(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

July 9, 2021


May we always be covered with His Most Precious Blood
to help tame our human wills, so that we never exit His Holy Will!!

Dear Divine Will Family,

Well, I did receive some comments about my Sacred Heart Snippet, as is right and as I should have received. I do apologize to all, but it seems that I really cannot take responsibility for the mistake. I truly experienced what it is like to be so blinded by God as to send out a Snippet that I never intended to send out. I was shocked when I received an email from a dear friend thanking me for the Sacred Heart Snippet. I thought to myself, “But, I sent out a Precious Blood Snippet!” Then I looked and saw the Sacred Heart Snippet! I was literally stunned. I promise, I really thought I was sending out a Precious Blood Snippet, as was my intention!

This friend explained to me that her mother, who was a very devoted Divine Will soul, had died a few days before my Snippet. The friend, her daughter, was always very devoted to the Divine Will and has been in the Divine Will for as long as I have, or maybe even longer. And the mother, who passed away, had a great devotion to the Sacred Heart! It hit me that this Snippet was for the daughter, and it was a love note from God and her mother! I am still scratching my head how God did that, but I truly believe with all my heart that the Snippet came from God for this very faithful and loving daughter of His!

So, here is my Snippet on the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, and the love with which He had in shedding it for our salvation and sanctification!

We love you all so very much and keep each of you in our daily prayers! May God receive all the glory and honor for this Snippet from each and everyone who reads it!
Ann Ellison

PS: We, the Center, received a most beautiful and wonderful donation from a very kind and generous gentleman in Ireland. I have tried to write to him to thank him with all our hearts for his donation, but his email does not work. If you are reading this, thank you and may God bless you and yours abundantly for your sweet and kind donation! We have received only one donation from Ireland this month, so know that it is you that I am thanking! We hold very dear every donation given to the Center to continue the spread of the greatest Gift that God can give to His creatures! God bless all who feel inspired to send a donation to us! You will receive a letter of thanksgiving which you can use as a tax letter, and you will be in our prayers in a very special way! Continue reading “”

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

July 2, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,

I pray your 4th of July will be festive and celebrated with immense thanksgiving to God because He planned, from before time began, for us to be born in a country of freedoms and independence! We are able to love God freely and worship Him in the manner that glorifies Him the most. May He be forever praised, loved, and adored with immense and eternal gratitude for such favors towards us! Who are we that we deserve such favors as this? He loves a heart full of gratitude and generosity! May these always come from our hearts to His Heart!

But of course, in these days, we don’t know how much longer we will be enjoying these freedoms, so I wanted to do a Snippet on Hope! Such an important virtue and gift from God. Get to know Hope as much as you can and practice it, because times are on the horizon when we will need Hope desperately.
I remember reading Our Lady of Garabandal saying that during the Great Tribulation, when all have given up hope, God will send the Warning which is the only thing that will be able to stop the Great Tribulation! The fact that all will give up hope terrified me at the time I read it, because I hang on hope like I hang onto the air I breath. Hoping that Jesus is forgiving me all my sins, neglects, all the steps I make out of His Holy Will….Hope is what keeps me going, knowing that I can continue to strive to live this extraordinary life of God reigning in my soul!! Hope gets me up in the morning, hope keeps a smile on my face, hope does everything for me that is necessary for my spiritual life in God! Hope in Our Lady saving my soul and the souls of all my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren! I wonder and am terrified at where I would be without hope!

But I do know this and have great hope in the fact that Jesus loves each of us with a love that we will never, even in Heaven, be able to comprehend! I know also with great hope that He does and will keep all His promises to take care of His own! He will always do as He says, and so there is great hope in the future for the children of the Divine Will and for all who love Him! Be sure to always hang onto your hope in God and in the future of our families! No one can explain Hope like Jesus and Luisa!

We love all of you so very much and keep each of you in our daily prayers, please keep us in yours! May God grant you immense hope in all that pertains to Him and in the future of our families and our country!
Ann Ellison

Volume One
No Date

“For the soul to obtain anything, she must believe. Just as a head without eyes lives in total darkness and confusion, not even able to walk without stumbling and falling—so the soul without faith falls from one abyss to another. Faith serves as sight for the soul—as the light which guides her to everlasting life. But what feeds this light of Faith? It is Hope! And what is the substance of Faith’s light and Hope’s nourishment? It is Charity. All three of these virtues are grafted together—so that one cannot exist without the other.

