as the Incarnate Word, Jesus, these, authentic Holy Mystics understand that Divine Love has an irresistible need to share, to give, and to be reciprocated with Love worthy of Him.
In the following excerpted texts, the majority of the texts will refer to the way in which Jesus, the Incarnate Word, experiences loneliness in His human nature. But there will be other texts that refer to the loneliness of the Holy Trinity, including the Word in His Divine Nature.
Excerpts small and large from the Writings of Luisa Piccarreta
Messages of Gold
Dear Readers of Messages of Gold,
I received a phone call last night: ANTHONY(Tony) MULLEN DIED ON SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 2018. He missed an engagement that day and was found at home and taken to the hospital, where he died, but not before his family arrived to witness his passing. (Tony’s wife had died a few years ago.)
I do not know any more details at this time. When we learn more, we will try to let you know.
We are praying in regard to Tony, but knowing him, I am praying mostly to him.
Tony spoke at our Divine Will Conference last November and was also interviewed in a private session. During the interview, he spoke of having heart trouble. We hope to have that interview available on the Internet system very soon and will let you know.
Tony was a great friend of mine and the personnel at our Center for the Divine Will. He was very generous with supporting our work to promote the “Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.” Tony had been promoting for many years the now unfolding Reign of the Divine Will on earth as in Heaven, as made known through the life and writings of Luisa Piccarreta, and in recent years He gave special emphasis to the promotion of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary revelations by Elizabeth Kindlemann, which also support the reality that God is now making known to the world the coming of the Reign of the Divine Will on earth in the same way It that reigns in Heaven.
I do not know any more at this time about Tony’s passing or when his funeral will take place, but hope to let you know more when I know more, as time allows me.
In last week’s Messages of Gold, I wrote about the Loneliness of God, which sounds kind of strange, but is well explained in the Book of Heaven. I have found the subject so fascinating that I spent a great deal of available time researching that subject along with what the Mystics, especially Luisa, call the Need of Divine Love. I did so much research that I am not able to share the refined research with you this weekend of March 9-11, 2018.
Messages of Gold
Dear Reader’s
The Sons and Daughters of the Divine Will in the various stages of growth in the Father’s Will are mostly aware to one degree or another of the present CONFUSION in the only Church that God Himself established on earth, as well the CONFUSION in the large number of denominations that are separated in various important ways from God’s Catholic Church.
This time of CONFUSION is also extremely manifest in the Secular World.
In spite of all this CONFUSION, as sorrowful as it is in so many ways, we can remain at peace and hold fast to Tradition, as St. Paul teaches, and faithfulness and trust in God.
A NEW ERA FOR HUMANITY IS ON THE WAY — an ERA of Divine Holiness, Happiness, Peace, and Unity—for the Life of Heaven is being extended to Earth—the True and Real and Eternal Life of God has already begun setting up It’s Kingdom in the Hearts and Souls of human beings presently here on earth.
I have extracted 12 pages of various references from the Book of Heaven about the Confusion of our Times according to what Jesus told Luisa, and I am ATTACHING four (4) of those pages with this “Messages of Gold” for your reading.
May all our acts be Acts in the Divine Will – for that is the Purpose of God for us,
Thomas Fahy
The Confusion of Our Times and Predictions of Jesus
Taken from the Book of Heaven
October 16, 1918
Now I want to tell you something consoling. Italy and France lose,* while Germany wins. But all the nations bear some black marks, and all of them deserve humiliations and punish-ments. That is why there will be a general upheaval and confusion everywhere. I will renew the world with fire, with water, and with the sword–with sudden deaths and contagious diseases. I will do things that have never been seen before. The nations will form a sort of tower of Babel—they will become incapable of understanding each other. The people of the nations will revolt—they will no longer want kings. Everyone will be humiliated, and peace will come only from Me. And if you hear them say: “peace,” it will not be a true peace, but only an apparent one. And once I have purified everything, I will stretch out my hand in a surprising way, and I will give true Peace. Then, all those who have been humbled will return to Me. Germany will become Catholic—I have great designs on her. England, Russia—and all the places where blood has been shed—will rise again in the Faith and will be incorporated into my Church. All peoples will enjoy a great triumph in unity. // [ * according to the Mind of God]
Messages of Gold
Dear Readers,
For various reasons, I have had to delay sending out the Messages of Gold.
We have been mailing out many copies of the DVDs and CDs of the November 2017 Tampa Divine Will Conference.
Please find attached the List of the DVDs and CDs available.
Yesterday, Feast of the Presentation, marked the 22 anniversary of the completed trip to the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith for the photocopying and photographing of the Original Volumes of Luisa’s Diaries, known as the “Book of Heaven,” which has the destiny of transforming the face of the earth and the Doing of the Father’s Will as in Heaven, which surpasses infinitely the doing of the Father’s Will as it has been done on earth.
Here is the Message of Gold // New and Divine Holiness for February 4, 2018:
The Kingdom of the Divine Will and the Kingdom of Redemption have always gone forth together. Jesus prepared the materials and the buildings, and nothing else is needed but the people to dwell in them.
Luisa: I was making my round in Creation, to follow all the acts of the Divine Will, which It had done in It; and when I came to the point at which the Supreme Being created the Virgin, I stopped to contemplate the great wonder with which Redemption began. And my sweet Jesus stirred within me and said to me: “My daughter, the Redemption and the Kingdom of My Divine Will have always advanced together. In order for Redemption to come, a creature was needed who would live by the Divine Will, as innocent Adam lived in Eden before sinning. And this was just and wise, for the sake of Our honor, so that the ransom of fallen man would be based on the same principle by which the order of Our wisdom created man.