(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

April 14, 2021


“…not even humility can enter Our Will—
only those who know themselves to be nothing!”

Dear Divine Will Family,
This is the last of the 30 Points for the Rapid Growth in Divine Will. If these are truly going to work for you, it is most important to continue studying them. Until this knowledge is rooted deeply in your soul, are you going to truly LIVE in the Divine Will constantly as Jesus expects? Can you say you are living in His Holy Will in a constant manner? Through study and practice in the Divine Will will we all achieve this. When Jesus sees your loving efforts, because you love His Will so much, He will help tremendously.

What is your foundation in your Catholic Faith? Is it sparse to say the least? Were you catechized properly in your Faith? Many were raised in the Faith when it began getting watered down, even to the point where some less serious sins were excused or was “not a big deal”! And now even Mortal Sins are overlooked and not spoken about. Hell does not even exist to some Catholics!! Many are lackadaisical, there’s rarely any reverence in Church anymore. No one seems to know there is a Tabernacle in the front…praise God that we do have our Tabernacle front and center…but I do wonder what good it does for most of the souls who attend our Masses. I wonder how people would act if Jesus appeared in front of them, right there on the Altar?? Would they even recognize Him? I pray they would all bow with great reverence….but I want to say to them now, “He is here, right in front of you…don’t you see Him!!”

I wept through most of Divine Mercy Sunday Mass! Very few souls joined us during this very special Gift from God, and we tried to convey to them the importance of this day. Hardly anyone took a pamphlet. How must Jesus have felt? It crushed me for Him. And the souls going out of Mass laughing with friends, still in Church, not paying any attention to Jesus? Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do! I rarely look up to watch anyone, truly. I am not interested in people watching. I am normally in my prayers after receiving Our Lord, but for some reason, I watched today…I don’t know why, but I did. Every act, and Jesus means it, every act that we do, good, bad or indifferent, we will stand in judgement before God! That is a terrifying thought. And another reason I don’t watch people.

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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

April 12, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,

How can you hear God and know His Will for your life, if you have not developed silence in your mind and in your heart?

Knowing and learning from Thomas Fahy for almost 27 years, I know the value of silence. No one could have taught me that better than Tom! I truly believe that through his silence, he developed the constant thought of God! I know that virtue is a gift from God, but because Tom was so silent most of the time, thinking only of God and His Holy Will, God granted this gift to Tom. I feel this way strongly because I lived with Tom and Kathy for so many years, and every time I approached Tom, if he wasn’t busy with the business end of having this organization, he was in the Volumes learning more or contemplating a concept or an insight that God had given him. He was always, always, always thinking of God and the knowledge he was learning from the Volumes.

Talking to Tom about worldly things, or just simple conversation was a waste of his time and he would shut you off in a minute! The only thing I can think of that he would talk about at times other than God or the Volumes were his cute little grade-school jokes he enjoyed so much, or maybe about souls who needed prayer or help in some way. If you called him, he only wanted to talk about God, concepts or insights into the Gift of Living in the Divine Will. I think a lot of his friends can confirm that….of course he was very interested in the prophecies of Garabandal, but only because they pertained to the coming of the Kingdom.
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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

April 9, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,
This is one subject that I have written about several times because it is so very, very important for your life in the Divine Will. If you do not have trust and confidence in God, then you are always living in fear. You don’t know what to do in this situation or that situation. Listen to what Jesus said in Volume 1 about trust…this is so important to memorize and practice!

“Don’t you want to trust Me? Don’t you know how much I love you? Don’t you see that everything I allow—either through creatures, from demons, or directly from Me—is truly for your good—and serves only to lead each soul to the state I have chosen for her?”

Our actions when we are afraid or when scruples creep up on us all indicate fear and lack of trust. We sometimes don’t realize it, and we certainly don’t mean it, but that is exactly what our actions show.
With trust and confidence, in God’s love and care for you, there is no fear or being timid! You trust God to take care of you all the time and in every situation. You have confidence in His plan for your life. You live with courage and with the strength of the Angels and Saints in Heaven.

Do you really think He doesn’t care what happens to you? Do you think He isn’t going to take care of you?? Do you think He doesn’t know what situation you are dealing with and the outcome if you bend to the will of evil people? It is truly an insult to Him and His love, mercy and compassion for His children. And His power to take care of you. You are saying that He is a neglectful Father and He will abandoned you! I remember reading where Jesus said that confidence constrains Him to do what the creature wants…always provided it is God’s Will. But He pays attention to trust and confidence in the creature, much more than fear and scruples. He acts more readily when He sees courage and confidence in Him.

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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

April 7, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,
Happy Easter Octave! May it be filled with love, peace and joy!