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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

June 28, 2021


“The Divine Will—the true Sanctity—lies in doing my Will and in re-ordering all things in Me. Just as I keep everything in order for each creature, in the same way each creature should order all things for Me and in Me. My Will keeps everything in order.

Dear Divine Will Family,

Wow, it feels good to get back to work on the Snippets. I have had a wonderful time with the “six widows” of my family. I lost a beloved brother last January and his widow really needed some distractions. So, all the widows in my family decided to get together and enjoy each other. My sister and I are widows and there are 4 widows from the 4 brothers we have lost in the last 15 years to 20 years. We had such a good time together and Renie, the most recent widow, was so happy to have the distractions. She and my brother, Fred, were very, very close and it was terribly hard on her to lose him. She is so wonderful and sees God’s Will in his new life in God in Heaven! She realizes how blessed he is to have fought the good fight and won the race. Now she is interested in becoming a Consecrated Widow, so that she can live the rest of her life for God! I know the reason all of us widows get along so very well. We all love God and our Faith and want to only live for God and His Glory….as well as for His Kingdom to come, although not all of them understand Luisa! My sister and one of my brother’s widows are very interested in learning about the Life of the Divine Will in their souls! Praise God’s Holy Will forever!

I am now at my son’s home in Porter, Texas, near Houston. I will be here until some time after the 4th of July. Then I will head down to Merritt Island, Florida to my daughter’s home. I will be back in Tennessee around the 1st of August, after spending the last week of July at the farm.

I pray that we learn, from the writings below a little of how important it is to “reorder’ our souls so that our life in the Divine Will will be more efficacious, strong, self-giving, self-denying and loving! It is the only way to live this life truly and the way that give God’s the greatest glory, love and adoration! Remember this life is not about ourselves, but about the glory of God, His Kingdom to come and the salvation of all souls! May we live it more and more true everyday!

We love you all so much and keep each of you in our daily prayers! May God give us all the immense grace to reorder our souls completely in and with His Holy Will!
Ann Ellison
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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

June 12, 2021



“O how I would love for everyone to know that if they want to live in My Will, they have a Queen and a powerful Mother who will make up for all that they lack! She will raise them on Her motherly knees, and She will be with them in all that they do, molding their acts as if they were Her own—to the point that they will be known as children who have been raised, cared for and educated by the loving motherly guidance of My Mama. These will be the souls who will make Her happy—the souls who will be Her honor and her glory.

Dear Divine Will Family,

What a wonderful feast day it is today! We thank with immense and eternal gratitude our Mother’s most Loving, Pure, Beautiful and Immaculate Heart for loving us and all mankind so very much and for all the graces that She pours down upon us at every second of the day and night! Without Her, where would we be? Certainly not rejoicing in and appreciating immensely the greatest of all gifts from God living in our souls! Just typing that gave me such joy and appreciation that it filled my entire body! How very, very blessed we are!

I have always wondered why the Bible and other publications always refer to Mary as “pondering” this or that in Her Heart? As we all well know, Jesus told His Mother everything from God’s plan for mankind and all that She and Jesus would do for the Redemption and all about the Kingdom of the Divine Will. She knew it all! So, why would She have to ponder things in Her Heart??

For the first time, in a homely, I heard the way I believe it should be said, “She treasured these things in Her Heart!” This is the true way to look at it once you understand the writings of Luisa and especially the Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will book! Of course, if you ponder something, you can meditate on it, or contemplate on it. That would be good, but ponder seems to give the impression that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, knew nothing of what was going on in His Life and in the happenings to bring about the Redemption. This certainly is the wrong impression to put forth.

I want to thank all of you who wished me a wonderful vacation. I do look forward to being with my sister and sister-in-laws. We have fun with each other. I give God all the gratitude for the grace to be able to join them. I don’t believe I will be back in Tennessee until the last of July, first of August, but I have my laptop with me and the Snippets will continue, but maybe two a week instead of three. I will be keeping in touch!

We love you all so much and we very appreciative each of you for your love of the Divine Will and for all you are doing to help spread this most important Gift of Life to others! We keep each of you in our daily prayers, please keep us in yours!

May God bless us with the all the knowledge we need to truly honor, love and appreciate our Heavenly Mother, Mary, who love us so very much!! Thank you, Mother, for all You have done for each of us and for bringing us into this magnificent Life of God reigning in our souls!

Ann Ellison

PS: We have received the new order of the Passion books and the Virgin Mary books, so we can help anyone who needs them. We have finally received our new order for the Be Faithful and Attentive book that so many love so dearly. It is the best we have ever printed. They are small and have a flexible cover that makes it easy to open and read and lays like the Bible. They are beautiful! We did have to raise the price of them because it seems the cost of everything is going up. So very, very sorry because this is such an important book! Fiat always!

And anytime God gives you a nudge to donate, we are always willing to very gratefully receive it! It costs us a lot to for the three new books we just got in. God bless each of you for your generosity!

Volume 12
January 27, 1919

The mortal wounds in the Heart of Jesus.

As I was in my usual state, as soon as my ever beloved Jesus appeared to me, He showed me his adorable Heart, riddled with wounds, which gushed forth rivers of blood. In a voice full of sorrow, He said to me:

“My daughter, among the many wounds that My Heart contains, My dear Mama is the first to enter into this first wound. Her Heart was pierced because of my pains—and O how Her Heart overflowed into Mine, and deeply felt all of its piercings! When I saw Her dying (but without dying, because of my death), I felt the torment, the cruelty of Her martyrdom in My Heart, and I felt the pains of my death as my dear Mama felt them in Her Heart—so that My Heart died together with Hers. That is why all my pains, joined to the pains of my Mama, exceeded all bounds. It was right that my Heavenly Mama held the first place in My Heart, both in love and sorrow, because each pain suffered for love of Me opened seas of graces and of love, which poured into Her Transfixed Heart. All the souls who suffer because of Me, and solely for love, enter into this wound. You, too, enter into it; and even if everyone else offended Me and nobody else loved Me, I would find in you all the love that they ought to give Me. That is why, when souls drive Me away and force Me to run away from them, I quickly come to take refuge in you as though in my hiding place. And when I find my own Love in souls, and not their own—a love that suffers only for Me—I say: ‘I do not regret having created Heaven and earth, nor having suffered so much. A soul who loves Me and who suffers for Me gives Me all my delight, my happiness, and my reward for all that I have done.’ And I seem to put everything else to one side, and I delight in her and play with her.

Volume 17
May 1, 1925

Jesus: “Besides Me there is My Heavenly Mother who had the unique mission of being the Mother of the Son of God and who had the role of Co-Redemptrix of mankind. She was enriched with so many graces for the mission of Her Divine Maternity that all earthly and heavenly creatures combined could never equal Her. But that was not enough to attract the Word into Her motherly womb. To do that, My Mother had to embrace all creatures, loving, adoring, and making reparation to the Supreme Majesty on their behalf, so that She was able to do for Him all that the generations of men ought to have done for God.

And in Her Virginal Heart She had an inexhaustible love for God and for all creatures. And when the Divinity found in this Virgin the loving response of all creatures, It felt enraptured, and It accomplished the Conception, that is, the Incarnation of the Word. And as She conceived Me, She accepted the role of Co-Redemptrix, and She took part and embraced with Me all the sufferings, reparations, satisfactions, and motherly love that exists on behalf of everyone. Indeed, in My Mother’s Heart She bore a fiber of maternal love for every creature. And that is why I declared from the Cross in truth and justice that She was the Mother of everyone. She was united to Me in love, in pain, in everything; She never left Me alone. And if the Eternal One had not filled Her with so much Grace as to be able to receive from Her alone the love of everyone, He would never have left Heaven to come down to earth to redeem the human race. This is why it was fitting and necessary that, in view of Her mission as Mother of God, She had to embrace everyone and surpass everyone. When a person’s role is unique, it follows that the one who has that role should not overlook anything. She should keep an eye on everything so that she can give all the good things that she possesses. She must be the true sun that gives light to everyone. That is how it was with Me and with My Heavenly Mother.

Volume 19
July 11, 1926

It was Necessary to Know That Jesus and His Mother Suffered the Most to From the Kingdom of Redemption, So It Will Be Necessary to Know Who Has Suffered for the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat.
For several days my sweet Jesus had not said anything to me about His Most Holy Will. He appeared rather sad as He chastised mankind.

Today, He seemed to want to leave His sadness behind, because, when He speaks of His Will, He seems to become festive. And as He came out of my interior, He said to me:
“My daughter, I need consolation; let Me speak about the Kingdom of My Supreme Will.”
And I answered:

“My love and my life, my Jesus, if you do not tell me all the secrets that It holds—since I don’t know everything—I do not enjoy the fullness of the blessings that this Kingdom holds, nor can I give you a loving response for the good things that You conceal—and I remain sad in the midst of so much happiness that my ‘I love You’ does not flow in everything that You possess. My ‘I love You’ may be little, but it is the ’I love you’ of Your little daughter who loves You so much.”