Back when Adam was first created, he was a perfect and when he drew his first breath it was as a divinized human being because when God blew the breath of life into Adam’s body, He also blew in the Gift of His Divine Will! So, when Adam awoke, his actions were already being animated by God in a perfect way because there was no sin in Adam. He was so pure and beautiful, with a snow white soul! And his first words were, “I love You, my God, my Father, the Creator of my being!” And Jesus told Luisa that they created Adam just to hear the words, “I love You!” Can you imagine?? God created the entire universe, all the animals, and man just to hear the words, “I love You!” It is something we should say to Him in His Will with His love a thousand times a day!! And along with that “I love You” an “I thank You!” God loves a grateful heart and that is something else we should say to Him a thousand times a day!! “I love You and I thank You with your Will and with your Love!” At least a thousand times a day. It will help keep you mind on God all day and God will bless you enormously a thousand times a day!! You are also, with that “I love You and I thank You” giving God all the glory that other souls owe Him, and you are saying to God I love You and I thank You for all creatures, past, present and future! You are pleading for His Kingdom to come upon the earth fully and completely in all souls! Listen to what Jesus say about what acts done in the Divine Will do!

Jesus says this: “My daughter, the acts done in my Will, identifying themselves with my Divine acts, rise even into Heaven. They circulate in all; they embrace all centuries, all points, and all creatures. Moreover, as they remain fixed in my Will, in every offense that creatures give Me-not only in the present time but also to the end of the centuries-these acts are, and will be, the defenders of my Throne. Furthermore, rising to my defense, they will do the reparations, which oppose the offenses that creatures will do.”

Jesus also said: “Divine Will is more united to us than our souls are to our bodies!” and also, “Divine Will permeates every fiber of our body and souls!”
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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

April 5, 2021


Reflection for the 5:00 AM Hour
Jesus is placed in prison, bound to a column, immobilized, and smeared with spittle and mud. He searches for my soul to cleanse Him and keep Him company. Am I happy to be alone with Jesus, or do I seek the company of others? Is Jesus my only breath and my only heartbeat?
If I hold everything that is inside of me—sorrows, irritations—as if they were my own, I will never be alone with Jesus. I must hold what surrounds me and even the creatures, as if they belonged to Jesus, that they may surround Him like a retinue; on the other hand, if I hold them as if they concerned me, I will never be alone with Jesus. That is why I must lay everything, both interior and exterior, that concerns me around Jesus to keep Him company, and I shall be satisfied only with Jesus. May Jesus be my only breath, my only heartbeat.

Dear Divine Will Family,
I am so sorry this Point 24 is late coming to you. Our Easter weekend was so busy, and tiring that I am just now getting this compilation of being alone with Jesus organized! Please forgive me.

Living in the Divine Will is all about giving up self and being alone with Jesus! This should be our LIFE and all that we strive for so that we can live deeply in the Divine Will! What would be the use of striving to live in the Divine Will of God if it was all about ourselves and not about God alone? It seems so difficult for us to give up ourselves, our wants, our preferences, our desires and put God and His Glory and His Kingdom first! Remember, Jesus told Luisa that this is not about our own sanctification, but about the sanctification of all souls, universally and trans-temporally! Jesus concerns Himself with our sanctification, if we but do as He tells us and we certainly cannot sanctify ourselves! I think many times of what Mary said at the Wedding at Cana, “Just do what He tells you!”

We cannot give up our family and friends as they were put in our lives for a reason, for us to be that person who will draw them to life in the Will of God! But life in the Divine Will and Jesus alone must come first in all circumstances and in all times! Continue reading “”


(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

April 4, 2021



Dear Divine Will Family,
I wonder how many people really understand and appreciate the glorious and magnificent grace we have been offered by God. Reading these excerpts below really helps me understand the enormity of this Gift of Living in the Divine Will and the power, love and wisdom which comes with this Gift. I have to quote one small excerpt which helped me revere this Gift with all my heart, mind and soul!

“One more act done in My Will means that God incorporates Himself into the soul and vice versa. A mutual indwelling takes place in which one’s life flows into the other’s like blood flowing through veins. It is the merging of man’s heartbeat in the Eternal heartbeat. The soul feels within herself—as if it were her own life—the love, sanctity, and life of her Creator—while the Eternal One feels the soul’s little love flow through Him, and as it lives within Him it forms one single love and one single Will with His. Each breath, throb and movement is like a wound—an arrow or dart of love—that the soul gives to her Creator. All of Heaven is amazed as it looks at God and finds the soul fused in Him, loving with His love—and with victorious love. Heaven looks down at the soul on earth and finds her Creator there, and although God makes His throne within her, He shares His life with her.
Is there any other Gift offered to mankind that can say this about their relationship with God, their Creator and Savior?

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