And Jesus, seizing upon my words, said to me:

“Little daughter, you yourself say it–how necessary it is to have knowledge; and if it is necessary for you, how much more necessary for others. Now you must know that to form the Kingdom of the Redemption, the one who distinguished Herself the most in suffering was My Mama. She did not seem to suffer any pain that other creatures would know about—except for My death which was known to everyone. For Her Maternal Heart, that was the most fatal and agonizing blow of most sorrowful death. But since She possessed the unity of the light of My Will, this light bore to Her Transfixed Heart not only seven swords (of which the Church speaks), but all the swords, lances, and piercings of all the blows and pains of men, that subjected Her Motherly Heart to an agonizing martyrdom. But this was nothing. The light of My Will brought Her all My sufferings, humiliations, agonies, thorns, and nails—and the most intimate pains of My Heart. My Mama’s Heart was a true sun—whose light is seen, bearing all the blessings and benefits that the earth receives and possesses—so that one could say that the earth is swallowed up in the sun. In the same way, the Sovereign Queen shows forth in Herself not only Her person, but the light of My Supreme Will.

In Her It enclosed every possible and imaginable suffering. And the more intimate and hidden these sufferings were, so much the more valuable and powerful was their influence upon the Divine Heart to plead for the longed-for Redeemer. And more surely than the rays of the sun, they poured down into the hearts of men to conquer them and to bind them to the Kingdom of Redemption.

Indeed, the Church knows so little about the sufferings of the Heavenly Queen. Indeed, only Her obvious pains are spoken of—and that is why the Church enumerates seven swords. But, if the Church knew that Her Mother’s Heart was the refuge, the storehouse of all sufferings, and that the light of My Will brought them all to Her and spared Her nothing, the Church would not have said seven swords, but millions of swords. And since these sufferings were so intimate, only God knows the true intensity of Our Lady’s sorrow. That is why She was by right the Queen of Martyrs and the Queen of all Sorrows.

Men know how to give weight and value to external sufferings, but they do not know how to justly assess the value of interior sufferings. Now, to establish first the Kingdom of My Will in My Mama, before the Kingdom of Redemption, I did not need so many sufferings–because She had no sins and so She had no part in the inheritance of sufferings. Her inheritance was the Kingdom of My Will. But to give the Kingdom of Redemption to mankind, She had to subject Herself to a multitude of sufferings. Indeed, the fruits of the Redemption were ripened in the Kingdom of My Will, which belonged to Me and to My Mama. There is nothing beautiful, good and useful that does not go forth from My Will.
Now, My Humanity was united to the Sovereign Queen. She remained hidden in Me in My sorrows and in My pains; that is why little is known of Her. But it was necessary that what I did in My Humanity be known—how much I suffered and how much I loved. If nothing had been known, I could not have established the Kingdom of Redemption. The knowledge of My sufferings and of My love acts as a magnet, spur, goad, and light to attract souls to make use of the remedies and the blessings of My Redemption. Knowing how much their sins and their salvation cost Me is a chain that binds Me to them and prevents new sins. On the other hand, if nothing had been known of My pains and of My death, no one would have realized how much their salvation cost Me, and no one would have given a thought to loving Me and to saving his soul. See, then, how necessary it is to know how much He or She has done and suffered, who has formed a universal blessing within Himself (or Herself) to give it to others.
Now, My daughter, as it was necessary to make known who He and She were and how much it cost Them to establish the Kingdom of Redemption, so it is necessary to make Her known whom My Fatherly Goodness has chosen first—to form in Her the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat and then to begin giving it to others. As the Redemption was first formed between Me and My Heavenly Mama—and then was made known to mankind—so will it be with the Supreme Fiat.

That is why it is necessary to make known how much this Kingdom of My Will cost Me and to see to it that man could enter his lost kingdom again. I had to sacrifice the smallest of creatures, keep her nailed to a bed for more than forty years—without fresh air, and without the fullness of the light of the sun that everyone else enjoys. I had to make known how her little heart served as a sanctuary for My sufferings for those of mankind. I had to reveal how much she loved everyone, prayed for everyone, defended everyone—and how many times she was exposed to the blows of Divine Justice to defend all her brothers. And I had to make known her intimate sufferings, her abandonment by Me—which subjected her heart to martyrdom, making her die death upon death. Because she did not know any other life than Mine, nor any other Will but Mine, all these sufferings laid the foundation for the Kingdom of My Will; and, like rays of sunlight, they ripened the fruits of the Supreme Fiat. And now it is necessary to make known how much this Kingdom cost you and Me; so that from the cost, they can know how much I long for them to possess it; and so that from the cost they can appreciate It, love It, and aspire to enter and live in the Kingdom of My Supreme Will.

Copyright © Center for the Divine Will, All rights reserved.

(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

June 11, 2021



“Do you see how much I have loved you? O please! Make a little room in your heart for Me. Remove everything that is not Mine. Then you will give Me more freedom to move and to breathe.”

Dear Divine Will Family,
This Snippet is longer than usual because you have all week to meditate on it and delve into the depth of all the love that Jesus holds in His Most Sacred Heart for you! And once I got into it, I couldn’t stop!

Everyone knows the most famous Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano! But what I love most about it is that the Flesh of Jesus that He left for us was the Flesh of His Most Sacred Heart! I just know that it was to tell us all of His immense love for each one of us! Thank you, Jesus, with Your Will, I thank and love You! For those few who may not know of Lanciano, here is a short story about it!

In the 8th century, a priest in Lanciano, Italy was experiencing doubts about the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. In the middle of saying Mass, he said the words of consecration (“This is my body,” “This is my blood) and saw the bread and wine transform into real human flesh and blood. The blood coagulated into five globules (later believed to be representative of the five wounds of Christ). Word of the miracle quickly spread, the local Archbishop launched an investigation, and the Church approved the miracle.
The flesh is still preserved to this day. Professor of anatomy Odoardo Linoli conducted a scientific analysis of the flesh in 1971 and concluded that the flesh was cardiac (heart) tissue, the blood appeared to be fresh blood (as opposed to blood that was 1200 years old), and there was no trace of preservatives.

And one other thing that it is important for us to realize when we receive Our Lord’s Body and Blood, and I quote a talk from Thomas M. Fahy:

“We are to believe that the Eucharist is Jesus Christ—simply, without qualification. It is God become man in the fullness of His divine nature, in the fullness of His human nature, in the fullness of His body and soul, in the fullness of everything that makes Jesus Jesus. He is in the Eucharist with His human mind and will united with the Divinity, with his hands and feet, His face and features, with His eyes and lips and ears and nostrils, with his affections and emotions and, with emphasis, with His living, pulsating, physical Sacred Heart. That is what our Catholic Faith demands of us that we believe.” (Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. – “What do we believe” – pamphlet, 2001, Eternal Life, Bardstown, KY 40004-0787)

Thank all of you for wishing me a wonderful vacation! You are so kind and sweet. I’m afraid I already miss you and doing the Snippets. But as soon as I get with my wonderful family, I am sure I will get over it! 😉

We love you all so very much and we keep each of you in our daily prayers! Please keep us in yours! May God give us the immense grace to truly realize the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for all souls, most especially those legitimate souls living ONE Will with Him in Heaven and on earth!!
Ann Ellison
Volume 10
January 28, 1911

Love forces God to tear the veils of faith.

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(Extracts from the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta)
Compiled by Ann Ellison

June 4, 2021


Dear Divine Will Family,
Please believe me when I say that when I write these comments, they are more for me than for you. It is like therapy for me to talk myself into doing whatever I need to do to live more constantly, more attentively and more obediently, with great faith and confidence in the Divine Will!

If we are studying these writings and we desire with all our hearts for this Life of God reigning in our souls completely, and we desire to truly live ONE Will with God, Himself, it seems to me that we would do anything, mortify ourselves to the highest degree, sacrifice everything and everyone to have this life in the Divine Will, right?

So, why are we not making the sacrifices of all sacrifices, which can be different for each of us; and why are we not mortifying our worldly preferences, wants, and desires? I am sure some of you are doing this…and bravo to you!! But then there are those souls like me!

Thinking about all this, I have to say that God is so good!! As I am thinking about this and writing this, it seems as though I am realizing that “we can do nothing without God,” and “all things are possible with God!” If we just have faith and confidence in Jesus working in our souls, it will all come, with our cooperation, in His time, not in our time! I may be too anxious to live what Luisa described, instead of being patience and waiting for Jesus to take me where He wants my soul, not where I want my soul to be. It is all up to Him anyway!

He will give us the graces He deems necessary to unite our souls to His Divine Will to the degree He has already deign from all eternity! He will never leave us and He will never give up on us. He chose us to live this Life with Him, and He had His own reasons. He knows our names and He knows the number of those who will live in His Holy Will!

May we always thank Him with immense gratitude for all He is doing to bring us to the degree He wants us in His Holy Will! Thank You, Jesus!!

We love all of you so very much and keep each of you in our daily prayers, please keep us in yours! May God give us the immense grace to have the faith and confidence necessary to allow Jesus to work in our souls completely and with all abandonment!
Ann Ellison

Volume 1 (No Date)
If people mortify you, insult you, or contradict you, I want you to keep your gaze fixed on Me. I want you to think that with my own lips I am saying to you: “Daughter, it is I Myself who want you to suffer this—not creatures. Avert your eyes from them. Let it be you and I, always—you must cast off all the others. You see: I want to make you beautiful through these sufferings. I want to enrich you with merits. I want to cultivate your soul and make you like Me. You will give Me your soul as a gift. You will thank Me affectionately. You will be grateful to people who make you suffer, and you will repay them with some benefit. Do this and you will walk uprightly before Me. Nothing will ever disturb you again—and you will enjoy perfect peace.

After I tried to practice these counsels for a while–now succeeding and now falling (although I see clearly that I still lack this upright spirit—and my ingratitude fills me with shame)—He made me understand the necessity of mortification. (But at the same time, I remember Him adding that everything should be done for love of Him, and that the most beautiful virtues and the greatest sacrifices lose their savor if they are not inspired by love. Charity, He told me, is a virtue that gives life and splendor to all other virtues. Without love, they are dead. They do not attract my eyes and they have no power over my Heart. Be careful, then. Let love inspire even the least of your works. Let them be done in Me, with Me and for Me.)

Just as people do not honor a coin that does not bear the image of their king—rather they despise and reject it—I do the same with your works: If they have not been grafted on to my cross, they have no value. You see, I am not interested in destroying creatures, but yourself. I want to make you die to yourself, that you may live only in Me and by my own life. It is true that this will cost you more than any sacrifice you have made. But take courage. Do not fear. It is not you who will do it, but I Myself who will work in you.

Volume 11
August 3, 1916
This morning, I was praying and complaining to Jesus for not answering me—and especially because He will not stop the chastisements–and I said to Him: “Why should I pray if You won’t answer me? On the contrary, You tell me that evils will increase.” And He replied:

“My daughter, good is always good. Moreover, you must know that each prayer, each reparation, each act of love–indeed any holy thing that a creature does—is one more paradise that she acquires. So, the simplest holy act will form one more paradise; one act omitted means one less paradise. Indeed, every good act comes from God, and that is why in every good act the soul embraces God; and since God contains infinite, innumerable, immense and eternal joys—so many that the very Blessed will never finish enjoying them in all eternity—it is no wonder that since each good act draws God to the soul, God is almost bound to crown them with happiness. That is why, if the soul suffers even some distractions for love of Me, in Heaven her mind will receive more light and she will enjoy as many more paradises as there were times when she sacrificed her mind for Me; and so much the more will she comprehend God. If she suffers coldness for love of Me, she will enjoy many paradises filled with all the variety of delights my love contains. And, if she suffers from interior darkness, in my inaccessible light she will enjoy delights in proportion; and so, with all the rest of her sufferings. So great is the meaning of one prayer, more or one less.

Volume 12
March 27, 1918
By living in the Divine Will, the soul finds everything in a Divine and infinite way.
I was complaining to Jesus because I could not even listen to Holy Mass; and Jesus told me:
“My daughter, am I not the essence of the Sacrifice? Now, since I am present in each Sacrifice, the soul who lives with Me and in my Will is sacrificed with Me—not only in one Mass, but in all the Masses. And since she lives in my Will, she remains consecrated with Me in all the Hosts.

“If you never go out of my Will, I will let you go anywhere you want to be. Besides, you and I will enjoy such a constant current of communication between us that you will not do one act without Me, and I will not do one act without you. That is why, when you need something, you should enter into my Will, and there you will find whatever you want already prepared for you—as many Masses, as many Communions, and as much love as you want. In my Will nothing is lacking. Indeed, in my Will you will find everything in a divine and infinite way.

Copyright © Center for the Divine Will, All rights reserved.

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